The Battle (Part 2)

Night One Hundred And Thirty Eight

Age 1991

Two figures in long white robes, wearing the same masks everyone else wore stood outside of the massive stone building inside of the fortress holding large guns as they watched the gates.

"Our Master stated that they'll be arriving soon. They'll likely come through the front gate. As such we must be ready for action!" He announced. "When they come we should use our new Bestia Macht weapon!"

"Yeah! When do you think they'll come?"

"Any second now of course."

"Yeah but when?"

"How should I know?"

"You're smart?"

"You're also smart?"

"So together we're super smart?"




"Y... Yeah..."

They nodded their heads and turned back to the gate...

"So when do you think he'll come?"

"How should I know?"

"You're smart-"


From up above and not crashing down through the massive gate a large force suddenly slammed down as flames and sound blasted out throwing the two men back who stared with wide eyes at the smoking hole crater that formed from whatever came crashing down a few seconds ago.

"Oh no! They didn't come through the gate."

"No... No we did not..." The voice of Hero announced.

Standing in the crater back to back, his sword out, and his right arm transformed, sound, and flames, green aura flaring around them both, was Hero and Kitsune.

Both of the men in white cloaks went to raise their guns up but in a flash Hero and Kitsune appeared behind them Hero slamming his metal fist into the head of one of the figures while Kitsune slashed his sword out as a flaming tornado fired out of his blade hitting the second one. Both men were launched back slamming into the tower as Hero and Kitsune both gave large smirks.

Their smirks soon vanished though as loud sirens echoed out. They both turned and saw several more men all around the fortress. There were a ton of people running around. Way more than any other Squad but both boys were reminded of the fact that none of them had Cursed Powers, when several of them tripped over their robes.

"Remember what the others told us. We just got to get to the top and leave the small fries to them Don't slow me down Devil Arm."

"Right back at you Fox."

Several of the guards began to open fire with their guns but Hero used his arm as some kind of shield blocked many of the strikes while Kitsune did the much cooler, but much risker form of slashing the bullets out of the air with his weeby katana.

"I wouldn't be worrying about us if I were you." Hero said gesturing to the wall behind the cloaked men.

They turned and saw what looked like a large ice ramp right outside of their base...

"Oh no..." One said.

"Ha ha ha!" Crashing down from above and sliding across the stone floor on the other side of the massive fortress was a large red sleigh being pulled by robotic deer like creatures. On the sleigh Santa, Light, and Irene all rested. Santa was driving the strange vehicle while Light, and Irene, were raining down bullets, and ice, onto anyone came to close. They slowly pulled the sled to a sliding stop next to Hero and Kitsune. "Young Hero, and Brave Kitsune." Santa laughed running his hand through his long white beard. "Quickly now find Ken. You two are the fastest with that aura."

"Which building is she in?" Kitsune asked looking around.

The fortress was large with a massive stone and metal floor, and several lab looking buildings, and towers all over the place. Hero used his right arm and pointed at one of the many buildings that were in the distance. It was the tallest building covered in the thickest metal and stone. It also had the words 'final boss fight' written across it in massive neon lighted bold italic letters, that flashed over and over again with another sign saying 'come get your squad mate she's right on in here' hanging above it, followed by several more flashing arrows that all pointed at this building.

"Think she's in there?" Hero asked.

"Nah... It's to subtle."

"Will you two just go..." Irene said flatly.

"Right..." Kitsune's tail folded up into a single large tail which began to spin rapidly taking him into the air. Hero reached up wrapping his hand around the boys foot as they lifted up off the ground.

"Mush!" Hero announced.

"I'm not a dog-"

"I said mush boy!"

The two quickly flew off as Irene and Santa shook their heads. Santa cracked his neck and knuckles. "Alright. Let's rough these guys up." He announced. He reached into the sleigh and pulled out a massive battle axe the size of a small car, which shouldn't have fit in the sleigh but somehow did. "These foes don't have Cursed Life Powers so taking them out shouldn't be that much of an issue." He announced.

"Don't think it'll be that easy..." One of the men announced dropping their gun for some reason. "All of us studied under the great ballerina martial artists of the Green Nation!" He announced.

"Wait... First of all that's real?" Light asked frowning. "Second of all I thought your Captain did... Thirdly now that I'm getting a good sound of your voice, heart beat, and breath, all of you sound the exact same in every way..."

"But of course..." One by one the cloaked figures reached up throwing their masks off and their cloaks reviling they were all Newts! Oh the horror. "For you see! Master Newt needed the best people for his Squad and who better than himself! Hahahaha!"

"All of you are Newts!" Irene said shocked.

"That's right. Oh but don't worry. None of us have Equations, and we're all 55% weaker, and slower, than the first. Not even our Master knows how to get an Equation to allow a Clone to use... Our Father Mr. Hyde is the only one who knows the secrets to that. That being said we're all masters of ballerina martial arts so you'll find that-"

Light raised his gun up shooting the man in the face. "Sorry... It's just that guy does not know when to shut the hell up. Let's get em..."

Santa fired out of the large sleigh at a fast speed unleashing a powerful battle cry as he slammed his axe into the ground so hard it split open. A massive boulder flew out of it and he stabbed his axe into the large boulder swinging it around and slamming it into several of the men so hard they were all thrown back. Several of them quickly recovered and began rapidly spinning as they unleashed a barrage of slaps which all bounced off of Santa's massive body covered in rippling muscles.

"Ha ha ha!" He grinned slamming the axe back down. "It almost tickles."

Light jumped into the air taking a deep breath as he spun his body around so that he was now upside down. He pulled the trigger of his gun showing it was in rapid fire mode as a hail of bullets flew out. They hit the floors and walls of the many buildings and began to bounce around slamming into many of the dancing martial artists and throwing them all around. He turned his body back around landing on the floor on his knees and sliding forward as he rammed the butt of his gun into the crotch of one of the men.

'Gotta save on bullets.' Light thought slamming his gun out like a club. 'My guns prone to over heating now so gotta be careful...'

Over with Irene she simply stepped out of the sleigh at a casual rate as she eyed everyone who was fighting. She slowly crouched down cracking one of her fingers as it glowed and her finger nail cracked and shattered off. Blood began to rapidly drip out onto the ground but rapidly expanded into a red ice like substance which flowed out at a fast speed covering the ground in only a few seconds, but avoided Light, and Santa as it hardened and froze over the feet of all of the Newt clones trapping them in a second.

"Red ice?" Light asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah." Irene gave a half smirk. "I can rapidly expand the molecules, and cells, in a drop of my blood turning a single drop into an ocean of blood, that I can then super heat, or freeze as needed, but I can only use it once a day and just like with my dragon, I have to sack a finger nail. Though unlike with my fingers, the nails thankfully grow back. It still hurts though... Hero, Kitsune, and Ken, aren't the only ones who have been training hard. I'm going to pass them all and slay every Bestia Macht. Plus if I want to keep Hero safe I have to be a lot stronger."


Santa let out a small hum as he rubbed his chin. "Still. I'm a little disappointed. You froze all the soldiers in a single attack... It's rare that I get to fight... I usually don't care about battle but I was sort of pumped up for this... But you ended it as soon as it had began... You're gonna make a great Enforcer Irene."

"Thanks... And sorry but as I said I can only use Red Ice once a day, so I can't even unfreeze them now even if I wanted to. Their stuck like that until they thaw out-" From up above something slammed down into the ground so hard Light, and Irene were both thrown into the air, and all the blood red frozen people shattered into a million shards of broken parts... "Or someone can shatter them I guess..." Irene said frowning. "They just killed like their entire Squad..."

Her and Light flipped their bodies around as they stared ahead. Standing in the crater were two people now. The first was a young girl only about nineteen years old with long red hair and light yellow eyes. She had a very slender frame, and her arms were longer than they should be, and her legs were all bent back much like a deer's would be. She even had a pair of small horns on her head. But she wasn't a Bestia Macht, or a Seraphin... All Seraphins had a silver streak in their hair, and silver eyes. She was dressed in an orange prison jumpsuit and twirled a knife in her hands. Not an Equation knife or anything. Just a regular knife... The number 'three' could be seen across her jacket.

The person next to her was much taller. He was even taller than Santa, standing at eight feet tall. He just wore a pair of orange pants, and showed off his chest which was covered in red fur, tattoos, and scars. Small claws stabbed out of each of his finger tips, and he had long red hair, extremely buff arms, and legs, a lizard like tail, a mouth filled with rows of sharp teeth, and a single eye in the center of his forehead. Carved into his chest was a rather nasty scar, the number two... He didn't have a weapon and instead brought his fists up cracking them both. Unlike the girl who had a blank look on her face, he had a large grin on his as he eyed the three of them up.

The sensation coming off the two of them was weird and not normal... Something was clearly wrong with them both...

"Hey Gazel?" The big man asked popping more bones, and muscles, in his body than Irene thought possible.

"Yes Rilla?" The girl asked throwing her knife into the air over and over again, catching it each time.

"These are the ones right? The one's we gotta play with?"

"They are the ones yes..." She nodded.

"Good... I wanna rip their heads off and see what their insides look!"