Happy Valentines Those Who Seek Love From The View Of Someone Who Lost It All

'This Chapter is fully non cannon and shouldn't be taken seriously...'

Age 1991

Squad Six Base...

Loneliness... Sadness because one has no friends or company. Feelings of depression and loneliness. The quality of being unfrequented and remote; isolation. The loneliness of the farm.

Ken. Kitsune. North. Cloud.

They had all been his friends.

Of course they were gone now...

"Those two get along in this world to huh..." Hero Otoko said letting out a soft hum. Currently he stood within the Squad Six base... He was wearing a simple long grey cloak made out of a strange metallic material that almost seemed to be some kind of liquid. In front of him he saw Jackson Storm, and Captain Katrina, not his versions though, rather this worlds versions. Currently in front of him a sight that warmed his heart was playing out.

"H... Here..." Katrina said letting out a small huff. The blue haired woman was usually held in a powerful light but currently had a light blush on her face. She was dressed in very casual clothes and held out a small gift wrapped box.

"Aww! You bought me chocolates?" A sheepish Jackson said giving a large smile as he took them. "How sweet."

"Well... I guess you have been working hard all year long..." She huffed once more.

Jackson's smile only grew. "Well I just so happened to be walking around town and saw this. So I thought I'd give it to you." He reached behind his back pulling out a set of large flowers.

"Flowers? I would have rather you gotten me chocolates-"

"These are Kinabalu orchids! Do you even know how expensive these flowers are!"

"Not really?"

"Like 6000 Bells a Stem! Be grateful woman!"

"Wow... 6000 huh... I spent less than 100 Bells buying you that box of chocolates... Also I expect you to share it with me. I am your Captain after all."

"Great Captain... Crummy Girlfriend-"

"What was that?"

"Nothing sweet heart!"

Katrina managed a half smile as she reached up grabbing the white haired lightning Enforcer by both his cheeks squeezing down. "Now come on... Let's head back to our room. The days hardly over yet..."

Hero never saw his Jackson move as fast as this one did as the Captain, and Vice Captain seemed to blitz off. "Huh... Not sure if that's a healthy relationship..." He hummed.

The metal jacket he wore seemed to bubble up slightly as the spot where the hood should have been suddenly morphed into a metal looking head. God's head to be exact. The slit on it opened up showing his large mouth as his voice came out and he spoke. "It's probably for the best that we don't question it..."

"Maybe... Why are you a jacket?"

"Why are you here?"

"I just..." Hero Otoko was silent for a moment as he shrugged his shoulders. "I just wanted to see what these guys were like..."

"And that's why I'm a jacket... You have no stealth skills. But with my power you'll be hidden from everyone in here. Well... Everyone but that damn clone... Stupid Snow Haired brat being able to see through my powers, cause he has my damn DNA... I hate those guys."

"Take it easy... That guy is me. Well a me from another world. But he's still me... Still... I don't get why everyone seems so lovey dovey today."

"Oh? It's Red Love Day."

"Red... What?"

"Back in the day we called this Valentines. However when the war started and Earth was turned to a frozen wasteland, we changed the name to Red Love Day. Not sure why as during that time Row Storm threw me into a sun, so I was kind of busy burning alive. When I came back I crashed down and found out this day started. Basically people go around and either give gifts to the one they love, or pronounce they love someone... And the adults take it a step further... Let's just say this day is single handily ensuring the continuation of the human race with the amount of children that pop up nine months later."

"It's really that important huh?"

"Yes... This is also the time when many will be walking around the city... I'd imagine that's where most of the others are... Shall we take a look?" Before Hero could answer a pair of large silver wings stabbed out of the back of the jacket. They were large and dragon like and easily lifted the boy into the air as they flew over the city exiting the Squad Six base. "My... Take a look down there. An unlikely duo."

Hero looked down and raised an eyebrow when he saw Dawson Blight, and Hannah Law...

"Thanks for taking a walk with me." Hannah said giving a small smile. Her and Dawson walked through the snow covered park her arm looped around his. "I wasn't able to get a date today..."

"That's surprising. You're a very pretty woman."

Hannah let out a small hum. "Yeah... But a lot of people aren't fans of Squad Six... I mean you know about the whole being a cursed Squad... I mean we lost basically every mission we went on... And the ones we do win lots of people still wind of dead or hurt."

"I suppose I can see why people are scared of us." Dawson mused. The two stopped in front of a stand that was off to the side as Dawson bought them both coffee.

"I'm kind of shocked another girl didn't try to get to you." Hannah said giving a sly smile as she leaned in kissing the Red Demon on his cheek. "You're a very handsome man."

Dawson's face became a bit red, and not from his powers as he looked away. His red tendrils wrapped around his body hiding him from the woman who let out a laugh.

"You know that won't work on me." Hannah stepped forward as her body sunk into the red tendrils and she phased through it entering the armor with Dawson. "Can['t get away from me that easily..."

Back up in the air Hero gave a small frown. "So like... Are they a couple?"

"I have no idea... Speaking of confusion..."

They landed on the ground exiting the park and entering the large city. Once they were in it they saw a very strange sight... Light running with a small dog. He seemed to be laughing happily as the dog gave cheerful barks.

"Huh... So that's where the dog went..." Hero nodded. They watched the two play. Light seemed to be using the dog as an assistance dog using it to guide him around the city as they played a game of fetch. "I'm still shocked that this is the Cloud of this world... I mean he has a totally different name..."

"There actually is a Cloud of this world who has the same powers and looks the same, as the one from your world. He worked for Okami Otoko, before becoming a Butler to some rich Noble but after that city was destroyed no one knows what happened to that Cloud. He just vanished... Like a cloud..."

Hero Otoko hummed as he walked past Light. "So a Cloud also exists... I mean if there can be four Hero's in this world, three of which who all have the same God damn last name, than why not have two Clouds. Sure... I guess it's only fair- Is that Kitsune, and the female North?"

"Her name is Irene... North was her brother."

Hero stopped in the road as he found a large stone building that played movies. Walking out of it was Kitsune and Irene. Irene's head was down slightly as she walked and Kitsune looked pretty nervous. "Thanks for walking around with me." Irene said letting out a sigh. "And thanks for paying for the tickets."

"N... No problem." Kitsune stammered out. 'C... Crap!' He thought his face all red. 'I didn't even know what today was! I was just trying to do something nice and help her, since she still hasn't gotten back to herself, ever since her brother died... Than I find out it's Red Love day! She's gonna think I was trying to turn this into a date! And stupid me picked a romance movie since it was half off! She's gonna think I picked that for the date to! Oh I'm so screwed! I know. Just don't do anything else that can be seen as date like!'

Irene shivered slightly grabbing at her sides. "It's pretty cold out isn't it?"

"Here." Kitsune took off his jacket placing it around her. "Take my jacket." He smiled. 'Damn it! Curse my Noble, Samurai ways! I just react without thinking! S... Screw it into deep now!' Kitsune slowly reached out grabbing Irene's hand for a moment.

She looked over at him raising an eyebrow. Despite that she didn't pull away. Though she did stop in her tracks for a moment. Kitsune took note and stopped along side her. For a moment Irene looked down at the ground. "H... How did you do it."

"W... What?" Kitsune asked nervously.

Irene looked up and Kitsune was shocked to see tears streaming down her face. "How did you get over his death so easily. You lost a sibling to right. I just don't get it. I keep trying to push it down and do my work as an Enforcer but no matter what this pain in my heart just won't fade. And every time I look at Hero I just wanna bash his head in. I can't stop this white hot anger that explodes out. I know it was self defense, I know North did so many bad things. I know he deserved to die. And I get that Hero killed him so I would never have to see North in that crazy out of mind state. I get it but... But it's not fair! It's not fair at all! It just hurts so much! And I'm so mad. Mad at Hero, mad at North, and most of all mad at myself1 So tell me how do I forget him! How do I end this awful feeling-"

Irene was silenced when Kitsune pulled her in for a hug for a second. "I never got over it... You don't get over it... You might move on. And there will come days where the emotions lessen... But you don't just get over it. Moving on is something that will happen but a part of you will always cling to your brother. And that's a good thing. You should never forget a loved one. All you can do is keep on living. That's what I can do for Jin. I'm an Enforcer. It's my job to protect mankind. To stop the Bestia Macht from freezing the world over. We the Enforcers, are the light that brings humanity the last remnants of heat. And with my power that's exactly what I'll do... If there is even a 1% chance that I can save even a single life I'm going to continue to act. That's what it means to be an Enforcer... I won't ever quit. Because that's what makes me happy. We'll never understand why North did what he did. Or even why Hero did what he did. And we can't change the past. But we can move forward. We can hold them in our hearts, their dreams, their wills, their souls, and carry them to a better future."

Irene was silent for a moment as she wiped at the tears that were in her eyes. "I... I'm sorry."

"There's no need to apologize." Kitsune gave her a small smile but on the inside had a mix of emotions. 'Shit! She's cute when she's crying! What do I do.'

"I think I misjudged you..." Irene said stepping back and turning away. "I thought you were just some idiot seeking a woman for him Noble Family, and you were just a lesser Hero. A second fiddle." Her words felt like a weight driving Kitsune into the ground as she turned back giving one of her rare smiles. The kind of smiles only Hero used to see. "But looking back on it... You're really nice. You've done a lot for all of us haven't you... Thank you. Kitsune."

Kitsune stood there stunned for a moment before he did a pose in an attempt to look cool. "N... Naturally! I am a Heir to the Noble family of Nine, a member of the Sixth Squad, Enforcers, and a powerful, and badass Samurai! Of course I'd help my teammates out!"

Irene let out a soft giggle as she leaned forward. "Well since you've been so nice to me I'll let you in on a little secret."

"W... What's that?" Kitsune asked his face becoming red as he thought of everything she'd tell him.

"Your fly has been down since we left the base."

Kitsune hit the ground face first as Irene began to laugh.

"Huh..." Hero Otoko said cocking his head to the side. "Ice and fire getting along?"

"They aren't the only ice and fire that are getting along. I've just spotted our next lovey dovey side scene, for this chapters special." Wings exploded out of the jacket once more as they were taken high into the air. They landed down seconds later and Hero Otoko nearly did a double take when he saw the two people this time.

"Seriously! These two? Can we go back to the Kitsune, and Irene... I think that ones better than this couple."

Walking down the street an annoyed look in her eyes was Ken Red. And following behind her was Shelly Kaen.

'She won't stop following me...' Ken thought her frown growing. 'Is she stalking me?' Shelly had been following after her since they left the base. It was starting to get creepy. Ken finally stopped letting out a huff. "Why are you following me."

"F... Following you. As if." Shelly said flipping her hair back. For once it wasn't in a set of twin tails and was actually down all the way to her waist. "You just happen to be going to same way I'm going."

"Yeah right." Ken said glaring at the girl. Both tsundere's glared a each other for a moment. "This way is to the exit of the city."

"I know that you battleolic. I'm going to exit the city and find Eins."

"What for?" Ken asked taken aback by the answer.

Shelly gave a small grin for a moment reaching into her jacket pocket and pulling out a small heart shaped box with a pretty red ribbon on it and a note. "Why else. I'm going to give him this."

"Y... You're giving a gift to him?"

"Jealous?" Shelly asked in a smug tone.

"A... As if." Ken folded her arms and turned her nose up at the girl. "I could care less who you give your gift to. It isn't like I actually care about today."

Shelly let out a soft snort. "Yeah right. You're jealous. Well tell you what I actually don't know where Eins is and I spent forever making these. Why don't you take them. I'd eat them myself but I'm on a diet and I'd hate for these to go to waste. B... But that's the only reason I'm giving these to you. It's just so the effort I spent on them doesn't go to waste got it!"

"I... I can really have them?" Ken slowly took the box and looked down at it. It was a simple heart shaped box with a pretty ribbon on it. Directly on the front of the box a simple slip of paper could be seen. 'From Shelly to Ken' it read. Ken's eye twitched when she read it. "For Eins huh?"

"I... I didn't place that note there!" Shelly said embarrassed. In the back ground the voice of Light could be heard since he was the one who placed it on...

Ken eyed the box with suspicion now. "What kind of chocolates did you buy..." She asked suspiciously eyeing the pink haired girl up.

Shelly let out a small huff folding her arms and glaring at the raven haired girl. "I didn't buy the chocolates you idiot. Those who buy chocolates and give them away take the lazy love route. I spent hours hand making them and pouring all my love into them. Also Light helped. Turns out he knows how to make chocolates... He was originally going to make them for Hero, but turns out Hero doesn't celebrate this holiday so he helped me make them for you- For Eins. He helped me make them for Eins."

Ken gave a sly grin. "Ahh I get it. You're trying to poison me-" Shelly smacked Ken over the head knocking the Seraphin down.

"Take the hint you damn tsundere! This relationship can't handle two of us!"

"Ow... Meanie." Ken rubbed the top of her head. "Fine. I'll take your chocolate. But only because I hate it when efforts go to waste. That's the only reason." She undid the bow and gently took the lid off reaching in and picking one up. They were all heart shaped and seemed to be made out of a milk chocolate. Ken softly bit into it tasting some caramel and a strawberry on the inside of it. It was surprisingly really good. Maybe even the best she ever had.

"W... Well? How is it?"

"Meh. Could be better."

"You jerk!"

Hero stared deadpanned for a moment. "The hell did I just watch?"

"Shameless Yuri Bait. One last person to check up on." The wings unfolded once more and this time they actually flew out of the entire city. They went above the city, and even the Squad Nine base next doors as they flew into a large set of snowy woods. There they slowly came to a land.

"What are we looking for-"

"Whoa! Wicked jacket." Hero Otoko's ears twitched when he heard the voice. He looked up and saw him. Hero Law. Sitting on the branch of a tree. Up close he realized just how much they looked alike.

Hero Law took in the boy who landed next to him. The boy had messy black hair with a silver streak in it, and bright silver eyes. He was dressed in what looked like a green track suit, and also wore a weird metal jacket over it. Likely his Equation. Something about the boy was... Kind of familiar?

He dropped down from the tree. "What brings you out here? I've never seen you before. But I can tell you're strong." Hero grinned.

Otoko frowned for a moment. "I was... Just getting away from the crowded city you know. What with the whole holiday going on."

"Ahh. I get it." Hero folded his arms giving a smile. "I don't like it very much either personally." He held his hand out to the man giving a larger smile. "The names Hero Law."

Otoko took the hand as he thought of a name for a moment before settling on one. "Okane... Okane Genkin. And uh... Actually that bit earlier was a lie..."


"I didn't just come out here to escape the city. I was kind of looking for you."

"You were?"

"Yeah." Otoko gave a sheepish laugh.

Hero gave the same laugh. "Actually I kind of new. I'm not sure why... But I felt you coming as well. You wanna fight right. I don't get it myself but my entire body is pumped up and the Equation in my hand is screaming at you. It's like when two packs of wolves stumble across each other and get into a fight to see who the next alpha of the combined pack will be!"

Otoko's smirk grew as he unclipped God and threw the man off of him. God landed in the snow but didn't say anything since he didn't want to alert Law. "That's right. I've been wondering it for a while since I got here. So how about it? Lets spar."

"Normally I hate Red Love day. But you've gone and got me all fired up. Alright then. I don't know who you are, but I get the feeling you aren't a bad guy. I came to the forest because I knew you'd follow. I'm ready when you are don't hold anything back."

"The same goes for you." Otoko said entering a battle stance a small puff of steam coming off of his body.

Over with God he allowed a small eye to come out so he could peak at the battle that was about to begin. "That's right everyone. This chapter wasn't a Valentines special. It's a Hero Otoko VS Hero Law special! I fooled you all! Who will win. The clone of me, a member of the dragon clan, with an ever evolving Equation, or the Seraphin, from another world, who becomes newer versions of himself to win..."

"Why is your jacket talking and why does it sound like God-"

"Eventful Impact!" Otoko yelled shooting forward and slamming his hand into Hero's stomach throwing the boy back. He brought both his arms back and slammed his foot forward stomping on the ground as he punched out firing out a pair of powerful punches as his limbs stretched out, at a fast speed and he fired a barrage of punches so fast his arms almost seemed to turn into a blur all of them slamming into Hero.

"What kind of Equation is this..." Hero hissed his right arm turning into his clawed state as he managed to block many of the strikes. "Whatever it is, it's fast... But in terms of strength I think that you'll find I'm more than a match for them!" He announced as he jumped back and slashed out with his clawed hand easily splitting a tree in half. His massive hand wrapped around the tree as the heat poured off of his hand covering the tree and igniting it on fire. "Take this!" He yelled throwing it forward as hard as he could.

Otoko's eyes went wide for a moment before a large smirk came onto his face and he suddenly inhaled as large as he could. His stomach got bigger and bigger as he seemed to grow in size. Than he breathed out. "Air Canon!" He announced blowing all of the air out of his inflated stomach and shooting out a massive air tornado. It slammed into the burning tree exploding it into a shower of wood. "I'm not done yet though!" Large white pipes stabbed out of his elbows, and the back of his legs as a massive wave of wind exploded out of the pipes sending him flying. He spun around becoming a blur as he slammed his foot into the side of Hero's head making the devil armed man stumble back.

Hero gritted his teeth and gave a smirk as he took the kick head on. He brought his clawed hand up and slammed it into Otoko as hard as he could punching the teen into the ground with a powerful force. "I don't really get how your body works. You're obviously a transformation type like me but those pipes are like a mix of Reaper and Ken, using your bones... Still... Let's see how you do with an old favorite move of mine. David's Trumpet!" Hero screamed out as loud as he could smashing a massive wave of sound into Otoko and pushing him in deeper into the ground.

Otoko managed to get back up and raised his arms up as his pipes grew out of them and he slashed them down. "Air blades!" He yelled the wind firing out at a fast speed. One of the blades managed to slash Hero's shoulder open making him grit his teeth. He raised his left arm up as a white liquid covered it up and formed some kind of blade which he stabbed into Hero's clawed hand ripping it open. "Caliburn!" He yelled.

Hero screamed in pain slamming his cut open arm into Otoko and throwing the teen back. Hero stared at his torn open arm with wide eyes grabbing at it.

"Looks like that arm of yours is broke." Otoko said. "Gonna take a while to fix it up."

"No... No it wont."


Hero reached into his jacket pocket pulling out a large slab of iron and shocked Otoko when he began to eat it. Seconds later his arm began to heal as the metal seemed to magically fix itself.

"Wow... And I thought my powers were weird."

"Why does everyone say that when they see me eat metal!"

"Because it's freaking weird!"

"Oh get off your high horse! Your powers are way more messed up than mine!"

Otoko gave a grin. "Well... You might be right about that..." He grabbed his shoulder pulling off a large white spear and bringing his arm back. "Gae bulg!" The spear flew out slicing open Hero's cheek. "What else do ya got weird man!"

His right arm glowed as the feathers on it grew in size forming his metal angel wing. "I'll counter you with this!" He slashed it out as the feathers fired out and slammed all along Hero Otoko's body stabbing his from all directions and knocking the teen to the ground. As soon as he hit the ground Hero's clawed hand glowed once more as the wing shrunk down and the entire metal hand got bigger as he pulled at all the metal that was inside of him to grow it. "Take this. Lot's Salt!" He screamed slamming his fist into Otoko and firing a massive green pillar into the teen. "I'm not stopping there though. Full Heat!" Just like when he used the Wolfs-Bane against Dawson Blight all that time ago the salt lit up and exploded in a massive blast that pressed down on Otoko with a massive blast making the other worlder scream in pain. Hero jumped back his smirk fading. "Whoops... Did I over do it-"

Otoko exploded out of the ground steam rolling off of his body as all his wounds healed. His skin was slightly red and the healing shocked Hero.

"You're a Seraphin?"

"That's right. I have three Attributes. Monsterfication, Balloon, and Living Nano. I can inflate and compress, grow my mass, bend and morph my body, as well as produce heat and heal. You wanna put me down. Than you'll need to hit me a lot harder than that!" His arm inflated slightly as it grew in size. Dozens of the bone spikes grew out of it as the entire arm began to spin at a fast speed. "Let's bring this up a notch shall we!"

'Hero... I don't know whats up but this guy is weird... Take him out fast.' The voice of Row said in Hero's mind.

"Yeah... You're telling me." Hero raised his clawed arm up as the heat and sound morphed around it and it also began to spin. Him and the Seraphin charged each other as they both threw out their spinning arm attacks. "Hellish Cyclone!" Hero yelled.

"White Drill!"

The two attacks slammed into each other sending out a massive explosion that blew both boys back.

'Otoko...' The voice of Labby said in Hero Otoko's mind. 'You'll need to stop holding back. This one hasn't even began to try much like you. Hit him with your all.'

"It's not like you to be giving advice?" Hero Otoko smirked. "But I getcha. I'm just getting started." His blood began to pump faster and faster as his skin became a slight red. "Speed Point." He announced as he fired forward.

Hero Law flipped around as his arm glowed and his smirk grew. "Guess I need to get serious." His arm changed to its drill like form as he stabbed out at the fast moving Seraphin but Otoko was simply to fast for it now dodging the strike and spinning his body around as he slammed his hand into Hero's face. Hero scowled as he twisted his drill around and managed to slam it down towards Otoko but the boy brought his arm up as a large bone spike stabbed out of his elbow and he used it to block the drill strike. "You think that spike can stop my drill."

"Seems like its doing its job." Otoko smirked as Hero's drill began to get jammed on the spike.

"You still left yourself wide open for this though!" Hero slammed his left arm forward punching Otoko in the face as hard as he could and sending the boy tumbling back. As soon as he fell back and slammed his drill arm forward slamming it into Otoko and making the boy scream out as the drill spun him around and slammed him through several trees.

Otoko was back on his feet and cracked his neck and joints as his gut wound began to heal. "Not good... My healing is starting to slow down..." Three bone claws stabbed out of his hands as he gave a small frown. "I need to take this guy down." His legs grew longer raising him up as they stretched and he fell towards Hero stabbing out with his arms which fired out like a rapid fire gun and he slammed them into the teen pushing Hero back. "Rapid Bone Barrage!" Then he brought his arms out as they grew to massive size and he slammed his hands down onto Hero clapping the boy between his palms. His hands wrapped around the Devil Armed Man as he began to shake them as fast as he could.

Hero's face quickly became green as he was shook like soda can. Despite that the fiery look in his eyes didn't fade as he slammed his drill into the mans hands. "If you're a Seraphin that means you can heal right... So no need to pull my punches!" He yelled literally drilling a massive hole through the equally large hands.

Otoko screamed in pain as he stared at his hands which now had two massive holes in them. They shrunk back down to their normal sizes as the holes began to close up. "Just because I can heal doesn't mean I'm immune to pain ya freaking jackass!"

"Funny... You sound just like Ken. Maybe that's who you remind me of."

Otoko let out a small snort as he shrugged. "Maybe so... Though I think you should look deep inside of yourself to figure out that riddle. In the mean time... I'm gonna counter that drill of yours with this next form."

"Are you now?" Hero asked giving a smug look as he pointed his drill arm at the look alike.

"I am. You aren't the only one who can keep changing their arm up." His arm began to get larger. It wasn't like when he inflated it though. Rather the muscles in it got bigger and bigger as more began to appear. It was like the arm of someone who lifted heavy weights every day of their life and pumped it full of steroids. "Monster-Arm!"

"Far out-"

Otoko slammed the arm into Hero's gut so hard the teen was blown back through several trees.

"This arm is my third strongest form!" Otoko announced jumping into the air and spinning around.

Hero caught his footing blood dripping down his chin from the punch. He gritted his teeth as his drill spun and he stabbed it up launching a wave of air that slammed into Otoko smashing the teen into a tree up in the air.

"Well... Whatever the case." Hero wiped some of the blood that was on his lips. "This has been a really fun fight." He had some bruises and cuts on his now. His clothing was torn showing off large purple bruises all along his body. His lip was also busted. The other Hero wasn't doing much better. Despite having a healing factor he had been getting beat down to the point it was slowing to a crawl... He also had some bruises and cut. It would seem that while the Seraphins from his world were granted three powers, and several power up forms they could access the Seraphins of this world, had him beat when it came to healing... Ken, even being able to come back from the dead should her brain be intact. A skill he did not have...

"This really has been a fun fight..." Hero Otoko shook his head as he stood back up and placed his left arm on his right shoulder as he pulled his right arm up. Than he brought his foot up slamming it into the ground so hard he left a min crater and the force of the kick threw him high into the air. "Still... Whatever the case... I'm gonna end this battle here and now you punk!" A white liquid seemed to pour out of his finger tips wrapping around his right arm as the entire limb grew into a massive size. Several bone pipes stabbed out of its elbows and sent out so much air it was like ten tornados were coming out of his arm as he fired down to Hero. "Take this! Big-Arm-Strike!"

Hero watched as the man dropped and gave a small half smirk. "Pulling out the big ultimate are we? Fine than... I'll show you mine." His arm glowed forming into a massive buster cannon which began to glow. "Rage Cannon!" A massive beam exploded out of the hole in the center flying up and meeting Hero Otoko head on.

Most of the forest was simply blown to bits by the two attacks connecting in a massive impact that melted all the snow showing the dead brown grass or simple dirt underneath, and all the trees were either blown to bits, lit on fire, or knocked over. The blast radius was massive and in a loud sonic boom that could for sure be heard for miles, a massive smoking crater could be seen.

Down in the crater Hero Law, and Hero Otoko could both be seen both breathing heavily. Law's jacket gone leaving him in his black jump suit, and Otoko's upper tracksuit gone, leaving him in just a simple black t shirt. Both teens were heavily beat up by now and Hero's arm reverted back to normal while Otoko's own arm became shriveled up.

"You... You done?" Otoko asked breathing heavily.

"Like hell I am." Hero stumbled to his feet and raised his right arm up. "If you can still go than so can I..."

"That's the spirit." Otoko closed his eyes for a moment before a smirk crossed onto his face. "Monster-Point..." He announced activating the transformation he had. His body seemed to get slightly buffer as he grew in size gaining more mass, getting thicker and taller. He cracked the ground beneath him as he seemed to gain an increase in weight. His body began to grow in size by a slim amount as he gained more, and more power getting bigger, and taller. His eyes changed to a a sickly yellow color and began to radiate power like a hungry beast who just found its pray. White liquid began to pour out of his finger tips and out of his arm as the liquid began to fold around him taking on an amour looking thing around some of his flesh. The back of it almost seemed to stretch out as if it was trying to form something but failed. The white streak in his hair seemed to grow slightly as the black in his hair took on a lighter color, and the white seemed to change to a dark blue color. Steam began to roll off of his body and seemed to bend and twist around it forming a scarf made of steam as he let out a sigh. White goo suddenly started to drip out of him covering his left side as it began to cover half of his face.

"What the hell?"

"This is my strongest form... Monster-Point. I've evolved beyond myself."


"It's pretty cool."

Hero's right arm glowed for a moment as he began to morph it. "Than I'll counter that form with my strongest mode." This arm wasn't a faded gray metal like the others. It also wasn't massive. It was the size of his normal arm but made out of a pretty stainless steel white. It had black lines on it and took up his entire right arm as well as some of his right shoulder. The hand had a powerful green flame like aura pouring off of it. On the wrist up to his elbow a pretty silver shield was attached. The shield was shaped like a diamond and had a green gem in the center of it. Otoko new just from looking at it, that whatever this one was, it was far above any of the things Law had been doing earlier. "Shield of Hope. I'll block whatever you throw at me and counter you with this flaming fist."

Otoko smirked forming two white whips made out of a white blood like substance. "Looks like this is where the real fight begins than..."

"Yep..." Hero brought his right arm back and threw out a powerful punch so fast and hard he launched a massive air wave in the shape of a massive green fist which slammed into Otoko smashing him into the ground as hard as he could. Seconds later a ball of green flame exploded out of the fist.

Otoko jumped back to his feet and sliced out with both his whips cutting the fire ball in half. He spun his body the whip grabbing Hero by the foot as he raised the teen high into the air and suddenly slammed his arms down smashing Hero into the ground back first. As soon as Hero hit the ground the white sludge formed what looked like white brass knuckle dusters on his hands and he jumped onto the downed Hero and began to punch out with a barrage of punches.

Each strike made a loud flesh on metal sound as his fists simply bounced off of the metal shield. What ever that thing was made out of it was nearly invincible, or something, as every punch had enough force to shatter buildings and yet he couldn't make the damn thing budge. Not even an inch.

"What the hell is this thing made out of!"

"Hopes and Dreams!" Hero smirked as the green gem in the center began to lit up. "Oh... Also. Redirection." A beam of green light exploded out of the gem as the combined force from every punch slammed into Otoko throwing him high into the air, as if he had punched himself all at once. "Oh yeah... Any attack I block with this bad boy I can unleash as a once per day super, mega attack and blow my enemies away with their own power. As I said I can only use it once a day and it takes a lot of power but it's my second strongest attack and usually ends the fight in one hit..."

Otoko slammed into the ground steam rolling off of his body. He rested there for a moment as white tendrils stabbed out of his body and raised him up.

"Oh crap you're alive?" Hero said with wide eyes.

"Yeah... But that hurt... So it's a once per day power huh?"


"You also said it's your second strongest... So that means you still got a hidden trump card up your sleeve huh? Well so do I!"

"Oh no..."

"Oh yes!" The tendrils morphed becoming several arms. Otoko now had eight powerful buff white arms, all with white knuckle dusters. Each duster grew a large spike on it as pipes jutted out of his legs speeding up his movement as he launched at Hero and sent out so many punches Hero didn't have a hope of blocking them all the many fists easily bashing into him from all directions making the Enforcer yell out in pain.

"D... Damn so fast!"

Otoko let out a loud insane laugh some of the Seraphin, Monster-Point messing with his mind. Despite that though it wasn't on the level of Ken, as he was still in control. He slammed his foot into Hero's gut hard enough to send the boy flying back. As he flew He slashed his eight arms out as large white whips stabbed out and wrapped around his body from all sides. He than raised his arms up and began to slam Hero into the ground over, and over again smashing Hero down.

Hero let out a loud yell of pain as some of his ribs began to crack. "Okay... You hurt a lot..." A mass of green flames exploded out of his arm frying all the whips and dropping him to the ground. His ruby red eyes seemed to light up for a moment and glow with a faint green light as fired forward even faster than Ken's cat form and rammed his flaming fist into the side of Otoko's head throwing the other worlder back and slamming him into the side of the massive dirt crater they were in.

Otoko let out a growl slowly pushing himself up. Him and Hero were both breathing heavily by now.

"Looks... Like... We're... Both... Reaching... Our... End..."

"Looks like it." Hero said bringing his right arm up.

"One more attack?"

"One more attack."

Hero Otoko jumped into the air and brought his left leg up high above his head as it seemed to go above his head bending and twisting. It got massive becoming even bigger than his massive inflated limb. The thing was so big it reached all the way up to the clouds. "This is it! My strongest attack I can do in this form. Massive-Eventful-Impact!" He screamed kicking down.

Hero Law lifted his right arm up as he took an intake of breath and closed his eyes. When he opened them the ruby red eyes were gone. Now he had a set of powerful looking emerald green eyes. "Lend me your power Row Law." Green flames exploded out of the side of his right arm and seemed to twist around it as he jumped into the air. The entire flame covered his body forming what looked like a massive green fire dragon around his body. "Dragon King's Abyss!"

And in a massive clash the two attacks connected.

The full power of a Dragon Clan, connecting with the power of a Seraphin.

We may never know who won this fight.


Besides God who was on the side, still in his jacket watching the final clash of the two attacks.

And all he had to say was.

"Meh... When me and Master Storm clashed it was cooler... This chapter was 7000 words and it ended on a the audience decides. How lame."