The Games Start Fire VS Fire

Night One Hundred And Sixty Six

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

The dog man gave a grin as he pointed up to the sky. Everyone looked up finding a massive screen was in the air. It lit up and began to come on. "Than for our very first match, for this Ages games... The first two fighters are... Kitsune Nine of Squad Six, and Draco Flamel of Squad Twelve!"

"Kitsune's up first..." Hero Otoko asked raising an eyebrow. "Hey God. I gotta ask. What's with that sword he always has? Ken also used Swords in my world, but I can sense his power coming from it?"

God hummed leaning forward. "Unlike your world the humans here draw out their powers from things known as Equations, which are small items. There are many kinds. Kitsune's resides within his sword."

"What about you?"

"I'm God. I don't have some silly Equation. I use a thing known as the Dragon Force, as well as Mantra by bonding with the world itself. That and my armor allows me to use all Crests that are in the Dragon Clan I made."


Over in the spot where all the Enforcers rested the Twelfth Squad Captain, Captain Athena aka the Heavenly Mind, rested. She gave a small grin shooting a look over to Katrina. "Well it would seem one of mine is fighting yours first."

"I'm sorry." Katrina said flatly.

"You're sorry?"

"Yeah. You're gonna lose a member in the very first match of the games." Katrina smirked.

"You think Kitsune can win?" Jackson asked.

"He better." Hannah grinned. "I don't want any of them losing..."

Over with the second Squad Captain, Mary Law stood next to him a tiny frown on her face. "This Kitsune member is on the same Squad as Hero huh... I guess I'll get to see what kind of people he surrounded himself with won't I..."

And lastly up above the Empresses rested letting out a sigh. "How unlucky..."

"What do you mean?" One of the five older men who were in HR asked her.

"We didn't get a good first match up. Man when are the good ones gonna start fighting... Oh well... Maybe that Royal Noble will put on a good show. If he's anything like his older brother he should be able to fight at least..."

Down below Kitsune took a calming breath. "Hey." Irene said grabbing his shoulder. "You can do this."

"No pressure but millions are watching you." Ken said making Kitsune nearly stumble.

"Yeah so don't screw up." Shelly nodded. "I'll never forgive you if you cause me to be on a Squad that fails in the first round."

"You guys suck." Kitsune said flatly.

"Break a leg Kitsune." Hero nodded.


"No like seriously. I hope you break a leg."


"Is here still here?" Light asked. "Go fight already."

Kitsune turned away from his 'friends' as he hopped out of the section six box they were in and made his way up the large stone steps to the arena. He got to the very top of it now standing in the massive stone arena. All the way across from him he saw his enemy. The one he would be fighting. Draco Flamel had wild orange hair and bright orange eyes. A massive smirk was on his face and in his throat a large shining gem rested. His Equation meaning he was a transformation type.

"I hope you're ready to party!" Draco yelled flames pouring out of his mouth as he threw his arms up.

Ken frowned when she saw that. "An Equation in the throat. That's Viper's power... Only she spits acid and not fire."

In the section twelve spot Arthur let out a heavy sigh shaking his head a bit embarrassed about his teammate. "Draco is a lively as always..." He laughed. "Still... Kitsune is a friend of Mister Hero, meaning he can't be weak. Draco needs to give this his all if he wants to win..."

"Is that Kitsune boy really that strong?" One of his teammates asks.

"Trust me... When it comes to Squad Six if we want any hope of winning we'll need to give it everything we got." Arthur nodded. "Though... After seeing those three siblings the ones that have me the most shook aren't even Max, or Hero... It's that Davi boy..."

Back in the arena Kitsune slowly drew his blade and nodded his head. "I can do this- Why am I talking to myself... I'm not Hero."

Draco's grin grew larger as he leaned forward. "Hey buddy you and I gotta put on a good show alright? So... Wanna see something cool?"

"Uh... Sure?"

Draco puffed his cheeks out and brought his hand up to his lips. He spat up what looked like a glob of flames, that dripped down his arms as if they were some kind of liquid and not fire. The flames wrapped around both his arms as his grin grew even larger. It was as if he was wearing boxing gloves made out of pure flame now. He crouched down and fired forward so fast the ground underneath him began to crack and split as he seemed to fly towards Kitsune at a fast speed.

"Let's put on one hell of a show Noble boy!"

Kitsune raised his sword up as his tail and ears grew and his flame lit up with his own fire. "You're..." He raised his blade up blocking both flaming fists with ease, and stood his ground as he stared into Draco's eyes for a moment. "You're..." He deflected both the arms and the look in his eyes was unreadable as he seemed to crouch down for a moment his blade as his side. "You're so weak."

"Wait what-"

In a flash Kitsune appeared behind the man a flash of light coming out of his blade. He spun the weapon around and slowly sheathed it. The fire on him seemed to slowly fade away. "I call this move. Zettai ni shunji ni moeru sutoraikufaiafokkusu!"

"F##king weeb!" The two voices of Hero Law, and Hero Otoko, yelled out.

"I don't know who that second guy is but I like him." Hero Law nodded.

Draco frowned as he turned to look at Kitsune. "What do you mean I'm weak you didn't even-" Blood exploded out of his stomach, and shoulder as the two body parts suddenly spilt open and a geyser of blood sprayed out as the Squad Twelves eyes went wide.

"Pretty cool right." Kitsune asked giving a grin and pointing his thumb at himself. "My buddy Hero was in prison for a full week and I knew he was gonna go and do some bs main character power up training off screen so for that full week I practiced my swordsmanship on Ken, slicing her to pieces until I figured out how to do that cool thing they do in the shows where the guy flashes by and cuts so fast you don't even know you've been cut yet."

"That doesn't make any sense?" Draco said spitting up a glob of blood as his eyes went wide.

"Does it need to?"

"D... Damn it... I didn't think I'd have to use this so soon but..." Flames exploded out of Draco's mouth as he opened his jaw as far as it could go making Kitsune's eyes go wide. "Dragons Breath!" The flames exploded out of his mouth in a massive explosions forming what looked like a massive Chinese styled dragon which rammed into Kitsune so hard the entire arena shook as the flames seemed to explode off of it in a massive burst. "My strongest attack. How did you like that-"

The flames cleared showing Kitsune who now stood completely naked, save for the sword in his hands. He wasn't even burnt. "Uh... I have fire immunity from my power? I wear a pair of flaming fox ears and tails and it doesn't burn me? Why did you think more fire would work?"

Loud cheering from many of the girls exploded out in the stands as the dust cleared showing Kitsune in all his glory. Ken, and Shelly both covered their eyes, and Irene modestly looked away. Emma also covered her eyes but Lucy didn't seem to care, and Sera's face was so red she might have died from over heating.

"It's days like these I curse the fact I'm blind." Light said letting out a sigh.

"Meh." Hero shrugged. "I've seen bigger. There was this one guy in prison who was-"

"Please stop." Ken yelled.

Kitsune let out a sigh as his flaming tails wrapped around his lower body forming a pair of fire pants as he raised his sheathed sword up. "Now look at what ya went and did..." He slammed the sheathed blade down into the head of Draco who was slammed into the ground and didn't move.

Olf was instantly back in the arena holding his microphone up. "You know the rules everyone! If Draco Flamel from Squad Twelve can not get back up within the next ten seconds he is out!" Him and the entire crowd began to count. "One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten!" Olf yelled. "Draco Flamel is out! The winner of the first round is Kitsune Nine of Squad Six!"

"Man I hope the other matches will be a lot harder." Ken sighed throwing her arms behind her head. "That guy was totally weak."

"Not really..." Shelly said frowning. "That was just a bad match up... Kitsune was immune to his only damaging attack, the flames... While he was also immune to Kitsune's own flames, that really didn't matter when Kitsune possessed a sword. It was basically an unarmed man fighting a master swordsman... If he fought anyone else I don't think they'd be able to get back up after a point blank hit from his dragon attack... I'll need to think of a clever way to beat Kitsune when I fight him..."

Ken frowned as she threw her arms behind her head. "Whatever... Hey Shelly let's fight until the next matches-"


"You're no fun."

Kitsune landed back down in his spot giving a small grin. "Not to bad right_"

"Put on pants." Hero said tossing him a spare set of pants he got from nowhere."

"Oh yeah..." The Fox teen very quickly slipped on his pants his smile growing. "Man if those are the matches, than we got nothing to worry about." He announced.

"Well lets just hope they're all this easy..." Irene sighed taking her jacket off and throwing it to him. For a moment her eyes went to the three in the Squad Five box. "Though somehow I doubt it..."

After removing Draco's body and quickly moving him to the medical bay due to his injuries they were ready to keep the games going. Olf was back on the arena as he raised his microphone up to his lips. "Alright! Next up we have Abigale Case Of Squad Ten Versus, Shino Li Of Squad Four."

"Case?" Hero asked nearly stumbling. He walked over to the wall where Squad Seven was and peaked past it. "Hey Lucy? You got a sister."

"Yes." Lucy said blankly. "Abigale Case is my twin sister."

"Why didn't you tell me? I had no idea there were two robots in the Enforcers-"

"Alright let's do this!" A loud voice yelled out. Hero turned and his eyes went wide slightly. Standing on the arena was a girl who looked exactly like Lucy, and was dressed the same, but actually had a large smile on her face and an aura of emotion around her unlike her sister.

"As you can see she is a disgrace to the Case family..." Lucy said flatly.

"Alright who am I gonna beat up!" Abigale announce loudly. She held her left arm out as several tentacles came out of her arm.

"Like me she taps into the Eldritch Lands using the power of tentacle beasts. Unlike me, she uses them through her own body and doesn't summon the monsters to fight for her."

"Cool..." Hero frowned for a moment as he stared at the top of the arena.

Abigale's opponent finally got to her own side. Shino Li was a young looking woman maybe nineteen or twenty, likely one of the ones who got held back last year due to her age. She had short shoulder length black hair, and light black eyes filled with amusement. She was wearing only a pair of pants and a simple tank top so she was in a reviling outfit for some reason.

"So you're the one I'll need to conquer?" Li asked cocking her head to the side.

Abigale's smirk grew as she slapped her arm out a massive tentacle coming out of it which wrapped around one of the stone blocks which she used to throw herself into the air. "Alright! I'm taking you down in one attack!" She announced. Lucy's sister threw out her right arm as the tentacle slapped out and slammed into Li hard enough to throw the girl to the ground.

Li hit the floor rolling away as she slowly came to a stop. She let out a loud gasp of pain gabbing at her cheek which was pure red, as well as her nose which was broken.

"Nice!" Hero said smirking. "One hit did that. You're sister is pretty strong huh Lucy?"

"Yes... It would seem like I'll be fighting her in the later matches-"

"Looks like I win." Li said slowly standing back up and shocking Hero and Lucy. She walked over to Abigale who was now just standing there a blank look in her eyes. "One touch and I've infected you with my Pheromones Control." She smiled placing her finger under Abigale chin and looking into the girls eyes. "Now say the magic words."

"I give up." Abigale said in a blank voice shocking most of the fighters.

Olf scratched his chin. "Well... I guess mind control is allowed... The winner is Shino Li of Squad Four! Abigale Case has forfeit!"

"The effects will fade away in due time, but for now she's stuck in a dream like state and will do whatever I tell her." Li grinned getting into Abigale arms. "Now carry me back to my seat."

"What a dirty way to win..." Hero frowned. "Note to self blast her with Rage Canon when I fight her."

Lucy's eye seemed to twitch for a moment. "She cheated to win... And now she's controlling my sister. Still... It's my own sisters fault for being so foolish and allowing herself to be controlled."

"It sucks that she got taken out right away still." Emma nodded.

"Man... After seeing that I totally just realized not all fighters here are gonna brute force their way to the top..." Sera shivered. "Now I have to expect dirty tricks like that when I fight... This just gets worse and worse..."

'You're excited aren't you...' Row said in Hero's mind.

"Of course I am..." Hero gave a large grin. "Just think... How much I'll get to grow in this tournament."