Over With Jackson

Night One Hundred And Twenty Five

Age 1991

The Red Nation...

Rafflesia City...

Sometime Earlier...

Jackson let out a sigh shaking his head. "God damn it... Why did I think it was a good idea to give this to the two people who get beat up the most? I have made a mistake..."

"Strong..." The Bestia Macht hissed out.

"It talked?" Hero asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah this one talks..." Kitsune sighed.

"How..." The beast hissed.

Hero and Kitsune looked at each other for a moment as they both gave small shrugs. "Well?" Hero said sheepishly. "This Aura is called Mantra the full power of an Equation. I saw Okami Otoko do this long ago when I was a kid and never knew what it was. He was able to do it and could do so much then. By placing your trust, hopes, and dreams, in another person, and they do the same thing with you, both people pull out all their power and throw it back and forth to on another raising it up higher and higher bringing both of them to their max limit."

"Is it smart to tell him how we're doing this?" Kitsune asked.

"I mean does it matter?" Hero asked giving a small shrug. "Not like he can do anything? We've completely shut him down with ease. And even if he does know about it, it's not like he can do anything with it. I mean who's he gonna bond with-"

The Bestia Macht's eyes went wide as it's nine lightning tails formed together and rose up separating into a pair of long blue lightning wings which flapped out allowing it to fire off into the air as both boys stared with wide eyes.

"Uh where's it going?" Kitsune asked.

"I think he's heading to the civilians..." Hero trailed off.






Both boys took off at a high speed into the air using their aura to launch off. Jackson let out another sigh as he shook his head for a moment. "Alright..." He nodded. "Sorry boys but I'm gonna be stepping in now. Can't let that thing-"

"Level Two! Burst Wave!"

"What?" Jackson turned around and had enough time to widen his eyes as a beam of purple energy washed over the street they were standing on as most of the street was blown to bits. "Alright you're an asshole!" Jackson called out now standing on a large building that he jumped to, in order to dodge the massive beam attack. "Who the hell are you?" He called out. Down on the road that had just been blown to bits a new person could be seen.

He stood down on the street looking up at the roof Jackson seemed to stand on. They seemed to be glowing with a small light as they stared at the man. Clad in a large golden crown and a golden mask, as well as white slabs of metal, golden armor, and a long white cape. He was dressed almost in what almost looked like a King's outfit, and a Pharaohs robes mixed together into one. Bright from the Organization... His Cursed Power was active this time. A Transformation type. His left arm was covered in what seemed to be golden armor. It looked different from his last one the giant gauntlet with the many gems. Now instead it looked kind of like a thick sword that had formed down from elbow all the way down his arm. It was nearly six feet long and had large ridges along it. A large barrel poked out of the tip of it which was still smoking.

"Jackson Storm of the Enforcers..." His voice was different now... Altered now. He was using some kind of voice box making it come out broken and weird. "I had been hoping to blast you to ash in a single shot but you went and dodged my attack. Those are some good reflex's."

"Yeah I can move at the speed of lightning, and react that that speed to. Lightning is roughly one third the speed of light so good luck." Jackson smirked dropping down from the roof and landing on the burned street below.

"Not an issue." Bright shrugged. "If you see that someone can dodge your attack easily, then you should stop aiming at where they are and instead aim at where they will be. So. When fighting if you're going to hurl massive attacks around, you should study your opponent, and figure out how they are moving and make yourself an opening. Otherwise you'll use up all your power to soon."

"I... How do you?" Jackson frowned as he stared at the man. "Those were the exact words I said..." He was silent as he stared at the fancily dressed man. "Who are you..."

"You know they record everything that goes on in the training rooms right?" Bright said leaning forward. "Any Enforcer could use it and see what goes on in there. You know I'd be more careful if I were you. You and Katrina have done some... Interesting training when the two of you are both alone together..."

"Oh... Oh no..."






"So... Did you like what you saw?"


"That's fair." Jackson raised his arms up forming a massive bow of lightning. "Now die!" He pulled back firing out a massive blue arrow of crackling lightning that flew down whatever was left of the street at a high speed. Bright slammed his arm up under the arrow just in time and sending the arrow spinning into the air. The arrow glowed and exploded in a massive blue explosion that lit up the black sky.

Bright fired forward after deflecting the arrow as he slashed his massive blade arm out, purple energy poured out of his arm covering the limb and forming a ring of energy around it which roared like some kind of energy chainsaw. He sliced it out but Jackson managed to lean back just in time as the arm sliced over his head splitting the air behind him. His arm glowed and formed into a new form much like how Hero's did shocking Jackson. This arm formed back into the gauntlet with the many gems. The red gem glowed as the glove was covered in flames and he slammed it into Jackson who managed to make a lightning shield just in time. Bright's arm glowed with the blue light as it formed into a large canon arm as a massive blue bullet fired out.

"Alright what's going on." Jackson hissed slamming a lightning hammer into the massive bullet. "What's with the changing arms..."

"I thought you would be used to this." Bright shrugged. "After all one of your recruits can do the same."

"Hero's a f##king weirdo though."

Bright shrugged as his hand glowed and changed into his larger hammer mode. "And you're changing your lightning weapons. Why shouldn't I be able to?"

"You know what I don't care." Jackson said rolling his eyes. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. "Level Two." The lightning formed out forming a massive lightning great sword. "You're going down-"

"Jackson?" The two men were stopped when they looked up just in time seeing Dawson, Ken, Light, and Irene landing down on the rode.

"Ahh Dawson Blight." Bright nodded. "Good. I can get all of you." He slammed his hammer down firing out a wave of golden flames.

Dawson didn't even flinch as he fired forward his red armor wrapping around him and he took the golden flames head on. "I don't know who you are but you're going down." He hissed.

"Before that though. Irene, Ken, Light, you're not needed here." Bright said folding his arms behind his back. "Why don't you three run along and help out that boy all three of you have a crush on."

"Big Brother needs help?" Light said already turning to leave but was stopped when Irene grabbed him and Ken halting them both.

"Vice Captain?"" She just asked.

"Go on." Jackson nodded. "Dawson and I are gonna handle this guy and we'll catch back up."

"Right!" And with that the three recruits quickly left.

"So..." Jackson asked slowly. "How did you know I needed help?"

"Hero's drone." Dawson nodded.

"Right..." Jackson gave a smirk as he held his fist out to Dawson. "Ya know... I went ahead and taught Hero, and Kitsune our secret power up."

"Did ya now..." Dawson held his own fist out as a bright green aura began to morph over them both.

"Friends Bond!" They announced.

Bright seemed to let out a snort as he reached into his pocket. "On my own I wouldn't stand a chance..." He nodded. He pulled out a large needle which he jammed into his neck. "Ash used his power to ground down hundreds of Baron's into pure ash and I just injected them into me." He smirked when he saw the shocked look on Jackson, and Dawson's faces. "We gave this to that Reaper fellow ya know. Made him strong enough to absorb so many bones he became massive... Let's see what'll happen with me!" He roared as he exploded forward his hammer arm growing even larger.

Bright spun on his hills so hard he burned the ground from the kinetic friction as light, and flames covered his massive hammer arm which he swung out at Dawson as hard as he could. Dawson brought his arms up his red armor molding over them as he blocked the attack his demonic helmet forming a large grin. His grin faded though when Bright began to push him back. Bright reached into his pocket slashing out with a normal long sword at Jackson who easily blocked it with his lightning blade. Despite only touching blades for a second Bright's sword was soon melted down as he used all the power in his left arm and threw Dawson back across the street.

Jackson was on him in seconds though breaking through his sword and stabbing out with his lightning blade which grew in size and became curved cutting into his shoulder. He let out a yell of pain as he slammed his hammer arm down but it was stopped when Jackson raised his other arm up forming his lightning shield. Letting out a hiss of frustration he slammed the handle of his destroyed and melted down blade into the top of Jackson's head making the Enforcer stumble back. He didn't have time to feel smug about his attack though as Dawson, the Red Demon, of Squad Six came crashing back slamming into him from behind.

Dawson wrapped his arms around Bright as he spun his body around and slammed the Organization member into the ground as hard as he could. His red arm wrapped around Bright's head and he began to run as fast as he could dragging the man through the road and badly ripping it apart as flames flew off of him and his own green energy crackled wildly. He slammed the man down further, and further into the stone ground but was stopped when Bright managed to point his arm up morphing it into that laser gun which fired out a thin but powerful shot into Dawson's side making both Dawson and Jackson yell out in pain since like with Hero, and Kitsune, they were sharing the pain.

Bright threw the Demon's arm off of him as he jumped back up to his feet and slammed his arm down which morphed into his sword form stabbing it into Dawson's leg and once again making the two Enforcers scream out. Dawson grabbed the blade ripping it out of his leg and squeezed down so hard the entire blade shattered and Bright screamed in pain.

"Let's see who's under that mask!" Dawson roared slamming his red hand into Bright's golden mask and wrapping around it as he began to squeeze down.

"F##k you!" Bright yelled his arm morphing into its gun form as he fired another shot into Dawson throwing the red demon back.

"That really hurts you know!" Jackson screamed crashing down with his lightning sword and slicing Bright's left arm clean off. Bright roared out in pain and tried to jump away but Jackson stepped forward and slammed his head down onto the metal mask so hard it began to crack.

Bright finally managed to get away grabbing his severed arm as his metal mask broke apart into nothing... Underneath they saw he was wearing a black mask that covered his nose down, and he was wearing goggles that covered his eyes. His hair could be seen though which was messy and blonde.

"Damn you..." Bright hissed out. He held his severed arm as he glared at the two of them. "Damn you both... Now I gotta retreat and have that damn doctor fix my arm..."

"Yeah you're not getting away... You know about the Enforcers more than you should... You're in our group aren't you..." Jackson said shaking his head. "And even if you do get away I saw your Cursed Power so-"

"So what?" Bright sneered his lips being seen from under the mouth. "You'll go around and look at everyone's Equation? You saw it for yourself I changed mine several times. You think I'd be foolish enough to actually show you my power that everyone sees? Plus you don't have any proof I'm in the Enforcers. Perhaps there is a traitor or perhaps thanks to the Jester we teleported in... Isn't there a member in the Enforcers who can teleport... Alexander Gates. He was the one who transported every Enforcer to that city last time right?"

"Yeah I don't care enough to keep talking to you. I'm taking that mask off-" Jackson yelled firing forward.

"Cloak!" Bright yelled out suddenly. Jackson had to jump back when hundreds of strings poured out of the ground and a small girl wearing cloaks appeared wrapping her arms around the man. Before any of them could react the strings began to pull apart. "Mark my words Jackson Storm..." Bright hissed out. "At the end of the day... The Hero always wins. You might have stopped me for now, but I will beat you villain's for I am a Hero of Justice! A Superhero!"

And with those words the strings came undone as they vanished.

"Well that was weird..." Jackson sighed scratching at his wounds.

"Yeah it was..." Dawson sighed. He shook his head for a moment. "We should head back..."
