Wrapping Up

Night One Hundred And Thirteen

Age 1991

"This way, this!" Alexander announced loudly waving his arm back and forth. He stood at a point on the street opening up various portals to many cities, as the Enforcers were heading back to their own cities now... "Come on..." Squad Eight would be staying behind along with Squad Twelve, Eleven, and Ten, in order to help put people back in their homes and fix the city up. They needed a better P.R system after this...

Several lines could be seen as many people moved back and forth. All the Squad Six recruits, were at the back with Squad Seven Recruits, and a few Squad One recruits seated over at the very back all talking among themselves.

Hero was mostly healed up from most of his serious wounds and was holding the still sleeping body of Ken, while Kitsune was holding Light's still sleeping body. They had no idea why they were in a mini comma but it was apparently bad... Everyone was talking but Hero had a small frown on his face as he thought about everything he could think.

"Are you even listening Hero?"

"What?" Hero looked up noticing everyone in the group were looking at him.

Shelly placed her hands on her hips as she glared at him. "I said are you even listening?" She asked glaring at him.

"Oh... No I wasn't." He said in a flat tone. "Also. I don't want to hold this anymore." Hero turned handing the body of Ken to Emma who took it. His eyes drifted down to the Equation in his right hand as his mind slowly thought back to the events of what happened today. 'I haven't told anyone yet... No one knows about Row, or me being a Dream... Should I tell them all I'm living life on a time limit or-'

Ken let out a loud yawn as her eyes opened and she set up in Emma's arms looking around. "What happened- Why am I in your arms?" Ken asked jumping out of the tall girls arms.

"Because Hero didn't want to hold you." Emma shrugged.

"Nice of you to finally join us lazy." Shelly said hitting Ken over the head.

"Ow! Why the hell are you even here!" Ken hissed back.

Both girls quickly broke out into a fight making Hero let out a small snort. 'Nah...' He thought stuffing his hands in a pocket. 'I won't tell them... Not yet anyways... I'll just keep on living because...' His eyes slowly drifted over everyone in the crowd around him. Kitsune, Light, Emma, Sera, Max, Shiki, Shelly, Ken, Lucy, and Irene... 'Because I'm gonna find a way to beat Row. I'm not a Dream that will fade away. I'm Hero Law...'

"This mission was crazy right..." Kitsune sighed.

"Yeah..." Irene nodded. Her eyes drifted down to her right hand which had only three fingers left on it. "It was..."

"Our Captain is still dealing with the loss of Serenity..." Emma said sadly.

"It'll take her a while to deal with it." A voice said making everyone turn finding North Glacious twin brother to Irene.

"I thought you left already..." Irene said bitterly remembering his power up. Once again he was ahead of her.

"Nah. Eins went on ahead though..."

"Eins left..." Shelly said a little bitter as Ken was pinching her cheek.

"Mad because your boyfriend left?" Ken laughed only for Shelly to hit her over the head again. "Ow... That hurt."


"Is it safe to say we passed this mission?" Lucy asked.

"Uh why do you have your arms around me?" Hero asked noticing Lucy's arms were around his own.

"I am doing what the normal people call as 'dibs' so now everyone else must back off-"

"That isn't how it works Lucy!" Sera said shaking her head. "You can't just call dibs on Hero-"

"I feel very uncomfortable..." Hero sighed.

"Lucky bastard..." Kitsune sighed.

"Big Brother is cool-"

"Light how long have you been awake!"

"Since Kitsune started holding me-"

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't want to stand?"

"What knocked you out?" Ken asked moving away from Shelly ending their fight finally. "I don't remember anything... Just... Viper saying something and then I blacked out... Nothing after that."

"I don't know." Light shrugged. "Child me blacked out and adult me took over. Not sure what happened after that. All I know is I wake up in Kitsune's arms while you're in big brothers arms you lucky bastard."


"Still..." Kitsune noted. "We didn't really pass..." The Fox teen said shaking his head. "We lost an Enforcer, all the bad guys got away, and lots of people, and homes are gone... I wouldn't call this a victory..."

"As usual I failed to save anyone..." Hero said in a bitter and spiteful tone. He looked back up at the black sky for a moment. "I mean... I literally did the same thing as last time... New mode and boom. My new weapon didn't do crap... Damn it..."

"Don't blame yourself." Lucy said shaking her head and still not showing any emotions in her voice. "After all we all did our best and we all lost..."

"I guess that's true... Also... Why are you patting my head?"


North let out a laugh for a moment as he watched all the recruits. Finally his smile faded. "Hey sissy you got a moment?"

"Sure..." Irene sighed. "I'll be right back..."

Her and North quickly stepped away from the main group and moved over to a turned over house neither of them saying a word. It was just silence.

"Well... What's up?" Irene asked.

North remained silent for a few moments as he let out a heavy sigh. "I just wanted to let you know that a few of us Gold Rank Enforcers have been given a new mission from the Master."


"It involves that boy... Hero Law..." That got Irene's full attention as she turned to look over at her brother. "I wanted to let you know since... Well I know he means a lot to you..."

"What was the mission?" Irene asked bluntly.

"Something happened today... Some power popped up..." North sighed. "We were told that in the event Hero Law looses control and someone claiming to be Row pops up... We're to take him out. So... Keep an eye on him please... I don't know what's going on, but the Master is weary of that boy... Take care Sissy..."

Irene stood there in stunned silence as her brother moved away. Her eyes slowly drifted back to the group watching as Hero used Kitsune as a human shield as most of the girls continued to fight over, all but Ken, and Shelly as one of them said something about the other and they were back at each others throats.

Her mind flashed to that woman, the Jester of female Hero... The way he had acted when he saw her and his brother.

Irene clenched her right hand into a make shift fist as her three fingers began to glow with a small bit of her power. "I'm going to keep him safe... I will..."

Back over with Hero and the main group Hero let out a loud sigh.

"What's up?" Max hummed. "What's on your mind?"

Hero's frown grew a little larger. "I'm just thinking... I mean doesn't it feel kind of convenient... All the Enforcers showed up at the perfect location... And we only ever saw eleven members of that group..."

"What are you saying?" Max asked. "Do you think there is actually a traitor in the Enforcers?" The group all stopped as they all turned to look at Hero.

"...I'm not saying that..." Hero said shaking his head. "...But I'm not, not saying that..."


A Few Hours Later...

Oleander City...

Master Storm's Office...

"Today has been quite the hectic day hasn't it..." Master Storm said letting out a small giggle as he slowly turned to look out the window staring down at his city. "Still I'm glad you could come Aka..."

Sitting on the other side of the desk still in his bright pink Robes was Master Aka, teacher of Hero, and Kitsune... A lot had happened that day. It was a serious matter if he was brought in... The Master simply let out a small grunt as he nodded the part of his hood where a head was.

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Master Storm let out a loud laughed chuckling at the statement. "I suppose you are right old friend... Those two boys Hero, and Kitsune... They're gonna be fine Enforcers... I'm sure of that matter..."

,,˙˙˙plɹoʍ ʇxǝu ǝɥʇ uo ʎɹɹɐɔ oʇ ƃuᴉʞool uɐɯ plo uɐ ʇsn�� ɯɐ I ˙ɟlǝsʎɯ ɹǝɔɹoɟuƎ uɐ ɹǝƃuol ou ɯɐ I llɐ ɹǝʇɟ∀ ˙sᴉɥʇ sɐ ɥɔns ʎɐp ɐ uo ǝɯ ɹoɟ llɐɔ ʎllɐnʇɔɐ oʇ uosɐǝɹ pooƃ ɐ ǝʌɐɥ ʇsnɯ noʎ ǝɯnssɐ I ¿sɹǝɔɹoɟuƎ ǝɥʇ ɟo ɹǝʇsɐW 'ɯɹoʇS uᴉɹ ǝɹǝɥ ǝɯ llɐɔ noʎ pᴉp ʎɥM ˙˙˙ǝsɐɥɔ ǝɥʇ oʇ ʇnɔ s,ʇǝ˥,, Aka let out several grunts and clicks speaking in his strange tone. ,,˙˙˙ɹǝpɹO ǝɥʇ uo ʎlǝlos pǝsnɔoɟ uǝǝq ǝʌɐɥ I sɐ ʇsuᴉɐƃɐ ƃuᴉoƃ ǝɹɐ noʎ ʇɐɥʇ dnoɹƃ ʍǝu sᴉɥʇ ɟo ƃuᴉɥʇou ʍouʞ I llɐ ɹǝʇɟ∀ ˙ɥƃnoɥʇ ǝq ʎllɐǝɹ llᴉʍ I dlǝɥ ɥɔnɯ ʍoɥ ʍouʞ ʇou op I,,

"I of course had a good reason for calling you here..." Master Storm said nodding his head. "First I was just wondering how much you've managed to learn about the Order? They were our enemies before this new group appeared... So what did you learn old friend?"

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"The Blue Nation huh... So that is where the Order is staying..." Master Storm nodded his head for a moment as he let out a small hum. "I see. I'll leave it to them then. I'm sure the Blue Emperor can handle it himself..." He muses giving a small grin.

,,˙˙˙ʇᴉ ʇqnop,,

Master Storm let out a small hum for a second as he nodded his head. "Alright... I'll get to the real reason as for why I asked you here then." He stated nodding his head once more. "You've been with Hero Law for several years now. You were his teacher after all. I wanted you on a special project I'm doing... I have need for you..."

,,˙˙˙pǝǝu ∀,,

Master Storm allowed his fingers to wander through his long white beard for a moment. "You see Master Aka... I need you to get in contact with someone... Hero must be under watch now... Thankfully I have the perfect people in mind that can watch him..." As Master Storm spoke his beard twitched as a small metal drone flew out of his beard. "I'm gonna let 'Droney' stay with Hero... She'll stop Row... She'll stop Row..."


A Few Hours Later...

Master Storm watched Master Aka walk the streets below as he quickly left the city.

There was a quiet clicking sound as the door opened and Ward, one of the Four Sacred Beasts walked into the office.

"You called for me Master Storm..." Ward asked giving a small bow as the old man let out a small hum and turned his body over to him. "I came as soon as I heard the call. I assume the conversation with Master Aka went well?" He asked cocking his head to the side. "You talked about that strange boy correct? Hero Law... Or is it Row... A lot has happened today... We just found out a dead woman is our biggest enemy..."

"That is correct Mr. Ward..." Master Storm nodded. "I have need of you..."

"What is it my Master..."

"I find it all a little convenient that we showed up only at the end, and the position you told us to enter in at... It was overkill for just eight."

"As I told you sir I was under the impression there would be a lot more."

"And why is that Ward?"

"Alpha told me sir?" Ward shrugged.

Master Storm nodded his head for a moment as he let out a small hum. "I want you to keep an eye on Alpha... I believe we have a traitor in our family..."