The After Math

Night One Hundred And Twelve

Age 1991

An Unknown Location Somewhere In The White Nation...

An Unknown Building...

There was a flash of black as Hero appeared in the room, her hand on Vil's shoulder as they suddenly morphed into the dark room standing with the other members of their group.

"Why did you do that!" Vil hissed. "We could have beat them-"

"That would have ended the show to soon, and I wouldn't have been able to use my powers to get us out of there." Hero said flatly.

"Yeah kid. Be nice to your mommy!" Viper teased jumping forward and patting Vil on the head making him hiss and slap her hand away.

"She's not my mom! I don't have a family."

"Aw... Don't cry." Viper teased.

"I'm not crying! Screw you."


Besides Hero, and Vil, there were ten other people in the room. Mr. Hyde, Viper, Turron, Ben, Fox, Mr. Snow, the man with sunglasses, the girl in the cloak, and the man with the large gas canister on his back. As for the last man he was new... Clad in a large golden crown and a golden mask, as well as white slabs of metal, golden armor, and a long white cape. He stood out even among the rest of the group.

"Bright were you able to slip away from the Enforcers?" Hero asked turning away as Vil, and Viper began to fight.

"Yeah." Bright nodded his voice coming out in a strange robotic tone hiding his appearance and voice. "Our Master should be here soon to... It seems the Enforcers still have no idea me and him are traitors... It wasn't easy getting them all to show up like that you know... Thankfully leaving a small behind of evidence made that sacred beast guy worried enough to think that there would be more of us then there were."

"I see... We'll begin when the Master arrives then..." Hero nodded slipping her glass mask back on and becoming the Jester once more. "Still... We failed most of that mission... We were able finish our side goal though at least-"

The doors to the room burst open as a chill seeped through the room making everyone shiver. A new person entered the room making them all stop. He wasn't in a crazy outfit. Rather he was in a simple black business suit, and wore a simple black helmet that had green mist seeping out of it as he walked into the room with his hands behind his back.

Master of the Organization. The man who was in charge of this group... The man who simply goes by The Mystery...

"I really wanna know who he is..." Mr. Hyde muttered to Ben. "I mean not even any of us know who this man is or why he even made this group of misfits..."

The mysterious man reached into his pocket pulling out a small black remote and hitting a button causing the floor to open as a large table came up with thirteen seats. The twelve Organization members and their Master. "Shall we begin?" He asked in a simple tone as he took a seat.

"Yes..." Jester nodded as they all got into their chairs. "Let's begin. The mission was-"

"A failure." The Mystery said nodding his head. "I'm aware. After all Bright and I are on the Enforcers, and we were one of the many that got called out to help. It wasn't that hard for everyone to show up. Thanks to Alexander's Gate power we all arrived in style to see you fail Jester."

The Jester let out a small growl for a moment. "Careful Mystery... I'm the leader of the Organization. You're just a thirteenth member we brought in to help lead us."

"I'm aware. That was why I allowed you to try your hand at your own planning. And you failed. Hence why I am the one who makes plans from now on." The Jester let out another growl but didn't say anything as he simply held a hand up. "How did my plan go? Were you able to get what I wanted?" He asked.

"Yes." Vil nodded going through his pockets and pulling out a small white marble. It wasn't glowing like other Equations though for its light was gone. "This is the Equation of William Bathory. I don't know why you wanted me to get it though. After all when a Noble dies, the Equation stops working same thing when one reaches above 100% you know..."

"I'm aware of that." Mystery said taking it from Vil. It lit back up in a white light shocking them all. "And there we go. The soul of William is now in it. I assume you can get it ready for the Second Generation program Mr. Hyde?" He asked tossing it over to the shadow man.

"I'm a brilliant scientist. Of course I can! I can do anything you mysterious asshole with a sexy and fine voice!" Mr. Hyde laughed. "Is that why you wanted us to get that girl?"

"It is. I have use of her. Speaking of which." Mystery turned to the an with the gas tank on his back. "Ash. If you would..."

"Right, right..." The man nodded his head as he took the canister off of his back and let it drop to the ground. He grabbed the roof of it pulling out a glass canister of ash. "It wasn't easy... Fox's damn arrow nearly reached her before I could grab her with my ash shift power." He dumped the ash out onto the table. "Revert..." He whispered as the ash formed together and the body of Serenity could be seen face down in the table.

"Good..." Mystery nodded as he threw a blanket over her body covering her up. "You'll be using this body to remake William."

"Uh? Few things..." Mr. Hyde said slowly. "First of all... She has an Equation already? I don't think it's possible to do this with a body that has an Equation since Williams Equation needs to bonded with her. Second of all, she's a little to old... We usually do this on bodies under ten years old which are still developing? It's basically impossible to do this with her?"

"Well find a way brilliant Scientist who can do anything."

"I... Yeah sure okay... I walked into that one... I'll see what I can do... After all this Equation is weird... Whatever you did to it isn't natural... And Serenity's body is just weird as well..."

"It was the reason I wanted her." Mystery said nodding his head. "After all much like Jester here she is the child of a Dragon Clan Member. Daughter of Yume. Though she never knew that."

"She is?" Jester asked with a frown. "I never knew..."

"On to other matters." Mystery nodded. He slowly turned to look at the overly dressed Bright. "So... How goes your tiny project..."

Bright raised a finger up as a small white bug, with bright red eyes could be seen resting on his finger. "Not good... So far I've yet to find anyone who can turn into a Seraphin..."

"And ya never will." Viper laughed.

"I have to agree with Viper." Mr. Hyde nodded. "I no longer know why it would sometimes works, and sometimes fail, that information was lost when I was placed into this body. And all information on how Seraphin's work was lost."

"I just remember it involved a lot of bugs." Viper shrugged.

"I'll keep working on it." Bright nodded squishing the bug in between his fingers.

"Good." Mystery slowly stood up as he moved away from the table and stared out at a black window watching the many streets that were down below. Several men all in Samurai like armor could be seen, wielding Katana's and practicing their sword skills. "The next stage of the game is going well... I look forward to seeing what we will see coming in the next few games..."

"So what exactly comes next?" Jester asked.

"We carry on our ultimate goal." Mystery announced. "The goal that man has had since Age 1 when we wrote about it in our ancient texts, and the men from the stars came down forging stars into Equations, and creating our God, who was said to rip out his own Heart to create the ultimate Equation. The one we call the Heart. We will find it and use the power within to kill the one we all call God. That's what you want. Jester?"

"Killing God is my true goal. I take it that isn't yours though is it Mystery?"

"No..." The man said shaking his head. "Like each member of our group I have my own goal... I simply want to get rid of Master Storm, and take over. For years the Enforcers have been a blight failing at many things, and our leader is nothing more than a foolish old man grasping at stars... I'll take it all upon myself and kill him. I'm going to be the new Master! But I'll need the power of the Heart to reach such a feat of power, and we'll need William's own power as well. That old man must die... I'm sure many would agree that the Enforcer's don't make the best decisions. Currently Alpha is next in line to be the Master but I do not think he should lead the Enforcers either... No it must be me. For I am the perfect lifeform!"

"The Heart huh..." Jester sighed leaning back in her chair. "I know about it as many do. Powerful Equation the Enforcers are looking for. Who knows where it is... It could even be destroyed."

"There are two theories on that matter." Bright nodded. "From what I know it is either in Hero Law, not you Hero, or Max..."

"Max." Ash asked raising an eyebrow. "Lava boy? That's a thought. He is strong for his age..."

"I could care less than anything about that." Viper laughed throwing her legs onto the table as she hugged herself a light blush forming on her face. The thought of the black lion Ken had become during their fight forced its way into her mind. "I just want to see my darling Ken even more now."

"Oh boy..." Ben sighed.

"The girl with the brief case was kind of cute though wasn't she?" The man in the sunglasses said nodding his head.

"Everyone in this group is a pig..." The woman in a cloak said nodding her head. "Speaking of which... Mr. Snow, are you related to that ice girl?"

"What you think that just because I have an ice based power that means I'm related to her? Well I'm not... Never met her either..."

"It's a small world I was just curious was all..." The cloak girl said. "It would seem many of us have ties to that group... Mainly that Squad Six... Still... Onto the matter of the heart... I don't think it's the two boys you mentioned."

"Why not?" Bright asked. "What's on your mind Cloak?"

Cloak let out a small hum as she shrunk down. "Hmm..."

"I'm leaving." Turron said moving his scarf over his face and covering more of it up. "I'm tired."

"Oh Turron wait for me!" Viper yelled getting up and jumping onto her teammates back as he began to leave the room. His knees didn't even buckle as he was far to used to the girl doing this apparently... "I wanna tell you more about my wife!"

"We should be going as well..." Mr. Snow nodded as him and Fox both stood up and followed after Turron and Viper.

"It's late Vil." Jester said placing her hand on the boys head as she began to pet him. "Do you need to go to bed as well?"

"I'm fine!"

"Not with that tone you're not! Come with me mister you're taking a shower and going straight to bed!" She hissed dragging him out of the room.

"I assume you'll get right to work on my goal?" Mystery asked turning to look over at his shoulder at Mr. Hyde.

"Yeah, yeah..." Mr. Hyde said his smile vanished. "Grab the body Ben... We must be off to the lab."

Soon enough the others all left leaving just Mystery and Bright behind. "Something I can help you with Bright?" The mysterious man asked.

"I want to do more testing with my project..." Bright said nodding his head. "There's a city I was wanting to target... Would you care if I went to Rafflesia City..."

"Rafflesia City? Where Squad Six is... Ahh... I see what you're up to now..."