
Night One Hundred And Thirty Five

Age 1991

"I'm under arrest!" Ken and the Bestia Macht said in shock.

"Wow you're pretty!" The Captain announced throwing his arms around Ken and rubbing her head like a cat causing her to hiss. Also like a cat... "Are you single?"

"Wow! First of all age difference! Second of all n. I actually may or may not have girl- Wait what the hell did you mean I'm under arrest?" Ken asked shaking her head and pulling herself out of his tight hug.

"Darn I was trying to confuse you with a strange question!"


"Who are you!" Newt announced pointing at her.

"Who the hell are you? You're the one that came crashing down?"

"Ha ha nice try swine but I asked you first!"


"I am Newt Jekyll Squad Nine Captain!"

"You're a Cap-"

"Oh no she tricked me into reviling my name! Damn. She's good." Newt announced.

Ken stared at the man blinking a few times. "I am so lost?" There was a quiet click and she looked down just in time to see that a pair of hand cuffs had been placed on her wrist. "Wait, I'm actually under arrest? Whoa, wait what the hell did I do?"

"Uh..." Newt scratched his chin humming. He reached into his pockets and pulled out a bag dropping it on the ground. "Pick that up."

"What? Uh..." Being creeped out Ken bent down and picked up the bag-

"Ahh ha!" the man announced grabbing her wrist. "What's this." He took the bag. "Ahh. Just as I thought."

"What is it?"

"Space Cocaine. Evented by Newt Jekyll. That's a fine. You're under arrest. This stuff will mess ya up for years. Take this and ya turn your name to Mr. Hyde, instead of Doctor Jekyll." He brought it up to his nose snorting some

"But... You're Newt Jekyll... I wanna lawyer..."

"Please just... Play along..." Automata sighed. "It's just... Easier that way..."

There was a cracking sound as Ken moved her wrists apart snapping the handcuffs as she glared back at the weird man. "Listen pal. I don't know who you are and I don't care. I need to take out that-"

"She's threatening me! Booby smother mode!" Newt announced. Automata let out a sigh but jumped forward faster than Ken could react grabbing the girl and began to smoother her with her chest. "Haha! No men can resist this move!"

"I'm a girl!" Ken yelled still red faced. A few of the civilians came back and began to take pictures of her trying to get out of the woman's arms. "Hey! Hey! Don't upload those! There's someone that'll get the wrong idea if she sees this! I swear to God I'll bite you!" She finally managed to get herself out of the woman's arms jumping away and still a little red faced. "What the hell is wrong with you people! I thought my Squad was messed up! that's it. I'm done. Out of my way so I can-"

"No more games." Ken slammed into the ground face first as her eyes went wide. She tried to look up but even that was hard. Above her Automata and Newt stood. Newt had a large grin. "Can't move right. My power is an Equip type. It allows me to touch a person or thing and every second I touch them their gravity is doubled when I activate it. Cool thing is it only works for the user!" he laughed picking her up like she weighed nothing. Ken let out a groan trying to move but couldn't. "You're surrounded by a thick gravity making you feel as if the air around you is a few million pounds. The fact that you didn't get crushed shows how touch you were." He laughed.

"I'm so... Gonna kick your ass..." Ken groaned. He turned her upside down and dropped her so she landed head first on the ground.

Next Newt turned to look at the Bestia Macht. "You're coming with us."

"I... I give up!" The Bestia Macht announced.

"Smart." Newt snapped his fingers and Automata glowed and changed into a large truck. Her doors opened and Newt tossed Ken into the seat next to the drivers spot. Seconds later a massive metal hand formed on the top of the car and reached down grabbing the Bestia Macht and held him in place. "Good." Newt laughed clapping his hands. "Now it's time to-"

He jumped back suddenly as the ground around him exploded and a metal claw slashed over his head hitting his hat.

"Whoa! Nice entrance. Hero Law."

"So you know who I am." Hero smirked holding his clawed arm up. "Good. Give back Ken. Now." He said sternly. Kitsune and him had taken the woman to Squad Six's base for safety. Currently Kitsune and Santa, the blacksmith, were guarding her, while he went to go check out the many explosions only to arrive just in time to see Ken being captured by these two. "I'm not 100% certain what's going on but you two are a part of the Organization-"

The slap came out faster than Hero could follow knocking his head back as Newt stared at him with a dark look. His goofy expression gone. "Don't you dare associate me with that silly little group my dads are a part of."

'He's fast...' Row noted bluntly.

'Yeah I can see that...' Hero shook his head his face still stinging as he rubbed his red cheek. "Ow... Okay well if you aren't from that group than just who the hell are you!"

Newt's dark look faded as he suddenly went into a goofy pose once again. "Who am I you ask? Why... I am none other than Newt Jekyll! Captain of Squad Nine the Science division, and a self proclaimed Sexy, and Fine Scientist! Want to go on a date! And want some Space Cocaine?"

"No to the date... The cocaine though-"

'Dude! Don't go doing drugs in my body!'

"What? Being a Hero is hard... Sometimes you just got to unwind a little ya know..."

'Not like that!'

"You're no fun Row."

"Ahh!" Newt announced still posing. "I see you two are aware of the voices in your head!"

Hero sighed and shook his head. "Okay well... Whoa are you really? No way in hell you're actually a Captain."

"I truly am!" The man announced cheerfully as he raised his golden badge up showing it off to Hero. "Have the cool badge and everything."

"Than it's a fake..."

"It is not!"

Hero let out another sigh as pointed his large clawed hand forward. "Well. Whatever the case I don't care. Even if you are a Captain. I can't let you just take Ken."

"Ahh I get it. She's your girlfriend!"

"Nope... That's the Ice one... Besides I think a certain pink flame person would kill me if I tried to go out with- Why the hell am I telling you this?" Hero shook his head as heat and sound began to pour out of his large metal claw. "I don't care what you are! I'm taking you out and saving-"

"Mega Slap Barrage!"


Before Hero could even blink his face was being slapped on all sides by the mans hands all of them slapping him hard across the face. Hero managed to lean back finally avoiding them his face red from the slaps, and embarrassment, of being hit with such a goofy attack. Hero fired forward throwing out a massive clawed slap in retaliation, but Newt quite literally got on his tip toes and twirled out of the way twirling behind Hero and slamming his foot into Hero's butt as hard as he could sending Hero flying.

Hero landed on the ground rolling to a stop and his eyes were wide with rage, and embarrassment as he fired back at the man who kept up his twirling dodging the attacks and slapping out with hands smacking Hero over and over again. He even gave the snow haired boy a wet willy at one point just because he could.

"Damn it! Will you fight seriously!" Hero yelled only to be kicked right up between the legs making his eyes go wide.

'Oh crap... Hey you want me to jump in?'

"I'm good Row..." Hero whispered collapsing forward from the kick.

"You fool! I've studied under the great ballerina martial artists of the Green Nation!" Newt announced dancing much like a ballerina would but then throwing out powerful karate chops which sliced off chunks of rocks from the nearby building. "But that is nothing compared to the great power my cursed life ability has!" He announced proudly.

"H... Hero..." Ken yelled out managing to slightly move her body as she gave him a panicked revelation. "He can double the gravity of anything he touches. As soon as he turns his power on, every second you've been in contact with him will double your gravity!"

Hero's eyes went wide with fear for a moment as he stared at the grinning man. "But... But I've been slapped so many times... If each one doubles my gravity than when he turns it on..."

"That's right!" The man announced proudly. He pointed at Hero and grinned. "I've slapped you over one thousand times. Each one is a double on the number it currently is. So if you start out at two, you go to four, than eight, than sixteen, than thirty two, all one thousand times. The sudden force will most certainly blow your organs to bits and the sudden force of your death will make you crap yourself! It'll be written on your stone! I literally slapped the shit out of you!"

"Oh God! That's not how I wanna die!"

'Yeah me either. Swap. I'm taking this guy down.'

"Now watch as you die!" Newt announced snapping his fingers.

Hero closed his eyes waiting for it to happen but it never did... "Uh... What?" Hero asked finally opening them and looking around.

"Haha! I tricked you." Newt laughed. "You see. I'm an Equip Type. You haven't actually touched the object my Cursed Power is in, so I can't actually increase your own gravity."


"It was a pretty funny joke wasn't it-"

"Rage Canon!" Hero's arm morphed into its canon mode as he blasted his strongest attack out at the man who's eyes went wide.

Before the blast could reach him though a massive metal arm flew out of the car blocking the beam with ease. The beam went out as Hero's arm reverted back to normal and he gave a large frown glaring at the man and the car.

"That was close!" Newt laughed scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "You really have a trigger happy finger. I've studied you though Mr. Law. That canon is a one shot only right. You wasted it. And you know you can't beat me like this. I may not be a fighter but even I can deal with someone as weak as you." He laughed.

Hero's eye twitched as he glared at the man. "I guess this is round two then!"

"No. Sadly not." Newt jumped back landing in the palm of the metal truck which glowed and morphed into a massive fighter jet which began to fly up. "Goodbye!" He announced waving his arm out.

"Give Ken back!"

"You can have her back after I dissect her!" Newt yelled back down. "Either that or... You and your Squad can come and get her... But I think you'll find that Master Storm is on my side." He grinned dropping a piece of paper down as the plane took off.

Hero reached out catching it and gave a large frown. "I hated that guy..."

'Hey do you hear something...'

"What? My crippling disappointment in failing once more?"

'No it isn't as loud as that... It kind of sounds like an angry mom.'

"The hell does an angry mom sound like-"

Katrina rammed into Hero from above slamming him into the ground. She glared down at the boy planting her foot on his gut. "Where were you!" She yelled loudly.