Hero... Otoko?

Night One Hundred And Sixty One

Age 1991

"Enforcers... Warriors said to be chosen by God himself... They exist for a single purpose... To slay the beasts that hunt mankind... The creatures with frozen souls... The Bestia Macht... They really are a pain, always messing up my plans..."

Far, far away, above the skies, and the planet itself something rested up in the thing that was known as space... A massive rock, known simply as the moon.

On the surface of the moon a large stone castle could be seen... Resting in front of the castle in a sitting position someone could be seen. None of his body could be seen due to the metal armor that was around his body. It was like a skin tight suit but was still made out of metal. Like a liquid metal suit. The metal itself was pitch black and had several golden lines all across it. The lines looked kind of like a nervous system wrapped around his suit. They all glowed with a faint aura giving off an intense power. At the center of the man's chest where his heart would be a massive hole could be seen in the shape of a fist. The hole was wide enough to show off the large castle behind him and went all the way through his body. At the helmet a ridge could be seen that seemed to form lip flaps... This golden glow seemed to slowly rise off of his body and his eyes stared dead ahead at what lied in the distance.

Far, far away planet Earth could be seen.

A massive black ball of smog that would kill anything that tried to enter the planet.


Anyone but him that is...

After all he created the smog cloud...

Along with those beasts of ice...

What were the humans calling them now? The Bestia Macht...

"I thought I would find you out here..." A voice sighed.

God's head twitched for a moment as his face seemed to twist into a large grin. "Ahh... Is that you my loyal Gabriel..." God questioned slowly standing up.

"Don't pretend like we're loyal to you." The voice of Gabriel said. Behind God he stood. A slim looking man. He had pale blue skin, as well as snow white hair, and bright ruby red eyes. "We share the same goal as you but that is where our connections end... Like you we exist to keep the Squid Man from pulling this world down to the realm of nothing. A realm past the multiverse, and past the voids... Don't insult us by claiming to be on our level Human."

God seemed to let out a chuckle. "Dear Gabriel do I need to put you in your place like the seven other siblings you have... Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Saraqael, Raguel, and Remiel. Oh and who could forget about your other sibling. Lucy."

"That's not his name."

God seemed to give a half shrug for a moment. "Honestly I don't care. You fools exist up here watching over the humans and all have your plans to try and bail them out... Six of you Guard the Planets Core, you sit up here in your stone castle, and watch over Earth, and precious Lucy rests on Mars working on his own projects. Last I heard he tried to make a whole new universe but it crashed and burned. That universe was interesting for a while though. The Hero of that universe wasn't a clone of me and was a Seraphin. The bottom line is you Aliens haven't done anything. I'm the one who did it all..."

"That's not true." Gabriel said shaking his head. "It's because of us Equations exist... After Row ripped your heart out and forged it into the first Equation we stepped in saving your life, as well as creating the first ever Equations man could use passing it down to them."

"And yet all you did was give mankind a loaded gun." God sneered. "I placed the fog around Earth. I created the Bestia Macht. I created the Dragon Clan, who I modeled after you Angels and I created the Twenty Six Crests A all the Way to Z." The nerves on his armor seemed to twist around forming various letters. "I'm the one who saved an entire species... Listen for a moment. Do you hear that?"

Gabriel was silent as he turned his head to the side. "I don't hear anything-"

"Exactly." God turned away and stared towards his planet. "Because all life in the universe is dead. No plants. No animals. No people. Nobody... Only Earth remains as a planet clinging to life... Alone in this universe... Silence... What a sad existence it has..."

Gabriel was silent for a moment as he bowed his head. "We're going to keep them safe. Me and the other Angels. We'll save humanity God. This universe like the many before it won't be wiped out... Not yet..."

God gave a half shrug. "That reminds me. That other world Lucy was making is broken. I tried to access it but most of it was blown to bits. Seems the Squid got to it."


"Well while floating around in it I found something." God waved his right arm as it seemed to grow in size becoming a fountain of red liquid that spilled out. The void... A body dripped out of his arm as it shrunk back down...

The body hit the ground and set up gasping out with wide eyes. He had messy black hair with a silver stripe in it, bright silver eyes, and he was dressed in what looked like a green tracksuit. He stared with wide eyes and nearly tripped over his own feet when he saw the metal man, the blue skinned man, and planet earth in the distance.

"Gabriel. May I introduce Hero Otoko."


Age 0000

'Once upon a time there used to be a world... A pretty world with blue seas, a bright sky, and a yellow ball of flames that heated the planet giving it life. We called this pretty planet... Earth.'

Two men stood at the edge of what looked like a massive metal ship. Both of them were covered by a dark shadow keeping their appearance hidden.

"Well..." One of them said calmly. A golden aura seemed to shine around his body taking the shape of a giant transparent dragon. "Let's finish this..."

"Sure... About time I suppose..." The second man said. Blue electricity began to crackle off of his own body lighting the area up in a bathing blue light. "Let's settle this for good. Old Friend."

'This planet that the humans used to live on once was so beautiful... Far better than Ava the current place the humans reside...'

"It's time the Enforcers make their first, and their last stand!" The man with the lightning yelled as it began to roll off of his body.

"You really are a fool Storm!" The man with the Golden Dragon yelled as the beast pulled back its arms and began to glow. "I'll blast you apart!"

"I may be a fool but at least I'm not a traitor Orion!"

"Enough talk!"

"You're right." The lightning began to form changing into a large crow made of electricity. "It's time to end this..."

"Row Storm!"

"Orion Vil!"

And in a massive clash the battle that determined how the story would play out began anew... Good versus Evil, Right versus Wrong, Enforcer, versus the Order... The dance that would go until the end of time.

Man Versus God...

God Versus the Devil.

The fight that created God...


Age 1991

Lily Of The Valley...

"Master Storm..." Ward began slowly. "Was it really wise to come here..."

"But of course Ward. We can not allow our star Pawn, to go to waste quite yet..." He hummed.

"I still don't get why it really matters." Ward sighed. "North Glacious was obviously in the wrong...Yet you hid the fact he was a traitor from the other Sacred Beasts, and only allowed me, Katrina, and the Squad One Vice Captain to know the truth... And of course the people we're coming to see today..."

"Ahh... But it wasn't the death of North Glacious that brought us here... Rather it was who he had been talking with..."

Lily Of The Valley... A... Well not a city... Rather it was a valley... A massive Canyon in fact. A large crack on the frozen planet they called home. It was deep going down for miles. This canyon was once known as the Grand Canyon before it was frozen over. Now nearly 2000 Ages over lava flowed down the side from it, as well as large flaming balls, which forged large artificial heat melting through the snow and ice forming puffs of steam and mist. Down in the Valley hundreds of robots could be seen moving through the Valley and placing large iron rods. All the way up at the top the Guardians could be seen.

The Guardians were large stone pillars placed all the way at the top. The stones formed what looked like heads. They used to be located on an island known as Easter Island but were moved and converted into the Guardians to guard to most sacred place in the Red Nation.

Down at the bottom in the Valley, where Master Storm, and Ward walked, the ground was covered in large cracks, and bright yellow energy rose up from it. A pure set of Equation. When an Equation was found it was sent here where it would later be sent out for new born kids gifting them their powers. Just standing in here was enough to cause a persons wounds to heal and close from the sheer amount of energy that poured out.

What really stood out though was the massive white building that rested at the very end of the Valley. It was a place where Leaders used to rest. A large white building known simple as the White House.

Lily Of The Valley, was more important place in the Red Nation, beyond the Enforcers, beyond Oleander, and beyond Rose city the home of the Nobles. As long as this place stood strong there was in fact a Red Nation that could be saved...

Master Storm, and Ward walked to the white house, where two robots stood guard. They flashed their badges and both robots gave a bow and opened the door allowing the two men to step inside. The inside was large and filled with many hallways. A large shelf filled with old relics of the last world could be seen inside.

The two men walked to an elevator that rested on the hallway. The doors unfolded as they stepped into the metal box and it dropped down. It took a while before it finally reached the bottom and opened up showing a massive metal vault door that was in front of them. A blue scanning device moved over their bodies for a second.

'Welcome Row Storm, Master of the Enforcers. Alan Ward, The Green Turtle of the four Sacred Beasts, and Gold Rank Enforcer.' A robotic voice said. There was several loud clicks as the massive vault doors ahead of them began to spin open and rose up.

Both men entered the vault and found a large metal room with a round table. Five people rested at the table all old men. They all were dressed in suits, and were the same five people that had watched the disaster that was the wooden pillar Hero, Ken, Max, Shelly, Emma, and Lucy burned down. The guys that made even Master Storm terrified not because they were strong, in fact non new how to fight or even had Equations, this was of course the dreaded HR...

"You're late..." One of the elder men said in a snappy voice as he glared at Master Storm.

"Sorry... You know how young one are these days. Ward couldn't stop flirting with every girl he-"

"Master please don't make up lies and throw me under the bus-"

"Hush Ward! I am speaking for you."

"I see you haven't changed..." A sly voice remarked.

The dark room lit up showing a woman at the back. She rested on a throne high above everyone else. She had long red hair, and bright red eyes, looking almost like Sera Aka, of the Enforcers. She was dressed in a black general military uniform complete with the hat. Several golden badges ranging from badges for being in the Enforcers, to being in the actual Red Military rested on her chest. She also had what looked like a long red cape on her back with the symbol of the Red Nation on it.

Lady Aka...

The current Emperor of the Red Nation...

She gave a sly smile cocking her head to the side. "So... Shall we begin..."