The Battle (Part 1)

Night One Hundred And Thirty Seven

Age 1991

Squad Six Base...

Main Room...

"It's quiet here huh." Eins noted looking around the large base. "I was expecting it to be a little bit of a chaotic situation considering which Squad base we were called out to." He had a light smirk on his face as he held his hand out to Katrina who took it. Currently Eins, North, Shiki, Max, and of course Shelly, were at Squad Six's base to pick Mrs. Key Frost, and take her back to her home in Rose city where their own base was.

They were all in the main hall currently, along with Katrina, Jackson, Dawson, Emma, Jackson's pet Bestia Macht, the Crow, who was considered a member of their Squad, and Key Frost. Hero, Kitsune, Light, Irene, Santa, and Ken were no where to be seen.

"Yes well..." Katrina let out a sigh as she shook the mans hand. "We had a bit of an incident you see. The others are away on mission."

Shelly folded her arms as she frowned. "So K- So the others aren't even here? Great I came for nothing then."

"I feel the same." Max sighed. "I was wanting to have another sparring match with Hero and see how much he improved. Darn... I also wanted to maybe test out that Kitsune Nine, or Ken Red. Ken's the Seraphin yes? I hear they're strong. I would have loved to fight her."

"Ha. Ken would have destroyed you."

"Why are you on her side Shelly?"

"I... I'm not... I just fought her... You during the entrance exam so I know how strong she is... So... So there." Shelly turned away her cheeks a light red as Max rolled his eyes and Shiki simply let out a huff not really caring.

North hummed patting Max and Shelly on the shoulders. "I'm sure we'll see them again real soon. After all the Rank Up Exam Tournament is less than a month away you know. You two will be able to fight them both then."

"Yes... Fight... That's what I want to do..."

Eins gave a hum of his own. "It is kind of a shame though." He admitted. "I kind of wish Ken, Hero, and Kitsune were placed onto my Squad. They'd all make great Squad One Enforcers. Ken for sure. I'd love to ask her what it's like being a Seraphin." He nodded. "It must be so cool and must make her so strong." Lights shined in his eyes for a moment as he hopped back and forth a large smile on his face. "You know it's possible to transfer Enforcers to other Squad temporally right? Why not let them join up with us? See if they like it-"

"Out of the question." Dawson said shaking his head.

"Yeah Ken's ours!" Jackson announced.

"What about the other recruits?" Hannah asked.

"What about the the other recruits." Jackson said bluntly.


And the pet Bestia Macht just let out a loud kaw as it couldn't actually speak at all being that it was a Bestia Macht...

North chuckled a bit. "I for one am happy my big sissy was placed on such a Squad. Thank you all for taking so much care of her." He nodded.

Katrina smiled at that as she shook his hand. "I protect all of my Squad Members no matter what."

North hummed. "Well... The ride back is gonna be mega long and boring. Come K- Come Ms. Frost." He said taking the woman's hand gently into his own and planting a small kiss onto the knuckle of it. "We should be off. We have much to do when we get back, and I am guessing your husband is worried sick about you."

Key let out a small giggle. "I highly doubt my husband has even noticed I am gone. Still I'm sure my friends are worried sick about me."

"I'm sure they all." North gave a smile as he turned back to Captain Katrina. "Than you for keeping her safe. We're in your debt. We may be in your debt even later to..."

"What do you mean?" Katrina asked giving a small frown.

"That whole people turning to Bestia Macht's is happening here as well." Max noted as he gave a nod of his head. "You must have heard about it on the news." He casually hit the button to the t.v that was in the Squad Six building. "So far just your city, and Rose city are the only two that are having it- What the hell am I looking at..."

On the t.v it showed the current battle that had happened yesterday. North, Eins, Shelly, Max, and Shiki all watched with unblinking eyes as it showed the Bestia Macht that was Servey come crashing down, followed by Ken who fought it off with ease, than Squad Nine who showed up. They watched the fight of Ken basically getting beat down and hugged tackle by Automata, than being unable to move followed by Hero showing up and fighting and just getting slapped, over, and over again.

"I knew he didn't fight off ninjas." Jackson noted. "Though secretly I hoped he did..."

"Oh boy Row, and Ken are not gonna be happy that someone filmed that..." Hannah noted. "I wonder who did it-"

'And you might be wondering who exactly was the one who filmed this all?' The news lady who was on the t.v said. 'Well in a strange bizarre twist of fate it was none other than Master Storm of the Enforcers!'

Everyone nearly tripped when the camera came back and they saw it be turned on Master Storm who was filming Hero getting his ass handed to him. "Wow! These Enforcers suck! Back in my day Enforcers didn't get captured, and had to wear more than those skirts! Hashtag make Enforcers great again!"

"God damn it Grampa..." Jackson sighed slowly getting back up. "You make it so, so hard to root for you..."

"He knew!" Katrina exploded. "And he was there!"

"Hmm... Seems like you guys have a bit of an issue..." Eins noted.

"Wait so was Ken captured?" Shelly asked with wide eyes. "Why haven't you guys done anything to save her!"


Squad Nine Base...

Top Floor...

"Ow..." Ken said flatly when she was dropped on the ground like a sack of potato's. "At least be gentle with me!"

"Nah..." Automata set down using Ken's back as a chair as she opened a book and began to read.

"Seriously!" Ken blushed trying to stand up but the gravity powers were stopping her from being able to move, and add on the weight of Automata and she was stuck on the ground. She groaned as her eye twitched. "I hate this..." Automata just shifted in her new Seraphin chair as she placed her legs on Ken's head and leaned back reading her book and not saying anything. "Maybe it's best if the others don't come save me... I'd hate any of them to see me like this... They'd never let me live it down..." Ken sighed.

The room they were in was large and open filled with a vast amount of space. At the end of it there were three massive doors. Each door had a number on it. Newt strolled in twirling a metal cane he got from somewhere and made sure to step on Ken's arms just to be a jerk as he strolled over to one of the doors.

"The game is about to begin!" He announced happily. "Any second now I'm sure they'll be here... The bulk of my troops will be wiped out but I'm sure these three will do good." He smirked. "I'll play fair though and only release three and two..." He clicked a button as the doors with a large three on it, and the one with the large two on it, both began to slowly open. It was too dark in the rooms to make out exactly but Ken could see two dark forms in the room... One was far larger than the other one. Newt clapped his hands together and gave a large smile. "Yes you two will do a grand job." He laughed.

"My Squad members are gonna kick your ass when they get here!" Ken announced. "Hero's gonna shove that metal claw all the way down your stupid face you big jerk!"

"They might very well win." Newt smirked as he gave a half shrug. "But this will still be a fun game. I wonder how much i can push him before 'he' wakes up..." His grin grew larger as he nodded his head. "And I can't wait to see how much I can push that body of yours. It's your first time so I'll be gentle."

"Phrasing!" Ken yelled her face a full red now.

"I agree Master." Automata nodded still reading her book. "You don't want HR on us again. Not since the incident."

"Incident?" Ken asked.

Automata nodded again. "There's a reason I'm the only girl here. he's such a pervert that he ran around flipping up all kinds of skirts and groping! It was so bad HR had to personally come down and ban all girls in his Squad. But they forgot about me."


"I'm just kidding." Automata said making Ken sigh and shake her head. "The real incident involved the Master creating those three weapons. As for why there are no women in the Squad he isn't a people person. I, as well as everyone in his Squad was artificially created to serve him. No one in this Squad is actually a human besides the Captain himself. You are currently under the butt of a bio human. How does it feel?"

"This Squad is weird..." Ken sighed.

"We are..." Automata said patting Ken on the head.

"Weird is cool!" Newt announced. "Also do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Automata asked frowning.

Ken gave a smirk as he turned her head to looked up at the girl who was sitting on her. "Oh yeah. I didn't say anything but my Squad's totally here. And they're gonna kick your ass." She announced. "Come save me Hero!"



The entire stone, and metal building shook as something seemed to slam into it... Even Newt stumbled back a little waving his arms around as a large and excited grin crossed onto his face. "Oh boy, oh boy... They've arrived." He turned back to the two metal doors. "Well... Go get em. Oh and 'two' why don't you go down and tell Doctor thirty three, that he needs to get the new weapon ready."

Before Ken could see who these two weapons were they exploded out of the door at a fast speed crashing out of the roof and leaving a pair of massive holes in the roof. Automata just sighed and flipped her book to the next page as she began to read.


A Few Seconds Earlier...

Two figures in long white robes, wearing the same masks everyone else wore stood outside of the massive stone building inside of the fortress holding large guns as they watched the gates.

"Our Master stated that they'll be arriving soon. They'll likely come through the front gate. As such we must be ready for action!" He announced. "When they come we should use our new Bestia Macht weapon!"

"Yeah! When do you think they'll come?"

"Any second now of course."

"Yeah but when?"

"How should I know?"

"You're smart?"

"You're also smart?"

"So together we're super smart?"




"Y... Yeah..."

They nodded their heads and turned back to the gate...

"So when do you think he'll come?"

"How should I know?"

"You're smart-"


From up above and not crashing down through the massive gate a large force suddenly slammed down as flames and sound blasted out throwing the two men back who stared with wide eyes at the smoking hole crater that formed from whatever came crashing down a few seconds ago.

"Oh no! They didn't come through the gate."

"No... No we did not..." The voice of Hero announced.

Standing in the crater back to back, his sword out, and his right arm transformed, sound, and flames, green aura flaring around them both, was Hero and Kitsune.