The Weirdest Bestia Macht...

Night One Hundred And Fifteen

Age 1991

"Damn it!"

On a large rooftop in the middle of the day Bright stood looking out across the massive city. His head went back and forth as he looked around for something.

"The girl got away..." He sighed. He rubbed at his right arm which had the sleeve mostly burnt away showing off a burned arm. "Those flames that came out of her... What the hell was that? I need to head back to the lab... Mr. Hyde should look into this matter..."


Meanwhile far below on the streets...

"Man I tell you. After hearing what happened to those last few cities I ain't very glad to have an Enforcer living in our city..." A man hissed out moving over to the entrance of a factory.

"You're telling me." Another man snorted. "Those damn Enforcers are so stuck up. They can't even save people when they really need to. How many cities have fallen already? I just hop that old man finally croaks and Ward, Alpha, or that Zane fellow take over..."

"That damn going on is a huge issue though." The first man said letting out a sigh. "Those other three Nations are being a problem. On one side those Samurai from the White Nation attack, on the other those damn Blue Knights, and who could forget the many, many robots that are attacking from the Green Nation... I just wish those bastards would do their job and hurry up and get rid of the Bestia Macht. They go on and on about how much a threat those monsters are but I've never even seen one." He snorted.

"True that. How bad can they really be-"

There was a loud crashing sound as several crates and boxes fell over when a young woman crashed through making both men jump. "Oh God... Someone please help me..." The woman croaked out.

Both men stared at her in shock before one gave a small frown. "H... Hey that woman? She works here right?"

"Y... Yeah!" The second guy nodded. "She's the bosses wife right?"


"You know my husband- Stay back!" She suddenly screamed when both men began to try and approach her in order to help her. "Don't come near me please! I don't want to hurt either of you! I can't control it." She cried. Small wisps of flames danced off of her fingers melting the floor around her. They just kept growing getting larger and larger...

"Flames? You have an Equation-"

"I don't!" The woman cried out in fear. "He... He did this to me-" She suddenly let out a scream of pain collapsing forward as her body began to change...

"What the hell!" Both men asked in shock.

The woman's body began to be covered with large metal plates as claws began to stab out of her. Horns began to jut out and more and more flames poured off of her... When it was finally done a Bestia Macht stood before the two scared men. One with a very striking humanoid appearance. That was where the similarities to a human ended though. This beast had dark skin with metal, and black spikes stabbing out of its body. A pair of large horns, a snout, claws and flames...

A soul filled with so much rage it burnt the world around it. A flaming Bestia Macht...

"What just happened-"

Flames washed over both men leaving only a pair of melted skeletons in its wake...

The beast let out a loud cry and turned around running further into the factory...


A battle plays out before us...

On one end we see the Jester also known as the female Hero, clad in her full dragon mode creating a large blade of green crackling energy that is splitting the very world apart... And on the other we see our savior, our superhero, the defender of justice. He was past all forms of his power, past level one, past level two, past level three... Past even level four... In his hands he wielded the ultimate weapon. It was a large broadsword with a pitch black blade, a golden handle, a golden cross shaped guard, and a silver cross emblazoned on both the front and back of the blade. At the base of the handle his Equation could be seen somehow out of his body forming this strange magical blade...

The Blade Of Man...

A powerful and magical weapon that is given to the protector of mankind.

A Blade said to hold the power, the souls, the will, the hopes, and the dreams, of all of mankind in its edge powering it beyond the limits. As long as a single person requires saving this blade will allow its user to step forward.

The weapon of a Hero of Justice, a Superhero...

"How are you this strong!" The female Hero cried out in rage.

"I'm fighting for more than just myself!" Hero yelled as he powered up even more. "Everyone's hopes and dreams! I'm going to save them all!" He yelled letting out one final strike and finishing the woman off in a single attack as his blade unleashed a powerful wave of green energy. "Full Clown Hunt!" Hero yelled unleashing his strongest attack.

"Hero!" Vil shouted running over to his older brother now that the fight was over.

"Vil!" Hero laughed pulling his younger brother in for a hug. "I'm glad... I'm glad I was able to save you from that despair and pull you back into the light... Row might have left but I swear I never will give up on you... I'm your older brother after all."

"Way to go Hero!" Irene said running over to him and planting a kiss on his lips.

"Thanks babe. I did it for you." Hero announced pulling her in for a hug as well.

"Wow you're so cool Hero!" Kitsune said with wide eyes. "Please man, I know I'm just some dumb weeb but can you teach me to be as cool as you?"

"Sorry Kitsune. No one can be as cool as me." Hero announced putting on a pair of sunglasses he pulled from nowhere.

"Wow I respect you so much big brother I'm going to give you your personal space and not bother you so much!" Light announced.

"You're a cool friend Hero!" Ken said for some reason having black cat ears and a black cat tail that wagged back and forth. "I'm glad we're just friends, and that you pat my head because I'm a kitty cat."

"Yeah you are!" Hero announced patting her head.

"What the hell? And I thought I had weird dreams."

Everything suddenly vanished making Hero's eyes go wide. He looked around in shock and then he saw... Himself?

"Hello. I think this is the first time we're actually talking?" Row smirked.

"Row." Hero raised up his sword but it simply faded into dust for it to was nothing more than a foolish and hopeless dream... "Oh crap..."

"Relax." Row smiled. "I just wanted to talk to you."

"Abut what?"

"Giving up." Row's smirk grew when he saw Hero's fearful look. "Yeah. Give up. I'm waking up. You can't stop me. Let me back in control. You can't save this world but I can. It'll b like a dream... One second you're here and the next you close your eyes and drift onto the darkness... And I wake up."

"N... No..." Hero shook his head. "Not happening."

"If you were a real superhero you would." Row snarled. "You've failed on every mission you went on, you're the weakest member of your team, and you couldn't even save my little brother-"

"Don't you dare call him your little brother!" Hero hissed shocking Row when he grabbed him by the front of his jacket and pulled him closer. Hero let out a small growl channeling his inner Ken as he glared at his look alike. "You... You are not Vil's older brother. You're someone who never even cared about him... You left him, and all those people behind."

"Vil's pathetic. Just like Reaper." Row hissed throwing Hero's arms off of him. "You wanna play older sibling be my guess. You can have my useless baby brother. I'm the one who passed all the tests. I'm the one who became the strongest. I'm the perfect clone. It's my duty- No my inheritance to kill God, and become the new God."

"You're insane."

"No. I dream big." Row grinned. "And on the subject of dreaming... Let's finish that dream you were in..."

"What-" Hero felt a horrible pain stab through his chest. He looked down finding Vil's blade...

"I hate you!" Vil hissed. "You and my brother... You're so pathetic. You can't save anyone from despair."

"Y... You're wrong..." Hero gasped out. "I... I saved someone. I saved... Her..."

"Why don't we go check up on her than." Row smirked snapping his fingers. The void they were in seemed to bend and twist as they appeared the spot where this story began... Hero laid outside of the restaurant doors unable to move from his gut wound.

"I'll go see what's going on." A voice said from the inside of the restaurant. The doors opened up and Hero watched as Leena walked out of the restaurant. She walked past him not even glancing at him...

"L... Leena..." Hero groaned.

She stopped for a moment and slowly glanced at him. "What do you want?" She asked in a small hiss. "You left me Hero... Even after we..." She glared down at him as she moved a hand over to her stomach for a moment. "I told you I loved you. I told you to stay. And you said..."

"I can't stay... I need to save the world..." Hero said slowly as he looked down at the ground. "And than I left..."

"You did everything you could to put my heart back together after the death of my lover, and in less than a week you shattered it again. You think you can save anyone..."

"I do... I-"

A loud buzzing sound exploded out of the room making Hero jump up and look around with wide eyes.

In their own beds, Kitsune, Ken, Irene, and Light, were also looking around in shock. The room was bathed in a red light as the siren went off.

"Uh what's happening-" Ken asked but let out a quiet squeak when the door was kicked open.

"Up, up, up!" Jackson yelled running into the room. "Come on, come on!" He said clapping his hands. "That siren means a Bestia Macht as been spotted in the city. The others are away so it's just us so up, up, up get in uniform. No time to care start changing."

"What-" Ken asked.

"Get naked and change!"

Less than a minuet later, the five red faced Enforcers were following Jackson out of their room, now all dressed in their black jump suits, and snow jackets as they followed the man out of the halls. Ken was still zipping her jacket up not meeting anyone's gaze as they made their way over to the stairs.

"How did a Bestia Macht even get into the city?" Light asked fumbling with his gun. "Let's hope this works..."

"No clue how one got in but we got to stop it." Jackson nodded as he hit a random part of the wall reviling a secret hatch that had one of those metal poles firefighters slide down. "Come on!" He announced jumping on it and sliding down.

"Whoa!" Hero said with wide eyes once he had slid down the pole. At the bottom of the pole they were in an underground room at the base of the castle. It looked similarly to a garage. There was a large stone door which opened up showing the outside. But what got Hero's attention was a large fancy looking silver car that was sitting down there. It let out a small roar as the car powered up. "Nice car!"

"I know right! It's called the Falcon." Jackson smirked clicking a button as it opened up. "Everyone in!" He said getting into the car's drivers seat. The other recruits all got in as Jackson pulled out one of the electric scrolls which he tossed back to Ken. "Black Coats are on ahead, that wrote everything thy know about the Bestia Macht and sent it to us, at least one of you needs to read it."

Before she could answer he stepped down on the gas as the car fired out of the garage hitting the roads.

"Where are we going anyways!" Hero asked with wide eyes grabbing something as the car swirled around.

"You'll see... Right... Now!" Jackson announced driving off of the mountain and flying above most of the city as they crashed down in front of a large metal factory that was responsible for building the mighty walls around the city. There was a large white glass like energy around the entire factory like a bubble. Several people could be seen out of the factory, many of which were workers, and some of which were Black Cloaks all holding large metal guns firing out white beams that formed a barrier around the factory.

The car doors clicked open as the Enforcers stepped out, the five recruits having very shaky legs. "I read one line..." Ken said handing the scroll back to Jackson.

"Ace status report!" Jackson asked the most well known Black Coat.

Ace gave a mini solute for a moment as he nodded his head still in his black armor, and his black helmet. "The Bestia Macht came out of nowhere! We're still looking around the wall checking on any holes to see how they got in. So far only one has been spotted. We believe it is at least Viscount as it's able to tear down our barriers in seconds. We only have enough power to keep this one trapped for around three more minuets. Most of the factory workers have been evacuated, but many have been killed off from the flames..."


"That's the thing sir... This one is-"

"My... My wife..." A man cried out causing everyone to turn to him. He was dressed in more expensive clothing's than the other workers.

"I... Is your wife in there?" Ken asked nervously.

'N... Not that..." The man said his voice shaking and breaking. "Sh... She is the... She became the..." He let out a loud.

"Uh... You're up Nun..." Hero said awkwardly patting Ken on the back. "Say something reassuring to him."

"I don't know what to say-"


The barrier shattered in a loud crash.

"Never mind..." Jackson hissed. "This place has so many exits, we can't let it get out... Come on."

"Right... Good luck." Ace called out as all the six Enforcers ran into the factory.

"Whoa..." Irene said with wide eyes. Flames covered the inside from head to toe washing down like water.

Hero let out a small hiss of anger when he saw the many burned skeletons that littered the room...

The flames seemed to twist around making everyone look up as they saw the Bestia Macht...It had pitch black skin now, and hair literally made of flames... Large horns and claws were stabbing out of it as it burned the world around it... But what horrified the Enforcers the most was the clothing on its body... Its human shaped body...

"A flaming Bestia Macht..." Jackson asked with wide eyes.