The Up Coming Tournament

Night One Hundred And Seventeen

Age 1991

Squad Six Training Room...

"The Enforcers Practice Test Tournament?" Hero asked cocking his head to the side.

In front of our snow haired boy Katrina the Squad Six Captain stood. They were currently standing in the Squad Six Training Room... Katrina had her back to the recruit facing a large metal wall which she was punching over and over again wailing on the wall as hard as she could. It had been only a few days since the last mission they went on with that flaming Bestia Macht. Several other Squads have come by to check on that strange white bug Ken had found. It was finally sent off to the Science Squad so they could run some tests on that. Due to the fact that Jackson had gotten injured and the fact that people were turning into Bestia Macht all of Squad Six was back at their city keeping watch and putting up large cameras to watch the city...

"Yeah that's what I said." Katrina nodded.

"Y... Yeah but I was just asking what it was?" Hero asked.

Katrina pulled her fist out of the mostly dented wall that she had just gotten done pounding into oblivion. "Oh that... Well at the end of every Age there is the big tournament in which Enforcers compete and try to rank up their badges. Each tournament is always different. We'll be training you recruits up for that moment. So we're going to be having some practice rounds sometime in the future. You'll all be going up against some of Squad One's recruits."

"W... Why them?"


"Yeah sure..." Hero sighed shaking his head.

"Yep. It's only going to be two of you practicing with them though. I'm gonna be send you and Ken."

"That sounds good to me. Ken and I make a decent team I suppose... I mean it could be better but better her than Kitsune, or Light. I suppose only Irene would have been better than Ken?" Hero nodded. "So who are we going to be practicing with?" He asked cocking his head to the side.

"Max and Shelly..."

"Oh... I should have seen that coming."

"You should have yeah..." Katrina nodded. "I don't know when you two are going to head off just yet. We're still checking out the city... So far we don't have anything which is weird... The culprit seemed to have vanished for no reason... Either that or we're dealing with something else..."


"In the meantime I want you all to work twice as hard." Katrina sighed as she began to do various jumping jacks. "That's why I hired someone to kick your ass every time they see you."


"I hired someone to kick your ass. An Enforcer in our Squad but I'm not going to tell you who it is. They're gonna randomly attack you, so you have to keep on your toes at all times and try to overcome it. Good luck..."

"I... R... Right..." Hero sighed. "Why not... I stopped caring after the first mission."

"That's the spirit."

"Is that everything?" Hero asked.

"Yeah. Just keep on practicing. I need you all to be a lot stronger..."

"Yes Ma'am." Hero said saluting the woman. He turned and quickly left the training room wanting to leave the weird woman's side. As he walked his mind began to race as he thought of everything that had happened. For a moment his thoughts went to Max and Shelly... 'So we're going to get to go train with Squad One...' His mind shifted back to the female Hero, and Okami Otoko before finally settling on the small stuffed teddy bear that was always popping up instead of the First Squad Captain... 'I wonder if I'll finally get to see that man... I wonder who it is now-'

Hero felt himself crash into someone as he fell back. He looked back up seeing Kitsune Nine was in front of him, who had also fallen back!


"Devil Arm!"

Both rivals glared at each other for a moment as they continued to sit on the ground.

Kitsune's hand seemed to strangely twitch as he almost seemed to reach for the handle of his sword making Hero let out a small hiss...

'I hired someone to kick your ass. An Enforcer in our Squad but I'm not going to tell you who it is. They're gonna randomly attack you, so you have to keep on your toes at all times and try to overcome it. Good luck...'

"Haha!" Hero yelled firing his arm forward as it glowed and shifted into his drill arm stabbing into the spot Kitsune had been, but he missed as the Noble back flipped away.

"What the hell!" Kitsune hissed as his eyes went wide. he drew his sword as his flaming tails and ears formed out of him. "Have you gone crazy foul Devil! If so than I a Noble Samurai will take you down."

"Nice try, but I know Katrina hired you to attack me!"


"You're going down!" Hero yelled.




At The Top Of The Castle...

"Remind me again why we're all standing out here up in the cold black sky, on the roof of the castle..." Light asked letting out a small sigh. Currently him, Irene, and Ken, were all on the large roof of the castle that was Squad Six's base.

"Well I didn't ask you to come?" Irene shrugged. Her and Ken were crouched down looking down at something. In between both the girls was a tiny metal bowl.

Light let out a hum as he walked over to them and took a seat. He pulled his gun back out as it unfolded open and he began to work on it. "So... What are you trying to do again? And Ken why are you near her? I thought you hated Irene?"

"I never hated Irene?" Ken frowned. "I just dislike her a lot."


Irene rolled her eyes as she brought her right hand up. Her left eye began to glow as it changed to a ruby red, and part of her hair changed to a snow white, but the other stayed as her blonde hair, and icy blue eye. She let out a small hiss as her pinky finger glowed. The nail on her finger shattered but the rest of her finger stayed on and didn't shatter.

"That looks like it hurts!" Ken said with wide eyes

"Yeah... It does..." Irene hissed. "But I'm doing it... I'm managing to use a small bit of the power." A small drop of blood dripped down her pinky falling to the ground and landing in the large bowl. It splashed down and began to form turning into a tiny blood red dragon. "Cool..." She smiled. "Now how did North..." She held her finger out to the dragon which seemed to fold open and formed around her pinkie like a ring. Her smile faded though when the ring shattered. "Damn it..."

"Haha no power up for you." Ken said sticking her tongue out.

"Oh would you shut up..." Irene frowned.

"Still better than me..." Light sighed. "Hey is my gun smoking? I smell smoke?"

Both girls stared with wide eyes as his entire gun lit up on fire. "Uh... No you're good-" Ken was silenced by Irene who elbowed the small girl.

Irene waved her hand covering the gun in ice and putting the flames out. "Light... You may need to get a new gun... I mean once you place the Equation into the gun it'll turn back into your cross shaped gun right since you're an Equip type? Like how if Kitsune's sword was to break he could place his Equation into a new sword and it would change to resemble his old one."

"Yeah but... I like this gun..." Light sighed shaking his head. "I just wish I knew what broke it-"

The door to the roof exploded open as Kitsune and Hero came crashing through followed by a burst of flames, and sound!

"You're going down Fox!" Hero yelled slamming his drill arm into Kitsune's sword sending a tremendous amount of force and vibrations through Kitsune's arms. Hero's arms glowed and changed back into his clawed mode as he slashed out at Kitsune who ducked under it just in time.

"You've gone totally mad Devil Arm Bastard!" Kitsune yelled out slashing at Hero with his katana and leaving a small tiny cut on Hero's cheek. "We're settling our feud! I guess we should finally finish and settle our long assured continual destined duel of reincarnated rivals, and brothers in arms, that also hate each other, of good versus the forces of disclosure evil of the holy and negative trinity of positive defender of justice and breaker of peace, devil, and samurai-"

"Oh my God, can we just fight?" Hero said cutting him off.

"You're on!"

Both boys jumped into the air readying an attack.

"Kitsune Nine!" Hero yelled getting ready to deliver a powerful sound based punch.

"Hero Law!" Kitsune screamed as the flames flew off of his blade and he readied a powerful slash.

"Dumbass Fox!"

"Devil Arm Bastard!"

"What are we watching?" Irene asked.

"A call back."






"Seriously how have they not reached each other yet?"

Hero's arm began to rapidly spin at a high speed as the wind and flames twisted around it forming a massive flaming tornado around his massive clawed arm. "Hellish Cyclone!" He yelled stabbing out with his strongest attack.

As Kitsune flew forward he pointed his sword forward as the flaming fox head formed in front of him and opened its mouth up firing out a massive beam of flames. "Fox-Flare!" He screamed firing out his strongest flame based beam attack.

"Will you two shut the hell up!" Ken yelled suddenly appearing above them and karate-chopping them both into the ground so hard the entire ground shook and cracked as their attacks suddenly vanished not actually going anywhere...

"Ow..." Both boys groaned.

"What just happened!" Irene asked with wide eyes.

"The call back is complete."


"Ken! What the hell was that for!" Hero asked glaring at the tiny girl.

"Yeah you freaking mini monster-" Ken's fist flew out slamming into Kitsune's face firing him back and causing him to slam into the back railing.

Hero went silent having a pair of wide eyes. "Never mind Ken..."

The second door to the roof was kicked open as Dawson came crashing through. "I heard people yelling is everyone okay?" He asked.

"Y... Yeah... Kitsune and I were just sparing..." Hero sighed. "You know... The whole training thingy that is going on sometime soon... Just wanna practice since it'll be happening soon."

"Oh yeah..." Dawson nodded his head for a moment as he let out a small hum. "I remember that... Katrina asked Hannah to randomly show up and beat you all up."

"Oh I guess I tried murder Kitsune for no reason? Whoops... Sorry Kitsune."

"F##k you!"

"I said sorry..."

"That reminds me." Dawson said letting out a small yawn as he walked over to Hero. He reached into his fur jacket pulling out two things. The first was the tiny Drone which clicked open and flew over landing in Hero's hair. And the second was a small black box. "On our last mission you dropped this Hero." He said handing the plot relevant box, that Hero never seems to use over to the boy.

"Oh sweet I can't wait to not use that for this arc to!" Hero said pocketing it. He poked at the drone that was on his head petting it with his finger. "What's up Droney it's been a while!" The drone let out several loud clicks and robotic noises as Hero nodded his head. "Yeah I still can't understand you?"

Dawson let out a small hum as he scratched at his chin. "You know... I think training is a good idea. You've all grown so much stronger since I last fought you all."

"You want us to all fight you?" Kitsune asked cocking his head to the side. "I still doubt we can win..."

"Nah not me." Dawson shook his head.

"Oh? Than who-"


"Hannah-" Hero was cut off when Hannah rose out of the floor slamming her fist into the back of his head.

"Hannah Law!" She announced with a smirk as she slammed her foot into her little brothers back.