Volume Three (Prologue)

"Enforcers... Warriors said to be chosen by God himself... They exist for a single purpose... To slay the beasts that hunt mankind... The creatures with frozen souls... The Bestia Macht... They really are a pain, always messing up my plans..."


Age 0000

'Once upon a time there used to be a world... A pretty world with blue seas, a bright sky, and a yellow ball of flames that heated the planet giving it life. We called this pretty planet... Earth.'

Two men stood at the edge of what looked like a massive metal ship. Both of them were covered by a dark shadow keeping their appearance hidden.

"Well..." One of them said calmly. A golden aura seemed to shine around his body taking the shape of a giant transparent dragon. "Let's finish this..."

"Sure... About time I suppose..." The second man said. Blue electricity began to crackle off of his own body lighting the area up in a bathing blue light. "Let's settle this for good. Old Friend."

'This planet that the humans used to live on once was so beautiful... Far better than Ava the current place the humans reside...'

"It's time the Enforcers make their first, and their last stand!" The man with the lightning yelled as it began to roll off of his body.

"You really are a fool Storm!" The man with the Golden Dragon yelled as the beast pulled back its arms and began to glow. "I'll blast you apart!"

"I may be a fool but at least I'm not a traitor Orion!"

"Enough talk!"

"You're right." The lightning began to form changing into a large crow made of electricity. "It's time to end this..."

And in a massive clash the battle that determined how the story would play out began anew... Good versus Evil, Right versus Wrong, Enforcer, versus the Order... The dance that would go until the end of time.

The fight that created God...


Age 1991

One Month After The Events Of The Second Mission...

Rafflesia City...

Squad Six Training Room...

Rafflesia was one of the twelve lucky cities to have official Enforcer bases built into their city. In here a large castle resides within the city. A castle in which two people were currently in the training room hard at work...

Hero let out a loud yell as the attack slammed into him and he was blown back crashing into the wall of the training room. His right arm glowed as he fell forward letting on his face as he let out a small hiss.

"Ow..." Hero groaned. "That didn't work very well..."

"I'm a little impressed." Katrina said letting out a small sigh as she tucked her hair behind her ear. Her cheek had a small tiny cut on it which had a small trickle of blood dripping out of it. A lucky strike that Hero had managed to get off. "You got a little stronger." She nodded letting out a small hum.

"Not strong enough..." Hero sighed.

Katrina let out a small grin as she walked over to the boy holding her hand out to him. "Still... Most recruits aren't brave enough to fight me."

"Uh... I didn't fight you because I was brave? I fought you because you came crashing into the Recruitment room and yelled 'Hero come fight me now' and then dragged me kicking and screaming down to this room and started beating me into the ground with everything you had... And in order to not die I turned my power on and we fought for less than one minuet and now I'm on the ground..."

Katrina rolled her eyes grabbing his arm and pulling him back up to his feet. "Still... You've gotten stronger."

"Why do you care anyways?" Hero asked.

Katrina gave a small shrug turning her back on the young recruit. "Three reasons."


"The first is that at the end of this Age the Rank up Tournament begins... We have it at the end of every Age and it allows an Enforcer to rank up. Should you all pass you will be ranked up to a Bronze badge. Next year would be Silver, and past that would be Gold the final test. As a Gold rank member you can go on missions with Recruits, try and become a Captain, and Vice Captain, and past that you could even try to become a Platinum ranked badge which allows you to be only one of the Four Sacred Beasts of Master Storm."

"So that's one but what about the other two?"

Katrina let out another hum as she seemed to think about it for a moment. "Well... Ken is a Seraphin... They're known for being able to evolve and turn into beasts and dangerous monsters... I would like to make sure at least one of you recruits can knock her out in case she goes on a rampage."

"Ken would never do that." Hero said shaking his head.

"I wish that was true..." Katrina muttered under her breath. The flashes of the large black lion Ken had become flashed through her mind as she shook her head. Now that she had changed it was only a matter of time before the would turn again... Each time stronger than the last. Eventually knocking her out would no longer be an option...

"So what was that last reason?" Hero asked.


"You said you had three reasons?" Hero nodded his head for a moment. "So what's the third reason?"

"Oh that..." Katrina let out a small sigh. "I just have a bad feeling..."


The Next Adventure...

Somewhere on the streets...


"Why are you running?"

"Oh God someone please help me!"

A young looking man ran down the alleyway's of this city at a fast and panicked pace. His heart wouldn't stop in its panicked beating as he ran forward as fast as he could as something chased after him from behind quickly gaining on him. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him even though part of him knew it wasn't going to matter in the end...

The man let out another yell running even faster. "Please!" He cried out up to the dark and black sky that rested above him. Snow rained down, turning to steam as it entered the city... No one heard his screams... "Please don't do this to me! Please someone help me!" He screamed out in a panic as he ran faster and faster. "Enforcers! Squad Six! Help!"

It was in the middle of the night so all the artificial lights had been turned off leaving the already dark city pitch black... Nobody would be able to hear his panicked breathing. Nobody would be able to see the terror that was present on his face... Nobody but the one who was actually chasing him of course...

"Please..." He cried out. The man shivered as he turned the corner and froze when he saw the dead end up ahead. His eyes went wide as he shook. "Oh no... Oh God... Oh Great One... No..."

"Don't go saying his name..." A snarky and loud voice said in a casual tone as a boot stepped out of the darkness from behind him. They seemed to be glowing with a small light as they stared at the man. Clad in a large golden crown and a golden mask, as well as white slabs of metal, golden armor, and a long white cape. He was dressed almost in what almost looked like a King's outfit, and a Pharaohs robes mixed together into one. Bright from the Organization... His Cursed Power was active this time. A Transformation type. His left arm was covered in what seemed to be golden armor with white needles poking out of it creating a small white ball in the palm of his hand...

"P... Please..." The young man said letting out a small fearful gasp as the man walked closer to him each footstep echoing out of the alleyway.

Small rays of heat came off of his white ball that was floating in his hand. The alleyway began to slowly melt as more heat came off of him and the young man began to smoke gasping out in pain as his clothing started to melt.

"Please don't kill me!" The man yelled dropping to her knees. "Please, please! Please! I'm sorry for everything I did! I'm sorry for all the lies, all the time I mocked the Enforcers, I'm sorry I threw those sodas, at those two kids... I didn't mean to mock them and it was mostly an accident... Please don't kill me!"

"Relax." Bright said slowly closing his hand as the light went out. His left arm glowed as it morphed back into his normal human arm. "I'm not going to kill you... Or at least I don't want to have to kill you... I'm not a bad guy. I'm an Enforcer after all."

"Y... You're not?"

"No." Bright shook his head for a moment. "I want to save this world you see... People are far to often killed off by the filthy Bestia Macht... However only a small portion of the planet even has the power to fight the monsters, and only a small percentage of those guys can even use them the right way... I want to fix that."

"Fix it? W... What are you on about?"

"I want to make a world where everyone can fight. A world where everyone can defend themselves." Bright announced. "A world that is perfect..." He reached into his bag pulling out a large glass jaw with a pitch white bug, and a pair of large red eyes. He squeezed down on the jar as it began to crack and shatter.

The bugs wings came out as it fired forward and attached to the young man. He began to scream out in pain as the bug stabbed it's stinger into him and began to sink into his body. He let out loud yells and thrashed around. "God! What's happening!"

"Shh..." Bright shushed the young boy as the bug fully drove it's way into his body. "I trust in you... You can do this... Just focus your breathing... Become a Seraphin-"

The man let out a loud yell which turned into a roar as black spikes began to stab out of his body. "What did you do to-" His vocal cords were shredded as his body morphed and changed... A large horn stabbed out of his skull twisting around, another horn grew out this one a long slender horn. A third and forth horn came out of the back of his head getting tangled. Several eyes began to form on his forehead and his jaws began to grow gaining a snout, as well as twisted razor sharp teeth in several rows. A wing began to grow out of his back as well as several tails. Fur began to cover him as his arms grew larger one gaining scales, and another claws. His legs twisted and morphed one growing larger than the last. It was as if several animals had been placed over his. He looked like a monster.

"Darn..." Bright sighed. "Another failure. I'll find someone who can take the Bestia Macht virus and become a Seraphin... I've been molding bits of a thing known as the 'Corruption' into these bugs causing them to morph, change, add, or take away, parts of a person's DNA... I'm not sure how Ken, or Viper, were able to somehow take this virus and mold it into them with control... Everyone I've tried it on end up like you... A mindless Bestia Macht-"

The newly made human Bestia Macht let out a loud disgusting war cry as it ran forward.

In a flash Bright's arm changed into his golden gauntlet form as six colors flashed off of the gauntlet, blue, green, red, purple, orange, and yellow. He stabbed the entire gauntlet into the Bestia Macht gripping down and crushing the insides of the beast ripping them out. It let out a pained cry as Bright raised his foot up and slammed it down on the monsters head crushing it...

"Oh well..." Bright sighed... He slowly opened his bag down looking down and finding several glass jaws all filled with those bugs... "Looks like I'll need to find the next experiment. Just who will finally pass..."