
Night One Hundred And Thirty Two

Age 1991

The Red Nation...

Rafflesia City...

The Court Room...

Loud cheering echoed throughout the court room as the trail went as expected. Servey Long was found guilty on all charges. To be shipped off to Nightshade was his fate...

Everyone knew what Nightshade was. It took up one fifth of the world. Much like there are the Four Nations, The Red Nation, The Blue Nation, The White Nation, and The Green Nation, there was Nightshade. An entire massive Nation dedicated to holding prisoners. Those who have Equations, and committed sin, are sent here for life as their punishment. Every Prison Guard has an Equation of their own, and the entire Nation is stranded in the middle of the Black Ocean filled with horrible monsters. They were proud to say they've never had an escape.


Everyone knew of Nightshade.

And judging by the fearful look in Servey's face he knew what fate awaited him as well.

"It's not fair!" He hissed quietly to himself as a pair of arms wrapped around him and he was dragged out of his chair. He glared daggers at everyone in the room as he was dragged back blaming everyone but himself. "If not for those two... I would have been..." His glare grew as his mind went to the two Enforcers that had beat him down.

Even with an Equation he was useless. He was no superhuman, any gun could take him out. People like that, the Enforcers, they train daily working harder than anyone. Even without an Equation they could have beaten him.

"I swear... I'm going to-"

"To what?" The Black Coat that was escorting him to the door asked giving the back of Servey's head a slap. "Pal you're not gonna see another innocent soul after today. Off to the land of monsters with you."

Servey fumed more as his eyes began to wander everyone in the room.

And than he saw it...

Up at the top of the room several windows could be seen... And standing in one of the windows staring down at the room was a man in all gold. Bright from the Organization. He was just watching... Waiting...

"What the hell-"

Servey felt his legs give out as he suddenly fell forward collapsing on the ground. Blood began to flow out of his chest as something stabbed into him. He looked down to see the large knife that was now in his chest.

"That was for my daughter!" A man was screaming being dragged back by the Black Coats. "Do you even know her name! Nightshade is too good for a monster like you! I'll kill you myself!" He screamed waving another knife around. It would seem someone couldn't wait for Servey to serve his punishment.

Servey gasped out feeling blood fill his throat as he tried to reach up and pull the knife out. "No, no, no!" A panicked Black Coat said. "Don't remove the knife we have help on the way-"

The knife slid out with ease as more and more blood flowed out of the room drenching Servey's jump suit in seconds. His breathing was pained and heavy his chest pumping in and out at fast speeds as his eyes stared out in horror. And than... His breathing began to get better... His wounds slowly began to close making the Black Coat stare in shock. Servey also looked down at his own hands unsure what was happening. He felt pain behind his eyes as they flashed and his iris became silver. And a strand of his pink hair too changed to silver. It was just like with Ken, and Viper, a lock of silver hair, and a pair of bright silver eyes. A Seraphin.

"What the hell..." The Black Coat asked but this time he was silenced as blood flowed down his chest. He stared in shock as Servey's hand simply stabbed through his chest and literally ripping his beating heart out crushing it...

The room was in silent horror as Servey stood up steam flowing off of his wound as he fully healed and his face twisted into a smirk. He easily snapped the hand cuffs glaring at everyone. "You're all dead now!" He laughed a red and black energy flowing out of him, as well as the large black spikes. "I'm gonna slaughter you all!" He laughed.

Up in the windows Bright continued to watch as Servey flashed around the room ripping people apart left and right. "Hmm..." Bright hummed. "This one was close. He stayed a Seraphin for longer than anyone else so far... But it couldn't be because of his Equation... I refuse to accept that. Rather it must be his mental state? Maybe age is a factor as well... Come to think of it he's pretty young... Ken and Viper were both turned when they were kids right? Yes that's it... I'll try it on a kid next... It'll work. It has to. A hero always wins in the end. I will make a Seraphin..."

Back down in the room Servey was having so much fun he didn't even notice as his skin began to change and he stopped being a Seraphin... Large antlers grew out of his head much like what a deer would have. As did a pair of hooves forming on his feet which twisted back slightly. His skin grew darker and gained brown fur and a long slender tail stabbed out as plates of bone armor formed on parts of him, as did a pair of long claws, and fangs, which he didn't even question.

Instead he just laughed as he sliced another man down with ease...

"Who's next!" He cackled.


Squad Six Base...

"Emergency!" Hannah yelled phasing through the wall and landing in the room Jackson, Dawson, Ken, Irene, Light, and Captain Katrina were in making them all jump. "Bestia Macht spotted. This one is stronger than the others. The Black Coats aren't even able to hold it off we gotta go!"

"Right." Katrina nodded already on her as Jackson, Dawson, and the other three recruits followed after her. "Where are Kitsune, and Hero?" She questioned.

"Uh..." Hannah's eyes were wide as she stared around awkwardly.

Katrina stopped and looked at Hannah. "What did you do..."

"I uh... Kind of sent them out on a fake mission to mess with my little brother..."

"Of course you did..." Katrina sighed. "No matter we'll all make do without them."

"You're going to Captain Katrina?" Ken questioned.

"Of course." Katrina nodded.


"I've never seen you fight before..." Irene mused. "I suppose it'll be good."

"What about that last Squad member on our team?" Light asked. "The Santa one?"

"He doesn't fight." Katrina shrugged hitting a button and opening up the wall. "He just sits in the basement and makes stuff. Now let's go!"

"Right!" The group all announced.


Meanwhile In The Park...

"-and that's why the Catacombs are still being expanded and used even to this day." Key nodded.

"Cool..." Both boys said nodding their head.

Currently the three of them were all outside of an ice cream shop, the one the group had gone to after they finished the second mission all that time ago. Hero had a simple vanilla ice cream on a cone, same as Key, but Kitsune went with some weird spicy ice cream or something. They were all just kind of chilling out on a day where nothing was happening and it was totally boring.

"Hard to believe there are just billions of bones underneath the ground..." Hero mused nodding his head.

"Kind of creepy when you think about it-" Kitsune began but was silenced when a bright silver car literally exploded past them at a high speed. "What the hell... Was that Squad Six's car?"


"Hey it says that section nine of the city is off limits due to a Bestia Macht attack..." Key said checking her phone.

"Crap..." Hero and Kitsune both said with wide eyes.

They both quickly jumped back up to their feet slapping some money on the ground. "We gotta go ma'am." Hero called out.

"Really?" Key asked.

"Afraid so." Kitsune nodded. "We're Enforcers after all. We got a job to do."

"Oh." Key gave them both a small smile as she cocked her head to the side. "That's to bad. I was enjoying my time with you both. I don't have very many friends-"

Hero fired forward slamming his hand around Key as he jumped away just in time as the figure came crashing down onto the spot Key had been. Hero rolled back holding Key in his arms as he landed next to Kitsune. "That was close!" Hero said with wide eyes.

"What just happened!" Key asked in a panic.

Kitsune pointed past her and Hero over to the table they had all three been at a moment ago. A new figure rested on the table sitting on it in a casual manner. From head to toe they were cloaked in various rags, and cloaks. They even had one that was placed over their face hiding their appearance completely. They leaned back slightly looking at both boys. They were a young woman judging by her height. "Give me the girl..." Cloak said softly.

"Looks like you are a big deal Ms. Frost." Hero joked. He slowly rested Key on the ground behind him as his right arm morphed into his large clawed arm. Kitsune drew his blade his flaming ears and tail ignited. "How about no." Hero announced firing towards the woman.

"Very well..." Cloak nodded. "We'll do it the hard way than..."

As Hero reached her he slashed out with his right arm but she was fast jumping into the air and avoiding the attack. As she flew he pointed his arm at her as his feathers fired out igniting into flames. Cloak slashed her left arm out a wave of strings firing out of her hands and slicing into Hero's feathers. Hero's own arm proved to be to strong though as he held it up blocking the strike with ease not even being pushed back.

Cloak landed on the ground with a soft landing and turned lightning fast placing her hands above her head and creating a thin string barley visible above her right as Kitsune reached her slicing out his katana getting caught on the thin string unable to hit it at all. Kitsune grunted as the flames covered his blade and he sliced through it but Cloak simply covered her entire right arm with the iron like strings and raised it up blocking his strike with her arm. The string wrapped around his blade and she twisted herself around dragging Kitsune and throwing him into a building as hard as she could.

"Lot's Salt!"

Cloak barley had time to twist her body back as a pillar of black energy exploded out of the ground where she had been standing. As soon as she looked up her eyes went wide when she saw Hero falling towards her his arm now in its drill mode. Cloak stabbed her own arm up the strings wrapping around it forming a string drill which she stabbed up as hard as she could. It was no match for the real deal though as Hero broke through and slammed down on the ground his arm morphing back into the clawed form as he threw out a powerful punch slamming it into her small frame and sending her flying back. As she flew Kitsune was in the air above her slashing his blade out and slamming a pillar of flames down into her as hard as he could and sending her deeper into the ground.

Over with Key she was watching the Enforcers fight as she nodded her head. "Whoa... They're actually pretty strong aren't they..." She mused. She slowly raised her camera up taking a picture of Hero who had his back to her facing the crater Cloak was slowly pulling herself out of.

'Something is wrong...'

"Oh Row you're back." Hero said alarmed when he had heard the voice. Row hadn't spoken to him ever since the practice event.

'Focus idiot. Something isn't right.'

"What do you mean?" Hero asked raising his arm up and blocking a strike from Cloak. "Kitsune take over! Gotta talk to the voice in my head."

"Sure thing." Kitsune shrugged not questioning it. As he flew past Hero the two fist bumped igniting the green cloak of aura around them both. "Take this!" He yelled slamming his sword out at Cloak now faster, and stronger, thanks to the Bond.

"What's up?" Hero asked jumping out of the fight.

'I'm not sure but... This fight is off... It's like... Hmm... It's like she's trying her best to really kill you, but her best isn't good enough?' He said trying to explain what he meant.

"I don't think I get it..." Hero said shaking his head.

'She's clearly a part of the Organization.' Row explained. 'That Vice Captain said in his fight with one, a girl in cloaks showed up and saved the man. I'm assuming that's her. If she's in that group she should be a lot stronger.'

"So she's holding back?"

'No... That's not it... I can fill the killer intent coming off of her... She's going at full power... What's wrong is that this shouldn't be her full power... She's to weak? Either that or you and Kitsune have really gotten stronger and considering I see and hear everything you do that doesn't make sense... Finish this fight quickly. Something is wrong... Very wrong...'

Hero hummed as he nodded his head. He fired forward joining Kitsune as they both began to unleash a barrage of powerful attacks at the woman each one attacking her from either side. Poor Cloak was doing her best to dodge but Row had been right, her stats were just off. She was to slow to block some of the attacks, a barrage of heat, fire, sound, feathers, foxes, katana's, and claws. As Hero and Kitsune both hit her with a large attack throwing her back she let out a pained hiss.

"Let's end it now!" Hero announced his arm morphing into his large canon form. He raised the large canon up. "You know what to do Kitsune!"


Kitsune jumped into the air as high as he could go spinning around as his flames wrapped around him and he pointed his katana up holding it with both hands as he slid into the hole of the canon still spinning. From the bottom of the canon nine flaming tails formed out which wrapped around Hero's large gun arm squeezing down and setting it on fire. Hero himself slammed his gun down pointing it at the woman in cloaks as his stabbed his feet into the ground to avoid the recoil of his blast. "Rising Sun!" He bellowed out.

And in a massive blast Kitsune exploded out of the barrel the entire street being hit with a loud sonic boom as he rammed into Cloak stabbing his blade into her body as hard as he could and sending all the flames into her exploding out of her back and igniting the area. Kitsune came to a sliding stop riding the body of Cloak across the ground.

He had a small frown on his face though as he grabbed the cloak and pulled it off showing only millions of strings underneath which had formed her body... "It was a fake?"

"What?" Hero asked his arm morphing back to normal.

'I told you...'

"T... Thank you both for saving me." Key said walking towards them both. She took another picture of the two of them as she smiled. "I don't know what I would have done without you... That person... They must be after me because of my family name... The Frost... It isn't uncommon for people to kidnap me and try to black mail money out of my husband."

"That's horrible." Hero said with wide eyes.

"Meh." Kitsune shrugged. "Happened to me all the time when I was a kid."

Hero gave a small frown. "I hope the others can handle whatever that mission is... We need to get Key to safety... If someone's after her we can't stay out in the open. Let's head back to Squad Six with her..."

"Right." Kitsune nodded. He turned to look back at Key. "Don't worry. You're safe with us." He announced. "If the real one attacks we'll beat her down to! Even if she's way stronger!"

Key gave a small smile as she took their hands and they began to quickly hurry down the street. 'These two... They're so much like Bright... Heroes... I wonder how Bright's mission is going...'