The Enforcers Versus The Organization Part Five

Night One Hundred And Ten

Age 1991

A golden light covered Light's gun as his white iris's lit up with a golden light. "I'm saying... Your dead. Level Two."

"What! A Recruit shouldn't be able to do that-"

Light's gun glowed as it began to morph getting bigger and bigger. Part of the gun opened up and slowly closed around his right arm attaching itself to him. A golden light circled both his eyes forming large target marks on them as his eye sight came back... He could see. Color, light, even sound. He saw it all looking past this world, and seeing the lines, cells, and molecules that made the very world up. He could even see the souls of every bug, and even the black and twisted soul of Viper that oozed out of her monstrous and cursed body.

"Lock on..." Light said looking at one of her arms. He didn't even bother to aim the gun at her as he pulled the trigger and the bullet exploded out in a single burst of light blowing off Viper's arm and making her scream out in pain. "Lock on..." He said again. "I'm taking that other arm off this time..."

Viper ran forward jumping behind a large pillar as Light fired his gun. Once again the bullet came out twisting around and phasing through anything it not damaging anything until it reached Viper blowing her other arm clean off once again and making her scream out.

"You aren't even aiming at me!" She screamed in anger re-growing a pair of arms.

"I don't need to." Light said darkly as he shook his head. "Once I lock onto you my bullet will hit you no matter what. It'll turn, or even go through anything it touches getting faster and faster till it blows off the limb I marked. Hiding behind things won't work, running from it won't work, and blocking it won't work. Once your targeted it'll hit you, and that's a fact."

"Damn you..." Viper gave a smirk still hiding behind her pillar for the moment. "Still I've already found out your weakness in such a short amount of time."

"My weakness?"

"You have to see me and lock on right?" She laughed. "I'm behind cover right now and you aren't firing. You marked both my arms but after I regrew them you stopped firing. Unless you can see me you can't mark me. I might not be able to escape getting hit once I'm marked, but if I'm not marked than you can't fire at me. I just have to stay behind cover right?"

"That is correct." Light nodded. "I need to see my target to mark it. Once marked it doesn't how far it gets or what it hides behind my bullet will hit it but I must see it at least once to mark it."


"But..." Light gave a smirk as he raised the gun up pointing it in the direction where he heard Viper's voice was coming from. "That's only the case in this level..." He smirked. "Level Three!"

"What! No that can't be possible! Only a handle of Captains can even do that-"

"I'm Light! The Vice Captain to Okami Otoko one of the greatest First Squad Captains! Ican do the impossible!" He announced. His gun grew massive becoming nearly twenty feet long gaining an enormous barrel and a pair of powerful stands that held it up. Light's eyes changed once again the glow getting brighter as he finally saw everything, space, time, past, present, future, seeing through all the rubble nothing was hidden from his eyes.


"In this stage I can lock on anything."


"You might be able to heal from anything done to your body!"

"Wait God damn it!" Viper yelled.

"That's why! I'm going to blast your very soul to bits! This bullet will hit past your flesh and blast your soul to dust! Not even you can survive this! Goodbye Viper!"

"Wait!" She begged.

"Soul Canon! Light Blitz Wave!"

A massive colorful beam exploded out o the barrel of the gun flying towards Viper as her eyes went wide. It phased through everything moving towards her at a high speed. Right before it could hit her though there was a flash of black light as she suddenly vanished and the beam washed over where she had been.

"What! But ow she was targeted-" Light spat up a glob of blood as his gun morphed suddenly and he fell to his knees. "D... Damn... That power is still to... To much for this body..." He gasped as his vision faded to black once again, "I... I think I'm gonna take a little nap-"



Irene collapsed onto the ground breathing heavily as she glared up at the woman she was fighting.

Hero sneered at her for a moment as her blood red eyes glared at Irene. "What di you think would happen?" Hero laughed her armor easily slapping the large ice dragon away. "I was a former First Captain you know. Winning was never an option."

"I... I will beat you..." Irene hissed out getting back to her feet. "For him!"

"You'll die much like that fool." Hero hissed.

"No she won't." There was a powerful rumble as several figures dropped down. Dawson Blight, Sif, Nick, Serenity, Kitsune, Emma, Sera, and Lucy! Dawson looked up a shocked look on his face for a moment when he saw the woman. "Wait you're-"

"Hero?" Nick asked with wide eyes.

"Whoa when did Hero get a sex change!" Kitsune yelped.

"He looks good as a girl." Lucy nodded.

"Wrong Hero..." Nick said shaking his head. "That's Hero Law as in the previous First Captain!"


Hero sneered at the group as she back upped a bit. "I'll admit... I was expecting I would have longer to toy around... My mistake..."

"Give up Hero." Dawson barked out. "I'm not sure what's going on but we need to stop this fighting. Let's all just-"

"Oh no. I'm not done yet!" Hero laughed. "You wanna know a fun fact. There are twelve of us in total. Twelve members of our group. one for each Captain." She slammed both her hands together as her armor faded and she dropped out of her level two state. Her chest glowed as a 'C' shaped scar lit up with green energy and seven black circles appeared next to her. Seven people rose up from the ground.

Viper, Turron, Mr. Hyde, and Ben all appeared all looking around in shock. Lucy frowned and looked down at her case. "Her power affected my pocket realm?"

Three other people also rose up these three no one recognized. There was a tall man in a black leather jacket with messy black hair and a pair of shades who gave a large smirk and a wave when everyone saw him. The second one was a young woman who was covered in a thick green cloak that seemed to cover her from head to toe hiding her form. And the last one was a tall man in heavy body armor that also hid his body. On his back he had a large gas canister and what looked like a freaking flame thrower.

Between the Jester and them there were eight now.

"If you have twelve members where are the other four?" Dawson asked nervously.

"One's fighting Hero, two are around, and one is hiding..." Hero smirked cocking her head to the side.

"I almost died." Viper noted.

"Turron and I got beat up..." Ben sighed.

"I was in an awful place..." Mr. Hyde shuddered.

"Boy. things must have hit the fan if you're bringing us three out boss." The man in the shades said smirking.

"Can I kill them?" The girl in the cloak asked.

"That one is the suitcase is cute. I want her." The man with the flame thrower said.

Lucy slowly moved behind Emma...

"That reminds me..." Hero smiled as she brought her right hand up to her mouth. "Since I don't have to worry about Row waking up since he's not here..." She opened her mouth and bit down on her hand tearing the Equation out and swallowing it. Seconds later she took her Dragon Like form once again standing above everyone.

"What?" Dawson asked with wide eyes. "That's new! I don't remember her doing that!"

Sif was silent for a moment before she nodded her head. "We lost."


"I can't beat her." Sif shrugged. "She has the power of a First Captain, the highest rank, and she's even stronger in that mode. Plus there are seven others all around Captain level, and the recruits stand no chance. We lost. We need to leave."

"No..." Irene stumbled back to her feet as her ice dragon let out a loud roar. "Not yet... Hero still needs help... I'll beat them all!" She announced letting out a yell that her dragon mimicked with its roar as it threw a fist out at the fleshy dragon.

The Jester let out a laugh raising her large dragon arm up and catching the fist. "You think you can-"

A shadow formed above her as everyone of her allies jumped away just in time as a second ice dragon came crashing down into Jester's dragon form.

"Irene you can make two?" Kitsune asked shock.

"N... No?"

"Need a hand?" A familiar voice asked. He landed next to his twin sister giving a smile as North stared at the shocked Squad mates. "Sup."

"North!!!" Irene asked in shock.

North gave her a sheepish grin as he looked back at their two dragons that wrestled with Jester's Dragon form. "It's strong right." He asked stuffing his hands in his pockets. "That dragon. Just a few fingers and we can summon it. But that's just its weak mode." North smirked as his dragon shattered and flew towards him as it molded part of itself around him forming large ice wings, a large dragon ice tail, and large ice claws on both his arms. "This is it's true power Sissy!" He announced.


"No offense..." Dawson said with wide eyes. "But why are you here?"

"To back you up of course." A cool voice stated. there was a blue bolt of lightning as Jackson landed, followed by Clause, and rising out of the ground was Hannah. "Squad Six is here!" Jackson announced. "And we're all caught up on what's happening so we can get right to the ass kicking!"

"More of them?" Hero hissed her dragon form fading away as she jumped over to the rest of her group members and they looked at the large group of Enforcers now.

"That's not all of them." North smirked.

A portal opened as Eins, of Squad One, Max, Shiki, and Shelly all stepped out, followed by the Squad One Vice Captain the small girl with a pair of swords at her hips weairng a wooden mask like Vil had. "I suppose we should help that idiot Hero huh?" Max smirked.

"Squad One!" Eins annoucned.

"Where's Ken?" Shelly asked looking around. "Emma!" She ran over to the nun standing next to her.

Moments later Alexander of Squad eight followed by his Vice Captain, stepped out, as well as Alice the shy girl they had, had dinner with! The Squad Three's Captain, Vice captain and, Reine, as well as the two boys who followed her. The Squad Two, Squad Four, Squad Five, they all showed up, every Captain, every Vice Captain, every recruit, and every notable Enforcer. The Gate Guardian even stepped out cracking his knuckles as he gave a smirk. There must have been more than fifty Enforcers all standing in this single street all staring down eight people.

"We might be in trouble..." Hero sighed.

"I would hope so!" An elderly voice laughed. A bolt of thunder hit down as Master Storm landed. Seconds later, Alpha, Angel, Ward, and Zane all landed. His four Sacred Beasts. The only two people who weren't here were Katrina, and the First Captain... "Hello Hero! It's been a while!" Storm waved.

"Hero... So you were alive..." Alpha said sadly. "Why..."

Hero sneered at the group but had a worried look on her face staring them all down. "Don't ask me why!" She hissed. "I have these bandages for a reason you know. Past the neck I'm covered in burns."

"Why didn't you tell us you were alive-"

"Shut up!" Hero yelled over Alpha making everyone silent as she glared at them all. "How the hell are you all even here!"

"No one expects the Drone." Master Storm laughed holding a finger out which had Droney on it. "I asked her to come to me if she felt Row's power at all. Once I saw what was happening I got everyone to show up..."

"Wait we could have just sent that Drone to you guys anytime?" Dawson asked. "Oh God damn it!"

"Where's Katrina?" Kitsune asked.

"She went to deal with Ken." Jackson shrugged.

At another part in the city a large black lion tore through the streets letting out a loud roar.

"Bad Ken!" A loud voice cried out as Katrina slammed down into the Lions head knocking it out in one blow! On her back she held the sleeping form of Light. She let out a small sigh as she watched the Lion slowly shrink down to Ken's small form snoring quietly.

Back over at the action Hero looked at everyone with a frown. "I guess we lost huh..." She smirked. "Or did we?"

"Hmm..." Master Storm asked.

"Well I mean. We came here to destroy the city." Hero smiled leaning forward. "Look around. We did. Maybe it isn't a glass floor like I wanted, but buildings are turned over, blocks are melted, lives were lost, and people had to leave... Within in a day we massively damaged this city. I wonder how many people hate you for the destruction you all caused? Still... I'm sad we didn't get to kill any of you. I wanted one dead Enforcer-"

Serenity's chest blew open as a flaming arrow stabbed through her and everyone stared in shock as she hit the ground.

"There we go." Hero smiled.

"No!" Dawson roared when he saw her.

From up on a roof tops several meters away Fox, and Mr. Snow could be seen. "I got One from Squad Seven, but I couldn't hit the Captain..." Fox nodded. "Let's go." In his hands was a flaming bow...

"What have you done!" Master Storm yelled firing a bolt of lighting out at the smiling girl.

"Later." Hero clapped her hands together as a black light covered her body and in a flash her and her group were gone. The bolt hit the ground where they had been leaving silence behind...

"She vanished." Master Storm frowned.

"We need a medic-" Sif yelled but stopped when she stared at Serenity's body as it slowly broke down to ash leaving only her clothing behind.

No one said a word.

They just stared at the ground where one of them had been...

One attack and she was gone.

One attack and Serenity was dead...