Time To Start

Night One Hundred And Sixty Five

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

"God... Did he say Ava?" Hero Otoko asked with wide eyes.

"That he did." God said smirking. "The Vil siblings. They're my kids. And I mean my real kids. Not those clones, like Row, or Vil, or Reaper. I actually went and got myself four kids... Ava, Davi, and... That other one who I don't like so I don't know his name. Honestly I forgot they even existed. Ava was taking at birth and used to make the Seraphin project. The Enforcers cut her open and looked at how she worked so they could create new warriors than went and turned her brother Davi into a Seraphin."

"I see... So in this timeline Ava was also..." Hero Otoko went silent as he coved his hands together. "She suffered here to."

"You know her..."

"I was kind of in love with her in my timeline... She was my reason for everything... But she's gone now... And this one isn't my Ava. She may look like it, but my Ava is gone..." Hero crossed his arms allowing a small sigh. "Still... I'll admit part of me is happy to see them all... Max, Ken, Kitsune... All of them."

God allowed out a small hum. "It'll be starting soon... Enforcers vs Enforcers. I wonder who will win. Who do you have your money on?"

"Well... If the Ken here is anything like mine I'd say her. I feel like it'd be a bit arrogant to vote for myself to win." Hero Otoko said letting out a sheepish laugh.

God hummed. "Well... I'll say... I don't really know who I'd like to win... I guess we'll see what happens won't we..."

"I guess we will..." Hero said nodding his head. "I'm kind of excited to watch. I won't lie this weirded me out... But I wanna see what this other me can do. I saw his right arm changed. His powers are totally different from mine..." He stared down at his own right arm for a moment. "I've always viewed myself as something of a caterpillar. Waiting to come out of my shell and unleash all of my power... But this other me. I'd say he's more like a dragon. Hoarding his power and unleashing a tremendous amount of heat, and fear, in a single attack. He's no demon, or angels, just a beast that devours despair and hope alike. A hungry dragon seeking more, and more."

"It makes me wonder..." God hummed. "Who would win... The Seraphin waiting to evolve into his true form and become a butterfly, or the ever devouring dragon, who is a clone of me. Perhaps one day we'll get to see such a match."

"A Butterfly versus a dragon huh... Yeah I don't think that's very fair." Hero laughed scratching the back of his head. "Maybe a butterfly versus a clown. I wouldn't mind fighting the third Hero of this timeline the Jester. Or maybe the fourth that dog."

"Wow there are a lot of people named Hero in this timeline... And three have the last name of Law..."

"Looks like it's starting." Hero said excitedly.

Down below in the arena a man walked forward. He was tall and dressed in a simple black suit and had a weird wolf head for some reason. In his hands he held a large microphone.

"Good day ladies and gentle men!" he announced loudly getting the entire crowd to cheer. There was at least a few thousand people inside of this arena. More and more of the cameras flew around filming everything as the mans snout seemed to twist into some kind of grin. "I'm Olf, yes Olf is my name! I'm an Anima created by the great, and sexy Doctor-Captain-Mister Newt!" He announced. Up in the stands Captain Newt of the Ninth Squad stood up giving a bow stars in his eyes as his Vice Captain simply let out a sigh and shook her head. "I'll be the announcer for the many, many matches we have today! Is everyone ready!"

More cheering could be heard and in the squad six section the squad six recruits were all steeling their nerves in place as they got ready for what was to come.

"Twelve Squads! Sixt Four fighters! Thirty Two Bronze badges. One winner." The announcer yelled as loud as he could into the microphone amping up the crowd. "At the start we have Squad One with only two fighters! Max No Last Name, and Shiki Gold! Squad Two, who is hosting the games this year, with five fighters! Curro Dwight, Brave Larison, Fate Williams, Hella Goryo, and Thorn No Last Name! Squad Three with its four fighters. Reine Antoinette, Schutz Xeon, Shuncong Paints, and Will Sharp! Squad Four with its seven fighters, Tsun Mai, Dan Taker, Shino Li, Robert Plot, Gaia Mutter, Harvey Bell, Kidd Gatling! Squad five with its three secret fighters, the Vil siblins, Davi, Ava, and Yeshua! Squad Six with its Six Fighters, Light No Last Name, Kitsune Nine, Irene Glacious Shelly Kaen, Ken Red, and Hero Law! Squad Seven with its three fighters Sera Aka, Emma Vibes, Lucy Case! Squad Eight with its seven girls only, since their Captain is a perv, Alice Wonder, Mimi Bun, Rosa Blume, Stalk No Last Name, Rider No Last Name, Flew No Last Name, and Luna Lover! Squad Nine my brothers and my sister the other Anima's Rilla, Ghazel, and Zard the newest Anima! Squad Ten with their Yuzawa Sin, Abigale Case, Moe Gozaen, Luke Stars, Wolf Top, Good Valentine, Mori Brown, Norm Pink! Squad Eleven with their eight fighters, Clue Bon, Tomoe Gozen, Spacer No Last Name, Dale Blower, Cal Sion, Jack Strongs, Mizu Blue, Wave Long. And finally the final Squad, Squad Twelve also with their eight fighters. Arthur Pendragon, Draco Flamel, Grimval Dark, Miles Seed, Kale Springs, Inu Fur, Bridget Shop, Versa More!"

Hero Law nodded his head as he leaned on the stone wall for a moment. "That's a lot of people..."

"Yeah but we really only need to win one match." Shelly said throwing her arms behind her head. "Do that and we get the badge."

"That's no fun." Ken said shaking her head. "I wanna fight as many as I can! Bring on all the strong enemies!"

"Don't get it twisted Ken." Shelly said shaking her head. "I'm going to get as far into this game as I can. But I'd much rather fight a weak fighter first and get to become a bronze rank."

The announcer continued. "The rules for this are simple! First no killing is allowed. Second should you be knocked out of the arena you have ten seconds to get back in. Same thing being if you are knocked down or unconscious. You have ten seconds to wake back up. You win if you keep your opponent out of the arena for ten seconds, or knock them out and they stay down for ten seconds. Further more if you feel as if you can not win, and you have sustained to much damage you may announce that you give up. Only thirty two people will be getting badges. Those who win their first match will receive it. That being said even when your first match, we ask that you keep on going in order to put on a good show for the red kingdom, as people all over the Nation are donating. furthermore twenty five % of all profits earned today, will be used to help rebuild Rose city, the catacombs, and put up a statue of North Glacious who was tragically taken out in the line of duty."

Irene shifted for a moment as she glared down at the stone floor. The lie was still going. North was the tragic Hero who died saving Rose...

It just rubbed more salt into her wound every time they brought it up.

"We have created a sixty four bracket system and names have been entered in at random! Anyone can fight anyone. You may even go up against your own Squad."

"I get to fight Hero and Shelly! Hell yeah!" Ken said her smile growing. "Those two are the strongest on our Squad not counting me."

"Don't be so sure I haven't surpassed you." Hero smirked placing his hand on the top of her head. "After all I had to save you."

"I would have won without you." Ken said rolling her eyes.

"Sadly Ken's right..." Shelly sighed. "It was my fault Ken lost to North. I distracted her for a moment. Before then she was throwing him around. Plus by the time you fought him Hero, he was beyond wrecked. Honestly his organs and bones were all shattered. The fact he could even fight was insane."

"Well than I guess we'll see who's strong in these coming matches won't we." Hero smirked.

"I guess we will." Ken smirked staring back at Hero.

"So you two are just totally writing us three out aren't you..." Kitsune said flatly as him, Irene, and Light stood off to the side.

"Big Brothers got this!" Light announced. "If anyone can win than its gonna be him!" He smirked.

"Yes cheer me on!" Hero announced.

"Honestly why do you need a cheer leading Squad-" Ken began but was stopped when several Simps, did what simps did best and began cheering for her holding up their Ken action figures in the crowd. Meanwhile off to the side Jackson, and Dawson were sitting on a literal pile of money as they finished selling all the dolls.

"You were saying." Shelly asked smugly.

"Shut up Shelly."

"I'm just going to blow of steam in the first match..." Irene sighed. "Still... I do wonder who's stronger. Ken in her cat form, or Hero with his new arm..."

"Well..." Hero rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as he gave a smirk. "I kind of made two trump cards I'm gonna be saving for these matches. So with them I feel confident in the fact I can win."

"Well Devil Arm. When I get to you I'll crush you. As long as you don't get taken out to soon." Kitsune smirked.

"Right back at you fox." Hero smirked. "Don't go losing right away. That would just be sad."

"As if I would."

The announcer cleared his throat once more. "I would like to also inform everyone that we have snack bar! On top of that these games might go on for more than one day. All fighters and Squads will be provided rooms here, and must stay in their assigned room at all times. Watches like all of you in the crowd can go to the local hotel and book a room to stay. It is currently 75% off for the games. And if you download our app you can watch through the drones as well as make donations at any time. Feel free to do that. We will be having a break through the matches, however a person who is injured while they are allowed to go to the official nurses, and doctors we have set up here, they are not allowed to seek an outside source to heal them. You'll just have to deal with any of your injuries. Also it should be noted that the stands, as well as the arena have a powerful barrier around them built by Alan Ward, of the Four Sacred Beasts. So don't worry crowd. Attacks will be sent flying, but none will reach all of you! Now who's ready to begin!"

More cheering exploded out of the crowd.

The dog man gave a grin as he pointed up to the sky. Everyone looked up finding a massive screen was in the air. It lit up and began to come on. "Than for our very first match, for this Ages games... The first two fighters are... Kitsune Nine of Squad Six, and Draco Flamel of Squad Twelve!"



Within the crowd a man wearing a long brown trench coat and a hat could be seen. He was seated with the rest of the crowd up in the stands. He pulled out a small phone bringing it up to his ear.

"I got in... Even with their enhanced security they couldn't see me... It helped that a certain metal man showed me the way in... So... Are we ready to begin... Jester?"