Her And Him

Night One Hundred And Sixty

Age 1991

The Jail Cell...

Under Oleander City...




Quiet silence could be heard in the cell of Hero Law. Hero was still in his faded grey jump suit. Currently his legs were crossed and his eyes were closed. Both his hands were clasped together as he rested. Sweat was pouring down his body from the insane heat, and being on the metal floor of this awful awful place.


"What do you want Row..." Hero sighed opening his eyes. "I was trying to meditate."

'I'm literally in your head! I know when you're sleeping. Meditate my ass...'

"...So what did you want?"

"My already gone off the deep end?" Key said from across the jail cells.

"Trust me... You have no idea."

'I wanted to tell you that asshole finally left our head for now.'


'Yeah. He just upped and left... I don't know where he is anymore. I have no idea how he can just get in... I was able to enter Ken's head when she was asleep since Seraphins are connected to the Void, but God is off the radar... He can basically enter our mind whenever he wants and watch our every mood... I'll have to find a way to keep him out, or get rid of him next time he pops up.'

"When you find a way to get rid of people that are inside your head let me know."

'You should take this more serious you know.'


'W... Why? Because its God!'


'What do you mean and?'

"Row... I don't have a problem with God. The guys an asshole sure but I have no intention of fighting him. He hasn't done anything to me, or any of my friends... He just kind of sits up in that ball of a rock he called a moon. Can you even get to the moon to fight him? Because I can't? As far as I'm concerned I'm just gonna leave him be. I'm not gonna go picking fights with people just because they're strong."

'But God's evil!'

"Says who?"

'He created the Bestia Macht!'

"Says who?"

'Are you being serious?'

"I mean... The only people that have gone on and on about how evil God is, is you, who was made to kill him since birth, Jester, who is insane, Viper, who is insane, and Mr. Hyde, who is insane, and also kills, and does experiments on kids. Honestly I'm kind of rooting for God in that versus battle. I mean if you're gonna take the word of them on how evil he is shouldn't you also take the word of the entire Red Church who exist to praise him right?"

'He taunted me and said he wants to fight?'

"You taunt me all the time? Does that make you evil?"

'I have to be God! I was made to do it. I was made to kill him and slay all the Bestia Macht, and fix all the worlds problems! You want to know whats so bad about him? It's the fact he does nothing. You're right he isn't doing anything bad, but he isn't doing anything good. We saw a fraction of that power. If he was really good and really cared he'd actually use that power to its full use... I hate people like you and him. You're even worse than bad people... People who have power but never it are worse than scum. That's why I hate all sides of this dumb war. The Emperors, Master Storm, Jester, and God. I'd much rather have it all and do something with that power.'

Hero was silent for a moment as he bowed his head. "Trust me Row... I'm going to do something. I'd don't have your ambition. I'm not going to rise up and become the next God or anything. My dream compared to yours is so much smaller... A world filled with peace and justice... North was going about it wrong... Creating a world where everyone can defend themselves was wrong. I'd rather create a world where nobody has to defend themselves. A fools dream it maybe, but compared to yours mine at least seems realistic. I'm going to do what a hero should. Inspire hope in everyone else and wipe out Despair. I'm going to find a way to connect everyone. I won't solve all the worlds problems. And honestly I doubt we'll ever have a point where there is total peace... But... If I can make tomorrow look just a little bit better. And the day after that a little bit better. And the day after that. And the day after that... I'll consider that a victory."

'I don't get it...'

"My dream is simple." Hero said punching his open palm for a second. "The dream I want... The one I will get to no matter what... I want to look at this world."


"That vision God showed us." Hero smirked. "I might not be able to achieve world peace but... Maybe... Maybe just maybe we can create that pretty blue sky, that bright warm sun, and those lush grass fields once more... A large blue ocean that doesn't boil you alive. So I guess you can say... The thing I want to save most of all right now Row. Is this Earth. I'll never have the power to make a peaceful world. But... Maybe we can make a pretty planet once more..."

'That's... That's not a bad idea... A world that isn't frozen... One with warmth, and a sky that isn't gray... I suppose I to would like to see such a world... Alright then... When you're erased from existence due to me awakening I swear to you I'll carry out that dream as well... I'll create a big blue planet. One with grass, and plants, warmth, and fresh water... And everyone will be able to look up at those pretty stars, the sun, and the moon. Staring out into the void around us... A world like that doesn't sound to bad.'

"See." Hero gave a large smile. "I can have good dreams too." He slowly fell back in his cell looking up to the metal roof as he proofed his head back on both his arms. He stared up a sly grin on his face. "Of course that bit about erasing me won't happen. This is my dream after all. I'm going to be the one reach it."

'Is that so...'

Hero's grin grew as he raised his arm up staring at the white marble that was placed in his hand. It seemed to glow and give off a faint light. "Shield Of Hope... I'm certain this power won't be enough..." For a moment his mind seemed to slowly drift to a figure. She was shrouded from the dark his fading mind slowly forgetting her everyday... But he still saw her. Her long silver hair, and her bright silver eyes. He hadn't thought about her in a while. He had been focused on keeping his friends safe and getting stronger. Just like he told her he would. "I wonder... If the time comes... Will I be able to borrow some of your power as well..."

'Who is she? I don't know her... This is a memory you've been keeping from me? You met her... As in you, you huh...'

"Masayoshi..." Davi said slowly.


"Masayoshi... That's her name... But I just called her Yoshi..."

'Who is she?'

"You really wanna know?"


"I met her almost after Piero died..."

'Ahh... So this was when you were first made... Right? I made you on my tenth Birthday, December Forty Fifth, the Sixteenth month on the Calendar. Right at the edge of the Next Age.'

"Yeah... It was one month after I was... Well I was gonna say born but that feels weird... Let's go with... Made? You see... Okami Otoko... Came back..."


"It all started Six Years Ago... About fifteen months before Mr. Hyde found me and we made a contract to try and bring Okami Otoko back to life... This is why I thought he was dead Row. Because I killed Okami Otoko..."


Age 1985

Somewhere Near Gladious

A Ten Year Old Hero let out a loud yell as he felt a powerful force slam into him. He groaned trying to sit up. His right arm was back in its clawed mode, but the first clawed mode so it was a little bit smaller, and didn't have the green energy coming off of it, and the metal was a little more faded. The Equation within his hand was snapped in half as he only had half the power at the moment the other half, that being the weapon half, still being inside of the Wolfs-Bane, which his future Master still had... Of course he hadn't met the Master yet...

This Hero was weak. Far weaker... Not just because he was a kid, but also because he was in a body that had never once trained a day in its life. Row might have gone, on and on about how he wanted to join the Enforcers, when he first met Okami, even stabbing his own hand, and cutting the face off of some bandit to prove it, way back, but he still never even learned how to train simply staying with his father Piero, and Mary whenever they were in the city.

Hero managed to let out a small and pained groan as he slowly set up meeting the blood red eyes of the beast that had slammed into him... A Bestia Macht... This one seemed to resemble some kind of massive bull monster, mixed with what looked like an armadillo. Jagged black spikes covered part of its body, and small wisps of ice was coming off of it. The beast opened its mouth slowly letting out a wave of frost breath.

"C... Crap..." The little kid that was Hero hissed out. For a moment he looked back down towards the path of the forest he was in... "The hut me and Okami are in, is still miles away... I won't make it... Rotten luck I bump into this thing!"

The beast seemed to let out what almost sounded like some kind of laugh as it took a step towards him.

"S... Stay back..." Kid Hero gulped.

Once more it laughed. It raised its head up and-

"The kid said stay back." The beast didn't even have a chance to blink as something slammed down into it so hard it was splattered before it could even register the words. It was a woman who now stood in the bloody remains, and crater that had once been this foul beast. A woman with long dragon like wings, and dragon scales... "Phew..." She wiped her brow letting out a small chuckle. "You okay?"

Hero stared at her stunned. She had short silver hair, not like white hair like he had, or silver like the female had. Her hair was a strange silver that actually seemed to sparkle and moved in such a way that didn't make sense. The hair didn't fall past her shoulders. She also had a pair of silver eyes that much like her hair seemed to defy the way reflecting could work simply glowing and sparkling. She looked to be young, maybe early twenties? Despite that though her body held this strange look that showed experience. What was most notable about her though was her skin... It was a strange reddish brown color. Almost a grey, but darker? It didn't look like any skin color he had ever seen. She was wearing a pair of simply grey pants, as well as a black tank top. Right above her chest a 'J' shaped scar could be seen.

She was a member of the Dragon Clan...

Like Piero or Yume. A full member of the clan to, and not a half member like the Jester, or the clones of God.

"Whoa..." The kid Hero said his eyes filled with so much wonder as he stared at her. "So cool! What kind of Equation was that!" He asked bouncing slightly.

The girl gave a small smile cocking her head to the side. She reached out and patted the the top of his head. "That wasn't an Equation silly. That was the true form of the Dragon Clan. All Dragon Clan members have Transformation Type Equations, and with our crests, we can consume our Equation into our body allowing it to evolve to the stages beyond a level three. The power of a dragon. What you just saw was a mighty beast taking out the filth that is the Bestia Macht."

"So cool!" Hero said still with stars in his eyes. "Trains me um... What's your name miss?"

"Masayoshi... Call me Yoshi though. And you want me to train you?"

"Yeah..." Hero nodded. He stared at his right hand which had reverted back to its normal human form. "I'm not sure why but... I have this feeling inside of me... I have to get stronger... Like I was made for the sole purpose of keeping those I care about safe... I'll be a hero of justice... A superhero and keep this world safe...I've inherited their dreams."

"Inheriting someones dreams... Do you care about the dreams of others?"

"I sure do!" Hero nodded. "I want to help all my loved ones achieve their dreams. Even if I never reach my goal I'd love it if I could see them reach their goal."

Yoshi seemed to let out a small giggle for a moment.

"What is it?"

"I'm just certain now." She nodded. She met his ruby red eyes as hard hand slowly stroked his face. "Hero Law..." She said despite the fact he hadn't told her his name. "I'm certain... You're the one I'm going to kill."


Age 1991

"That's right..." Hero said slowly his smile crossing onto his face as he stared at his right hand. "I had forgotten as well... Was that why I felt the need to end North's life... To be ready for you..." He brought his right arm up staring at the back of his Equation for a moment. "Yoshi... I'm certain... You're the one I'm going to kill..."