Everyone Arrives

Night One Hundred And Sixty Four

Age 1991

Gladious City...

"Come now Hero Otoko! We're finally here!" The voice of God announced.

Hero Otoko, followed the metal man through the large crowd of people. They currently stood in a city he never heard of. It would seem that just like his world, this one named its cities after flowers for some reason. The city was massive with large stone buildings and and statues of a young looking version of his Grandfather Okami Otoko. Him and God moved through of people heading to the massive stadium in the distance.

God was...

Well no one was looking at him which was good as he looked odd.

He was still coated in that metal liquid stuff that flowed over him hiding his actual body, but he also wore an outfit over that. A pair of gray shorts, flip flops, and a Hawaiian shirt. Like he was on vacation or something... Something about him seemed to just make everyone look away. No on questioned either of them despite how odd they both looked.

Hero Otoko was grateful for that. He didn't think he could talk to someone from this world quite yet.

"What do you think?" God asked once the stairs flew them to the top.

"Very flashy..." There was a large stone arena, as well as several stone platforms floating around the arena. Large stone seats in the stadium that allowed the to sit down. The section in the back was filled with Enforcers and Hero felt his breath hitch when he saw Master Storm, Jackson, Dawson, Katrina, Sif, and Nick. He stared at his shaking hands for a moment but was stopped when God placed his metal hands over them.

"Is this to much?"

"N... No." Hero shook his head. "I'm fine. Just a little shocked that I'm seeing them again..."

The two of them walked along the walls and got a decent seat over looking everything. Some people were already in their seats all around them. It hadn't even started and yet this place was packed. God held his hand up pointing down making Hero follow where he was pointing.

He saw them in the Squad Six Section all the way near the bottom where the recruits were staying.

Ken... Only she had silver streak in her hair and bright silver eyes. Kitsune only he was holding a katana. North, only they were a girl and seemed to be standing far away from the others, just as much of a loner as North always was. Cloud only he had a massive gun. And even Shelly who in his world wasn't even an Enforcer and yet seemed to be talking to this worlds version of Ken happily. And of course he saw him... Hero Law. Snow white hair and ruby red eyes. He was on the ground as a man in hot pink robes set on his back.

"They really are..." Hero Otoko felt a smile slowly cross his face. It was a sad smile filled with so much hurt and sorrow but a smile none the less. "They really are here..."

"Yes they are..."

"And... They really are our enemies?"

"Yes they are. You want to help save this world Hero Otoko? You must stand with me and face off against them. When the time comes and all the pieces are once again here, we will strike them down."

"I see..." Hero bowed his head for a moment as he nodded. "Whatever it takes... I'll stop them all if I have to. Because... I'm a Seraphin. If I can't win, I'll just evolve to a version of myself that can."

Meanwhile down below...

"Grampa!" The Master turn and held his arms out as Sera, jumped from the spot she was in the Squad Seven section into Squad Six hugging the old man. She let out a loud laugh standing on Hero as she stared at the man. "It's been so look Grampa!" She said excitedly. Red arms patted her on the back.


"He can speak normally!" Hero and Kitsune both said in shock.

"-how are you."

"I'm fine." She smiled. "I've gotten a lot stronger!"

"I see. Than in that case I expect you to be able to beat my two worthless students-"

"Worthless! We're right here ya damn old man!" Hero and Kitsune yelled waving their arms around. "Fight us-"

Two massive red arms came out of his robes slamming Hero and Kitsune down. "-I want you to push them beyond their limits and make them evolve. Oh and who are those two?" He asked cocking his head to the side.

Sera waved at Emma and Lucy who were still in their section. "Those are my teammates. Emma, and Lucy. They're also kind of my friends I guess... I've gotten to learn a lot from them." She smiled.

"Hi." Emma said giving a polite bow. Lucy just let out a small hum.

"I see... Hero. Tell me about your teammates." The Master orders blood red lines pulling Hero up to his feet.


"I said-"

"I heard you." Hero through his arms behind his head. "Well. You know Kitsune, he's still an idiot, than there's Light who worships the ground I walk on, Ken who is scary strong, and might be even stronger than me, Shelly, who is a tsundere so like Ken but with fire, no clue why she's here, and Irene who's like my girlf-"

"Ex." She cut him off.

"Right... Ex Girlfriend..."

Master Storm let out a small hum as he stood back up. "I expect the three of you, Hero, Sera, and Kitsune to make me proud in these games. Don't lose."

"R... Right..." All three said a shiver going down their backs when they saw the scary aura coming off the man. Red whips came out of his robes slapping the ground hard enough to send him into the air as he came crashing down far away on the other side where Master Storm was.

"You grandfather is weird..." Ken nodded.

"Yeah he is."

"He knows Master Storm?" Kitsune said leaning forward. "What are they saying! They're to far away!" Master Storm, and Master Aka were talking to each other but since the stadium was a mile big and they were on completely different sides, plus there were so many other people already talking it was basically impossible to hear.

"No clue what the Master is saying but Master Storm is saying, 'Welcome back old friend, I trust your time in the Blue Nation went well. I hope you got to chat with your students. Are you excited to see this Ages of Enforcers.' Is what he said." Hero nodded.

Everyone, plus Sera, who was still in the Squad Six section turned to look at him. "How do you know that?" Ken asked frowning.

"I read his lips."

"You can read lips! Since when!" Shelly asked.

"Since I spent a week in prison. It was really boring. I didn't have much time so I only made two new attacks, and spent the rest of the time improving the rest of my body, and learning some skills." Hero shrugged. "So I read lips now. Pretty cool. I think it'll come in handy when I ignore Kitsune, so I don't have to hear his God awful voice, but can still understand him if he needs to tell me something important."

"Big Brother is amazing."

Before they could say another word though the metal stairs rose up and two Squads arrived. Squad One, and Two. All the recruits, that being Max, Shiki, Thorn, Brave, Fate, Curro, and Dwight, went to their own sections, Max giving a nod to Hero as he passed. The Captains and other Enforcers with them went to join the seats where the others were staying up in the Enforcer only sections.

"They look strong." Kitsune noted eyeing the Squad Two members up.

"That Curro, the only one that's a boy is their strongest member apparently." Hero nodded. "He's kind of weird." Squad Two, and One, were a bit away from them since section three, to five were in between them but thankfully none of those member were here yet allowing them to get a good look at them.

"They seem a bit scary..." Sera muttered grabbing onto Hero's arm for some strange reason. "I know we're all going to end up fighting each other but still... This all seems a little crazy right... I'm not to only one feeling this-"

"Oh yeah they're strong all right!" Ken said punching her open palm a large smile coming onto her face. "I wanna Curro guy! He's giving off a similar vibes to Dawson!"

"Keep it in your pants, you fighterholic." Shelly said smacking Ken over the head. "We should want to get the weak guys first. That way we can we get a badge."

"You're no fun." Ken pouted.

"Looks like more are arriving." Irene said blankly.

They looked up and saw Squad Three arrived. Just like before the Vice Captain, Captain, and any other Enforcer joined the others while four Squad three members, Reine, Schutz, Shuncong, who they knew, as well as a fourth guy didn't know named Will walked over and got in section three.

"I guess we're gonna get to fight them to huh." Kitsune hummed. "Thinking about it I guess we're gonna be fighting some of our friends aren't we?"

"I'll crush whoever if it means ranking up." Irene said in a flat tone.

Kitsune let out a laugh patting her on the back. "I can buy that. You're pretty strong after all Irene." She blushed a little and looked away from him and for the second time that day Hero felt his heart begin to hurt by just a bit.

'Ha. Fox stole your GF.'

"Shut up Row..."

Next up to arrive was Squad Four. There were seven recruits one of which was Tsun who they knew but the other six they didn't know. Tsun winked at them as she walked by, and Hero briefly wondered how she would do in this games. After all her powers turned her into clothing... Not very useful for one on one fighting...

Then... They showed up.

Squad Five.

Three recruits...

The air instantly seemed to change as they all walked down and got in their section. Two boys, one girl. One of the boys had messy blue hair, with a silver streak in it, as well as bright silver eyes, and he seemed to have a casual look on his face. The other boy had long brown hair, and light brown eyes, and was in a sitting position his eyes closed as he hummed. And the last one... The girl... She had long silver hair, and bright silver eyes, and was crouched down hugging herself as she rocked back and forth muttering stuff under her breath. The aura coming off of these three was unlike anything they ever felt.

"Something I can help you with?" The blue haired teen asked making everyone in Squad Six jump when they heard his voice.

Ken was the one who stepped up first jumping up to the small wall that stopped section six, and five from touching. She placed her hands on her hips and leaned down staring at the man a frown on her face. "You look familiar." She said in a tone as she leaned forward staring down at him.

The boy seemed to almost grin for a moment as he closed his eyes and folded his arms. "Well. I am a Seraphin like you."

"You are!" Ken felt herself slip and fall back landing in the arms of Hero who quickly caught her a blank look on his face. Ken, still in Hero's arms stared at the man in shock as his grin only grew. "You're... But... What?"

"Same for my sister. My brother isn't one though." The man said patting the girl and boy on the head.

"You're all siblings?" Hero asked raising an eyebrow.

"What are the chances three siblings get put onto the same Squad, and two just happen to be Seraphins..." Kitsune asked flatly raising an eyebrow. "You three weren't here during try outs... That means you're what Dawson told us about right... You're one of those people who got to skip it didn't you... All three of you did."

The boy's smile didn't falter as he shrugged. "Maybe. I'm Davi. And she's Ava. And he's Yeshua. We're the Vil siblings."

"V... Vil!" Hero asked in shock staring back at the man.

'But that's our brothers name!'

"Is that an issue?" His grin only grew. "Or maybe it's an issue for the one in your head and not you?"

Hero dropped Ken to the floor and it was his turn to jump onto the stone wall as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Alright pal. You got some explaining to do."

"Do I?"

"You do."

Davi stared at Hero through his eyelids for a moment. "Tell ya what... You beat me and I'll tell you everything I know-"

In a flash faster than anyone could react Hero was in the section grabbing the man by the jacket with his left arm as his right arm shifted back to its new shield form which was now basically his main. It lit up with a powerful green flame as he balled the hand into a fist. Everyone in Squad Six, and Squad four since it was next to five stared with wide eyes as the sheer amount of power crackling off of Hero's fist as he pulled it back and got ready to throw a punch that was strong enough to stab right through a human, the attack he had used to end North. Davi's smile only seemed to grow as a blue light seemed to cover him for a second right as Hero threw his punch.

Only it didn't land... An arm was hooked around Hero's as someone stood behind him stopping him from throwing the punch. He felt another arm wrap around his waist as someone seemed to lean on him, and everyone in the stadium was staring with wide eyes at whoever this was. Even the people in section five, and Master Storm looked a bit worried for a moment. The aura around Davi vanished instantly as he stepped back and threw his arms up in defeat. It wasn't that this person was stronger than him, but power wasn't always everything.

"No need to start fighting just yet." The voice said as Hero slowly looked up and stared at the person in confusion. She had long red hair and light red eyes. She looked kind of like Sera but was older. She was twenty two from the looks of it. She was dressed in a black general military uniform complete with the hat. Several golden badges ranging from badges for being in the Enforcers, to being in the actual Red Military rested on her chest. She also had what looked like a long red cape on her back with the symbol of the Red Nation on it. It finally clicked with Hero who this woman was...

Lady Aka...

The current Emperor of the Red Nation...

Behind her several of the old men from HR stood. All five of them.

"Big sis?" Sera asked jumping into the section five squad booth. "Why are you here?"

'Oh yeah... I forgot Sera's sister is the Empress...' Row gulped. 'Hero... Don't get us killed. Do not make this woman mad. At all.'

"Hi Sera!"

"Big Sin you're here."

"Her name is Sin?" Hero asked.

"Something wrong with my name?" The Empresses asked making Hero jump.

"N... No Ma'am."

"Good." She eyed him up for a moment before her smile came back and she turned to Sera pulling the much younger girl in for a hug. "Oh Sera it's been so long since I last saw you! You've grown a lot."

"I've gotten a lot stronger to! I'm a shoe in for next Empresses for sure!" Sera announced proudly.

"I bet you are." Sin grinned rubbing the girls wild red hair as her grin grew. "And to answer your question I came to watch you, as well as check up on someone I'll be getting to know better in the future." She slowly stepped back red tendrils pulling her, as well as the five guys in HR up. "I hope you do your best Sera! And you Hero Law... Don't go causing any issues you hear me?" She grinned.

"Y... Yes Sir- I mean Ma'am! I meant Ma'am!" She fully pulled herself away as Hero collapsed back on the stone wall letting out a heavy sigh. He looked back up meeting Davi's look. "Alright... I'll fight you in the arena. And when I win I expect some answers."

"Sure thing pal." Davi said. Now that the scary woman was gone he seemed to back to his cool manner.

Hero and Sera pulled themselves over the wall and dropped back down the section six, where Kitsune was in Irene's arms with wide eyes, and Ken and Shelly were huddled together all seemingly shaking.

"That woman's scary..." Ken, Shelly, and Kitsune all said in cracking voices.

Irene's eye twitched as she dropped Kitsune to the ground and turned away.

Light let out a small sigh. "I was kind of shocked that woman showed up... Guess all the stops are being pulled if the Empresses is here..." He said shaking his head. "More people are arriving by the way..." He said in a hushed tone.

Hero looked up his body finally no longer shaking. Up above he saw them. Three Squad this time. Eight, Nine, and Ten. In Squad Eight it was seven recruits all Girls, Squad Nine, had three, one was Rilla, the other was Ghazel, the two animal people, the last one was also an animal man. He looked like a lizard kind of? And in Squad ten there were eight. A few boys, and a few girls. Finally in no time at all Squad Eleven and Twelve also arrived. Squad Eleven, and Twelve also had eight members...

All sixty four recruits were here, and everyone slowly got into each of their sections... Soon the crowd began to also arrive as people from all over the Red Nation showed up to watch these games. More and more cameras got set up, and the Empresses got seated in a spot high above everyone else. Hero's drone, droney also took to the airs much like the other drones as she to began to film the battles that were to come...

Hero took a deep breath as he looked out at Squads One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, and even twelve.

"Alright guys. Let's do our best." He announced.