More Rounds

Night One Hundred And Sixty Seven

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

"And the winner is Rose Blume of Squad Eight." Olf announced loudly waving his hand back as he allowed a loud dog bark to escape his lips. "Norm Pink of Squad Ten is out! And thus ends the third round!"

The third round had just ended. It wasn't as crazy a battle as the first. Both people were pretty evenly matched. Rose Blume a pink haired girl of Squad Eight who seemed to have flower like powers, versus some pink haired boy of the tenth Squad who had the power to swim through objects. It reminded Hero of a crappier versions of Big Sis's power as he could only go through the floor and not other items and could drown if he stayed under to long. It wasn't anything to crazy sadly.

Norm Pink was out of the ring having lost due to a knock out as he fell unconscious. Rose was a little beat up having a busted lip and some bruises all along her body. Despite that she held a small smirk as she stepped down the steps rubbing at her lip. She stopped in front of the Squad Six brackets for a moment giving a smirk.

"Not to bad huh?" She asked looking at Kitsune.

Hero had his arms thrown behind his head as he let out a small hum staring at the girl. "I guess it was okay. But don't you think that Norm guy is kind of weak?"

"W... Weak?"

"Yeah. I wish I got that guy. I could have taken him out in one attack!" Kitsune announced grabbing his sword.

"Are you honestly bragging you beat a weak guy like that." Ken laughed. "Talk about trash."

Rose stared at Ken, Kitsune, and Hero with wide eyes. "Just how strong are you three?" She muttered. "Well... Hopefully you three can back that up." She announced placing her hands on her hips.

"Why are you still here?" Ken asked bluntly.

The girl let out a soft huff folding her arms. She turned and began walking back to the Squad Eight box. "Honestly... Do you three have to be so mean?" Irene asked her eye twitching slightly.

"I'm bored! I wanna fight!" Ken whined stomping her foot on the ground as she let out a small whine. "Kitsune you already fought! Battle me!"

"Honestly Ken will you ever change." Irene asked her eye twitching.

"I do kind of agree with Ken, as much as I hate to say that." Shelly sighed folding her arms. "I'd much rather we all get to fight now rather than later."

"I'm sure one of us-" Light was silenced when Ken, and Hero covered his mouth both glaring at him.

"Last time you said that you were the next one to be called!" Hero and Ken both announced glaring at the blind teen.

"Did... Did they seriously hold a grudge ever since the entry exams?" Shelly asked.

"Ken, and Hero everyone..." Irene sighed giving a mocking clap. "The two strongest members of our Squad." Her eyes rolled for a moment as she folded her arms. "Still. Light is right. Just be patient. I'm sure one of us will be called next-"

"And next up is Irene Glacious from Squad Six!" Olf yelled out loudly making the ice woman stumble as Hero, and Ken suddenly turned to glare at her. "Versus Schutz Xeon of Squad Three!"

"Damn it Irene!" Ken yelled jumping at the ice girl but was picked up by Hero.

"You betrayed us Irene." Hero said bluntly making the ice girl glare at them both.

Irene let out a sigh stepping out of the box and making her way to the arena. "Schutz... He's that body guard for that Noble girl... We met him at that ice cream dinner right?" Kitsune asked raising an eyebrow. "You think he's strong."

"He's strong all right..." Light nodded a frown crossing onto his face.

"Geez... He's got you worried that much?" Shelly asked raising an eyebrow.

"Just trust me... This'll be an actual battle..." Light hummed.

Over in Squad Three the body guard gave a small bow. "I promise to do my best Lady Reine!" He announced.

"Will you just go win?" Reine asked her eye twitching. "Still... You're fighting that ice girl..." For a moment her mind went to the conversation she had, had with Irene. They had talked to the ice queen a while ago. "I won't forgive you if you lose!" She announced.

Schutz nearly stumbled before letting out a sigh. "Yes Ma'am. Shuncong. Do you mind doing the thing we talked about?" He asked.

"O... Oh right." Shuncong said nodding his head. He nervously pulled out a paint brush and ran it threw the air at a fast speed painting something. What looked like a metal riot shield appeared in the air which Schutz caught slipping onto his arm. The one that didn't have the Equation in it.

"Thanks." He turned jumping out of the box and made his way up the steps. As he walked Hero took note of the shield.

"Hey is that fair? That wasn't a part of his Equation?"

"There weren't any rules saying we couldn't use outside items." Kitsune shrugged.

"That's kind of smart." Shelly nodded. "Transformation types are usually limited with just their limb that has the Equation in it. So to make up for it he's placing a shield on his off hand. And that shield was made by another Equation meaning it's gonna be tough to break..."

Hero hummed for a moment as he stared down at his left hand. "I guess now that you mention it... I used to use a sword in my left hand. And now that I think about it I almost never use my left arm in a fight... I'm really leaving myself open huh?" He laughed. He balled his left hand into a fist remembering Wolfs Bane, the sword he used to wield. Being able to attack with both arms wasn't a bad idea. Even then though a normal sword would only go so far. "If only I could make my left arm as strong as my right arm..."

'Not just your left arm. Imagine making your left arm, and your legs as powerful as righty...' Row hummed. 'That could be a strong combo... I don't know how to do such a feat though sadly... It likely isn't possible.'

"Darn." Hero threw both his arms behind his head as he leaned back. "Guess that's my nerf than huh?"

"He's talking to himself again..." Ken, Kitsune, Shelly, and Light all noted.

Up in the arena Irene stared at her opponent Schutz. Schutz raised his arm up, the one not holding the shield as it glowed forming a powerful battle axe on it. "I've been wanting to fight you for a while. So did you find something to protect?" He asked cocking his head at her.

Irene was silent for a moment recreating her lost fingers with ice. "I had one." She said stepping forward as the ice began to form off of her. "But I see now that, that advice was foolish."


"There's no reason to fight for others. It's all right to fight for the sake of others sometimes, but devoting yourself to it. How foolish that is. Hero's of Justice. Idiots going around saying they'll save the world." For a moment both her brother and Hero came to her mind. "How stupid can you get. Wanting to fight for others constantly. Screw that. From now on I'm going to fight for myself, and for my own dream. The dream I want. I'll fight for Irene Glacious and her siblings. Otherwise I'd just go mad."

"So you'll fight for your own sake, rather than others-"

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying its wrong to help others. What's wrong is helping others at a cost of yourself. Just saying you fight for others is a flawed logic. If you can't fight for yourself than what right do you have to even fight for the sake of someone else?"

Schutz was silent for a moment as he raised his axe arm up. "I'll show you just how strong I am. All this power I have. It's all been built up to keep one person safe. I'm a body guard. Fighting for others is all I know how to do."

"Well than-" A shoe flew out smacking Irene over the head who stumbled.

"Boo! Fight!" Ken yelled taking her other shoe off. "Kill each other!"

Irene turned and glared at the Seraphin. "Ken! What the hell-"

Schutz fired forward attacking the distracted ice queen who turned just in time. His axe slashed out narrowly missing her and cutting her cheek slightly. He punched out with his shield arm ramming it into her face as hard as he could and sending her stumbling back. His foot flew out as he slammed it into her side making her let out a loud hiss of pain. The kick was strong enough to send her flying back as she crashed across the arena floor and nearly flew off but managed to throw her arms behind her creating a massive block of ice that stopped her from flying off.

Her look of rage stared past Schutz and glared at Ken who shuddered slightly.

"I think I made her mad." Ken laughed hiding behind Shelly.

"Hey get off me! No reason we have to both die! Hide behind Hero?"

"Nice try. Thought ahead this time." Hero smirked his back pressed up to the stone wall so nobody could hide behind him.

Irene wiped some of the dust off of herself as she unzipped her jacket and threw it off showing the simple black tank top she had on underneath which also showed off her powerful build. She cracked her knuckles glaring at Schutz. "I'm sure you're a good guy, but I'm really, really, really pissed off... So I'm gonna take it all out on you."

"Uh... What-"

Irene waved her hand as a massive ice bird exploded out of her hand. "Blue Falcon!" She yelled as the bird fired out at a massive speed unleashing a loud boom as it flew towards Schutz.

"Wind Eater!" Schutz stepped forward slashing his sword down and splitting the massive ice bird in half. "Nice try but that won't-"

"Shatter!" Irene announced clutching her hand into a ball as the massive bird exploded as soo n as it was split in half. The many shards slammed into Schutz making him scream out in pain as the shards of ice cut into him and ice began to cling to his body. Irene launched to him closing her eyes. She felt it for a moment. A soft spark of North's Equation which had resided within side of herself. Fused back with her own. North had always been so skilled. Rather from the drugs he had been taken, or from his sheer training he was strong enough to create powerful ice weapons. None of his other siblings could create these weapons. Not until today... Irene swung her hands out as a massive ice greatsword formed out slamming into the shield Schutz was holding and flinging the man back who spun and landed on his feet gritting his teeth from the powerful blow.

"A... A sword?" Schutz hissed.

Shelly's eyes were wide as she stared at the weapon. "That's just like..." For a moment North came to her mind. "When she absorbed his Equation..."

Quiet mummering could be hold all around the arena. Several of the onlookers were excited to see the cool blade of ice, while the Enforcers were all shocked at that weapon. North was one of the strongest high ranking Enforcers in the strongest Squad. Irene's power that she was giving off was just like his power... But more to it... She wasn't on his level yet but at that moment they could all tell... Squad Six got a golden member. Just like when they saw Kitsune Nine, younger brother of Jin Nine, they realized that these next generations were really bringing their A-Game.

"Damn that Squad Six, and Seven..." Alexander Gates, of the Eighth Squad said rubbing his head. He was the one who had the portal power and the one that made it possible for all the Enforcers to show up and gang up on that Organization group that one time... "Hogging all the hot babes to themselves. Man it's so unfair!" He reached out petting the lion like Bestia Macht he kept as a pet which was next to him. "Still... I'll admit they got talent as well as looks..."

Schutz let out a loud yell jumping at Irene as he raised his axe high above his head. "It's not over yet!" He yelled dropping to her as the wind began to twist around his axe arm.

Irene let out a sigh as he fell towards her. She raised her sword up pointing it at him as it seemed to glow and morph around her arm becoming what looked like a large red version of Hero's Rage Cannon shocking the snow haired boy. "Yeah... Yeah it is." She said pulling on the trigger and firing out a massive red beam of ice and heat.

Schutz's eyes went wide as he fell towards the beam. He threw his shield arm out just in time as the beam slammed into him and in a massive explosion he was blasted high into the air and began to slowly fall to the ground below...