Monster VS Ice (Part One)

Night One Hundred And Fifty Four

Age 1991

The Catacombs...

Blood gushed out of the stump on North's right arm as he stumbled forward gritting his teeth. "S... Shit..." His back hit the war as the ice suddenly covered the stump. Only it didn't look like ice. Rathe it was like some kind of glowing metal forming some weird metallic hand. It was like a smaller version of the gauntlet he had been wearing when he was Bright. "Ha... Ha... I felt that." He grinned.

Ken's face still didn't show any emotion as she stared at North. Just judgment in her eyes.

North's smile only grew as he cocked his head to the side giving a casual grin as if he hadn't just had his hand sliced off. With his left hand he placed the vile of whatever that drug he had been shooting himself up with was as he injected it into himself. "What's wrong Ken? That was kind of rude slicing my hand off."

"What's wrong... What's wrong?" She stared at him in disgust. "What do you thinks wrong? You're lucky I didn't slice your head off!"

North stared at her frowning. "Ken... Are you... A Bad guy?"

"W... What?"

"You are aren't you." North nodded his head pulling out another vile and injecting himself with more of it. "I get it now. Somethings controlling you both right? That must be why you and Shelly don't see the brilliance in my way."

A small laugh escaped Ken's lips. It was a laugh filled with so much sadness, and pity as she stared at North. "I get it now... You've completely fried your brain right." She said slowly bowing her head and staring at her feet. "You've turned something pure into this didn't you... Why does it... Why does this keep happening..." For a moment her thoughts went to Viper as she shook her head. "I'm getting sick of putting my trust, in people only for them to turn into a psycho path!"

"You trusted me?"

"Of course I did you... You're Irene's brother..." Ken said sadly. "I knew something was up though... Something you had said didn't sit well with me..."

'That's right. They are thought to be normal Bestia Macht, the issue here though is a total of ten have been spotted... Rose city is one of the biggest cities around, and has some of the best walls, none of which are damaged... I can only assume they must have gone through the catacombs to get here. Only question is what would drag them all down to the catacombs?'

"You jumped to the catacombs theory faster than anyone else... And on top of that you didn't even seem surprised about the fact that there were more than ten, and human Bestia Macht... On top of that you had been the one to tell Kitsune, and Hero to stay behind, and they just so happened to be attack... So as me, Irene, and Light, had been leaving I used my super senses to listen to you and Shelly, talk while you were both on the steps. I didn't hear much though so I told Irene, and Light to go on ahead. Low and behold I follow your scent here. But... But I came to late..."

"That's amazing Snow! I never knew you were a Seraphin!"

Ken ignored his snow remark shaking her head. "I... I thought you were a good guy... But you've injected so much of those drugs, and done so many awful things... I had been wondering why Bright was acting the way he was. There were so many ways for him to go about doing what he could have done so much better. But he was insane right. You are insane. You didn't make sense, because you baffle even yourself. You know its wrong but convinced yourself its good. And you've thrown yourself at it. You wanted to be a hero but you didn't get it..." Ken said slowly moving over and picking Shelly up.

"Get what?" North asked his casual smile gone as he stared at Ken in confusion.

Ken walked towards a corner of the catacombs gently setting down Shelly as she turned back to North a black spike growing out of her wrist. "A hero isn't just someone who's strong and solves the issues of the entire world. You should have taken a better look at Hero Law. A hero is someone who inspires everyone else to do good. Trying to change the world yourself is an impossible and foolish dream, that would only end in failure. You failed the second you attempted something as grand as this all alone. Humans exist so they can help other humans out. A world where everyone is a Seraphin takes away the meaning of that. We Seraphins exist to simply cause destruction, and death, created as not humans, nor beasts, but rather weapons. Something to be pointed at the enemy and fired. You never were going to be able to create such a grand dream."

North was silent for a moment as he stared at Ken. He bent down and picked up his helmet, the one he wore as Bright, as he slipped it on, clicking it into place. "I don't know who you are, but I'm going to stop you and find the real Shelly, and Ken, so they can help me save the world, as a hero of justice does." His left arm glowed as ice began to form around it forming his metallic gauntlet with all the glowing light gems in it. "My Equation, is a fragment of my fathers, who was so wrongfully killed by evil Bestia Macht like you all! It was a corrupted Equation given the powers of a light of justice by the one true God. I'll follow Gods will and create a world free of the Bestia Macht! I'll do it all for you Irene, father, Snow, Hero, Vil, Row, Ken, Shelly, Max, Shiki, Eins, and Key!"

Ken bowed her head for a moment saying a quick prayer for the Great One. "I too will follow Gods will doing the duties of a Red Sister. I'll extricate all monsters from this world starting with you." Once more it was said in such a calm manner. No rage, or hate, or even pity. Just a promise...

"Come foul Bestia Macht! I'll take you out!" North laughed.

Ken fired forward as fast as she could slicing out with her black needles as hard as she could but North created a large glowing ice shield similar to the way Eins made his hard light shields. Either it was nowhere near as strong, or Ken just wasn't holding back, because as soon as her needle stabbed it the entire shield smashed as she slammed her fist into his helmet as hard as she could smashing his head into the wall. She jammed her needle into his leg as North slammed his fist into her head the gauntlet morphing into a large fist sending her back and slamming her into the wall next to Shelly. Steam literally exploded off of Ken as she was back to her feet all her broken bones and bruised flesh healing in an instant as two balls of spiraling energy began to form in her hands and she raised them up firing out two massive beams of red and black energy.

North ripped the spike out of his leg as he raised up his arm and it morphed into a large metallic ice cannon. Bright channeled all the power he had into the cannon firing out a massive wave of cold air, which was compressed down so much, and being enhanced by the drugs in his body that it easily slammed through Ken's beam smashing into her and throwing her through the large wall of bones causing the entire catacombs to shake.

Ice clung to Ken's body as her teeth began to chatter, but she closed her eyes healing her body and creating more steam which easily melted all the ice and snow around her. She looked up through the hole in the wall and saw Bright was standing in it. Though he wasn't looking at her but rather at the downed Shelly who was still breathing heavily slowly dying from her injuries.

"Don't worry Snow." Bright announced giving Shelly a weak thumbs up. "I'll save you just like I did last Age when our Village was attacked by those Bestia Macht. For now just stay with Irene as I take this one down-"

Ken slammed into him while he was distracted jamming her spike through his gut and making him let out a loud yell of pain. He spun around holding onto her and slammed her face first into the mass of bones. He grabbed her by her black hair and began to bash her head into the bone wall over and over again with everything had. Once he was done, still holding her by the hair he slammed her down, smashing his foot into her side and sending her flying across the bone room and into one of the walls. Ken gasped in pain as several of the bones stabbed in her back and chest making her groan as she tried to slowly get up. Even the floor here was made out of bones, and some of her clothing was getting torn up from the battle leading to more stab wounds across her body.

Her healing was starting to slow down which was bad...

Bright fired forward at a fast speed slamming his foot into her chin so hard she was lifted up. As soon as she was up she stabbed out with her hand stabbing him through his gut, but he only used that to pull her closer slamming his skull into her with a viscous head butt, but unlike her, he was wearing a helmet. He threw a strong punch slamming it into her face and throwing her across the room as she crashed into another wall a large bone stabbing through her chest.

Ken groaned as she pulled herself off of it and dropped to the floor glaring at him.

North let out a hiss of pain as he stared at the gut wound he had. "Nice try Bestia Macht. It's true I don't have a healing factor or anything like that, but I can close any of my wounds up, and even make new ice organs!" As he spoke the weird metallic ice formed over his gut wound slowly healing it and easing it back as he nodded his head. Bright reached down pulling out more of the drugs and began injecting more in him. His body seemed to grow for a second as his muscles got bigger, and his ice got colder and larger. "I can't lose! I fight on the side of good! I am a hero of justice! A Superhero!"

"Will you shut the hell up." Ken hissed out at him. She stood back up to her feet and began to rip the bones out of her flesh still glaring at him. "Honestly... It's people like you I hate most in this world. It's one of the reasons I could never love Hero." North seemed to cock his head at her and for a moment Ken wondered if he was listening to her. A Bestia Macht couldn't talk and he seemed dead set on her being one. It made her wonder for a moment what he was seeing. "North... For Irene's sake, and for all the crimes you've done, from harming my friend Shelly, to killing so many innocent people. I'm never. Ever. Going to forgive you. As a Red Sister I sentence you to death. Hero, and the others are to soft for this... None of them could bring themselves to kill another human. But... I'm a weapon, and I've killed so many people already. I can bare this sin."

North continued to stare ahead. He wasn't in the catacombs anymore. He was in a snowy field. In the distance he saw it... He saw his village. And pressed up to the wall badly bleeding out was Snow. She looked exhausted, on the verge of death. In front of her, staring at him and growling he saw it. The Bestia Macht, coved in look... It looked kind of like a black, and red lion, but standing on two legs and growling at him.

"Foul monster. I'll kill you for harming my family." North yelled.

Ken allowed a sigh to escape her lips as she shook her head. She reached up and unzipped her jacket. "You're strong North... You're even stronger than Viper had been. I know I don't stand a chance against you. Not while you're drugged up like that... That's why..."

'I've come to warn you about your power... The reason you blacked out is simple... You evolved... Evolved. A Seraphin looks like a human but has the power of a Bestia Macht, and are always Viscount level the second weakest level of a Bestia Macht, however when their power is high enough they can evolve into an Earl state gaining more beast like features but at a cost of sanity. You went mad and started devouring that woman, and you even jumped past Earl to the next level. A few more hours and you'd have jumped up again. Careful with where you go from here Ken... It's only a matter of time before your madness makes you devour the wrong person...'

'What happened to the past. What happened to our love? You used to let me touch you, hold you, bite you, kiss you, bleed you... Whatever happened to that. We were in love. You seemed to like it. After all you always begged me to hit, or bite you harder? ou can't control it can you? The need to eat? It's hard at first. Eat me darling! devour me like the beast you are! Grow! Grow!'

'I'm trying to be nice darling, but you're starting to really piss me off. Maybe I'll just devour your brain and kill you for good? I was trying to be fateful wife, but you left and joined that silly religious group. I hate that God, that's why I'm on the Jester's side. We're gonna kill him you know! But you joined that stupid group getting those thoughts of that human love, and 'friends' and now you're some dumbass Enforcer, and hanging around that stupid fox, that damn blind kid, that frozen ice bitch, and that fucking snow haired bastard! I'll just devour all those God damn bastards, and your damn church!" She yelled. 'I'm being so nice to you, and you're behaving so wrong! You're just a damn cat! You don't even deserve my love! You're lucky I loved you at all. I'm gonna make you watch as I devour everyone you think you love until I'm all that's left!'

Ken allowed a breath to escape her as she let go of her jacket allowing it to drift to the floor. "That's why... I'm going to evolve. And I swear North Glacious. I'm going to devour you."