
Night One Hundred And Nineteen

Age 1991

On the roof an angry looking Kitsune Nine, and a Hero Law could be seen resting at a corner on the room both of them waiting on something. They were alone at this point, Ken, Irene, Dawson, Light, and Hannah having vanished. And Kitsune was still paintsless since Hero had ripped his pants off and was wearing them now.

"So we lost..." Hero said letting out a sigh.

"I could have beaten her!" Kitsune announced. "I got my new flying power with my tails! Guess I can fly now!"

"Ehh... More like slow gliding, and hovering..."

"Screw you I can fly!"

Hero let out a snort. "I don't know why you care so much. I'm the superhero! What kind of Samurai can fly?"

"I... Well... Screw you I can fly!"

Hero let out another small laugh as he bowed his head. "We still lost the battle... Honestly I don't know if we could have beaten her..."Kitsune let out a small hum nodding his head for a moment as he gave a sad sigh of agreement. Hero looked down at his hands for a moment squeezing them into a fist as he nodded. "I have to get stronger... Stronger than anyone... I need to become a hero of justice that can protect everyone, a Superhero..."

Kitsune let out a small snort. "You think you're going to get stronger? Strong enough to save everyone."

"I don't think I will, I know I will. I have to."

The Fox Noble let out a tiny hum as he nodded his head. He slowly got back up to his feet as a smirk crossed onto his face. His hand came out as he drew his blade and he pointed it at Hero's neck his smirk growing even larger. "Alright then. Let's spare. Because there is no way in hell I'm going to let you pass me up. I'll never let you be stronger than me Devil Arm, because I'm a Samurai!" He announced loudly.

Hero gave a large smirk as his right arm glowed and formed into his clawed hand. "Whatever Fox. A Samurai will never reach the levels of a Superhero! I'll work twice as- No! Three times as hard until the day comes when I surpass not just you, but all of them. I'm going to be at the top. A hero of justice, a symbol the world can look up to."

"We'll see!"


Rose City...

Rose City was the largest city in the Red Nation. Despite that though it had one of the smallest populations in the world. This was because only Nobles were allowed to live in Rose city, and even then only higher up Nobles, such as the Storms, Pendragons, Lancelot, Nine, and of course the Akas. This was their home... The safest place in the Red Nation. This was the very city Squad One rested at. The richest city, protected by the strongest Squad...

The entire city stood far larger than any other, covered not in a wall, but rather a massive nuke proof glass, that covered it like a dome. Inside of the dome the buildings could be seen reaching high up. Grass could also be seen. And trees. Fresh air. The grass was literally greener on the other side. In the outside world it was cold, and chilly, even in a city, and held a polluted smog filled smell, but here it was clean, and warm. The top of the dome was painted a faint blue casting down on everyone on the ground...

But what stood out more than anything was on the tallest building...

Bright stood...

His golden armor sparkled in the fake sunlight as the blue light casted him in a holy blue glow. "Well..." He said looking away as the ground beneath him began to bubble up slightly. "I should be off now... I need to get back to 'that' city..."

"Are you sure stay is done?" A dark voice seemed to hiss out of the air. The ground bubbled up more as the upper half of Cloak, the girl in the many old, and dirty cloaks...

"My stay is done." Bright nodded. "I'm done with my Enforcer duties for the day... I must slip back off to the city..."

Cloak let out a small hum fully rising out of the ground as her cloak seemed to bubble up. Her arms came out as she wrapped them around the man. "You must be careful Bright..." She said in a quiet hiss.

"I know... But I won't stop." He said shaking his head. "I won't... I'm going to keep on moving forward. All Twelve of us followed that man, the Mystery... The Jester wants the end of God, One wants the end of the Enforcers, Mr. Snow wants his Noble family to be worth more than anyone else, and Fox simply wants to have the glee of slaughtering those around him. But me... I want something else... I want to save this world. A world where we don't need the Enforcers to save the day. A world where cities won't be destroyed. Every man, woman, and child, all having their own powers. A world of Justice..."

"A Noble goal..." Cloak said quietly wrapping her arms around the man. "Truly Noble... But I couldn't care about any of that... All I want... Is you-"

A loud sound could be heard from over the side of the building making Cloak, and Bright separate quickly. A large pillar of snow rose out of the ground and they saw Mr. Snow stood on the snow pillar giving a nod to them.

"Oh... Mr. Snow..." Bright said letting out a silent hiss. "You're here..."

"I came to see you off Bright. And of course I would be here. I am a Noble after all. This is my home. Same reason my Wife is here." Mr. Snow said stepping off the pillar and landing on the roof top. "I had no idea you were here Cloak?" He hummed.

"Yes... I to came to see him off..." She said in an unconfutable tone. Mr. Snow gave a small nod placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Well Mr. Bright you have my Wife, and my own wishes." He nodded.

"I'm sure it'll mean a lot..." Bright nodded. He turned away from the two for a moment staring out. "I must be off... I have more work to do... I'm a hero of justice after all... A Superhero..." And with that the man stepped off the roof as he spun on his way down...


Rafflesia City...

A Random Restaurant...

'Did something happen between Law, and Nine..." Jackson Storm thought a small frown on his face. Currently him and the two boys were seated down next to the Noble as they ate away trying to out finish the other one. The three of them were on duty currently fully dressed in their black jump suits, and their snow jackets, and armor. They were patrolling the city now but had seen nothing so far so a bored Jackson offered that they all eat some food...

"Thank you Master Storm that was good!" Kitsune announced loudly as the group finished their food and began to walk down the path.

"You think so?" Jackson asked letting out a small hum. "I'm not to sure... I mean I think they are only okay at best." He shrugged. "Still..." He patted his belly where he had been stabbed earlier giving a large grin. "It helps me heal. I'm almost back to full strength after that slip up." He laughed. "That Bestia Macht got me good didn't it haha!"

'Kitsune and Jackson are both so casual...' Hero thought as he gave a small frown. He glanced at Jackson and Kitsune as they continued their talk. 'Vice captain Storm is very easy going when off duty... Only time he even seems mad is when he's on a mission... He doesn't get mad at us all fighting, and helps train us... Wish all Nobles were this cool...'

'Who knows... What I do know is someone is making a Seraphin...' That's what Jackson had said after their battle with that flaming Bestia Macht...

'I'm just thinking... I mean doesn't it feel kind of convenient... All the Enforcers showed up at the perfect location... And we only ever saw eleven members of that group...'

'What are you saying? Do you think there is actually a traitor in the Enforcers?'

'...I'm not saying that... But I'm not, not saying that...'

Hero's frown only grew as his mind went over everything he had heard. 'Still...' He thought. 'Is there really a traitor among us... I can't believe the Enforcers would all show up like that, at the exact right time, unless someone was moving them along like that... And what of this person who is turning someone into Bestia Macht... I'm certain that one I killed was a Bestia Macht... It thanked me as it died...' He shuddered. 'Is someone really turning innocent people in these damn monsters... Why... I will stop them.'

'T... Thank you...'

Hero clenched his fist remembering the words of the poor woman. He had held her in place when Ken ran her through. He had helped kill an innocent person... 'I'm going to stop them for sure.' Hero nodded still deep in thought. 'I am a Hero of Justice, a Superhero-'

"Earth to Hero!" Jackson said knocking on Hero's forehead and making the boy jump. "You okay? You're spacing out."

"What!" Hero asked with wide eyes as he jumped slightly. "Oh I'm fine! Haha sorry I was just deep in thought you know..."

"Way to spaz out Devil Arm." Kitsune snorted.

"Hey screw you Fox boy!" Hero yelled with wide eyes. "You wanna go!"

"How many times have you guys fought today?" Jackson asked with a small frown. He was used to seeing the Transformation user, and the Equip user battle, but now it was like both boys were looking for any excuse to break out into a fight, and yet he didn't feel any hostility to them, rather it was like they both wanted to just fight... Get stronger together.

"We've fought one hundred, and thirty two times today." Kitsune announced. "I won sixty six, lost six, and we've tied six times." He noted.


"Yeah we've been kind of busy." Hero noted. "Also round one hundred and thirty three!" His clawed hand flew out slamming a fist into Kitsune's face and throwing the boy back.

Jackson let out a small snort as he watched Kitsune crash back. "Alright, alright that's enough. Don't go fighting right now." He said letting out a small chuckle. Both boys glared back at each other as Jackson's smirk only seemed to grow. 'You know... They kind of remind me of Dawson and I...' He thought for a moment. He gave a small grin. "You know. You two are good friends-"

"We're not friends!"

Jackson ignored the remark both boys made as he nodded his head for a moment. "I'm sure it'll work... I'm sure you two could preform it..."

"What?" Hero asked giving a small frown.

Jackson gave a large grin as he clapped his hands together creating the tiniest spark of lightning. "I've made up my mind!" He announced. "We'll do it now since nothing is currently going on. I'm sure taking a break on patrol won't be bad! It's like super boring here anyways so let's go play a little game! I happen to know a nifty way to make you both stronger!"

"Err... What?" Kitsune asked giving the Lightning Noble a very confused look as Jackson babbled on. "I don't get is."

Jackson's smirk grew as he nodded his head. "How would you two like to know about a secret..."

"A secret?"

"A little thing known as Mantra..."



A young fourteen year old girl could be seen moving down the halls of the apartment she lived at. She opened the door entering her home as she gave a small grin. "I'm back from school mom, dad!" She called out in the small house her and her parents lived at.

She heard a small commotion in the other room and heard something...

It sounded kind of like an electric buzzing sound. Then she heard a loud crashing sound, as glass seemed to shatter as if someone had dropped a plate.

The girls smile faded as she gave a small frown. "Dad? Mom? Hello? Did you drop a plate or something? What are you doing-" She turned the corner and stopped when she saw him the kind look in her eyes vanishing as she dropped her back to the floor...

He was standing in the middle of the kitchen facing the sink and doing dishes. He flinched every time the water splashed his hands... He was still dressed in his typical clothing, but he looked off now... His skin had become a pale white and seemed to be stretched across his body tightly showing his bones beneath which were now glowing with a faint blue light... Instead of veins he had what seemed like wires, and small bits of metal seemed to be poking out of him. His head was gone showing off a large glowing blue skull which had wires pouring out of his eyes, nose and mouth. Lightning covered his entire skull which hissed and crackled when the water splashed onto him...

He picked up another plate and began to clean it but the water touched his hand and the lighting went wild. He let out a low groan of pain as the plater slipped out of his fingers and fell to the floor shattering. The ground was littered with what must have been hundreds of shards of glass... How many plates did he drop...

"D... Dad..." The girl asked in a shaky voice as she fell to her knees her wide eyes staring at him.

There was a loud twisting sound as the skull turned around fully snapping as it stared at the wide eyed girl who began to slowly back up her body shaking. "W... W... W... WE... WE... WEL... LL... COM... EE.... B..... AAAA.... A... CK...." His voice came out as a low groan each sound seemingly causing him a world of pain as she backed up. She froze once again when her hand brushed up against something behind her...

A burnt smell seemed to hang in he air as she slowly turned her head around and saw the blackened, and burnt, corpse of her mother, covered in electrical wires...

And with that her screams filled with air...