Eins Licht A Hero Of Justice

Night One Hundred And Fifty

Age 1991

Down On The Streets...

"Whatever..." The Vice Captain shook her head and turned to the three men behind her. "Silver, Bronze, and Gold you three are with me."

"No way in hell those are their names..." Ken said flatly.

Bronze was a tall man with large muscle brown hair, and brown eyes. He was a transformation type with the Equation in his left thumb. Silver was a thin woman with silver hair and silver hair, holding what looked like a large trumpet which was likely where her power was, being an Equip type. And Gold was a thing boy with golden hair, yellow eyes, and a bright smile showing off rows of teeth. Bronze smirked as his thumb morphed into some weird wheel that stuck out of his hand at a strange angle which he stabbed into the wall and allowed it to drive him up. Silver brought her instrument up to her lips and blew on it creating a weird color effect under her feet which made a large rainbow pillar her and the first captain rode on. And Gold just kind of sighed.

"I got to take the stairs... I can't do cool stuff like them..."

hero watched them leave for a second a large frown on his face. "Hero..." Ken said sheepishly grabbing his sleeve and tugging on it as she slowly stared down at the ground in a sort of cute manner. "I kind of did something maybe a little bad..."

"What's going on exactly?" Shelly asked frowning.

"Squad Six stuff." Irene said bluntly. "Squad Six members only."

"Hell yeah!" Light announced high fiving her.

Max hummed as he frowned. "Something clearly suspicious is going on..." He said flatly.

North hummed for a second. "Shelly... You're in charge. I'm going after the others, and will try to help out Kitsune." North nodded planting his foot on the ground and creating a massive ice pillar which he used to hop onto a building and make an ice ramp traveling from roof to roof as he headed away from the group.

Everyone was silent for a moment as they watched him leave. Max folded his arms for a moment as he let out a small hum. "...Wait... Did he say Shelly is in charge-"

Shelly smacked Hero upside the head knocking him over. "Dance peasant! Dance for your Queen!"


The Roof Tops...

'Can I beat this person?' Kitsune thought for a moment as Cloak suddenly landed next to him her threads coming out of her large jacket and whipping around the roof top. The threads wrapped around each other forming what seemed like a massive tendril which whipped out towards the fox teen.

Kitsune raised his blade up just in time as the whip slammed into it but the force was still strong enough to send him flying back.

He flipped his body around his feet digging into the metal floor of the building as his flames rose even higher the temperature growing as his nine tails formed together into a single much longer tail which fired forward at a fast speed stabbing towards the woman, but Cloak ducked her body down as the tail stabbed up above her.

"Why are you here!" Kitsune yelled. He slashed his sword out sending a wave of flames towards the woman.

"Why not?" Cloak spun her body around as the ring of flames flew past her and sliced a huge chunk off of the building behind her melting most of the stone and metal.

"You're part of that weird group! The Organization right?" Kitsune questioned. He jumped into the air spinning his body around and falling towards her with his blade, only for her to also avoid that. His tails however broke into nine parts once again making her let out a grunt as they all wrapped around her raising her up off of the ground. He raised his flaming sword up pressing it to her throat and making her hiss in pain as it began to badly burn her. "Alright... So you know who that Bright guy is right? Why don't you go and tell me. Though I'm pretty sure I know who it is already." Kitsune smirked.

"Do you?" Cloak asked cocking her head to the side.

"I mean... You guys are kind of screwed. We know it's one of you so all we got to do now is find which one of you has it..."

Cloak let out another hum as she threw her arms out sending hundreds of those white bugs out making Kitsune's eyes go wide. His tails pulled back and he back flipped landing on the ground and sending out more of his flames melting as many of the bugs as he could down to ash. Cloak jumped through the flames spinning around as the strings came out forming a massive hand which wrapped around Kitsune's leg. She lifted him up and slammed him down as hard as she could making him yell out in pain.

All of the bugs he failed to burn dropped down the building falling towards the public below making Kitsune hiss.

"N... No... They're in trouble-"

"What are you? Some kind of hero?"

"H... Heh..." Kitsune's nine tails formed into a massive single tail firing past her and down the side of the building shooting out another jet of flames which sliced down the building burning them down to ash and stopping anyone from being infected. "D... Don't call me by that idiots name. I'm so much cooler-"

Cloaks massive string fist slammed down into Kitsune's chest making him let out a loud yell as he was smashed down so hard the entire building shook from the force of the blow. She raised the arm up once more as the arm began to shrink and sharpen into a massive razor thin blade of strings. It began to spin faster and faster as it lit up with flames wrapping around the blade.

"Fire?" Kitsune gasped out blood trickling down his chin, from what was likely some broken ribs.

"I thought it would be ironic." Cloak shrugged as it lowered down at a slow pace.

"Sc... Screw you..." He gasped out as his vision began to blur.

Cloak didn't say anything as she slashed the blade down making sure not to cut into the teen deep enough to kill, rather allowing the blade to slash into his gut and chest making him scream out in pain as she brought it down again and again, but never deep enough to kill. Rather just hurt. Much like a cat who found its mouse, causing as much pain as she could.

"Well Fox..." Cloak said cocking her head to the side. "It seems this is the end... It's a shame. I really liked you and that other boy. You were both nice. Good bye."



"Light Lance!"

"What-" A large golden spear suddenly slammed into the girl from behind throwing her across the roof top as she tumbled and nearly fell off of the edge but her whip like strings slashed out stopping her just in time as she slowly pulled herself back up. "You're... Eins Licht?"

Standing on the rooftop with a large goofy smirk on his face Eins from Squad One stood, his right arm now resting in his wooden arm form. It glowed for a second forming his large light spear, out of the hard light he could morph, pointing it towards the girl. "Eins Licht from Squad One! I'm a hero of justice, a superhero!" He announced proudly. Kitsune and Cloak stared at him with flat looks. "So this is why North and Hero say that all the time. It's fun! 100% Would say again."

"You're an idiot." Kitsune and Cloak both said.

"Sit tight Fox boy." Eins announced. "I'll save you!" He fired forward stabbing his lance out as it morphed into a large glowing staff which he spun around his body at a fast speed slashing it out with so much force as it cut out at the wind around them, ripping more of the building up, which being in the Noble's city, would likely be coming out of the taxes, of everyone else in the Red Nation. His staff twisted around the woman as she ducked her head down just in time as it tore up the surrounding arena. His staff morphed into a large glowing spear once more which he stabbed down as hard as he could towards the girl, who brought her arms up creating several strings which formed into a shield. The force of his blow was strong enough to send her into the ground in a rough manner as she let out a loud hiss of pain.

"Wow! Eins is as strong as Hannah." Kitsune said with wide eyes. "Is this what Gold badge ranked Enforcers can do?" He asked in shock.

Cloak let out a loud groan of pain now with her back pressed into the melted, and cut up, metal floor of the building. It had been torn up so much it was a miracle the roof didn't cave in. "You... You bastard..." She hissed out.

Eins gave a large grin as his spear morphed into a large hard light hammer. He twirled it around in his hands as he raised it up. "What was it that you said to Fox?? That he was over? Well you're over-"

Cloak jumped up to her feet as fast as she could forming four large tails made out of the strings, each one with a large spike at the end of it which began to spin at a fast speed, bending and twisting the air around them, as well as generating enough heat to twirl flames around them, much like Hero's own attack, Hellish Cyclone. Her tails fired out at a fast speed stabbing out in front of her towards the Squad One Enforcer making his eyes go wide. He raised his hammer up just in time as it morphed into a large hard light shield. The drills slammed into it so hard his arm shook as he was pushed back, and several cracks began to slowly spread out across it, an impressive feat, considering the fact that not even Ken's attacks could harm it...

"Not so fast..." Eins hissed pressing back with his shield. "I... Am... A... Superhero!" He announced using all his might as he slammed the shield forward and threw her back once more.

Cloak rolled to her feet as she nearly collapsed and glared at the man more strings slowly wrapped around her body forming string armor that looked kind of like a metal suit, formed from her silver strings, and metal threads. She let out a loud hiss as she glared at him.

"Not good..." Kitsune hissed out with wide eyes. "She entered boss mode now... She's all armored... If only that dumbass devil arm was here, I could do our bond..."

"What? You gonna fight me some more?" Eins smirked. He formed a sword with his hard light. "Then lets fight."

"I don't think there will be a need for that." A loud, powerful voice announced. Three people suddenly landed on the ground... Silver, Bronze, and the Squad One Vice Captain. Cloak eyed them up for a moment as The Vice Captain drew her swords.

"Please tell me you're gonna keep fighting us." Bronze asked giving a large smirk as he raised his thumb up. It formed into a strange screw like weapon. "We can beat the crap out of you if you resist arrest."

Silver raised her instrument up and began to blow into it rather than speaking.

Cloak stepped back and eyed the three of them, Eins, and a beat up Kitsune all up as she took a few seconds to consider her chances. Considering she was losing to Eins, and Silver and Bronze were stronger, and the Vice Captain was the second strongest person in the Enforcers... And Kitsune? She quickly put it together that this was no looking to good for her.

Before she could make up her mind though, there was a quiet grunting noise. The group all stopped and turned to stare at the edge of the building as Gold slowly pulled himself over the edge. He was grunting as he shook his head breathing out. "S... Sorry..." He hissed. "Stairs... Suck..." He grunted. "Oh God I think I'm gonna puke..."

"Who the hell are these people?" Kitsune asked. "I mean I know the Vice Captain but the rest of you are freaking weird. A guy with thumb powers, a girl speaking through music, and an out of breath middle aged man, who is out of breath... And I thought Squad Six was weird... Than again Shelly, is on this Squad so... Yeah I should have seen it coming."

Cloak let out a small sigh as she raised her arms up. She cocked her head to the side for a second as her clothing glowed and broke away into nothing showing Key who was dressed in a simple skin tight black suit underneath the cloak. She held a tiny grin on her face as she got enjoyment from the shocked looks on everyone's faces.

"No chance to run, and Jesters power isn't here to bail me out. Alright. I give up."