Hannah Row

Night One Hundred And Eighteen

Age 1991

The Roof...

"Ken! What the hell was that for!" Hero asked glaring at the tiny girl.

"Yeah you freaking mini monster-" Ken's fist flew out slamming into Kitsune's face firing him back and causing him to slam into the back railing.

Hero went silent having a pair of wide eyes. "Never mind Ken..."

The second door to the roof was kicked open as Dawson came crashing through. "I heard people yelling is everyone okay?" He asked.

"Y... Yeah... Kitsune and I were just sparing..." Hero sighed. "You know... The whole training thingy that is going on sometime soon... Just wanna practice since it'll be happening soon."

"Oh yeah..." Dawson nodded his head for a moment as he let out a small hum. "I remember that... Katrina asked Hannah to randomly show up and beat you all up."

"Oh I guess I tried murder Kitsune for no reason? Whoops... Sorry Kitsune."

"F##k you!"

"I said sorry..."

"That reminds me." Dawson said letting out a small yawn as he walked over to Hero. He reached into his fur jacket pulling out two things. The first was the tiny Drone which clicked open and flew over landing in Hero's hair. And the second was a small black box. "On our last mission you dropped this Hero." He said handing the plot relevant box, that Hero never seems to use over to the boy.

"Oh sweet I can't wait to not use that for this arc to!" Hero said pocketing it. He poked at the drone that was on his head petting it with his finger. "What's up Droney it's been a while!" The drone let out several loud clicks and robotic noises as Hero nodded his head. "Yeah I still can't understand you?"

Dawson let out a small hum as he scratched at his chin. "You know... I think training is a good idea. You've all grown so much stronger since I last fought you all."

"You want us to all fight you?" Kitsune asked cocking his head to the side. "I still doubt we can win..."

"Nah not me." Dawson shook his head.

"Oh? Than who-"


"Hannah-" Hero was cut off when Hannah rose out of the floor slamming her fist into the back of his head.

"Hannah Law!" She announced with a smirk as she slammed her foot into her little brothers back.

"Hannah!" Hero said with wide eyes. "What the hell!?"

"Ya suck!" She laughed stomping on his head. She reached into her chest her hand sinking into it as she grabbed something and pulled out a large hand gun suddenly whipping it out and firing out the entire round into Ken's chest dropping the girl in seconds.

"Ken!" Irene yelled with wide eyes.

"Relax she can heal!" Hannah smirked dropping the gun and punching her hand out as a large knife phased out flipping through the air. Irene threw her hand up creating a large block of ice just in time blocking the large knife. "Oh nice one!" She smirked. "You got good reflexes-"

"Sneak attack!" Kitsune announced slashing his blade into Hannah only it simply slashed through her body missing her as he tumbled and tripped through her landing on Hero.

"Damn it you stupid Fox, you don't yell sneak attack when you sneak attack, when you drop down n to someone! I can't believe I have to explain that to you?"

"Shut up Devil Arm!"

"I totally ship them..." Ken sighed sitting up as steam rolled off of her body and the bullets fell out of her chest falling to the floor. "Also that freaking hurt you psycho Bitc-"

Hannah pulled out a large sub machine down out of her gut pulling down on the trigger and unloading a hail of bullets into Ken shredding her chest open and dropping the girl once more.

"Well Shit!" Hero and Kitsune both said with wide eyes staring at Ken's body which was now covered in holes...

"I like that one." Hannah smirked. "I can go all out on her." She kicked her foot out sending Hero and Kitsune back across the roof where they crashed down next to Ken's corpse, and a wide eyed Irene who was still hiding behind her ice dome. "She's pretty fun to blast a bunch of-" Hannah sunk through the floor as a hail of golden bullets slammed down where she was...

"Damn it!" Light cursed staring at where Hannah had been. His gun began to smoke and twitch as he let go of the trigger. "I can't afford to fire this gun off and miss... I only got a few more shots before it breaks again-" His ears twitched as he suddenly twisted his body back avoiding Hannah's sneak attack who rose out of the ground and stabbed at him with a knife she now had.

"You dodged me?" She stabbed her knife towards him only to miss when Light cocked his head to the side and swung his gun.

Hannah's head was snapped back when Light slammed the butt of his gun into her face and easily breaking her nose making her eyes go wide.

"Ha... That was easy. When attacking you can't be invincible can you." Light smirked. "And my senses are beyond a superhumans. I can hear, and smell better than even a Seraphin."

"Can you now?" Hannah smiled as she sunk into the ground once more.

Light frowned as his ears twisted and his nose twitched as he focused all of his senses into trying to locate her... When!

Hannah fired out of the ground spinning her body around and slamming her fist into his nose badly breaking it and sending him stumbling back. She brought both her hands up and slammed them down onto both of his ears causing them to pop and make Light let out a loud yell as his hearing went off.

"Now you're blind, deaf, and have no smell!" She smiled slamming a knuckle into his face and throwing him back. "Oh don't worry your hearing will come back in a few seconds." Light slammed down landing next to Kitsune, Hero, Ken, who was back up now, and Irene.

"I hate your sister Hero..." Ken sighed.

"Yeah... Me to..." Hero sighed.

"I don't think they can win..." Dawson sighed his eyes watching the kids as he looked back and forth between them and the woman. "They're all strong, a lot stronger than they were when they fought me, a person with an Equation is constantly getting stronger, after every fight, the closer to death they get, the more they improve, but that doesn't matter with Hannah... Her body is like a door to another world itself. Able to store anything she needs inside of herself, and able to make nearly anything phase though her, or allowing her to phase through anything. It doesn't matter how much stronger they got, if they can't lay a single finger on her..."

"Alright!" Kitsune announced swinging his sword around and twisting it all around his body. "You're going down you crazy girl!"

"Really?" Hannah smirked.

"Yeah you are!" Kitsune gave a small smirk as his blade ignited with a flame as he ran towards her. "I'm taking you down with this! Flaming Scythe!" He announced.

"Weeb!" Hero yelled.

Kitsune brought his sword up as the flames covered the entire blade forming a large flaming scythe which he slashed down. "Take this-" Kitsune flew through Hannah's body and crashed into the railing flying right off the edge of the building. "SHHHIIITTT!"

"D.... Did... Did her forget she can do that?" Irene asked.

"I don't know, I stopped trying to figure out how his mind works..." Hero sighed. He transformed his gun into its drill mode. "But I got a plan."

"You do?" Irene asked.

"Yeah I do..." Hero smirked raising his drill arm up and pointing it Hannah who gave a smirk. His arm glowed for a moment and he shifted it back into his clawed arm as large metal feathers began to form off of it and he got ready to fire them all out. "Fist... Get her Light!" Hero yelled grabbing Light with his left arm and throwing the blind, and deaf, boy at Hannah. "You got this!"

Hannah gave a smirk as Light reached her and he simply went straight through her body tumbling off the railing as well. She watched him tumble off as her smile grew even larger. "Oh little brother did you really think that would-" She turned back and her eyes went wide when she saw Hero's flaming claws inches away from her eyes. His arm phased through her as he landed on the ground behind her. "Nice try." She smirked pulling her knife out and turning towards her. "You're not gonna trick me like that-" Several feathers suddenly stabbed into Hannah's back making her eyes go wide as she stumbled right into Hero's human fist throwing her back.

"How do you like that!" He laughed.

Hannah flipped landing on her feet as she reached up and plucked the feathers out of her back causing a small trickle of blood to flow down her back. "Ahh I get it... You threw the blind one at me knowing I would phase through it, and you made it look like that clawed attack was your plan, but in reality you knew I would react fast enough and cause you to phase through me also. So as you threw Light you also fired off several feathers so when you phased through me and I turned to stab you the feathers you had fired off would hit my back."

"That's right!" Hero smirked.

"A good plan. You thought of nearly everything. So what was the plan with the grenade?"

"The what now-"


The grenade that Hannah had slipped into Hero's pants exploded with a force strong enough to kill any human, but thankfully Hero was a superhuman so it just hurt a lot, unfortunately it was still enough to easily blast him off the roof.

"Damn it this is only funny when it happens to Kitsune, and Light!" A pantsless Hero yelled as he tumbled down.

Ken and Irene looked at each other for a moment as Irene just gave a small shrug. "I... I don't know if I can really do anything..." Irene sighed. "Well I mean..." Her mind slowly went back to the words Jackson had said. "I do have a idea..."

'Not when your opponent can dodge... If you see that someone can dodge your attack easily, then you should stop aiming at where they are and instead aim at where they will be. So. When fighting if you're going to hurl massive attacks around, you should study your opponent, and figure out how they are moving and make yourself an opening. Otherwise you'll use up all your power to soon. Light is very good at this able to study someone even without his eyes.'

"I can do this." She nodded. The area around her began to freeze. "I can do-"


Mid inspirational speech, Hannah pulled out a straight up canon and fired the explosive iron ball into Irene slamming her into the back wall.

"O... Oww...." Irene groaned.

"Well damn... Guess I'm up." Ken sighed reaching to her shoulder and pulling out a large black spike. "Here goes nothing!"

Meanwhile, a Few Minuets Ago...

"SHHHIIITTT!" Kitsune cried as he tumbled down the building hearing the laughter of Hero. "Oh God, oh God, oh God!" He yelled flapping his arms up and down as he fell faster and faster. "Fly Kitsune! Fly!" The ground got closer and closer as he squeezed his eyes shut. "I said fly-"

There was a loud ignition sound as Kitsune slowly peaked his eyes open and found that he was flying? It was more like a slow hovering... His nine tails had formed together into a single large massive flaming tail which was rapidly spinning at an insane speed keeping him up in the air.

"Holy crap I can fly!" Kitsune said with wide eyes as his tail spun so fast he began to slowly raise up the side of the building. "Hahaha! I can fly! I can freaking fly! Suck it Devil Arm-"


Kitsune looked up just in time to see Light slam into him as they began to tumble back down.

"First thing I can hear and it's the wind rushing through my ears!" Light yelled wrapping his arms around Kitsune's waist. "Also are you flying?"

"Yeah pretty cool right!"

"Kind of."

"Yeah... I can't wait to show up that damn-"


"Was that an explosion-"


A pantsless Hero slammed down grabbing onto Kitsune's ankle and yanking the three of them down as Kitsune gritted his teeth and his tail spun faster as they slowly flew up.

"Are you flying-"

"Get off devil arm!"

"Screw you! Fly Fox! Fly!"

Kitsune gritted his teeth as he flew up higher and higher and they finally made it back onto the roof. As soon as they landed Hero slammed his clawed hand into Kitsune's head knocking him down. Hero bent down grabbing Kitsune's pants and pulling them off as he then placed them onto himself.

"You know I would have given you my pants right?" Light asked.

"So how's Ken doing?" Hero asked ignoring the question.

Both boys stared with blank expression seeing Ken face down on the ground, with Hannah sitting over her. Hannah was raising the girls arm up easily snapping the girls shoulder. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" The girl cried. "I give! Uncle? Aunty? Big Sissy?"

Dawson let out a sigh shaking his head. "I think that's enough for one day..."