Sneering Times

Night One Hundred And Twenty One

Age 1991

The White Nation...

The Organizations Lab...

In a large underground lab a shadowy man could be seen resting at a large metal desk. Large metal shelves could also be seen in the large lab, all of which had various tools. Metal machines hung on the wall all showing various things such as bones, and diagrams to the body. A black board also rested which had notes and drawings on them and next to the metal table a large glass container rested which was filled with billions of tiny metal looking bugs. Nano machines son...

In Mr. Hyde's hands he held a tiny glass marble which held the powers and soul of William Bathory. He held what looked like a large glass spoon which was glowing with a faint golden light which he held up to the Equation looking down on it as he let out a small hum.

On the large table in front of him the body of Serenity from Squad Seven rested. Her eyes were closed and her chest had been split open showing off her insides and still beating heart. In side of her heart a small white marble also rested, her own Equation.

"Fascinating..." Mr. Hyde muttered in an almost silent tone. "Simply fascinating..." He let out a small hum as he moved the Equation from his eye. "It's all there... Not just a small porting of his soul... All of it... William is this Equation... Now all I need to do is figure out how to replace the one in Serenity... She's a Caster type much like this so it's connected to her heart. Removing it would mean destroying her heart and her soul... I'll need to find a way to keep her body alive while I work on it... If I could turn her into a Seraphin that might work but I just don't remember how it works! Damn you mind issues!" He announced goofily raising it in the air.

"I might be able to help with that." A voice commented.

Mr. Hyde looked up just in time seeing the metal doors open as Bright walked in.

"Oh... You're back in our base..." Mr. Hyde said bluntly. "What of your Enforcer duty's?"

"I have someone covering for me. It's easy to manipulate them..." Bright shrugged. "And I'm here to talk to you. I wanted to show off some things." He said. He reached into his metal armor pulling out a plastic bag which he tossed over to the man.

Mr. Hyde caught it and he opened it up and looking into the bag as the darkness moved around him forming an eyebrow which raised up. Inside of the bag was a small white bug and two pictures. On the first picture it showed the flaming Bestia Macht, and on the second was the picture of the Lightning covered Bestia Macht. "What am I looking at?"

"Failed experiments of the Seraphin project." Bright shrugged. "The first one failed and I tried to put her down. You see I don't like people suffering. So I do my best to kill them the moment they turned but she managed to get away..."

"And what of the second. Did he also get away."

"No." Bright shook his head. "At first I thought I should kill them myself for that is what a hero of justice would do. But the Enforcers can handle it themselves. I would rather Squad Six dies. You see that Squad is full of those vile villain's and those recruits are even darker. They stand in the way of justice. But that isn't the main reason I left the second one alive. I let him live because he showed something interesting... The bug you see in front of you is the same type of one I used to infect him. It's a minor thing but he's beginning to talk... The new bugs your making are improving more and more..."

"Are they?'" Mr. Hyde gave a small smirk as he reached into his lab coat and pulled out a small black button. He clicked the button and the wall on the right side of the room opened up. There they saw it. A massive glass wall that blocked off a hidden area. Behind the glass a large white bee hive rested with hundreds of the same bug. Sticking out of the bee hive was a strange yellow crystal which seemed to give off a faint hiss. "Each time I make more I get closer to solving it... One day we'll have it... A world filled with Seraphins. An Army. The Corruption will spread... More and more..."

"I see... Where did you get all of this anyways?" Bright asked.

"Oh that... I found it in a hidden cave under the Village Of Lillies..."

"I see..." Bright gave a nod as he turned away. "I just wanted to update you on how it is going... I will be heading back now." He said casually. "Say hi to Ben, and Vil for me. That young man is really growing and following after his mother Hero. They're both so pure and Hero's of Justice."

"Sure, sure..."

Bright left the room leaving it in silence once more... Mr. Hyde turned to the body of Serenity giving her the smallest hints of a smile as the darkness that formed his body twisted and bent. His hand came out as he softly brushed her face.

"Soon... Soon you'll be ready my new weapon..."



The Red Nation...

Rafflesia City...

"Whoa." Kitsune said with wide eyes staring past Hero and Jackson who were yelling at each other They both turned to see what got his attention and stared with wide eyes. Down the road they saw several cars all powered off as well as several buildings which all had their lights off. Several people could be seen on the roads running away in terror as the Black Coats did their best to evacuate everyone. One of the many apartments was on fire and blasted apart as a man with a skeletal head and tons of lightning could be seen staring down from a large hole in the wall. Lightning crackled off of his skull zapping many people and frying them to ash in mere moments...

A Black Coat ran past them carrying a young fourteen year old girl who was staring at the monster and sobbing even as the Black Coat was getting her out of the area. "Daddy." She cried out.

Hero felt his heart sink as the Black Coats ran past them. "I... It's a..."

"Yeah..." Jackson said bowing his head and saying a quick prayer. "It's a failed Seraphin... This is the second one we've found... That confirms it without a doubt... Someone's turning people into these monsters on purpose."

"D.. Damn it..." Kitsune hissed flames exploding off of him as he drew hi sword.

"Let's make it quick." Jackson announced forming a spear of lightning. "And it's try to get it away from the civilians."

"C... Can't we take him alive..." Hero asked his arms shaking a bit. "M... Maybe we can... Can find a cure for it?'

"...Hero..." Jackson said shaking his head slowly. "These things first appeared in the Age 1700... People turning into Bestia Macht... For 291 Ages we've done everything we could think of to study them. The concept of a cure doesn't exist in them... And like a Seraphin they evolve at incredible speeds. A few days and one will jump to a next level... Right now it's just a Viscount... We need to take it down now..."

"I... I get that but this thing was once a human-"

"Than stay behind and guard the civilians." Jackson yelled. That kind demeanor was gone as he stared at Hero. "If you can't bring yourself to fight it than do something useful and protect them. But I'm not going to sit around and let it harm more people."

"I..." Hero bowed his head unable to meet the man's gaze.

"Come on Kitsune." Jackson nodded. "Now that I know how to take it out, we shouldn't have any issues."

"R... Right." Kitsune nodded.

Hero was left standing there his head was still bowed down as he stared at the ground. "H... How can they just charge into battle against it... I... Know it's a Bestia Macht but it used to be a human..." he said as is body shook.

'T... Thank you...'

The voice of the woman played over in his mind once again as Hero shook his head... He stared ahead as he watched Kitsune and Jackson fight the human Bestia Macht... "I just don't get it..." He said clenching his fist. "It just doesn't make any sense to me..."

'Talk about being a hypocrite.'

Hero blinked and suddenly he was no longer in the real world. All around him was an ocean of red as he looked around with wide eyes. He felt a hand on his shoulder which turned him around and a fist flew out slamming into Hero's face knocking him down.

Hero fell back landing in the red water as he was dunked under it. He tried to stand up but felt a boot slam into his head dunking him under. He let out a loud gasp as the red liquid began to fill his lungs and he looked up seeing Row Law glaring down at him.

"W... What?" Hero asked letting out a small gasp. Row's foot came out slamming into Hero's face over and over again.

"Die! Just fucking go to sleep already you bastard!" He hissed. "I want my body back you fucking thief!"

Hero let out another gasp as he moved back through the body of red water. His vision was blurry as he shook his head and the water splashed off of him. "What the hell-" Row's foot came out again.

"I'm done watching you by a cry baby!" Row hissed. "You're not even trying to fight this thing-"

"It's a human-"

"First of all no! It was a human, now it's an insane monster hell bent on the destruction of he human race." Row hissed raising his foot and slamming it back down into Hero's head pushing it back down into the water once again attempting to drone the boy. "It's not a human anymore. Second of all you've fought other humans before so I don't get why know it's an issue for you!" He hissed his foot coming out over, and over, and over again.

Hero grabbed the boot as it came down again yanking it down and pulling Row into the red water with him. He tackled the boy into the red water as he began to throw more and more punches into Row's face. "Shut up, shut up, shut up! Shut the hell up!" He shoved Row's head into the water as the snow haired boy gasped as the liquid began to fill his lungs. "You don't get it! This is different." Hero hissed. "It's not just the fact that he's a human... The others I'm fine with fighting. Jester, Vil, Max, Reaper... All of the monsters... But this is something else... They all got to decide if they wanted to fight or not... He didn't... He had it decided for him... How is that fair..."

"Fair... You want to talk about fucking fair!" Row yanked his body out of the water slamming Hero back down. "I have to sit here and watch. I get to watch you being a useless asshole in my body! How is that fair!" He yelled. "I'm God! It's my body! I need to take this world over! I was made by that man... I have to kill him! That's why I exist! He has to die! He has to die! Orion has to die!" He screamed.

"You made me." Hero hissed. "I'm real now... I exist. And you can't have 'my' body!" Hero yelled dunking the man's head under the water. "Die! Die! Die, die, die! I can't let you take my body! I can't let you harm my friends!"

"You want to talk about harming your friends!" Row sneered. "Your friends are being harmed as we speak!" He screamed. "And you're just sitting there like a pathetic coward!"

Hero's eyes were wide for a moment. "Y... Your right."

"Of course I'm right." Row sneered. "I'm always right. Now... Give me back my body! You're going to lose it eventually. Every second, every minuet, and hours, every day, every week, every month... I get closer and closer. You can't stop me. Are you scared of me Hero?"

Hero didn't say anything the silence washing over them.

"There's no reason to be afraid you know... You'll simply fall asleep. And I'll wake back up. Darkness. No pain or harm to you. Just a Dream..."

"I will." Hero said shaking his head. "I can't let you take my body over. I'm me... I will stop you!"

"Sir... Sir..." Hero blinked as the void seemed to fade away. He heard Row letting out a scream of anger as he was yanked back to the real world. In front of Hero Ace, the Black Coat, dressed in his full body armor, and his large black helmet stood. "Sir!" Ace said.

"What?" Hero asked looking around with wide eyes.

"I was just trying to say we managed to evacuate everyone, from this block, and your buddies are kind of getting their asses handed to them..." Hero looked on ahead seeing Jackson and Kitsune being thrown around by the Bestia Macht... "You should help them." Ace noted.


"Oh you remember my name. That's nice."

"What do you think I should do..." Hero asked looking down. "I failed my first mission allowing that man to be killed along with the Equation in the doll... I failed my second mission allowing an entire city to be destroyed, along with an Enforcer to be killed and my own brother to escape... And now I'm failing myself... I'm losing to myself. He keeps telling it to me over and over and I know he's right. Everyday I feel it. Everyday I feel myself getting dragged into the abyss as he pulls himself out. I'm fading... So please... Tell me how I can save everyone in front of me! What do I do..."

Ace was silent as he looked away from Hero and over to the Bestia Macht which slammed Jackson into a building. "Honestly... I don't know. I'm a human. Someone who's weak, and a coward. Someone who doesn't have the power to face these monsters. Which is why I don't get why I picked this as my career. I can't save everyone in front of me... I'm simply not strong enough. But you are. You're an Enforcer. You're strong. You might not be strong enough to save them all, but you're strong enough to save at least one person right? That's what an Enforcer does. You can save them. If you can't you get even stronger. Being an Enforcer means being a hero. So please Hero Law. Save us."

Over in the fight Jackson was slammed down as he let out a cry of pain.

'I'm fading...' He realized.

The beast let out a loud laugh as it glared down at him.

"D... Damn it! This thing is only a Viscount but my own attacks don't work on it, and it's learning more moves as it fights..." He growled. The beasts threw its tail out sending Jackson flying back where he crashed into one of the many buildings collapsing on the ground as he began to breath heavily. "And to make matters worse I'm not back to 100% since my last fight..." He growled.

The beast let out a loud laugh as it began to walk towards him. A large black spike stabbed out of its shoulder which it broke off. Lightning covered the black spike as it brought its arm back and threw it as hard as it could sending it towards Jackson who's eyes went wide.

"Eventful Impact!" Hero cried out slamming onto the ground and catching the spike with his transformed arm. His red eyes seemed to glow for a moment as he glared at the beast. "You're going down!"