The Battle (Part 4)

Night One Hundred And Forty

Age 1991

Automata grabbed her jumpsuit slipping it back on and zipping it back up. "Make of that what you will." She sighed. "In the end it really won't matter..."

"Noted..." Hero sighed.

The girl reached into her jumpsuit pulling out a pair of curved bone blades, that were similar to the ones that Mystery had used the other day. They twirled around in her hands as she leaned forward and fired out at a fast speed slashing out with her curved blades as hard and fast as she could. Hero's arm glowed and morphed into his clawed form as he raised it up just in time blocking her strikes. He clawed out at her but she ducked down her body going under him as she flipped around him.

"How can you have two Equations?' Hero hissed.

'This is so unfair!' Row's voice yelled echoing through Hero's mind. 'Not even we can use two. We just have one and a Crest. No one should be able to wield two... Not even God was able to use two at once... What the hell is this girl. Is she even human?'

Automata spun her body slamming her leg into Hero's gut making him stumble back. "Who said I have two?" She asked frowning. "My Cursed power allows me to turn into anything that is classified as a vehicle such as a jet o boat. It's not really to good for combat but I mange with it." She said giving a tiny grin as she jumped into the air her body glowing as she morphed into a massive truck.

Hero back flipped getting back just in time as the truck morphed. Before he could react though she shifted once more back into her human form stabbing out with her weapons as she began to slash out like a whirl wind with them. "Then what's with the two Equations that are inside of you!" Hero yelled throwing out a punch which she tried to block but the force of it was still enough to slam her back.

"You haven't figured it out?" The force of Hero's punch rattled through her as she stumbled back slightly. She tossed her weapons into the air suddenly as she fired forward towards him. "I'm a Bio Engineered Human. Much like you I was not born but rather made, though I wasn't made with the DNA of the one we call God... Bio Humans were not so rare back in the day though few lived very long and even fewer could bond with an Equation. People like me are rare, but not one in a million. We're much the same Hero, you and I. Though of course project God Slayer was the most funded Bio Human Project and the only one that had access to God's DNA."

"I don't see what that has to do with anything-" Hero was stopped when her fist flew out landing a hard punch to his face making him stumble back. Newt gave a large grin seeing the punch as he reached up and snapped his fingers. Hero felt himself slam into the ground as his gravity doubled. It wasn't enough to stop him from moving but he was a lot slower now. "W... What the hell."

'Damn... That's how they did it!'

"W... What?"

'She's his weapon... That second Equation inside of her is that Captains! She's his Equip Type. A person with an Equation of their own being used as a Equation for someone else... He turned her into a weapon for him to use. I was right. It's not possible for a person to have two Equations... She just has one, and the second one within her is being used by that other man... That's why when we fought him he didn't show us any of his powers... He might as well be a normal human... He has to rely on this girl for all his combat!'

"That's possible! Come on that has to be some kind of cheating hack right?"

"Hero look out!" Ken yelled.

Hero looked up just in time to see Automata dropping down, her blades ready to run him through and finish him off, with this next attack...

'This can't be- Wait what's what light?'


As Automata fell she suddenly turned her body avoiding a ball of pink flames that flew over her head and slammed into the wall...


A Few Minuets Ago...

"Yūdaina kitsune no kōtō suru honō!" Kitsune yelled slashing his blade down and sending out a wave of flames which took the form of a large fox that slashed out with its claws slashing the ground apart.

The Bestia Macht he fought let out a loud and animalistic roar as it slammed its foot into the ground jumping over the massive wave of flames and flipped all the way over. It came crashing back down, black spikes, and wood jutting out of his arms as he threw out a powerful punch slamming it into Kitsune who managed to block the strike with his katana right as it threw him back.

"Not good..." Kitsune hissed avoiding several rapid strikes. "One cut and I get the virus... Unlike Caster Types, or Transformation Types, I'm not immune to this thing so I have to be careful... Man why couldn't this one not have those damn freezing traits like the rest of the human Bestia Macht." He sighed shaking his head before giving a small grin. "Ahh whatever. It wouldn't be very fun if it was easy!"

With those words he flashed out at a high speed slashing the beasts off clean off but in less than a second its arm regrew getting even bigger.

"Whoa! He wasn't kidding this things regeneration really has gone up."

The beast spun its body around slamming a leg into Kitsune who's jacket thankfully stopped direct contact. The force still sent him flying back as he tumbled into one of the buildings slowly flipping himself back around. The beast wrapped its arms around a large stone pillar ripping it out and jumping towards him as it swung its new weapon around like some kind of massive stone club of death. Kitsune stabbed his blade out slamming it into the pillar just in time melting it down.

The beasts hand came flying out from the large dust cloud grabbing the Noble by the leg as it raised him up off the ground and suddenly slammed him into the ground as hard as it could over and over again. Kitsune's head smashed into the stone floor so hard the ground began to crack as his blood ran down his head and he coughed out in pain. He spun his body around slashing off the beasts arm once more causing it to drop him.

Kitsune spun his body around landing on the ground and running his blade through the beasts gut as hard as he could. The glowing blade got brighter as his flames fired out forming a large flaming fox around the beast that flew out and slammed into another building. The flaming fox slammed its body down into the ground over and over again melting the stone floor and pushing the beast deeper and deeper into the ground.

Kitsune slowly dropped down to his knees breathing heavily as more blood ran down his face. "Alright... So... I might be in a bit or trouble I'll admit... It's not going to well..." The ground shook as the beast slowly clawed its way out of the ground letting out a loud roar as it glared at him its body healing. It punched out destroying his fire fox as its body began to glow. "That being said... Don't think I'm about to just roll over and die you stupid beast! I'm Kitsune Nine! Heir to the Noble Family of Nine, younger brother of Jin, a member of the Enforcers on Squad Six, Official Rival to Hero Law, Friend of Light, Ken Red, and Irene Glacious, and of course... I'm a badass Samurai." He stabbed his blade forward holding it with both hands as his flames poured out.

The beast let out a loud roar as it opened its mouth up as large as it could a black and red energy pouring out of its mouth. A massive beam of red energy blasted out, the same kind of lasers that Ken was often using. The beam fired forward at a fast speed spinning and crackling out.

Kitsune gave a grin as his flames formed a massive fox head around his body. The head slowly opened firing out a massive beam of flames. "Foxes Flare!" He yelled.

A large explosion was set off as both beam slammed into each other and in a massive explosion both Kitsune and the Beast were slammed back into the ground.

Kitsune let out a loud pained groan laying back as he stared up at the black sky. "Well... I give it my all..." He sighed. The ground shook as the Bestia Macht began to slowly pull itself back together standing back up.

"Need some help Nine?"

"What?" Kitsune slowly opened his eyes and stared down at the awaiting hand of Max from Squad One...


A Few Minuets Ago...

"Light!" Irene yelled with wide eyes.

Ghazel's head was down now, and her horns were crimson, since she used them as her weapon running the blind kid through the gut with them. "You're senses are good but you fought me as if I was a normal human." She said giving a small grin. "I'm like a wild beast. If you considered I still had horns I could have used, you likely would have dodged that attack."

"D... Damn..." Light groaned as she cocked her head to the side ripping the horns out of him. He dropped to his knees breathing heavily.

"Don't worry. I avoided most of your vitals but you're out of this fight-" A large brick of ice slammed into her head as Irene came crashing down.

Irene slammed her fist down only for Ghazel to catch it twisting her body around and slamming Irene into the ground. Her arms wrapped around the girls neck and she began to slowly choke her out...

Rilla also had his hands around Santa's neck as both the animal people downed their enemies...

Irene let out a loud growl trying to get Ghazel off of her but could only gasp out a little as her neck was pressed down on. She slapped at the arms of the girl digging her icy claws into them but Ghazel didn't seem to care. Even as her body was slowly being covered with thick cold ice, the animal girl just did not let go pressing down on Irene's neck even harder.

"You should just close your eyes and stop struggling." Ghazel said calmly. "We're not going to kill you. This entire fight is being recorded so our Master can show HR how good we are. If we're lucky more of us will be made for use of the Enforcers. We'll be created to fight against humans with Equations, and should it come up the Seraphins..."

"S... Seraphins?" Irene groaned.

"Yes... Did you not know? The Master, not our Master, but 'the' Master, Master Storm, also wants more of us to be made... He's fearing that whoever is turning people into Bestia Macht's is gonna get the job done... It's only a matter of time before they find out how to turn someone into a Seraphin... As such our Master, and Master Storm want to be ready. That's why they set this all up. Many people consider Squad Six to be the main battle Squad, so imagine what HR would think if they watch many of you get beat up, by what is considered the weakest Squad. Even now, if you were to win, we've shown off so much HR would have to be fools to not accept us. Pretty soon... Maybe as short as only a few months, the Enforcers are going to have to change... The next Age is coming... An Age of monsters and powers."

Irene let out a quiet hiss as she got her hand to her stomach. It glowed as she suddenly created a thin icicle stabbing through her stomach and impaling Ghazel who's eyes shot wide open as the ice blade stabbed through her body. Her arms wobbled as Irene knocked her off of herself.

Irene stood back up wobbling slightly as she created another ice knife. "I don't care about that... Honestly I think it would be good if you guys join the Enforcers... All I care about right now is that you've hurt my friends, and captured Ken, and worried Hero. I'm gonna kick your ass no matter what."

Ghazel stepped back clutching at her stomach wound as she let out a growl. She twirled her knife out as she glared back at the woman. "You insane mad woman..." She gave a small grin as she fired forward. "Well than get ready because I'm going to-"

A leg slammed into her from her side as Ghazel slammed past Rilla who stopped for a moment turning to look at the girl. "Hmm?" He asked. He slowly turned and raised an eyebrow. "Who the hell is that?"

Irene turned and her eyes went wide when she saw Shiki standing in the courtyard now...