The Talking Bestia Macht

Night One Hundred And Thirty Three

Age 1991

The Red Nation...

Rafflesia City...

The Court Room...

Loud cackling echoed out as the doors to the court room were kicked down and the Bestia Macht stomped out of the building large branches growing out of his back and ripping several of the walls down. His face twisted into a large grin when he saw the flashing white lights as a large silver car came to a sliding stop in front of the building. The doors quickly opened and several Enforcers all stepped out.

"Ha! Looks like the Enforcers are here! Where are those two brats! I'm gonna kill them-"

"Oh my God is that Bestia Macht talking!" Ken asked with wide eyes.

"Bestia Macht where!" The Bestia Macht asked looking around with wide eyes. "I don't see a Bestia Macht."

"Um... L... Look at your hands?" Jackson offered.

The man stared down at his hands for a moment as his eyes went wide. "Ahh! What's happened to me! I'm a Bestia Macht! What's going on!" He screamed.

"Is... Is it normal for the human ones to... To be able to speak?" Katrina asked slowly blinking a few times.

"Weird..." Hannah nodded.

Jackson gave a small hum as he scratched at his chin. "W... Well... I mean... We fought one that could but... Well it was still acting like a Bestia Macht... It only said short phase like 'die' or things like that. It was more like it was mimicking human speech. This one though... He didn't even understand he was a Bestia Macht? It's like he's in total control of who he is as a person or something..."

"Oh God what happened to me!" Servey whined collapsing to his knees. "I've become some kind of monster or something... My life is over."

"Well... I mean..." Jackson gave a shrug. "What do we do in this situation?"

"I mean he is a Bestia Macht..." Dawson nodded. "Hey. Who were you. Before you became a Bestia Macht?" Dawson asked.

"My name was S... I was a Black Coat assigned to escort that criminal Servey to prison. He broke out though with his Equation and started slaughtering everyone... I thought I died to but than I woke up like this." Servey said nodding his head. "I'm not a bad person."

Irene gave a small frown. "Wait than why did you say you were going to kill two brats? I mean you're obviously referring to Hero, and Kitsune, who beat up Servey. I know because they will not shut up about it..."

"I... Err... Well... That is..." Servey stuttered at a lost for words before a loud gasp echoed behind him. Him and the Enforcers all turned seeing a heavily beat up Black Coat pull himself out of the rubble. Ace the lead Black Coat.

"He's lying." Ace gasped out in pain. "He's Servey Long! He turned and just started killing everyone even before he turned into a Bestia Macht. He's insane!"

"Why you little!" Servey fired towards the man at a high speed slashing his claws out as hard as he could but before he could reach the man he was stopped when he felt a powerful kick to his side hitting him so hard he was blasted back across the parking lot slamming into a metal pole. Servey let out a loud groan and looked up seeing it was Ken?

"Whoa..." Jackson said with wide eyes. "Ken's pretty fast. Maybe as fast as me even... I didn't even have time to move."

Ken grabbed Ace the Black Coat and quickly jumped back over to the rest.

"Good work Ken." Katrina nodded patting the girls head. "Alright. We're entering a special formation." She announced. "Ken, Light, Irene, and Dawson, you all protect this injured man. Jackson and I will handle the Bestia Macht. Hannah your job is to make sure he can't run away." She said.

"Right!" Hannah nodded phasing down through the ground. Ken, Irene, Light, and Dawson, all got on either side of Ace who was back on the ground breathing heavily. He had a wooden stake stabbing out of his side and did not look to good.

"You know. Now that I know he is a murderer, and I just watched him try to kill a Black Coat, I don't feel sorry for him anymore." Jackson nodded. "Talking or not, he's a dangerous Bestia Macht, and has to be put down before he can hurt anyone else."

"Right..." Katrina nodded.

The Bestia Macht let out a groan as he stood up his body healing from all the damage. "Ha! Don't make me laugh. I'm so much stronger now!" He cackled ignoring the fact he was just kicked by a fourteen year old girl so hard he was knocked off his feet. "I had my Equation for a while now but I never bothered to train up my body. You guys are Superhuman even without an Equation pushing the body past the limits. I was just a normal man with an Equation. Like giving a handgun to a random guy on the street and placing him next to the best soldiers. But with this body... I'm so much stronger..." He grinned. "I have so much power, and I don't feel pain. I've evolved so much!" He cackled. "You aren't even aware of how much stronger I am. I'm not scared of you guys!"

"I see..." Katrina nodded. A sly smirk crossed onto her face. "Well big bad Bestia Macht. I guess we'll have to go at full power than."

"W... What?"

"Are we using that?" Jackson asked happily.

"We are..." Katrina nodded holding her hand out to her boyfriend.

Jackson took it as they both closed their eyes. For a brief moment the entire parking lot seemed to lit up as a faint pink aura covered their bodies swirling around and they activated their own bond.

"Whoa... What's with that aura..." Ken breathed out feeling the glow coming off of them. She felt it. All of them could. Katrina's love for her Squad and desire to keep them safe. Like a Mother wanting to protect their children. Jackson's was different though. His was more like the feeling of an older sibling wanting to protect his little siblings. An aura quite literally of love. Safety and security. Jackson and Katrina were in love with each other, but their love went deeper. It swarmed all of Squad Six. Their family. Ken felt her heart beating faster and faster as their aura evened out.

"Right... Forgot you still weren't here when Light explained it..." Irene nodded.

"Well? What is it?"

"I'm still not telling you."


Katrina and Jackson opened their eyes staring down the Bestia Macht who now felt a little bit nervous. Despite that he still managed to hold his ground as he cleared his throat. "A... An interesting Light show I will give that to you. But that means nothing. I mean you're both glowing bright pink now. You think I'm scared of some silly hot pink aura? Haha! I'm not. I'm so much stronger. I'm a Bestia Macht-"

"If you're so strong than why don't you try and attack us?" Jackson offered.

"Fine I will!" The Beast that was once, or still was, Servey yelled out as he jumped into the air. The wood came out of his arm wrapping around it like a large wooden lance spinning around his limb like some kind of drill as he dropped down from the sky stabbing it down. Katrina and Jackson both jumped away avoiding the stab and in mere seconds were back on him jumping towards him Jackson creating a blade of lightning, and Katrina swirling her Kinetic force around her punch. Servey raised both his arms up on either side creating large wooden shields which blocked both strikes as he glared at both of them a mini shock wave exploding out from the force of their attacks. "I'm gonna kill you all... Than I'll find those two damn brats that beat me the first time and rip them apart."

Katrina gave a smug grin staring her nose down at the beast. "Sorry but if this is the best you can do, than those two 'brats' would still be able to slaughter you." She said. "Oh and I prefer you not to call them that. They have names after all." She hissed out her leg slamming past the shield and delivering a powerful kinetic kick which sent the Bestia Macht flying back crashing across the parking lot and slamming into the silver car exploding it in a ball of flames.

"My car! Again..." Jackson said with wide eyes. "Santa and I spent five days fixing it last time!" He whined.

"Whoops..." Katrina shrugged. She patted his head. "We'll get you a new one. For now let's finish this guy off. He's pretty weak though. A single recruit could take him out. Guess he's not a strong as he thinks he is... And judging by that his regeneration is messed up or something..."

"What?" Jackson turned to look back finding the Bestia Macht climbing out of the burning wreckage letting out a loud groan of pain as he did. His flesh was badly burnt and it was sort of healing... It was slow though. And even then not all of his body was being healed. Compared to the ones that were replacing entire limbs, or heads, or even half their body when it was blown off, his was just... Bad? Not even really worth noting. Even Ken's self healing was way better than his crappy version. "Huh... Neat..." Jackson nodded.

"You two... You two are dead." The Bestia Macht roared firing forward and creating a massive wooden battle axe which he slashed down as hard as he could sending it towards Jackson and Katrina. Only for Jackson to reach up and catch the massive battle axe with both his thumb and pointer finger gripping it so tightly the axe began to crack. Small wisps of lightning crackled off of his fingers and lit the entire battle axe on fire burning Servey's hands and making him drop it as his arms were ignited. "Ow! You son of a bit-"

Jackson reached out gripping the beast by the mouth and raising him up off the ground by the jaw with one hand. His lightning blue eyes crackled with the force of the Storm family, and his pink aura's glow actually got brighter. "You know..." Jackson said in a casual tone. "I kind of feel sorry for you. I mean you've been given so many advantages. You were rich in life, and had an Equation but you wasted it by giving into despair and killing. Than you went and turned into a Bestia Macht but you were so weak that even that was nothing. I mean I don't even think you're a Viscount... You're like a Baron at best and even that's a little to generous..."

"I'll... I'll kill-"

"Flashing Thunder Combo." Jackson announced throwing the Bestia Macht into the air with a powerful kick. He flashed up at a fast speed kicking the beast up higher and higher moving so fast that it actually looked like there were four Jackson's for a moment. After the fourth kick Jackson flashed above the beast spinning his body as the lightning covered in from head to toe and he became a tornado of lightning delivering one last powerful thunder charged kick into the beasts face slamming it down into the ground with a large blast. "Combo attack!" He announced proudly landing on the ground.

"Show off..." Katrina said flatly.

"If being a show off means being badass, than yeah. I'm a show off." Jackson smirked.

The Bestia Macht groaned in pain his body slowly healing or at least attempting to, as he eyed Katrina and Jackson up. Than past them was Ken, Irene, Light, and Dawson, and than there was still that one in the ground. "Okay..." He said raising his hands up. "I give!"


"I give up. Arrest me." Servey announced. "That's the law. I surrender. You have to arrest me."

"Uh... You're a Bestia Macht? We're gonna kill you..." Katrina shrugged.

"But I surrender-" The top of his head was blasted off just above his eyes as Katrina sent a high speed kinetic pebble into him.

"And I told you. You're a Bestia Macht who slaughtered several people and threatened my Squad... You're going to die."

Servey felt a rush of fear blast through him as large wooden wings stabbed out of his back and he flew off into the air at a fast speed avoiding Hannah's attack as she rose out of the ground. He took flight flying higher and higher into the air as he attempted to flee.

"Hey Ken come here for a second." Katrina said.

"Uh yeah-"

Ken was silenced when Katrina picked her up. "Take out his wings!" She announced throwing the girl as hard as she could.

"Why are people always throwing me!" Ken cried as she blasted off spinning through the air and slamming into Sevrey as they were blasted across the city and began to fall...