A Traitor Among Us

Night One Hundred And Forty Nine

Age 1991

"It's a very beautiful noise isn't it..." Cloak said nodding her head. She was wrapped up in a large blanket of scarfs, and cloaks, sitting at the edge of a massive skyscraper staring down at the waiting city below. Loud noises of combat could be heard as the many Bestia Macht ran wildly. "I'm so glad you entrusted me with this task my love..."

For a second the image of Bright, decked out in his gear came to her mind.

The cloaked woman slowly stood up reaching into her bag and pulling out a small glass jar. In the jar a globe of a weird yellow powdered bug could be seen. She stared at it for a moment letting out a small hum as she shook the jar allowing it to slide back and forth as she nodded. Very slowly she undid the lid of the jar and reached in grabbing the insect with her thumb and pointer finger taking care to not let it pierce her skin. She nodded her head and reached up slowly pulling the hood of her cloak down showing Key Frost underneath the cloak.

"Alright little guy..." She said quietly putting her glasses back on. "Do your thing... It's time we throw 'him' under the bus...." She said calmly letting go of the small insect which began to fall. Her smile grew larger as she stared down at it falling to the world below. The strings of her cloak began to wrap around herself as she was pulled back. "Just like when you asked me to distract those two boys Kitsune, and Hero, I'll do it once more my love. So keep pushing forward..."

Down below in the large streets of Rose city the battle was seemingly finally coming to an end after much fighting.

Hero and Kitsune stood on the sidelines of the road, a row of yellow duct tape, and several civilians behind them. They had thought they would have gotten to see some action being on the side line, but the two members of Squad One, as well as Ken, Light, and Irene, were seemingly enough because no Bestia Macht came by at all.

"I'm bored..." Kitsune said flatly going to take a step forward but was stopped when Hero placed a hand on his shoulder.

"No, no, no... North told us to stay put..." Hero sighed shaking his head.

"But I'm bored-"

"Here. Read this." Hero said reaching into his jacket and pulling out a folded up comic book. "Super Ultra Mega Man got a new addition, where he crosses over with the original story, Mega Ultra Delta Girl."

"Comics are lame."

"You're lame."

"No way man. Comics are way to dumb and filled with the same cliques."

"Oh and your stories aren't?"

"No. They're not! Ours has good music, an awesome fanbase, plus they can get adapted into animated films!"

"Man I'd love if my story got adapted into a comic or animated film-"

Hero stopped when he felt something twitching in his hair. He frowned as he reached up placing his thumb and finger over the small drone that was in his hair and raising it up. The metal drone was twitching at a fast speed and let out several mechanical twitching sounds as it almost seemed to glow and point with its wings pointing up into the air wildly.

"Hey I think your pet is having a panic attack?" Kitsune noted.

"Droney isn't my pet. He's my little buddy. He's always just sitting in my hair even when I shower."

"Isn't it always recording? And don't the Four Sacred Beasts and Master Storm look it over?"

"Huh... So that's why Angel isn't able to look me in the eyes anymore... And why Alpha randomly high fived me... And why Ward shows a jealous look..."

"I don't want to talk about this anymore."

"Noted. Let's look up." Both boys stopped talking about Hero in the shower and looked up to the building that loomed over them. It was a massive skyscraper so tall it was impossible for them to actually see the top of it. Hero frowned as he stared though. "I don't see anything-"

Kitsune slashed out with his katana at the air suddenly letting out a loud curse as Hero's eyes went wide. For a brief second he saw it. The small light from the artificial sun glinted off of the tiny bugs wings as it dropped down.

"Is there an issues sir?" A Black Coat said running over.

"No stay back-" Hero tried to yell as the bug darted towards the man stabbing into the mans stomach. The mans eyes went wide as he began to spasm. Kitsune raised his sword up ready to cut the man down but was suddenly stopped when Hero grabbed his wrist. "Wait!"

"What!" Kitsune yelled as everyone began to panic, due to the man who was morphing into a Bestia Macht.

"There's a 1% chance he'll become a Seraphin and not a Bestia Macht-"

"Not the time for this Hero!"


"No buts-"

The man let out a loud roar as he suddenly morphed into some kind of humanoid Bestia Macht. He lunged at the nearest person next to him coating that person in ice and shattering them as everyone who had been on the sidelines started screaming in terror.

"Oh look at that! The 99% chance of him to turn into a Bestia Macht caused him to turn into a Bestia Macht and he's now trying to kill people! Thanks Hero!"

"I just... I..." Hero shook his head as his arm morphed into its clawed form and he slammed it down onto the Bestia Macht leaving him as a blood mush and breaking his core in one attack causing him to break apart into a snow effect as he broke down and died. Droney continued to freak out more as more of those bugs began to fall from the sky landing on people. Hero let out a curse as he watched them rain down from the skyscraper. "Someone's up there doing this..."

"Not a problem." Kitsune said slashing his sword out and sending a jet of flames up which washed over several of the insects and anyone that was being infected burning them down to ash. "I'm gonna fly up there and stop whoever is doing this. Devil Arm go get North and the others."

"R... Right..." Hero nodded. "Take Droney with you. You made need to use his recording mode if you spot whoever this is."

"Sure." Kitsune grabbed the metal drone resting it on his head as his nine tails formed together into their large form and began to spin at a fast speed as he lifted up off the ground sending more flames out and stopping the bugs from reaching the ground and infecting anyone.

Hero took off sprinting as fast as he could with wide eyes. 'Bright struck again huh... But most of the gang is in the alleyway... Than again Shelly, Max, and Shiki, are with the Squad One Vice Captain, and three other Squad One members... I'll need to ask them if anyone of their members got out of their sight during this... As long as North, and Eins, are still here than I know it isn't any of them and can write them both off...' Hero thought nodding his head. 'What do you think Row?'


'Right... Makes sense. Well thought out, but crazy enough to where it might just- Why am I pretending to talk to you in my own mind...' Hero rounded the corner and came to a sliding stop when he saw the group.

Ken, was covered in tons of blood from ripping through the horde, living up to her Red Sister title, which were sisters that were said to be Gods assassins and got their name from being painted red from the armies they went up against, Irene and Light, were both fine since they used long range attacks, and North was also clean since he had his ice armor, which shattered around him leaving him clean. Eins was no where to be seen since he had gone on ahead...

"Hero?" North asked raising an eyebrow when he saw the boy. "What's up?"

"Hero?" Irene asked frowning when she saw the look on his face.

"Where's... Where's Eins?" Hero asked looking around. Ken fidgeted nervously as she cleared her throat.

"He... He said he was going on ahead." Ken said meeting Hero's gaze and trying to tell him what she was thinking.

"Is something wrong?" Eins asked.


"Sneak attack!" Hero was suddenly kicked in the back landing flat on his face as Shelly landed on him. "As a temporary member of our squad you have to always be on your guard." Behind her Max, Shiki, the First Vice Captain, as well as three other Enforcers could be seen. The three other Enforcers were higher ups all gold badges like North, and Eins, but even higher up on the food chain then them.

Hero stood up throwing Shelly off of him as he suddenly grabbed the girl pulling her close to him and making her face go red. "Shelly!"

"Uh! Yes..." Shelly said red faced, while Irene, and Ken, both watched with twitching eyes.

"Did anyone leave your Squad at all while you guys were doing your mission?"

"Uh... No?"

"Hero what the hell is going on?" North asked frowning. "Why aren't you with Kitsune-"

"There was an attack." Hero said shaking his head quickly. "Several bugs rained down from a skyscraper and started infecting everyone. Lots of Bestia Macht. Kitsune dealt with most of them, and flew up to see who was doing it."

"What?" The Vice Captain said a bit shocked. "And you waited till now to tell us."

"I... I needed to confirm something."

"Whatever..." The Vice Captain shook her head and turned to the three men behind her. "Silver, Bronze, and Gold you three are with me."

"No way in hell those are their names..." Ken said flatly.

Bronze was a tall man with large muscle brown hair, and brown eyes. He was a transformation type with the Equation in his left thumb. Silver was a thin woman with silver hair and silver hair, holding what looked like a large trumpet which was likely where her power was, being an Equip type. And Gold was a thing boy with golden hair, yellow eyes, and a bright smile showing off rows of teeth. Bronze smirked as his thumb morphed into some weird wheel that stuck out of his hand at a strange angle which he stabbed into the wall and allowed it to drive him up. Silver brought her instrument up to her lips and blew on it creating a weird color effect under her feet which made a large rainbow pillar her and the first captain rode on. And Gold just kind of sighed.

"I got to take the stairs... I can't do cool stuff like them..."



At the top of the skyscraper Kitsune landed breaking his fall into a roll as his large tail suddenly separated into several tails once more. He twirled his katana around and pointed it forward.

"Bright! Your time is- Wait you aren't Bright..."

"No... No I am not." Cloak said once again in her full outfit as she cocked her head to the side.

Kitsune's eyes went wide when he saw the woman. "You're... You're that girl who was after Key! How did you get into the city!"

"Oh silly... The same way Bright did... Any idea how we keep getting in?"

"That female Hero is teleporting you all in right! With her weird Crest Clown powers she got from Piero! That's it isn't it!"

"A good guess but no. Her powers don't work like that and also while we are an Organization, we each have our own goals and plans... Her and her son, Vil, are working on their own projects right now. Very rarely do we actually team up like we did last time. Of course during that event our boss wanted something and when she kicks and screams hard enough Hero gets her way, spoiled little brat."

"Huh..." Kitsune shook his head as the flames covered his blade. "Well whatever! I'm taking you down!"