Squad Nine

Night One Hundred And Thirty Four

Age 1991

The Red Nation...

Outside Rafflesia City...

Outside of Rafflesia, nearly on the edge of it a newly built large stone, and metal fortress could be seen. On the front of the building a large Number 'Nine' rested in big bold font. Squad Nine wasn't like the other Squads. For one several of the people in their Squad didn't have Cursed Powers. No Equations. Squad Nine was known as the research Squad. It's former Captain, Captain Hyde, was a smart man who made several gadgets people used, and led the Seraphin project, as well as project Rebirth, and Project God Killer before those were shut down by Master Storm. Squad Nine also didn't have it's own city it guarded. Rather it moved from place to place.

This massive stone, and metal fortress, was covered by a thick three foot metal gate, that was nearly fifty feet high covered in barb wire and other painful things like straight up lightning, that would hurt if you were to climb it...

Several soldiers and people in lab coats could be seen moving back and forth and inside of the building a man rested.

He had slick black hair, bright shining eyes filled with wonder, a crooked hat was on his head, and he wore a pair of large round glasses that had an obviously fake mustache on them. He also wore a neat and clean lab coat. In his hands he was holding several documents which he rapidly went through letting out a small hum.

The doors to his room slid open as a young nineteen looking girl with tied back black hair and blank black eyes walked in. She was dressed in the standard Enforcers gear, but she had collar around her neck, and a weird pink bow on her head.

"Professor Newt." She said speaking in a soft tone as she gave a small bow.

"Ahh! Automata!" The Captain announced nodding his head as he began to rapidly sip a large cup of coffee. "What brings you here!!!" He was practically bouncing up and down as he spoke in a cheerful voice.

"I have something I think you would like to see..." Automata said bowing her head. She reached into the front of her jacket pulling out a large metal scroll which she slid over to the man.

He took it turning it on and showing off a screen of the current news events going on in Rafflesia City...

"My, my..." He gave a large smirk as he nodded his head. "Little Ken is fighting a Bestia Macht. Thank you for keeping me updated on this. I do like her after all. I was there the day the Seraphin Project was formed. Course back then my father, was still in his first body, and not insane. He was a great Enforcer to. I can't believe he became a shadow monster and made her!" He laughed.

"Sir that is not why I came to you."

"It isn't?"

"No sir. I came to you to inform you of the fact that the Bestia Macht she is fighting seems to be able to talk-"

"Talk! Like words and stuff!"

"...Yes... Like words and stuff..."

"Why didn't you say anything sooner! We must be off than!" He announced throwing off his lab coat. Than he walked over to his closest and pulled out another lab coat which he slipped on. "Gotta be well dressed!" He announced. "Now Transform!"

"In doors sir-"

"Did I stutter?"

The girl sighed and nodded her head. Her body glowed for a moment and she changed into a freaking fighter jet! The entire room was ripped apart as this massive plane suddenly appeared into the room ripping it apart. The Captain quickly jumped onto the wing as he pointed forward.


And with that the planes engines began to roar...


"Why are people always throwing me!" Ken cried as she blasted off spinning through the air and slamming into Sevrey as they were blasted across the city and began to fall...

Servey slammed into the ground rolling to a stop now on the other side of the city as he let out a loud hiss of pain. He quickly jumped back up to his feet looking around. Everyone on the street stopped as they stared at the Bestia Macht which came crashing down in shock.

"Stop looking at me!" He roared large branches suddenly jutting out of his body and slashing out in all directions. He was just about to cover someone up with them and kill them but was stopped when a hand stabbed through his gut. His eyes went wide as he spat out a glob of blood.

"Sorry. Can't let you do that." Ken announced.

"You..." He turned towards her throwing out a powerful punch but Ken reached up catching the fist in one hand as she squeezed down so hard his entire hand broke causing him to roar in pain. Ken's leg came out slamming a powerful kick to the man's gut caving it in and making him barf out more blood and vomit as he was sent flying back slamming into a large truck. He groaned as steam began to flow off of his body and it tried to heal itself. Tried being the key word. It would seem that for whatever reason his bodies healing was still broke or something? "Damn... Even a short girl like you is strong..."

"I'm not short!"

"You're a freaking monster." Servey groaned.

"I prefer devilish..." Ken sighed shaking her head before taking a deep breath. "Everyone! Please leave this street! An Enforcer is currently engaging a Bestia Macht, and doesn't want any dumbass civilians staying by! I will personally kick your ass if I see you!" She screamed her voice echoing out. Almost everyone took the hint and began running away knowing that at any second now a battle was about to begin between this tiny girl, and this scary monster.

A few people apparently didn't have a sense of survival though because they decided they wanted to actually see this fight up close and personal... In the splash zone.

"God I hate people..." Ken sighed shaking her head.

"You little brat..." Servey growled picking himself back up and letting out a loud and powerful hiss. "You have no right... No right I say to even look at me like that! I'm older than you! I'm stronger to, but just because you're an Enforcer you think you can go around playing hero! Fine if you want to play hero let's see you save those idiots!" He roared stabbing his fist into the large truck he rammed into. "Catch little girl." He yelled throwing it not at Ken but rather at a few of the idiots who were still standing out in the open.

Ken's eye twitched as she flashed in front of the group and raised her arms out, her small body somehow catching the massive metal car stopping it and making Servey go slack jawed. "I told you..." Ken said her arms squeezing down on the car so hard she began to crush it into a large metal cube. "I'm not short!" She stomped her foot down hard enough to shatter the ground as she threw the massive truck cube at the man.

"Wait, wait, wait! I give, I give I give-"

The metal truck slammed into him exploding in a massive fire ball as he was flung back crashing painfully across the street.

"Leave!" Ken yelled waving her arms at the people who were still here. This time they took the hint and left. "Freaking finally... God I hate people. Shelly was right. People aren't good in a crisis... She's really smart. Wonder when I can see her again?"

"What... What the hell are you..." Servey hissed trying to push himself up. "Damn... My body took to much damage earlier. That must be... The reason... I... I can't fight... Y... Yeah... Those other two... They weakened me first... Other wise I'd be beating you right now for sure... I'm certain of that fact... That must be it... I've been weakened by that shitty love power they have... Seriously what the hell... Power of love is so dumb... God it's the worst... Who thought it was a good idea to make it real God... Ahh. Pain... I should be beating you but I can't because I'm weakened by their shitty love powers..."

"What ever helps you sleep at night dude... I really don't care..." Ken sighed shaking her head. A large black spike pulled itself out of her which she raised up as she walked towards the man. She said a prayer and raised up the large black spike as his eyes went wide.

"Wait!" He tried to move back but was to slow as the spike stabbed through his gut and he unleashed a howl of pain.

"Idiot! I was trying to run your core through so you'd die in one shot!" Ken said shaking her head. "Why did you move! I was trying to be nice and give you a quick and painless death but you made me-"

He lept forward and stabbed his head up and through her gut running her through with his buck horns on his head. They slashed through her raining her blood down onto his head like red rain! "Ha! Stupid girl. Shouldn't had let your guard down-"

Ken slammed her elbow down into his head breaking his horns off of his skull. She reached up wrapping her hands around the horn and gave the man a dead panned look as she pulled them out of her. Seconds later the wound healed.

"...What just happened..."

"Yeah I can heal. Way better than you can... Like... A lot better... Like I actually can come back from the dead which is a trick I don't think you'll be pulling..."

"Oh... I'm screwed aren't I."

"Yeah." Ken raised the spike back up.

"Please don't kill me!" Servey cried out now on his knees and groveling as he began to beg for his life. "God please! I don't wanna die!" He sobbed. Like actually crying as full blown tears and snot began to run down his face and he began to sob. It was a strange sight seeing a Bestia Macht, Natures killers, the things humans feared, sobbing his heart out to a fourteen year old nun... Ken stood not really knowing what to do as his crying got louder.

"Come on man... You're not making this fun."

"I want my mommy!" He cried.

Ken let out a small wince and stood there in uncomfortable silence as the most feared creature on earth broke down. "You know..." She said nodding her head. "I wonder how many girls cried and begged for their parents when you chased them down and killed them?" Those were the wrong words as his crying got louder. Ken sighed shaking her head. She said one last prayer and raised the spike up as she got ready to run it through him as he still begged for his life. She stopped though when she heard a noise with her enhanced hearing... "Is that a plane-"

"This is the greatest plan!"

The entire street exploded as a massive fighter jet rammed into the ground as hard as it could blasting most of the street apart.

"Why the hell are streets getting blown up every time we fight!" Ken yelled spitting up dust and dirt as she shook her head. Standing in front of her now she saw two people who stood in front of her...

The first was girl with a blank expression on her face. The second who for some reason was dabbing over and over again, was a man in a lab coat who looked kind of familiar.

"Squad Nine Captain Of The Science Division!" He announced. "And!" He pointed at Ken, than back at the Bestia Macht. "You two! Are! Under arrest!"
