The Battle (Part 3)

Night One Hundred And Thirty Nine

Age 1991

"We're almost at the top of the tower now!" Kitsune yelled down to Hero who was casually holding onto his foot as they flew up the side of the massive building.


'Hey so I've been going through your memories because I'm bored.'

"Uh... Okay?"

'And wow I missed out on a lot of new games that came out didn't I? This is just like that one game.'

"Uh? What game?" Hero asked frowning.

"What?" Kitsune questioned looking down.

"Not you."

Kitsune frowned eying Hero up with a weird look. "But we're the only ones here-"

"Yeah but I'm not talking to you!"

"Than who the hell are you talking to?"

"I... Droney?" Hero shrugged grabbing the small drone that rested in his hair. "I'm talking to Droney... Carry on with what you were saying Droney."

'Right... It's like that one game-'

"What game?"

'You know.'

"No. I don't. Explain-"

"Hero that Drone isn't-"

"Keep flying Kitsune!"

'Of course you do? I mean I'm reading your memories.'

"Dude I don't play video games. I read comics? And watch movies?"

'No, no it's a video game? You played it when you first stole my- Holy shit look out!'


A force slammed down into Kitsune frown above as Hero and Kitsune both let out loud yells and began to fall to the ground at a high speed. Kitsune spun his body around stabbing his sword into the slide of the building as he fell using it to stop himself while Hero's own weapon, his right arm, sprouted out various iron feathers which he used to glide down. Both boys hit the ground slowly rolling and standing back up as they turned to look at the tower. Seconds later something slammed down into the ground next to them.

"Oh boy, oh boy! It's time to test out our new weapon!" An excited voice announced. The dust settled and they saw one of the men in the white cloaks, and wood masks. Standing next to him was a large Bestia Macht with branches coming out of him. Hero recognized it as the one Ken had fought before it had been captured. It looked kind of different though. Its muscles had gotten larger, and ice was flowing off of its body now rather than the other element it had. Large claws jutted out of its fingers, and much of the things fur was replaced with scales. It also had a metal collar on with the number four on it. "I fix the Bestia Macht!" He giggled.

"Fixed it?" Kitsune asked frowning.

"Yes, oh yes! You see the dumb human parts were getting in the way. That's what who ever gets this doesn't understand... When you turn someone into one of these things either the beast takes over, and they become a Bestia Macht, or the human side takes over and they become some loser monster. A Seraphin isn't a human, or a Bestia Macht though. No, no, no. The person who's a Seraphin when they were made they didn't consider themselves human so there was no human vs Bestia Macht duking it out in their mind. They only viewed themselves as pure weapons. They would have had to go through a horrible life to pull it off and even then there is something more to it... Something inside them that we don't understand... Something primal and beyond the likes of even a Beast... A Seraphin is a weapon."

Hero frowned. "So you're saying Ken was just a weapon when she was made. Something bad happened to her?"

"No no. She wasn't a weapon, she is a weapon-"

"You take that back." Kitsune hissed flames pouring off of him. "Ken is just as human as any of us even if she does have a weird sense of love, and freaky devil powers, and she's a nun or something... She's still a member of Squad Six!"

The man giggled and clapped his hands. "Well to get to her you'll have to get past this big boy." He patted the shoulder of the Bestia Macht and that was enough to freeze his entire arm causing it to shatter. He didn't seem to notice though. "I made him so much stronger!" He announced as the ice began to slowly form over him. "I've evolved him and turned him into a pure Bestia Macht. Even more beast like than a real Bestia Macht!" He cackled. "His regeneration is the strongest I've seen now... I hope you'll make it in time."

"What do you mean make it in time." Hero frowned. "Is Ken in danger now..."

"There's a chance." The man smirked. "Better hurry." The ice fully covered him and he shattered into a million pieces.


"Devil Arm. You ignore this thing and go and get Ken. I'll take him out and catch up to you."

"You sure? Our aura will fade once we leave each others sides?"

"I know. I won't need it. Now go I'll cover you and catch up."


Hero jumped into the air flipping past the Bestia Macht which roared out large black spikes jutting out of it as the beast tried to swipe at him only to roar in pain when Kitsune's katana stabbed straight through its gut as hard as he could. It glared down at him as he smirked his flames pouring off his body. "You face Kitsune Nine, Heir to the Noble Family of Nine, one of the Twenty Sacred Branches, and Samurai, as well as a member of Squad Six, of the Enforcers." He announced loudly as his flames crackled out. "And I'm taking you down!"



"What are you..." Irene asked eying the two people up.

"That ain't nice." The man who was named Rilla said stuffing a finger in his large ear and pulling out a glob of ear wax. "What are you?"

The one who was named Ghazel sighed. "If you really want to know. We're Fourth Generation Enforcers, though we're not actually Enforcers..." She sighed.

"Uh what?" Light asked frowning.

Rilla let out a laugh as he cracked his knuckles. "Well ya see. Long story short there's that Second Generation, those guys who come back from the dead, than there's that third generation, those guys with Bestia Macht powers. That there is us. The Master wanted to make his own Generation of Enforcers much like his father so he made us. "

Ghazel gave a small nod. "Father studied the Equations, and the power of evolution they held... It took him some time but he used that to modify the genes of animals, to force that animal to evolve thousands of years of what it would be in the future, if it followed the path of human evolution, ut modified to keep some of their powerful traits they had as an animal... I'm a Ghazel if Ghazels evolved like humans, and Rilla, is a Gorilla if Gorillas evolved like humans..."

"That's incredible." Santa said with wide eyes.

"Sadly it was shut down." Ghazel sighed. "While we became humans, and kept our animal traits, we were unable to get an Equation to bond with us. As such we have the weakness of any human where if we touch a Bestia Macht we freeze to death. So even if our bodies are simply built so much better it doesn't matter. We can't fight the Bestia Macht without an Equation. HR also shut it down due to the fact that it was expensive, and the last two Generation Projects failed... That's not even counting the disaster Generation Zero, the God Slayer, project was..."

"Still our Master is trying to get more of us made." Rilla smirked as he cracked his knuckles. "Ya see you humans really do hate each other. Causing crimes in your own Nation, and then there's the wars going on with the other Nations. Our Master is trying to make HR pass a new bill. He wants them to let him make more of us. Not for the Enforcers but for the Nation as a whole. Soldiers that can charge into the other Nations, or a group of super cops. You Enforcers get to kill those damn Bestia Macht, and we get to stop humanity from going to the shitter."

Irene gave a small frown. "Well... I mean... It isn't a bad idea... I mean the Enforcer do have Black Coats which are just normal humans..." She shook her head getting back on topic. "Still though. I don't care who or what you guys are. We're saving our friend."

"Well then." Rilla gave a large smirk. "Let's put on a good show shall we..." He asked cocking his head to the side.

Ghazel fired forward with unreal speed slashing her knife out as Irene and Light. Irene managed to avoid the attack though it still grazed the front of her jacket leaving a tiny, but painful cut on her stomach. Light on the other hand managed to raise his gun up blocking the knife strike which bounced off of his gun. He swung it out but Ghazel leaned back showing just how flexible she was as his gun went over her. Irene created a large ice spike which she stabbed out at the animal girl who simply blocked the strike with her knife giving a tiny but bored smirk.

Over with Rilla he charged forward slamming his elbow into Santa and throwing the buff grandpa back. Santa's feet slammed into the stone ground as he gritted his teeth and slammed his massive battle axe down as hard as he could. Rilla raised his arms and showed just how durable that fur one them was when the battle axe bounced off of his arm. He threw a powerful punch out slamming it into Santa's face and knocking the man back a few feet. Santa stepped back and reached up wiping at his bloody nose.

"Not to bad." Santa grinned.

"Same gramps. You're one touch cookie. That punch would have ripped the head off of a normal guy."

"Well..." Santa fired forward at a fast speed as he slashed his massive battle axe out as hard as he could. "It's a good thing I'm not normal!" He yelled. His axe slammed into Rilla's arm and this time it was strong enough to send vibrations throughout the mans body and managed to slightly push past that thick fur leaving a small cut. Santa's fist then flew out as he slammed a powerful punch right into the mans face so hard Rilla was actually sent crashing into one of the towers. Rilla tried to pick himself up only for Santa to come flying in with a drop kick, slamming Rilla through the building!

Rilla rolled back and jumped back to his feet picking up two massive cinderblocks and slammed them both into Santa's head so hard both of them shattered into small rocks. Santa gave a dazed look as blood trickled down his head which Rilla took as his chance to reclaim the battle. He grabbed the man by the beard and yanked him over to the wall slamming his face into it as hard as he could over and over again until the entire wall came down and Santa was slammed through it. He smashed the man onto the ground and threw out a punch only for Santa to open his mouth as wide as he could and catch the fist in his teeth biting down and cracking some of his teeth but still piercing the skin and making Rilla howl in pain.

Over on the other end Irene slashed out with her good hand sending a large icicle out which she stabbed at Ghazel, who managed to block it with her horns. Irene's bad hand glowed and she quickly created ice fingers for her to use, giving her ten fingers once more. Once that was done she created a pair of ice knuckle dusters as she moved in close throwing out several powerful punches which Ghazel actually managed to block. The force of the punches still left large nasty cold bruises on her flesh and caused her to frown.

"We were made to be better than humans you know." Ghazel sighed throwing out a punch of her own which slammed into Irene's face causing the ice girl to stumble back. Both girls were sort of having a boxing match as they both threw out punches, and blocks. "Our bodies are stronger, and faster, only thing we don't have is Equations, giving us immunity to the Bestia Macht Virus..." She sighed. She broke the boxing match slamming her foot down onto Irene's leg and dropping the girl. "Still... When fighting normal humans we don't really need it-"

A golden bullet slammed into her side sending her stumbling back and clutching at her bleeding wound. Light jumped into the air firing out several bullets in fast succession a few of which hit her. Ghazel still managed to dodge most of them back flipping and whipping her knife out as soon as Light landed. She charged him and sliced out with her knife only for him to block it with his gun and knock it out of her hands.

"Nice try but-"

Light stopped when pain washed over him.

"Light!" Irene yelled with wide eyes.

Ghazel's head was down now, and her horns were crimson, since she used them as her weapon running the blind kid through the gut with them. "You're senses are good but you fought me as if I was a normal human." She said giving a small grin. "I'm like a wild beast. If you considered I still had horns I could have used, you likely would have dodged that attack."

"D... Damn..." Light groaned as she cocked her head to the side ripping the horns out of him. He dropped to his knees breathing heavily.

"Don't worry. I avoided most of your vitals but you're out of this fight-" A large brick of ice slammed into her head as Irene came crashing down.

Irene slammed her fist down only for Ghazel to catch it twisting her body around and slamming Irene into the ground. Her arms wrapped around the girls neck and she began to slowly choke her out...

Rilla also had his hands around Santa's neck as both the animal people downed their enemies...


The doors kicked open as Hero strolled into the dark room.

"Oh good you're here!" A cheerful voice announced. Hero saw them. Newt who was standing all the way in the back, Automata who was sitting on Ken, and Ken who was red faced and being set on... Newt clapped his hands and grinned. "Good... We're almost at the boss fight."

Automata stood up slowly cracking her neck and joints. She grabbed Ken and threw the girl over to her Captain who caught her.

"So I gotta beat you to get to him?" Hero asked.

"Hmm..." Automat said flatly. "But... Before we fight allow me to be fair..." She said.

"What?" Hero's face when beat red when she grabbed her jacket and unzipped it tossing it off, than grabbed her jump suit and began to take that off. "What the hell are you doing!"

"Relax I have clothes underneath."

"Oh thank God-" Hero quickly covered his eyes when she did not in fact have clothes underneath her outfit.

'Stop covering your eyes I wanna see!'

Automata grinned while Ken's face was also a beat red and she looked away. "You might want to see this." Automata said in a simple tone.

Hero used his hand to block out her upper half than used his hand to block out her lower half only giving him a view of her stomach. His eyes went wide slightly when he saw two white marbles sticking out of her stomach. "T... Two Equations."

Automata grabbed her jumpsuit slipping it back on and zipping it back up. "Make of that what you will." She sighed. "In the end it really won't matter..."