Monster VS Ice (Part Two)

Night One Hundred And Fifty Five

Age 1991

The Catacombs...

Ken allowed a breath to escape her as she let go of her jacket allowing it to drift to the floor. "That's why... I'm going to evolve. And I swear North Glacious. I'm going to devour you."

"K... Ken..." Shelly gasped as she watched Ken.

The Seraphin dropped down as her body began to change and she glared at North. Her eyes became more cat like, and went from silver to yellow. Black fur covered her arms and legs, like clothing, and large metal black claws morphed out of her fingers. A black tail, and two black cat ears formed from her rear, and head, the tail waggling back and forth, much like when a lion saw its pray. Her teeth grew sharper becoming razor fangs, curved and jagged, much like a sharks. She seemed to get slightly taller, by an inch or two, now about one inch taller than Shelly, and her small muscles also seemed to grow. A black, and red aura crackled around her body as she glared at North who stepped back staring at her.

"Viper uses this form for evil..." Ken said speaking in a much darker tone than she normally used. She gave a large grin and allowed a giggle to escape her lips. "I... H... Haha... I see why... This hunger is..." She wrapped her arms around her stomach as she glared at North. "By the Great One, I'm so hungry... I gotta eat... I gotta eat now. I'm going to devour you and eat you up haha!"

"Oh... Ken... What did you become..." Shelly groaned staring at Ken who couldn't stop laughing.

"I don't what's going on foul beast." North said throwing his cloak off and taking his helmet off. The gauntlet on his left arm glowed and shattered showing he had on a black glove on his hand. He grabbed the glove with his teeth pulling it off and showing he only had his middle finger left, as the rest were made out of ice. He held his hand up flipping Ken off as his finger began to get covered in ice. The rest of his armor glowed and shattered leaving him in the Enforcers jacket his badge proudly on his chest. "I am North Glacious a proud Gold Rank Enforcer. I don't know what you did with my team but I'm going to-"

"Just shut the hell up and transform so I can eat you. You'll taste even better with that dragon armor!" Ken grinned.

"It's like they've changed into two different people..." Shelly gasped blood dripping down her chin, as her vision became more, and more blurred.

North held his arms out as his middle finger snapped off of his hand. A Large ice dragon appeared but its body quickly covered in cracks as it shattered into shards. The shards floated towards North and began to mold around him. Large ice wings formed on his back, as well as white ice armor that covered his chest and legs. His feet gained the dragons feet, as did his left arm, with the dragons arm. In the arm, he also wielded the dragons tail, as some kind of whip. On his right arm, the dragons head, and neck, molded over it, giving him an ice dragon arm. A simple knights helmet formed around his head, which was also made out of ice, and the dragons head opened up as a large ice great sword stabbed out it. The wings flapped letting out a large gust of wind as he floated into the air and pointed his new sword at Ken's who smile only grew.

"North! Battle Form! Rising Dawn."

"I don't give a damn what you're called! The only thing I'm gonna call you is dinner!" Ken fired forward at super sonic speeds, a massive boom going off as she moved like a red and black blur across the battle field jumping from wall to wall, ceiling to floor, getting faster, and faster as she built up more, and more speed, just going, and going, left right, up, down, forward, and back, over, and over, and over... She was moving so fast she seemed to actually create after images of herself, and the room was being ripped apart, by the wind that was coming off of her.

"S... She's so fast..." Shelly said with wide eyes. "I heard she was able to one shot a member of the Organization while she was like this but I didn't really believe it... But now... Now I'm starting to see how she could do that..."

Finally Ken struck slamming into North as hard as she could with so much force she slammed him through a wall of bone, than another wall, than another wall, than another wall, over and over again until he was slammed into a stone pillar that worked as support for the catacombs, hundreds of bone shards flying out. Ken let out a loud laugh as her hands came up and she began to just punch into North over and over again, beating into him and cracking his arm, as well as rupturing some of his organs, as blood flowed out of his helmt.

"Come on is that all you got!" Ken laughed. "This is supposed to be a final battle-" Blood splattered out of Ken's mouth as North's great sword rammed through her chest, and he slowly got back to his feet.

He stared at her cocking his head to the side as his armor began to slowly mold over and heal, though he couldn't do anything about the damage he sustained to his body.

"My apologizes whoever you are..." North said calmly walking forward and pressing his sword in deeper as he began to turn it. "I merrily wanted to test out the limits of my armor, as well as the power of that form you have... Now that I've seen it, I'll go ahead and stop holding back-"

Ken punched the great sword that was stabbed through her chest snapping it in half and shocking North. She wrapped her arms around it her claws digging into it as she pulled what was left of the sword out of her spinning it around and jamming it into North's gut as hard as she could as her laughter grew, and the wound through her chest began to slowly close.

"Come on! I said is that all you got!" She opened her jaw as wide as she could lunging at him and biting into his shoulder but her teeth shattered on the ice armor making her hiss in pain for a moment.

"You sick beast..."

North's whip came out wrapping around her neck as he spun his body and slammed her into the walls as hard as he could. He began to run dragging her back to where Shelly was, as he slammed her into every stone pillar, and bone wall he could, knocking them all down, as Ken was thrown over and over again. As he came crashing back into the room he jumped into the air twisting his body around and slamming her into the floor. He dropped down landing on her with as much force as he could and there was a loud snap as Ken's spine snapped in half from the force, but the pain only seemed to make her laugh even harder. North didn't stop there though as his whip tightened around her leg and he pulled up ripping her leg off and spraying blood out everywhere splashing against the old blackened bones...

"Ha... Ha... Ha..." Ken slowly turned her body giving a grin, with her shattered teeth, and propping herself up on her elbows as her leg began to slowly regrow. "Come on... You're strong right?" She giggled. "Viper was actually able to make me scream out in pain. You're not doing anything for me-"

North picked Ken's leg up and began to quite literally beat her with the bloody end as her head was snapped back. "What the hell are you... Why the hell won't you just die!" He hissed. He reformed his ice sword stabbing it through her once more but that only made her laughter grow even louder.

"What am I?" Ken gave a large grin showing her reformed fangs as blood dripped down her face. "I'm what you wanted." She giggled. "Right! You wanted to make a world of me didn't you! A world of Seraphins! You wanted this right! All of us to be like this! To be this God damn hungry! This was your dream!"

North stopped for just a moment as he stared at Ken. "Are... Are all Seraphins like this... You're all bat shit insane... No... No... No... That can't be right... I'm sure my plan is perfect. I'm a hero of justice after all... And... And in stories the hero always wins... My goal was never flawed... You and Viper are just freaks of nature, the way you act! I'm a good person-"

Ken's tail came up whipping against the back of his head and shattering his helmet.

"Call yourself whatever you want! In the end it doesn't change the fact that like me, and my wife, you're just some monster to hungry for his own good!" She laughed jumping back up now fully healed and stabbing out with her clawed hand.

North caught her arm and pulled it back bringing his leg up and snapping the bone as he broke her arm. He then twirled her around slamming her into the wall of bones face first. As soon as her head hit the wall he brought his foot up and slammed it to the top of her head and brought it down grinding her face against all the jagged bones.

"You must die monster. A villain doesn't deserve to live in this world..." North spat out.

Ken slowly stood up wobbling slightly. Most of her body, and face, healed as steam rolled off of her in waves but she began to slowly trip for a second before catching herself. Some of her wounds were no longer closing as her healing ran out. Despite that she still glared at North her fanged smile coming back. She brought her arms up as North's dragon head formed another ice great sword and the two of them got ready for round two, only this time Ken wouldn't be getting back up due to her wounds... That being said, North looked like he was on deaths door as well, and much like Shelly likely had massive organ damage, and broken bones.

"Looks like we're going again huh..." Ken laughed.

"Seems like it."

"You're going down... Ha... Ha... Ha..." Ken nearly jumped when she felt the pair of arms suddenly wrap around her. Her eyes went wide for a second.

"K... Ken..." Shelly gasped out breathing heavily and holding Ken from behind. "You... You need to stop this... You can't.... Can't beat him... You're not healing anymore... Please stop..."

"...S... Shelly? That's your name isn't it?" Ken frowned. "Let go of me-"

"Ken you're such a liar!" Shelly yelled. "You went on and on, about how you aren't like Viper. How you aren't just a weapon. How you're wanting to be a human... You even had the nerve to lecture North about how he was insane, and how he was the fool... Ken you idiot, you're as crazy as he is right now! Stop this... You aren't you... I... I don't want to lose you to."

"I'm doing this to save you..."

"I don't want you to save me if it means you die... And that's a lie. You aren't saving me..." Shelly said shaking her head. "If... If you were saving me, you would have brought back up... You're trying to stop North yourself... Right... You aren't this monster, and you don't have a wife. You're Ken Red. A member of the Red church like Emma, and an Enforcer of Squad Six..."

Ken was silent for a moment as she stared down at the ground. She seemed to shrink back down to her normal size, as her fur slowly faded and the form vanished. "I... I wanted to..." She gulped slightly staring down at her hands for a moment. "I needed to know if I could control that power... So... So I used it on North... I wanted to save you so-"

A large bladed jutted through Ken's gut going all the way through and stabbing into Shelly, who was still behind Ken. Both girls gasped out and stared at North who stabbed them in the middle of their conversation. His face was soaked with blood, but he still had a large kind smile on his face as he stared into Shelly's eyes.

"Thanks Shelly. You kept her still." He smiled. He turned his body and threw both girls into the wall as hard as he could causing them both to fall to the ground.

Neither Ken, nor Shelly, were recovering from the massive hole in their guts as they both spat up blood both of them bleeding.

"I... I'm sorry..." Shelly gasped out. Tears falling from her face. "I just killed us..."

"Yeah... You kind of did..." Ken spat out clutching at her stomach wound. "Still... I'm glad you stopped me... That form was... I don't want to eat anyone..."

North walked forward slowly raising his sword up. "Well... I gotta get out of here." He smiled. "I need to see Irene, and Snow and made sure they're alright. I should also check on Shelly, Max, and Light... Ken, and Hero, from Squad Six to... Kitsune was hurt... I hope Key doesn't get caught by us though... She was so nice. Gave me this medication that allows me to finish my goals. I can save so many people now."

"He's totally lost it..." Ken gasped.

Shelly reached out grabbing Ken's arm. "Well... Since we're dying I guess I should say sorry for being mean..."

"Well... If I had to go out with anyone, and see our Lord, I'm kind of glad its you..."



"So now you two have a moment, where you aren't fighting and its at deaths door? Typical..."

North stopped suddenly when he heard the voice. He rested the sword down, and Shelly, and Ken both used whatever strength they had left to look up. They saw him. His snow white hair, and his ruby red eyes.

Hero walked forward and slowly began to unzip his Enforcer Jacket as North stared at him.
