Somebody Help

Night One Hundred And Fifty Three

Age 1990

Daffodil City...

Day Of The Attack...

It was cold...

So cold...

That's what the thirteen year old girl who was Shelly Kaen thought as she stumbled down the streets. Her entire body shivered. Her dull orange eyes were filled with nothing. No sadness. No anger. No happiness. More just shock. Her pink hair was down and had bits of snow flakes in it...

All around her she saw it...

Destroyed buildings. Ice covered streets. Frozen corpses... She had always heard that when a person dies to a Bestia Macht and are frozen everything about them is covered in ice and shattered. Even their soul...

A low growl slowly rose up from behind the pink haired kid making her let out a small whimper when she heard it. The building next to her slowly crumbled down into several crumbs as a large white beast rose out letting out a horrible growl as it eyed her up. Shelly felt herself fall back as she stared at the creature in horror. It let out a terrible growl and jumped at her its maw opening wide.

"Somebody... Somebody help me!"

Before the beast could reach her it was suddenly slammed into the ground a glowing sword slicing through it. A man landed on the ground his head bowed. A one year younger Eins Licht who stared at the beast with rage as it slowly broke apart. In his arms he held the only other survivor of this city. A Nun. Emma Vibes.

"Eins!" A voice cried out. North dropped down a pair of ice wings on his back, and his dragon ice armor around him.

"My God..." Eins said in a quiet voice as he stared out at all the destruction that was around them. "Why... Why did this have to happen..."

"Eins?" North asked reaching out to place a shoulder on Eins's shoulder but the currently Silver Rank Enforcer moved away and over to Shelly pulling the pink haired girl into a hug.

"At least we managed to save these two..." Eins cried out holding the stunned Shelly and the unconscious Emma. "So many are gone but we saved these two... Thank God... We saved them..."

North was silent as he looked away staring at the frozen streets covered in bodies. For a second his mind went to he incident that had happened recently... Snow had almost been killed... Her soul would have been broken to bits... Gone forever. No afterlife. Just a frozen hell for all eternity. North slowly bent down picking up the shattered remains of the millions of people that had been grinded into a fine powder...

"If only... If only there was a way to stop this..." He sighed.


Age 1991

Day Of The Enforcer Try Outs...

"Who is that?" North asked with wide eyes. He watched her fight. Shoulder length black hair with a silver stripe in it, as well as those animalistic silver eyes. Her style of fighting wasn't like a human. More like a beast allowing her to keep up with Shelly even cutting her own arm off and simply re-growing it.

"She's... Ken Red." Eins said reading from a file. "A Seraphin..."

"A what?"

"A Seraphin." Both boys turned when their Vice Captain spoke. She rested in the stone chair that all the Captains were in as they watched the match. "A Seraphin is a person who has the powers of a Bestia Macht. Extremely powerful, even stronger than those with Equations. They're like human Bestia Macht's and this was used back in the day to turn normal humans into Enforcers but was shut down due to the death of the man who created it, and the risks..."

"Risks?" Eins asked.

The Vice Captain let out a small hum as she nodded her head. "Mr. Hyde was a smart man. Once he figured out how to do it he was able to improve the chances of it working. The issue was that it was low at first... Only about a 1% chance for that person to become a Seraphin... Once he did it though it went up and up, and up, and by the final process it was all the way up to 75% but was shut down due to the fact that most people died during the 1% time... And sadly all the other Seraphins were killed when his lab was invaded and blown up. Shame though... Even with the risk of 1% I would have still used it. Once it got to 75% we could use it to create a better world. One where everyone had powers."

"You said Mr. Hyde did this..." North said slowly.

"Mr. Hyde is dead." Eins sighed throwing his arms behind his head. "Though I hope Ken gets on our Squad! She seems so cool! Man I wish I could have met a bunch of other Seraphins!"

North gave the smallest hint of a smile as he stared down at Ken. "As do I... As do I..."


Age 1991

Present Day...

The Catacombs...

"B... Bright..." Shelly gasped out trying to get back to her feet. "I'm gonna... Stop you-"

"My name is North Glacious." North said frowning.

"N... No..." Shelly stood up shaking her head. "I refuse to accept that... No way you are North... North was... He was so kind. And so heroic! North was cool as ice, and strong, and brave, and smart, and did everything he could to help out! You aren't North!"

"I am North!" North yelled. "I'm North Glacious and I'm all those things you said I am! I'm doing this for you, for Eins, for my sisters, and brothers, for Hero, for myself, for Key, and for all the people who need it! So many things have been going wrong! I never thought Key would be captured... I... I actually love her..." He laughed in a broken chuckle. His hands were shaking and he had a crazed look he never once shown before. "I loved her as much as I love Eins. She was so nice... And... Several Ages ago they invited me to join the Organization... They gave me this thing. With it I was able to surpass even my sister." North stated holding up a small vile of something. It was the thing Bright had injected himself with when he fought Jackson and Dawson. "With this I was so strong... I never could tell Sis I was cheating... I didn't want her to know... I... I wanted to be stronger than her so I could help her. I'm a good person... Jester says so. And so does Vil, and the Mystery. Ash, Key, and the others. They all say I'm a good person and I'm doing whats best for this world. Can so many people be wrong!"

Shelly stared at North and her stare made him go silent. It wasn't a look of anger. Just... Pity. So much pity. "Oh North..." Shelly said her voice almost breaking out into a whimper. "You were so focused on trying to help everyone else when they had their issues, you never once let anyone help you. You've gone completely insane trying to help us all... You're Mad. You've gone and gotten yourself addicted to some kind of drug, and the idea, of a world where everyone has powers... Even a world like that... People would still die to the Bestia Macht, and it would still be so cruel-"

"Shut the hell up!" North came to after his hand came out and slammed across Shelly's face making her recoil back and stumble to the ground. He stared at her with a look of sorrow. "I don't get it... I don't get why you aren't seeing things my way! You love Eins to! You know as well as I do this is for the best! So why aren't you seeing things my way!" North at this point seemed to loose it entirely as he reached up slamming his foot into Shelly's gut as hard as he could over and over again kicking her as hard as he could again, and again, and again. "Why, why, why, why, why! I can't be in the wrong, I can't, I can't, I can't! I've done so much! Our Vice Captain even said so herself! What are a few sacrifices to the greater good right! I'm good! I'm a hero of justice! I'm a superhero! This is what dad would have wanted right Irene! A world where families aren't broken apart by the Bestia Macht! This is the right thing to do mom and dad!"

Shelly spat up blood as his boot slammed down over and over again, pressing into her gut as hard as he could. She cried out, and off to the side all the kids also cried out in terror. Shelly's eyes opened as she stared up at the large smile that was on North's face.

He finally slowed his kicks down leaving Shelly as a gasping mess. She was on the ground in a huddled position grabbing at her stomach as blood and spit dripped down from her mouth from the many broken ribs and eternal damage she had. "Oh man... I must have gotten a bit carried away huh haha?" North ran his hand through his hair sheepishly as he stared down at Shelly. "Sorry about that." He gave her an innocent smile seemingly calming down and acting like he didn't just bash her guts in. "Your self healing is nowhere near the level of a Seraphin and you'll need medical treatment soo right? Otherwise you'll die... Oh but that's okay!" North nodded his head as his smile grew. He slowly turned to look at the back where all the kids were trapped in place by his ice. "Once I turn one of them into a Seraphin, I can use that to turn you into one and save you Irene! You'll be a Seraphin isn't that great Irene! Then you can protect the rest of our siblings from how strong you'll be!"

"Somebody..." Shelly's voice was barley above a whisper as North began to walk towards the kids pulling out several jars of the gems. She weakly managed to wrap her arms around his leg in a weak attempt to slow him down, causing her to be dragged through the bone floor with him, several of the jagged bones cutting into her flesh. "Please... Somebody help..."


Squad One Base...

"Where are you going Devil Arm!" Kitsune yelled as Hero took off running. Max, and Shiki as well as Eins all watched as he jumped out the window.

"We can find North better if we all split up!" Hero yelled.

"Idiot!" Kitsune yelled his flames forming and his tails wrapping around Hero. "Think for a second. We won't be able to beat North on our own-"

"I can beat him!" Hero said a determined look on his face. "I'm going to beat some sense into his ass when I see him."

"Hero listen-"

"Hero is right... But he's also wrong..." Eins said nodding his head. "As it stands North is likely onto us by now... He's on a time limit. We don't have time to go in a group... I think the only place he could be is the catacombs. That place is massive though. We'll need to split up to find him. But... No matter what. None of you engage him unless I'm there. Got it."

"Hang on." Max said frowning. "We're actually going after North?"

"We are." Eins said nodding his head. "And engage him slowly. We can't rule out that he's being controlled or something... I... I don't want to think that he's doing this on his own free will."

"We're out of time!" Hero hissed. His arm came down slicing through the flaming tails as he hit the ground and took off at a sprint. 'Damn it...' He thought a large frown on his face. 'I have to find him and beat some sense into him fast... If he is Bright... Either I got to stop what's ever controlling him, or beat some sense into him... If... If Irene sees her brother like this...'

'Ah... So that's why you're in such a panic...' Row commented.

"'You're doing this for a girl?'"

"I don't have time for your insults right now." Hero said shaking his head. "I have to find North... No matter what."


The Catacombs...

"I... I don't understand..." North said tears streaming down his face. He stared at the pile of dust that had been the kids all of them having failed the test. "Why did it not work. None of them turned! None of them became a Seraphin! I don't understand what I did wrong!" He screamed.

Shelly was still on the ground staring in shock at where the kids had been. One by one he had infected them all, and one by one, he put them down when they turned into a Bestia Macht. All those kids were...

North ran his fingers through his hair letting out a sigh. "Do... Do I need to go younger? That has to be it right? Kids didn't work... Maybe... Maybe a newborn? Or even a child when its in the womb? Somethings bound to work right... This couldn't all be for nothing. The world isn't that cruel. I... I'm a good person! I'm doing this all for the good. I... I'm a superhero! A hero... justice... I'm... I'm a..."

Shelly slowly turned her head resting it against the bones. She slowly closed her eyes. The feeling in her gut was terrible. How much of her insides were punctured by a rib or two? She felt like she was dying. She likely was. She let out a groan of pain when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her and she was lifted up. She looked up seeing North had his smile again.

"I... I know for sure you're strong enough! So what if I failed saving these kids! You're like Ken! You can become one right! Right, right, right, right! I can save you!" He laughed slowly reaching into his pocket and pulling out a vile of that gem. "I'm going to save you Shelly-"

"N... No please... Please don't turn me into a Bestia Mach..." Fear shined through Shelly's voice as she stared at the man she had admired so much. "Please North... Please-"

"I'm not gonna turn you into a Bestia Macht! I'm gonna turn you into a Seraphin!" He announced. He raised the jar up. As Shelly's eyes went wide with pure fear. "I'm going to save you-"

Blood splattered out as North's right hand slowly was split off of his wrist falling towards the ground, causing him to howl in pain and drop Shelly. He grabbed at his bleeding stump with wide eyes as he looked up.


Shelly also looked up and her eyes went wide when she saw Ken... Ken didn't look mad. And that was so much more terrifying. She wasn't crackling with energy, and she didn't have some look of pure rage. Even as North's blood covered some of her face, and her black blade was coated in his blood from where she had sliced his hand clean off. She looked at him with a rop dead serious look.

"You're dead."