The Gorilla Versus The Flower And The Painter Versus The Ghost

Night One Hundred And Sixty Nine

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

"So... This version of North... Or I guess Irene lost huh..." Otoko asked folding his arms.

"Aye... She got careless." God hummed. "Even out powering that boy she went and lost."

"The people here are far more interesting than I thought." Otoko said leaning forward. "How much longer until that Law fights... I'm itching to see how strong he is... I wonder how I would do."

"Well enough to turn the chapter non canon..."


"Ahh nothing." God said. "Let's see who's fighting next."

Irene's eyes slowly opened as she stared up at Kitsune who managed to catch her. She let out a low groan for a moment.

"I... I lost didn't I..." She hissed.

Up in the arena Schutz stood still breathing heavily a stunned look on his face at the fact he actually managed to pull a victory.

Up in the Enforcers box Katrina had bit her lip so hard it was bleeding. "D... Damn it." She hissed.

"We're already down one." Dawson sighed folding his arms. "Not good..."

"You're telling me." Jackson said also letting out a sigh as he ran his hand through his white hair. "I mean don't get me wrong... Irene isn't our strongest member but still... I didn't think she'd lose that early on... That means she won't be getting a badge... Damn... She'll be held back now..."

Katrina nodded her head. "She was careless."

"Show the girl some slack." Hannah said throwing her arms behind her head. "Irene did her best..."

"Her best clearly wasn't good enough."

Back down in the arena Schutz stumbled down to his box resting down next to his friends. Even Will, the boy who seemed against him earlier managed a half decent smirk. "Not to bad I guess." He shrugged. "I'd even say you did decent. But that Ice chick ain't even the strongest one on their team so if you couldn't beat her, than you really don't stand much of a chance."

"I guess we'll see then..." Schutz said bowing his head. "Anything can happen after all..."

"I'm... I'm sorry guys..." Irene sighed bowing her head as she rested in the box next to the others.

"No reason to say sorry stupid." Ken said rolling her eyes.

"And no need to be so harsh." Shelly said reaching out and pinching Ken's cheek. "Read the room."

"Ow, ow, ow!"

Light hummed folding his arms. "You guys did a number on the ring... Are they gonna keep going in a broken arena-"

As he spoke the stone in the arena seemed to bubble up for a moment and mold over itself forming what seemed to be a simple stone platform once more shocking most of the people. "That's pretty cool." Hero said in a flat tone making the others fall down by how casual he said it.

Olf slowly moved back to the center of the ring now realizing just how dangerous these games would be... He cleared his throat his arms shaking as he raised his mic up. "M... Moving onto the next round! Next up we have my very own brother, Rilla, from Squad Nine, going up against Thorn, No Last Name Listed, of Squad Two!" He announced.

"Squad Two?" Hero perked up for a moment. "That's Mary's..." His mind went to the many recruits he had seen for a moment before stopping on that Curro boy. "I wonder if he could fight..." His eyes went over to Davi who rested in the Squad five box... "They're both pretty strong... Maybe stronger than Ken, and I... Well... I know they're stronger than me for sure, but Ken should be even stronger than me... It'll likely come down to her and one of those two if I had to guess..." He nodded.

'You don't think you can beat Ken?' Row asked.

"Maybe in a serious all out fight, I think I could maybe rip her head off and kill her, but in a fight like this where killing isn't allowed, I'd have to damage her to the point her healing stops and I don't know if I'd be able to manage that yet." Hero hummed. "Still I can take her. I might just not win... That small body of hers has so much power..."

Passing by their box Rilla stopped. Irene, and Light both shot him death glares for a moment since they actually fought him, but he didn't look at them. He instead looked at Hero, Ken, and Kitsune. "Aya. Wish me luck. Sooner I take this one down the sooner I can fight one of you three."

"Oh... Sorry I'm voting for Thorn." Hero said casually making the Gorilla man nearly stumble.

"Yeah me to." Kitsune nodded. "I'd vote for a cute girl over a hairy man any day."

"I guess I didn't think about that." Ken hummed. "I to vote for the cute girl."

"I hate all of you." Rilla said flatly. He reached out ripping out a massive stone pillar and began to drag it with him as he walked up the steps.

"Man... Everyone just seems to be bringing in outside weapons now." Hero noted. "Than again as I thought earlier it's not a bad idea."

"Oh? Jealous you can't have one?" Ken asked giving a smug smile. "If ya want I could give you one of my spikes to use. But you'll have to beg me for it!"

"Nah." Hero threw his arms behind his head giving a half smirk. "I already got an idea for how I can use my left side in battle..."

"Really?" Shelly asked.

"Yeah... I guess the two of you will see when I use it on that Davi boy, because I'm not wasting it till I get to him. Until then let's watch the show."

Rilla entered the arena and stared at Thorn his opponent. "You're a creepy one ain't ya?" He asked raising his eyebrow. She was a strange looking girl with long green hair made out of what looked like thorns, and wooden spikes all along her skin, as well as razor sharp teeth and button like eyes that seemed to be sown in... "Ahh well guess I ain't one that should be going around judging you humans huh?" He laughed. "After all I don't even have an Equation in me. I'm just some animal some freak turned into a human like creature."

Thorn cocked her head to the side. She raised her hands up pointing them at the man. Than she issued a single word that made Rilla's smile fade. "Die." Hundreds of vines covered in razor sharp thorns stabbed out of each of her fingers all wrapping around each other and forming what looked like a massive viney whip which slashed out on its own splitting the arena in half once more and scaring the crap out of Olf who jumped out of the arena in a panic his tail tucked between his legs. Rilla barley had time to raise his pillar up as the entire thing was split in half.

"S... She's so strong." Irene said with wide eyes. "Her single attack was so casual and yet rivaled the power of that Schutz's God Eater..."

Rilla allowed a small hiss to escape him as his chest was split open from the whip and blood poured out. "S... Shit this hurts..."

"You were suppose to die?" Thorn said cocking her head to the side.

"Thorn you idiot!" In the Second Squad Box, Brave Larison, one of the many girls from the second Squad stood on the stone wall. "You aren't suppose to kill! Just seriously wound!"

"Oh-" Thorn turned back just in time to receive a large fist to the face which slammed her down into the ground. "Ow..." She said blankly blinking a few times with her button eyes. She didn't even seem to be hurt...

"Damn seriously? That was my best punch." Rilla grunted. "Ain't looking to good for me." He chuckled.

Thorn stood back up and began dusting her self off. Several thorny whips exploded out of her back slashing at the area around her as she began to slowly walk to Rilla. Rilla kept his cool and stabbed his hand into the ground ripping a chunk of it up as he stepped forward throwing a massive rocky boulder at the woman only for her whips to slash it to pebbles in seconds breaking it apart as it went around. That seemed to be the final straw though.

"Ahh damn." Rilla raised his hands up. "I give. I can't brute force my way past her."

"And Rilla of Squad Nine has given up!" Olf barked out now back in the arena. "Fear not my brother. All these humans are freakishly strong anyways! Thorn of Squad Two is the winner."

"I guess that's to be expected." Kitsune hummed. "The Squad aren't ranked in order of power so four, isn't stronger than five, and so on, but Three, Two, and One, are said to be ranked, with three being stronger than any other Squad, Two being stronger than Three, and One, being Stronger than Two. I just thought that was a myth when I saw Shelly on Squad One though."

"Hey!" Shelly pouted. "I'm stronger than all of you assholes! I fought Ken to a stand still when we were joining the Enforcers remember! So I'm at least Ken level!"

"Shelly we should-"

"I'm not fighting you Ken..."

"Why woman! I need this!"

"Quit being a battle whore Ken." Hero said slapping the girl over the head. He stared at Thorn as she left.

'She's strong... That's what you're thinking right...' Row hummed. 'Just how many of these strong recruits do the Enforcers have... We only ever got to see Squad Seven, and One, in action so it's really blowing my mind how many strong guys in the Enforcers there are...' He stated.

"Yeah... You're telling me. And these games are only just getting started to." Hero smirked. "Let's see more cool fighters!" He announced.

As if reading his mind Olf raised the mic back up. "Next up we have Shuncong Paints from Squad Three, up against Hella Goryo from Squad Two! Wow! Two Squad Two members in a row! What are the odds?" He laughed.

Shuncong gave a nervous gulp as Schutz patted the boy on the back. "Shun... You're strong... Even stronger than me... With your power you can create damn near almost anything. Go out and win. That's an order."

"Yeah." Reine folded her arms. "I want all of us to receive our badges. So don't you dare lose."

The painter gave a nervous nod of his head as he stumbled out of the box and began to slowly move up the large set of steps. He gave a loud gulp when he saw Hella... She rested on a large crystal ball which Shuncong guessed was her Equation or something? It was shining and seemed to give off a weird light. She had long gray hair tied back into a long pony tail that went all the way down and touched the floor and tired looking gray eyes filled with a bored look, and her skin looked greasy and unclean. She was wearing a dusty, and dirty lab coat over her Squad Two Enforcer uniforms.

"Alright Hella!" Mary shouted from where she was with the other Enforcers. "Give it everything you got."

"Honestly... That woman really makes me mad..." Hella said in a flat tone.

Shuncong let out a small gulp but gave a bow. "H... Hello... M... My name is... My name is... It's umm... I uh..."

"You're name is Shuncong Paints. I am well aware." The woman said reaching into her lab coat and placing a weird glass over her eye as she eyed the boy up making him shrink. "I know a lot about every person. It pays to keep track of my test subjects..."

"T... Test subjects?" Shuncong asked stepping back.

The device on her eye let out a small beep and showed off several symbols. "Battle Power... Thirty two... You're not very strong... Than again like me you aren't a front line fighter... I only have a battle power of forty one after all."

"Uh... Battle Power?"

Hella hummed. "Yes... You see I study many people in the many Squads so I can make plans to beat them. I've been doing it for a full year since the day we all joined... There is this one rich noble boy with fire fox powers, the first one to fight in these silly games in fact, and he was a big fan of these comic book like things, and in one of them there was an alien race who used these things to look at a persons strength and I thought that was an interesting idea so I made my own."

"Does it work?"

"I don't know..."

"Oh..." Shuncong frowned for a moment. "So... We're suppose to fight I guess?"

"That we are..."

"T.. Than I won't lose to you." Shuncong reached behind his ear grabbing his paint brush and twirling it around. It lit up as he ran it through the air. "Take this!" He yelled as an orange light appeared and a massive fire ball fired out. "I can paint fire and actually shoot fire balls at you!" He announced.

Hella raised her hand up as her ball glowed and a shield appeared around her. "Interesting power... However..." The ball glowed again as smoke flowed out of it. Then suddenly next to her several people began to form. "I think my power is the strongest there is..."

Standing next to her now was Draco Flamel, Abigale Case, Norm Pink, Rilla, and Irene Glacious...