Not A Hero

Night One Hundred And Twenty

Age 1991

Rafflesia City...

Squad Six's Base...

Loud ringing echoed out making Hero nearly stumble down.

"Again?" He asked.

"Again..." Kitsune sighed giving a nod.

Currently him, Hero, and Jackson were exiting the Squad Six Training Room, when they heard the sirens. "You know the drill." Jackson announced. "Follow me." He hit a button on the wall as a panel opened showing the metal pole they had taken last time. "I just prey that this time the wall is actually broken..." He said with a heavy frown on his face.

By the time they got to the bottom Jackson wasted no time and got into the car.

"What about Irene and the others?" Hero asked getting in to the seat next to the man. Kitsune got into the back as Jackson tossed the Enforcers Scroll to him so he could try and quickly read a few lines.

"No time." Jackson said shaking his head. "We're going in right now. I'll set the car to auto pilot so it can go back and pick them up. It'll take some time to get back to them though as the car has to actually drive up the massive mountain we're on instead of just flying straight off like we normally do."

"Is that safe?" Hero asked with a small frown on his face.

"Well if it's just the wall than chances are a Baron only got in." Jackson shrugged.

"And what if one didn't get through the wall..." Kitsune asked saying the thing all three of them were thinking.

Jackson didn't say anything as he hit a button and the car exploded out of the garage they were in. Hero and Kitsune both let out loud screams once again as they literally exploded of the mountain flames blasting out of the engine as they soared over the city in a downward spiral. The impact on the ground was enough to rattle the entire car as it fired down the road.

"Shit!" Jackson cursed.

"Yeah it's not a fun ride right!" Hero yelled back over the shaking car.

"No that isn't it..." Jackson hissed shaking his head.

"Than what's the issue?" Kitsune asked not even bothering to try and read the scroll as he tried not to become dizzy.

"We're on the main road and still driving..." Jackson frowned. "That means we're heading into the part of the city people actually live in... Rafflesia City is broken up into three sections. The first is the civilian section where housing and homes are, the next is the factory section where most people go to work, and the final section is our base, as well as the many mini bases that are around our castle where the Black Coats rests. If we're still going down the road, that means the thing is in the civilian part of the city..."

"That's not good!" Hero said with wide eyes.

"I know-" There was a loud sparking sound as the entire car came to a stop. "What the hell?" Jackson's eyes went wide as the entire car simply came to a stop no longer moving. It didn't budge at all... "What?" He tried the doors but nothing happened. "I... It stopped working? The cars dead!"

"The scroll did to?" Kitsune noted. "It's offline." A panicked look came onto his face as he dropped the scroll and reached into pocket pulling out his phone which was also powered off. "Damn it!" he cursed. "I was in the middle of downloading the latest episode of Piece-Two, the series that has been going on for years, and has a girl made out of tires!"

Jackson let out a few more curses as he raised his arm up and punched the door ripping it off. "Doors are on an electric lock so bust them down!" He yelled.

"Destroying stuff my favorite part of being an Enforcer." Hero smirked as his arm glowed and he raised it up slicing the roof of the car clean off.

"The doors! Destroy the doors!" Jackson said with wide eyes as the roof of the car fell over. "That was my car!"


"Whoa." Kitsune said with wide eyes staring past Hero and Jackson who were yelling at each other They both turned to see what got his attention and stared with wide eyes. Down the road they saw several cars all powered off as well as several buildings which all had their lights off. Several people could be seen on the roads running away in terror as the Black Coats did their best to evacuate everyone. One of the many apartments was on fire and blasted apart as a man with a skeletal head and tons of lightning could be seen staring down from a large hole in the wall. Lightning crackled off of his skull zapping many people and frying them to ash in mere moments...

A Black Coat ran past them carrying a young fourteen year old girl who was staring at the monster and sobbing even as the Black Coat was getting her out of the area. "Daddy." She cried out.

Hero felt his heart sink as the Black Coats ran past them. "I... It's a..."

"Yeah..." Jackson said bowing his head and saying a quick prayer. "It's a failed Seraphin... This is the second one we've found... That confirms it without a doubt... Someone's turning people into these monsters on purpose."

"D.. Damn it..." Kitsune hissed flames exploding off of him as he drew hi sword.

"Let's make it quick." Jackson announced forming a spear of lightning. "And it's try to get it away from the civilians."

"C... Can't we take him alive..." Hero asked his arms shaking a bit. "M... Maybe we can... Can find a cure for it?'

"...Hero..." Jackson said shaking his head slowly. "These things first appeared in the Age 1700... People turning into Bestia Macht... For 291 Ages we've done everything we could think of to study them. The concept of a cure doesn't exist in them... And like a Seraphin they evolve at incredible speeds. A few days and one will jump to a next level... Right now it's just a Viscount... We need to take it down now..."

"I... I get that but this thing was once a human-"

"Than stay behind and guard the civilians." Jackson yelled. That kind demeanor was gone as he stared at Hero. "If you can't bring yourself to fight it than do something useful and protect them. But I'm not going to sit around and let it harm more people."

"I..." Hero bowed his head unable to meet the man's gaze.

"Come on Kitsune." Jackson nodded. "Now that I know how to take it out, we shouldn't have any issues."

"R... Right." Kitsune nodded. Him and Jackson quickly fired forward running down the street with the speed of superhumans. "Is it really safe for just us two to take this thing down?" He asked. "Plus I can't even use that cool power up now that Hero isn't here!"

"We should be fine." Jackson nodded. "We got-"

The Bestia Macht turned its head spotting the two of them who were running down the road. It opened its mouth letting out a loud screech that echoed down from the tall building it was standing on. It's eyes glowed as it suddenly fired out two massive beams down at both of the Enforcers. The Beams twirled around each other crackling through the air as it blasted down at them both making Kitsune's eyes go wide.

"Crashing Thunder!" Jackson announced throwing his hands out as his own blue lightning took form and a massive force shield made of lightning formed in front of him blocking the massive beam but making him grit his teeth as it began to push him back. "Kitsune go for it!" He yelled.

"Right!" Kitsune nodded forming his tail and ears. He closed his eyes and began to focus as all nine of his tails formed into a single massive tail and more, and more heat began to form off of it as it almost seemed to flow out like lava.

"Whoa! That's new?" Jackson grunted struggling with the lightning beam.

"Pretty cool right!" Kitsune's massive tail slammed into the ground and despite being made out of flames it seemed to be some kind of solid object throwing him into the air as he spun around and began to fell towards the monster over its beam. He raised his sword up and unleashed a loud battle cry! "Hear my cy foul Bestia Macht! I am Kitsune Nine, of Squad Six, heir to the family of Nine one of the Twenty Sacred Branches, younger brother to Jin Nine the previous Squad Seven Captain, and I am a badass Samurai!" He yelled.

"Freaking weeb..." Jackson muttered.

The beasts laser eyes went out as it looked up seeing Kitsune flying down towards him at insane speeds like some kind of comet as the flames danced around him. He was so fast it would be impossible for the Bestia Macht to counter in anyways! Kitsune was going to slice right through it, hitting its heart! He was going to kill it-

"H... HhhheeEElllLLLPP... Me..."

Kitsune's eyes went wide as the voice hit his ears and he did the one thing you never do in front of a Bestia Macht...

He hesitated!

His grip went weak and the beast fired towards him slamming a fist into Kitsune's face as it unleashed a barrage of lighting into the Noble making him scream out in pain as the lighting seemed to crackle around his flesh and he shook. It gripped his face tightly and squeezed down as it began to slam his head into the stone floor over and over again as many times as it could bashing him into the ground. Than it twisted his body and threw Kitsune down the street. He slammed into a car with a loud crash and looked up just in time to see the Beast fire out its beams once more.

"I'm dead!" Kitsune realized with wide eyes as the beam blasted towards him.

Jackson slammed into the beast wrapping his arms around it and pulling it up causing its head to send out its massive beam up into the air splitting the roof above them. "Your fight is with me!" Jackson announced in a loud voice The beast roared and lightning began to crackle around its body covering him from head to toe but Jackson just grinned. "Yeah funny thing about we Storms." He smirked as even more Lightning began to crackle off of his body. "That lightning shit doesn't work on us!" he screamed arching his back and slamming the beast into the ground so hard he collapsed the floor they were on crashing them down to the lower level. He raised his fist up and threw out a lightning covered fist as he smirked.

His smirk soon vanished though when the Bestia Macht caught his hand and its skull like head seemed to twist into a large grin. It even seemed to laugh a little... "T... Th... A... Anks... F... Fo... For... T... The... Snack..." It growled out as the lighting from Jackson's body began to be pulled off of him and into the mouth of the beast making its bones glow even brighter as more of its flesh began to melt off...

"Y... You're not just immune to lightning like I am! You can absorb it to-" The Beast cut Jackson off when it threw him off of it.

It let out a loud growl punching out and slamming a fist into Jacksons face. He might be immune to pure lightning but this beast had so much strength it put even a superhuman to shame. As soon as it saw the punch did damage to Jackson it flashed forward so fast it appeared behind the man and wrapped its arms around him. It raised him up as its eyes went wide. "Y... Your... F... Fight... Is with me!" It hissed arching its back and slamming Jackson down into the floor so hard it collapsed that floor to, causing them to crash to the bottom level, as it mimicked Jackson's moves. Its body began to glow and seconds later a massive Lightning fox tail formed out of its behind which wrapped around Jackson's ankle and began to slam him into the ground over and over again as it grinned.

"D... Damn it! This thing is only a Viscount but my own attacks don't work on it, and it's learning more moves as it fights..." He growled. The beasts threw its tail out sending Jackson flying back where he crashed into one of the many buildings collapsing on the ground as he began to breath heavily. "And to make matters worse I'm not back to 100% since my last fight..." He growled.

The beast let out a loud laugh as it began to walk towards him. A large black spike stabbed out of its shoulder which it broke off. Lightning covered the black spike as it brought its arm back and threw it as hard as it could sending it towards Jackson who's eyes went wide.

"Eventful Impact!" Hero cried out slamming onto the ground and catching the spike with his transformed arm. His red eyes seemed to glow for a moment as he glared at the beast. "You're going down!"