The Practice Tournament

Night One Hundred And Twenty Six

Age 1991

The Red Nation...

Rafflesia City...

Night Time...

"~Where are you going pretty girl~"

"Oh God someone please help me!"

A woman ran down the alleyway at a fast and panicked pace. Her heart wouldn't stop in its panicked beating as she ran forward as fast as she could as something chased after her from behind quickly gaining on her.

"Please!" She cried out up to the dark and black sky that rested above her. "Please don't do this to me! Please someone help me!" She screamed.

It was in the middle of the night so it was pretty dark. However due to everything that had been happening recently a lot of the lights were still on and cameras were everywhere. You'd have to be an idiot to go off and try and kill a person during all of this...

Sadly some killers are idiots...

"~Little girl~," A dark voice said in a singing voice as the figure that was behind her got closer and closer. "~Little girl, little girl~," The figure laughed as it moved towards her. "Why are ya running? I'm only gonna hurt you a little you know..."

The girl shivered as she turned the corner and froze when she saw the dead end up ahead. Her eyes went wide as she shook. "Oh no..."

"~Did you really think you could get away from me~ It's a good thing there are so many alleyways and you guys run down them for some reason... Seriously does no one ever think just don't go in the alleyways when being chased? Not sure why I'm complaining though... It makes it way easier to catch pretty little girls like you... H... Hahaha."

"Please! I'm sorry! Please oh God... Don't hurt me. Please..."

The woman turned around as a man walked around the corner. His long pink hair fell down his face in a mess. His cold hungry-looking eyes stared at her. The small amount of light that was present shimmered off of the blade he held in his hands. He had wild pink hair and excited looking pink eyes as well as a massive nose and a bright pink beard. His outfit was actually a very rich business suit, the kind you'd expect someone who works at the bank to wear, and in his hands he was holding a large knife which he twirled around as he slowly approached her his grin growing larger.

"As a kid I was always picked on ya see..." He smirked. "Everyone always made fun of me because of my massive nose... Ya know how big this damn thing is? 3.72 inches... This damn thing is a world record holder... And my pink hair didn't help. All the girls always say the same thing. Servey this... Servey that.."

"Y... Your name is Servey?"

"Yeah! I was even born with a lame name! It's like I was made to be fun of... I never got a chance at life. Only reason I even have a job is my mind is all messed up. Can't forget things I see. No matter how hard I try. I'm good at remembering numbers so the damn bank hired me. But even they make fun of me... So that's why I do this... The rush... The power... I'm in control." He laughed twirling his knife. "I'm the best!"

"Please..." The woman said again but slower this time as she pressed her back up to the wall. "Please God someone help!'

"You're dead!" He laughed as he began to bring the knife down. "When you get to hell tell them I- What the hell is up with that green light-"

"Scorching Fox!"

"Hell's Gate!"

A pair of voice screamed out as a massive combo attack from Hero, and Kitsune fired out forming a massive green flaming fox which was producing a loud musical burst of sound which slammed down into the man knocking him down. Both boys landed down in front of the woman clad in their Rival power.




"Damn it Devil Arm we agreed on Scorching Fox! Combining your heat, and my flames together into a badass combo attack!"

"And I told you Fox, that Scorching Fox is a dumbass name! Your foxes are already Scorching their on fire all the time you idiot! Hell's Gate is way cooler! It keeps the religious part of my powers, which I have for some reason and the... Well... Foxes guard stuff so? Gates..."

"See yours doesn't make sense either!"

"Hey screw you!"

"Uh... What..." The woman asked with wide eyes.

"Busy!" Both boys yelled ignoring her. Hero and Kitsune both threw out attacks at one another but since they were connected not only did they hit each other, they then experienced the pain from their own attacks making them both yell out. "Ow..." They both hissed.

"I... I'm saved?" The woman asked. "Can I go-"


"O... Okay!"

The ground began to shake as seconds later Sevrey rose out of it covered in wood and branches as trees began to form out of him. "Ha! You guys didn't expect me to have an Equation! I can summon nature and-"

"Who the hell's he?" Kitsune asked.

"I don't know but he's pissing me off. Let's try that other combo attack..." Hero nodded.

"The one where we-"

"Yeah that one."

"Hell yeah!" Kitsune jumped into the air grabbing his blade with both hands and pointing it up above his head as the flames began to warp around his body to the point where he looked like a massive flaming bullet. As he fell Hero raised his right arm which morphed into his massive canon arm the hole in it big enough to fit Kitsune who slid inside still as a flaming bullet. Hero brought his massive canon arm down as nine flaming tails poured out of the back of it wrapping around the arm and sound began to echo out of it.

"Hey..." Hero said casually pointing the gun at Servey.

"Uh... Hi?"

"What's your name again?"

"Servey why?"

"Well Servey... Looks like you've just been servey'd Justice!"

"Oh my God just fire me!" The voice of Kitsune yelled from inside the gun.

"Rising Sun!" Hero yelled stepping back as his massive gun exploded with huge impact and the flaming bullet that was Kitsune blasted out at nearly Mach Twenty or nearly 15000 Miles Per Hour blasting out of the barrel with a loud sonic boom as every window in a five mile radius was just blasted apart and so much heat blasted out it nearly melted the alleyway in seconds. It wasn't even a battle. Kitsune rammed into the poor man so hard the guy would most certainly never be walking again.

When the smoke cleared Kitsune could be seen standing on the guys chest. "I think I got him he called out?"

"What?" Hero and the girl both asked only hearing loud ringing.

A Few Minuets Later the Black Coats arrived dragging the badly injured man off to prison while a few stayed behind to talk to the woman and get her statement on the matter.

Hero and Kitsune were off in the back talking.

"It's hard to believe it's been a week since the last incident." Hero sighed.

"I know." Kitsune muttered. "And now those weird Squad Nine guys are here..."

After the battle with the Bestia Macht they had managed to get everyone who still needed it back to a hospital. Jackson had left to go to Oleander to inform them of the traitor, while Squad Nine had come to their city to study more of the human Bestia Macht's... It had been pretty annoying having the science squad run around blabbing on and on about this and that... Plus Ken seemed to be kind of uncomfortable around them as well. Hero hadn't told anyone about his conversation with Row. They still didn't need to know that he was going away. He was going to find a way to fix it... He had to.

"Tomorrow you, Ken, Dawson, and Katrina are going to Oleander city right... Squad One is also going there... You guys are gonna do a few practice rounds?"

"Yeah... I think it's gonna be boring though." Hero sighed throwing his arms behind his head. "We're gonna enter some tower or something. It's a hostage rescue excise. So it won't be that good..."

"Right... Hey you think that guys gonna be alright."


"Makes sense..."


The Next Day...

Oleander City...

At the edge of the old and stone city a massive wooden tower rested with large metal beams supporting it. It rested in a large open lot away from the public and several people could be seen. At one corner of the large lot Hero, Ken, Shelly, Max, Emma, and Lucy could be seen. At another end Katrina, Jackson, and Dawson could be seen, as well as Sif, and Nick, and finally a strange girl in a wooden mask. She was the Vice Captain of Squad One, and in her arms she held the typical teddy bear that was always around when the Squad One Captain wasn't. Also standing near by was Eins, and North who were swinging around 'Go Shelly Go!' Flags like their life depended on it.

"You would require a cheerleading team." Ken said flatly.

"I... I didn't ask them..." Shelly blushed looking away as she stomped her foot. Ken's smug look didn't last though when she heard her own cheering.

"Go Ken Go!" Jackson yelled through a bullhorn as Dawson held a tiny Ken figurine up to the sky. Ken looked away not meeting Shelly's smug look.

"Why the hell does she get an action figure?" Hero asked raising an eyebrow. "I'm the main character? And a Superhero! I want an action figure!"

"There, there..." Emma said patting the boys head.

"I'm still surprised Squad Seven is here." Max hummed. "I wasn't expecting you guys to show."

"Our Captain thought it would be good training..." Lucy said in her flat dead voice as she wrapped her arms around Hero's waist and rested her head on the boys shoulders. "Dibs by the way."

Max hummed as he looked away pointing to a spot. "They're gonna be watching you know." He shrugged.

"Hmm..." Hero followed his finger. Past the large group of Captains, and cheering Squad members he saw a large group of suited people all with notepads, and cameras all sitting in large chairs. "Who are they?" Master Storm, as well as Angel of the Four Beasts could be seen talking to them all.

"They're the people even the mighty Master fears." Max nodded. "The dreaded HR..."

"Oh. My. God... What do they do?" Ken asked making everyone fall back.

Shelly was the first to get back up as she shook her head. "Humanity's Red..." Shelly nodded. "Also called Human Resources to... They actually serve directly under the Empress of our Nation so they're ranked above even the Enforcers. They aren't fighters though. Many don't even have powers, and aren't Nobles. They're responsible for informing the Empress how the Enforcers are doing so she knows how much of a budget to give them, and how much power she should allow... One bad word from them and there won't be an Enforcers."

"Oh... So they aren't strong." Ken hummed no longer interested.

"You're hopeless." Shelly sighed.

"No I'm devilish. And cute."

"6 out of 10 at best..." Shelly shrugged.

"You little..."

"Why do you two always end up fighting?" Hero asked rolling his eyes. "I mean Max and I don't fight right Max?"

"I'm going to slaughter you like a dirty animal today Hero." Max nodded.

"...Emma and I don't fight right Emma-"

"Sorry Hero I'm not holding back today and will be targeting you, since Max terrifies me, Shelly's my friend, Lucy's on my team, and Ken can heal."

"And I'm leaving you to the wolves for hanging out with Kitsune more than me." Ken nodded. "Fend for yourself peasant."

"Well shit."

"How are you all doing! It's been a while!" A loud voice announced. Ken let out a hiss much like a cat would when a pair of arms wrapped around her and she was lifted up off of the ground.

"Oh Mister Eins!" Shelly said with wide eyes. They turned seeing him, and North, as well as Jackson, and Dawson had walked over. Eins currently had Ken in a tight bear hug a huge grin on his face as she tried to thrash around hissing wildly.

"It's been a while since I last saw you Ken! Remember me? I was at the Enforcers try out room."

"Yeah you were that freaking pervert!" Ken hissed finally managing to get out of his arms and landing in Hero's arms who had a blank expression on his face as he held Ken, and Lucy still rested her head on his shoulder. Feeling left out Emma began to rub his head.

"What's with them all..." Max and Shelly both asked staring at Hero who had a dead expression on his face being used to it at this point. Shelly shook her head and turned back to the man. "Mister Eins, and Mister North why are you here with the enemy?" She asked shooting Dawson, and Jackson dirty looks who both let out innocent whistles.

Eins gave a large grin as he reached out and patted the girls head. "Why to wish you on of course? We'll be starting soon and you need to all do your best. Not just you and Max. I think all six of you should go all out! Show the golden flames of passion!" He announced. He raised his left arm out to Hero for a fist pump.

"Uh... Thanks?" Hero said awkwardly fist pumping the man. He dropped Ken and made sure to move away from Emma, and Lucy. "What about you two?" He asked turning to Jackson and Dawson.

"We also came to wish you all good luck." Dawson nodded. He leaned forward and began to whisper to Hero. "And if you do well and show up those smug ass Squad One bastards you'll get your own action figure."

"Hell. Yeah."

North let out a chuckle as he scratched his head sheepishly. "Uh... If you guys don't mind... I was actually hoping I could talk to Mr. Law. Alone." He nodded.
