Squad VS Squad

Night One Hundred And Thirty Six

Age 1991

Oleander City...

Master Storm's Office...

"Master Storm..."

"Hmm..." The old man turned in his chair looking up from his paper work. Standing in his office was Ward one of his four Sacred Beasts. "Yes, yes Ward, I'm being good and doing my work."

"No it's not that sir." Ward said shaking his head. "I wanted to ask about something."

"Yes Ward?"

Ward held up a few sheets of paper. "Well sir... It's just... Why did you make a rule where badged Squad Six members can't fight Squad Nine members?"

"Oh that..." Master Storm gave a small shrug. "I thought it would be funny."


"Yeah. The Squad Nine Captain, Captain Newt told me some fun game he wanted to do and I thought it sounded fun so I went along with it."

"How are you the leader of one of the strongest organizations in the world..."

"Honestly I do not know..."


Squad Nine Base...

The large fighter jet flew above the massive stone building as it glowed and morphed into what looked like a large helicopter... It slowly dropped from the sky getting lower and lower as it landed. Newt hopped out of it and clapped his hands as several people could all be seen. Each of them wore long white robes and wooden masks.

"I'm back!" Newt announced cheerfully. "And I brought guests." The Bestia Macht was thrown onto the ground tied up with metal chains. Ken was also thrown down still unable to move her body.

Automata shifted back to her human form and held Ken up by her ankle. "Wow... You're light." She noted.

"I'll kill you!"

"Being lights a compliment." Automata noted. "I mean I wish I had your cute and slender form, and flat chest-"

"Now I'm for sure gonna kill you!" Ken tried to thrash around but Newt snapped his fingers and her body froze back up. "W... What... But you haven't touched me... How can you still increase my weight..." She grunted out.

"I'm an Equip type." Newt smiled. He reached up slapping her face lightly. "My weapon has been touching you so I can increase your weight."

"Your weapon..."

Newt turned away and clapped his hands. "You three!" He said pointing at three of the people in the white cloaks. "Take this guy to the lab so I can cut him open for later!"

"Wait what!" Servey asked with wide was as he was picked up and taken away.

"The rest of you." Newt clapped his hands again. "Get the things ready for a battle that's coming. I want this full building to be set for a boss battle. I can't wait for Squad Six to come! This is gonna be good. Now come Automata. Like good final bosses we must be at the level! And let's take little Ken with us."

"I'm not little."

"Yes Master Newt." Automata bowed as she began to drag Ken behind her.

"Katrina's gonna kick your ass!" Ken hissed.

Automata just let out a small hum. "I doubt it..."


Squad Six Base...

"What do you mean Ken's been taken!" Jackson, and Dawson both yelled. They stared sadly at their Ken action figures. They were back in the Squad Six base. Them being Hero, Kitsune, Irene, Light, Jackson, Dawson, Hannah, Katrina, and Key who was still here awkwardly standing as the Squad Six members discussed what happened.

Katrina didn't say anything as she read the note Hero gave her.

"I told you everything that happened." Hero sighed rolling his eyes. "Fox and I were sent on a mission to help key. Than Key was attacked by some midget in a cloak, who turned out to be a bunch of strings, we took her back here where it was safe, than we heard several explosions so I ran out since I'm better than Fox, and I saw Ken getting put under some weird effect and lost the power to move. And I fought the Captain but uh... Like twenty ninjas showed up and we had an epic battle than he got away..."

'Your face is still red from the slaps.'

'Shut the hell up Row.'

"Big Brother is amazing if he fought so many ninjas off."

"Your not better than me." Kitsune muttered.

"The Captain slapped you didn't he..." Irene sighed as she created a small slab of ice and rubbed it on Hero's red cheeks.


"So what do we do now?" Hannah asked casually leaning back on the wall.

"Obviously we save Ken!" Jackson announced.

"Yeah! Honestly she's the only recruit I actually like." Dawson nodded.

"Wow... Yeah that's fair..." Hero nodded. "I hate us to."

"S... So your friend was taking?" Key said slowly. "That sounds bad... Do you want me to leave so you can focus on that?"

"No..." Jackson shook his head. "If Hero, and Kitsune, are right, and you're being targeted by someone, than we're gonna keep you here with two Enforcers at your side at all times. We'll contact Squad One tomorrow since they're from Rose city where you live Mrs. Frost. They'll come pick you up. Until then though I don't think it's best for you to walk around alone. Still we will need to go get Ken. Dawson, Katrina, and I will go get her right-"

"We won't be doing anything..." Katrina sighed.

"Uh what?"

Katrina shook her head and threw the large piece of paper down in mild anger. "Master Storm is being a prick again..."

"What did my Grandpa do this time..." Jackson sighed.

"He made it to where we can't do anything..." Katrina hissed.

"What?" Jackson picked the paper up and began to read it as he raised an eyebrow. "Squad Six Members, and Squad Nine Members are not allowed to do combat, or practice combat, or sparing matches, under any circumstances with the only exception being the official Enforcers rank up Tournament... God damn it gramps... This is why I like Grandma more... He wants us to play his stupid game." He sighed shaking his head. "This is why dad moved out when he was fourteen."

"Game?" Hero asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well..." Jackson hummed as he scratched at his chin. "There is an obvious loop to this. You four..." He pointed at Hero, Kitsune, Light, and Irene. "Aren't actually official Enforcers. You don't have a badge yet. You don't get that unless you're an Enforcer for a full year and pass the rank up exam."

"Jackson I hate your grandpa."

"That's fair..."

"Wait so we have to go save Ken?" Irene asked frowning. "I don't think we can beat a Squad Captain..."

"Nah he's easy." Hero shook his head. "He's the weakest Captain by far. If not for the ninjas I would have beat him."

'Did he slap you so hard you actually believe the ninja part?'

He squeezed his right hand into a fist. "I can beat him... I know I can. His style took me off guard when we fought but I get it now... Besides. If his Vice Captain hadn't stepped in I would have beat him with my Rage Canon. He had been on the ropes as soon as I fired it."

"It is true that captain Newt is by far the weakest Squad Captain..." Katrina hummed nodding her head. "On top of that his entire Squad is filled with normal humans. Only him and his Vice Captain have Cursed Powers... They aren't a combat Squad so Newt doing this is out of his character... He's going out of his way to provoke us... It's likely he just wants to test you guys out... I also know for a fact he won't harm Ken. The Master wouldn't have passed that rule if he thought she was gonna be in actual danger... Still the fact that, that man would Kenap one of my Recruits... I'll never forgive him."

"Captain Katrina- Great joke about Kenap by the way, I loved it keep it up but- Who exactly is the Ninth Captain?" Hero asked frowning. "He was... So... So... Weird... Also I think he has a drug problem. He offered me cocaine."

'You're leaving out the part where you were considering taking it...'

Katrina hummed as she leaned forward. "Newt is... Well he's an interesting man to say the least... You've met his father Hyde Jekyll... Or Mr. Hyde, as he goes by now... Well Mr. Hyde was the former Squad Nine Captain around the same time Hero was the Squad One Captain... Mr. Hyde had several experiments that were all designed to help the Enforcers. Most notably being project Seraphin, and Rebirth... Those have since been shut down though. Both being deemed to immoral to use. However several Ages ago while Ms. Law was at his lab it ended up exploding... We had thought there were no survivors until a few Ages later when Mr. Hyde showed up going by Merlin, on some Order group... As it turns out plenty of people survived that blast I guess. Newt always wanted to surpass his father who went insane. He's always trying to make the next project that can expand the Enforcers. In fact he made all his Squad mates... You'll need to watch out. While none but him and the Vice Captain have Cursed Life powers, he has three warriors he made, that were never passed HR so he's not allowed to make anymore... Not since the incident involving an octopus and a Squad made up of only women..."

"I don't even wanna know..." Irene said shaking her head.

"I do!" Kitsune waved his hand around wildly.

Irene folded her arms as she stared at the Captain. "We're not gonna really go after them though right... I mean you said three warriors, plus him, plus his Vice Captain... So that's five in total right... Four on Five..."

"Actually it'll be five on five, hahaha!"

"What!" They all turned looking up to the top of the stairs where Santa Clause now stood.

"I've never bothered to take the Enforcers rank up quest meaning I don't have a badge!" He announced in a cheerful voice as he dropped down, his rippling muscled body nearly snapping out of his red jacket.

"You're going Santa?" Jackson asked with wide eyes. "You've never fought before?"

"Ken is a fellow Squad Six member!" Santa announced. "As such I shall fight on her behalf! Plus she's cute. I built her a new adorable black nun outfit that I think she will look lovely in. I also built this cool superhero costume with a cape, and everything, but I didn't think anyone would want it so I threw it out."

"God damn it..." Hero sighed. "I bet I would have looked cool to... Oh well maybe it was for the best... I don't think Capes would help me to much..."

Santa just hummed. "I also built Ken a lot of cute dresses to try on."

"We've built new action figures." Dawson nodded.

"I made a Ken comic!" Jackson announced.

"I made a Ken body pillow." Kitsune bragged.

"I didn't make a Ken related thing because I didn't know it was a thing and I feel left out..." Light nodded.

"Dear God is everyone a Simp for Ken?" Hero asked.

"Yep!" Everyone but Irene, and Katrina said.

Katrina shot her boyfriend a dirty look, as Irene shook her head and folded her arms.

"Huh... Neat..."

Katrina hummed. "I don't like the idea of sending you all out but... I also want to crush Newt's game and destroy him." She gave a small smirk as she nodded her head. "Hero. I'm counting on you to show him up."

"Sure thing mo- Katrina." Hero announced squeezing his right hand into a fist once more. "I'm gonna beat him for sure. Or I might die. That could also happen."

"Why do you think you're gonna fight the Captain?" Kitsune asked. "Maybe I'll get to him first? Or maybe even Irene will."

"Tell him Light."

"Cause Big Brothers the Main Character."

"Hell yeah I am." Light and Hero high fived as Kitsune fumed slightly.

Katrina folded her arms once more as she nodded her head. "Than it's settled. Hero. Kitsune. Light. Irene. And Santa Clause. You five are going to invade Squad Nine's base and recapture Ken. And while you're there, make sure you really screw Newt over! While you do that Jackson, Hannah, Dawson, and I will all keep Key safe, and make sure the assassin does not get to her. Don't disappointment me. Bring glory to Squad Six, and prove that Squad Nine is just a bunch of lame nerds!"

"Hell yeah!" They all announced throwing their hand into the air.

It was time for war...