
Night One Hundred And Fifty One

Age 1991

Oleander City...

Underground Prison...

"My, my... I must admit this is a surprise my dear Ms. Frost..." Master Storm said with a stern face.

Currently the old man was in the underground prison of Oleander City. It was a massive underground prison that went even deeper than the catacombs. It just went down, and down, and down, reaching the core of the very planet where this prison was built, designed to be the second biggest prison in the world. The first of course being Nightshade, the Prison Nation, an entire Nation that worked as a Prison. Oleanders Prison was typically used to hold people that the Enforcers wanted to keep, since all four Nations used Nightshade to dump their Prisoners. This one though was special. This Prison was the place the Enforcers didn't want the public to know about.

The metal walls of the Prison were hot from the core of the planet bleeding through, and it seemed to almost be filled with constant screaming, as the jailers tortured the information out of the Prisoners. The walls which had once been a pretty steel, had over the course of nearly two thousands Ages been stained a bloody red.

This might be the second biggest Prison, but many would argue it was the worst...

In it Master Storm stood. In front of him a cage could be seen. It was a small prison box, with Key Frost inside, chained to the box, with barbed wires, the floor covered in boiling water so she would have to keep dangling herself above it with the wire, least she burn through her feet. She was only in a simple brown cloth that barley covered her up or provided heat. Behind Master Storm is four mighty beast stood. Alpha, Ward, Angel, and the fourth one Zane, who represented the Tiger. The Tiger, the Turtle, the bird, and the dragon, all together.

And yet despite these circumstances Key found herself with a large smile on her face as she cocked her head at the old man. "I surprised you did I?"

"That you did my girl." Master Storm nodded. Any look of amusement or joking was gone. This was the side of him most never saw. The side that was actually brilliant. The side that was playing game the way it should be played. "I never once suspected you to be in on the Organizations. The Frosts have often donated their vast wealth to our cause."

"Well... I'm not a Frost am I?"

"Only in name you are." Ward nodded holding up a file. "It says here you never actually had a last name. You weren't even a Noble until you married into the Frost family after the death of Jack Frost's late wife. You've also yet to bare Mr. Frost a kid, but he does already have a son, which he had with his late wife."

"I have a infertility." Key shrugged. "I can't have kids. Though I treat Jack Junior as if he is my own son."

Angel frowned as she looked at her own notes. "You know we'll be looking into the Frost family right? We currently have Jack and is son, detained now as we speak. We're looking into them to see if they're also in the group... As well as asking you to tell us any other members. Such as Bright."

"I'm afraid that wont be possible." Key smirked.

Alpha let out a sigh. "So you aren't going to tell us."

"That I wont."

"Fine by me." Zane sneered. "You can rot in here till you die from infection, or give up and finally tell us."

Master Storm hummed for a moment as he looked up to the roof. "I never expected the rules of the game to be broken much like they had. Things are starting to change right... New goals, and new ideas, are forming... It makes me wonder where these things may play out. I find myself excited in the concept of this game. It has been so long since I found an opponent that could excite me. Not since the started of the first Age, in which Orion covered our world in frost and snow, creating the Bestia Macht, and me and him battled for three days and nights straight in which I ripped his heart out, creating the First, and Strongest Equation. And when he used all the power he had left, while bleeding out with a hole in his chest, and he sent the Heart to another place in this frozen hell to stop me from acquiring it, and when he rose up creating a whole new religion all around him, forming assassins out of nuns, and splitting our world up, forming wars, and conflict, I knew at that moment. He had won. But now here we stand, the Heart in our grasp, and a new goal in sight."

"You know where the Heart is?" Key asked with wide eyes. The other four Beasts all looked at Master Storm in shock as well, not knowing this.

"But of course I know where it is." The old man smiled. "Since the moment I first saw the power they had I knew who had the heart within them, and it makes me wonder how I can better mold them into the weapon we need. They who will stand at the very end. And the Hearts Guardian with his mighty sword. All along I've had your silly group. In checkmate."

"Who is it then? A Boy? A Girl? It has to be a recruit right? One of the new ones?" Key's calm look was gone now. She really wanted to know this. Something like this could change the war. "So the Heart is in the Red Nation after all... And it means you don't have it..."

"Slow down." Master Storm said letting out an amused chuckle. He turned his back on the girl as she glared at him, as he and his four sacred beasts, began to slowly walk away from her. "We don't want to spoil the game to soon do we?"

As they left ear shot Angel frowned. "Master Strom... Do you really know who has the heart, or where it is, or was this just a ploy to make her mad?"

Master Storms smile only grew. "Who's to say... Who's to say..."



Rose City...

Outside Of The Squad One Base...

Both Shelly and North rested on the steps that led into their Base. Shelly watched for a moment as Ken, Irene, and Light, walked past them heading into the city. "Where are they going?" She asked raising an eyebrow as she watched Ken and the others leave.

"I'd imagine they are trying to get in contact with their Captain due to Key being Captured. They'll likely be contacting her to inform her how one of their own have been injured. I imagine they'll be leaving soon."

"L... Leaving already..." Shelly asked frowning. Kitsune was currently in the infirmary after the battle they had yesterday. Max, Shiki, and Eins, were keeping him company. Gold, Silver, Bronze, and their Vice Captain, was in Oleander due to the events that happened with Key. They were all a little in shock about it. Hero especially seemed devastated since he had known Key. Unlike the others he was locked up in his room. She had tried talking to him but he didn't seem interested. "S... So. They're all leaving huh..." Her mind went to Ken. Than Hero. Than the others Irene, Kitsune, and Light.

"Do you really care about them that much." North asked giving a small smirk. "Or maybe its just one member you don't want to leave?"

"N... No! Of course not." Shelly shook her head as her face became a little red. "Nothing like that! Your wrong. Wrong I say!" She shook her head before letting out a small sigh. "Still though... That Squad Six has been acting weird..."


"Yeah... Hero grabbed me and asked me if I knew where Eins was, and if anyone else left randomly..."

North let out a small laugh as he reached out and patted the girl on the head. He let out a small sigh as he stared at her. "I'm sorry for everything that happened to you Shelly..."


"What happened to your city..." North sighed. He stared down at his hands which had began to shake. "Eins refuses to drop it... Its haunted him... And its haunted me to... I really care about Eins... Plus... The idea of that happening to anyone I love... I have a village that was attacked by the Bestia Macht... I almost lost my little sister Snow, as well as my twin Irene... Irene tries so hard, but she's unable to save us all... She allowed the guilt of everything that happened to our mother and father wash over her... That was why I left..."


"Irene has a good dream, but its foolish..." North sighed. "She'll never be able to stop all the Bestia Macht. No matter what." North looked up to the black sky his smile growing. "I came to save this world. I want to insure the humans live on. Rather than do the impossible and find a way to kill all the Bestia Macht I want to make it so humans can defend themselves. Its unfair that only a few people in this world have access to the powers we do. That Ken girl is a Seraphin... She's so strong. Imagine if everyone was as strong as her."

"What are you saying North?" Shelly asked staring at him in confusion.

North's smile seemed to grow even more. "Shelly. You like Eins as much as I do right? Do you love him like me?"

"L... Love!"

"Yes, yes! He's been put in this state because of his failure to save you. So I want to help him out. I want to help everyone out. I'm a hero of justice. A Superhero. Shelly... Want to help me create a world where everyone can fight for themselves. Ken and Eins had talked about something yesterday and I think I finally get it. I know how to make a Seraphin."



Hero let out a heavy sigh as he stared up the meta roof that was above his bed. Currently Irene, Ken, Kitsune, and Light, were gone. Kitsune was in the infirmary while Irene, Ken, and Light went to get into contact with Captain Katrina to inform her of everything that happened with Key, and that they still didn't know who Bright was.

Hero sighed as he stared up at the roof some more. He reached up with his right hand staring at the white marble that was in it.

'What are you thinking about?'

"What the f##k!" Hero jumped tipping over his own feet as he fell to the floor face first.

'Nice landing.'


'No need to shout... I'm in your head-'

"What the actual hell man!"


"You've been gone! Like gone, gone! I... I thought you left me..."

'Isn't that what you want?'

"N... I mean Yeah... I was glad you were gone." Hero shook his head as his eyes went wide. "Speaking of being gone... Where the hell were you!"

'I was talking.'

"To who!"

"'To me...'" The voice rattled around in Hero's mind making him hiss out as he grabbed his head and let out a loud hiss. "'Hello Hero...'"

"Who the hell is that!" Hero screamed.

"'Who do you think I am?'"

'I'm pretty sure you know the answer.'

"Oh God damn it..."


"Why! Why are you here! Row why the hell were you off talking to God! What the hell! Also why is God in my mind! Seriously!" The Drone on Hero's head clicked open when it heard him freaking out as it flew up and stared down at him.

"'Keep your voice down.'"

"W... What?"

"'To answer your question. I'm here because I'm bored. Two Thousand Ages of nothing... I thought I would at least entertain myself as I watch you struggle throughout your days.'"

'And to answer your question Hero... I was gone trying to stop this asshole from getting into our head like he is now. As you can see I was unable to... So now he gets a front me seat to watching you slowly vanish, me get my body back, and watch as grow in power so I can one day take him down.'

"'Oh someone's cocky. I can't wait to crush you.'"

Both God and Row quickly broke out into an argument. Well it was more like Row was arguing and God, just kept talking down to him, in an arrogant way. Row was full on screaming, while God spoke in a weird calm voice, that was somehow ever louder than Row's screaming, and also echoed around, feeling like a million bombs exploding in Hero's mind.

"I hate both of you..." Hero said flatly. "This is hell... This is actual hell..."

"'Oh relax...'" The voice of God said giving a metal shrug in Hero's mind. "'I'm just here to watch. Much like a person watches T.V- Humans still have T.V correct? I haven't been down to Earth in a while.'"

'Well than where the hell are you?' Row asked.

"'The moon.'"

'What the hell is the moon?' Hero and Row both asked.

God let out a small sigh. "'Right... Forgot you guys don't have a sky anymore... The moon is this thing out in space. Space is this thing past the void above. That black sky you guys have is actually smog from the war that happened back when we tracked time in years, and not ages. Back then the planet also wasn't covered in snow, and the ocean wasn't black and boiling.'"

"That actually sounds amazing..." Hero muttered. "I wish I could see the Earth when it looked like that."

"'Hang on.'"


'Oh God it hurts!'

Hero and Row both suddenly screamed out in pain as they both fell forward and saw something... A Memory... They saw a large blue planet. It was pretty... Large continents, a blue ocean, a gorgeous blue sky, white clouds, and some ball of fire, that was producing heat. And... A moon? "'Yes... My world was once pretty... Shame I had to run it into the ground... Oh well... As I said. I will just be an observer and try not to bother you both to much... Pretend as if I am not here.'"

'That's gonna be hard...'

Hero let out a loud groan as he heard a tiny click. He looked up seeing the face of Kitsune. The Fox Noble had a serious look on his face as he stared down at Hero.

"Eins is Bright."