A Ghost Out Of Her Shell

Night One Hundred And Seventy

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

"Oh..." Shuncong frowned for a moment. "So... We're suppose to fight I guess?"

"That we are..."

"T.. Than I won't lose to you." Shuncong reached behind his ear grabbing his paint brush and twirling it around. It lit up as he ran it through the air. "Take this!" He yelled as an orange light appeared and a massive fire ball fired out. "I can paint fire and actually shoot fire balls at you!" He announced.

Hella raised her hand up as her ball glowed and a shield appeared around her. "Interesting power... However..." The ball glowed again as smoke flowed out of it. Then suddenly next to her several people began to form. "I think my power is the strongest there is..."

Standing next to her now was Draco Flamel, Abigale Case, Norm Pink, Rilla, and Irene Glacious...

"That's me!" Irene said with wide eyes as she stared up at the arena with wide eyes. She was down in the Squad Six box but she was also standing on the arena now. Draco, Abigale, Norm, and Rilla were the same. All standing in their own box, and yet also up in the arena. "She made a clone of me?" She asked shocked.

"I like her power." Ken smirked. "But why'd she summon all the ones who lost... I mean besides Irene, all the others are total scrubs."

"Am I the only one who thinks that's a busted power?" Hero asked.

'It's not that...' Row said in Hero's mind. The boy sounded... Mad. 'That power... It's the same as my Dream Crest! She's creating people from her power... That's b.s! Only I can be allowed to do that! That was my whole thing!'

"Someone's salty their powers were stolen." Hero grinned. "You didn't see me whining when Irene stole my rage cannon-"

'Shut up! I'm cooler than you! Besides... I never thought it was possible for a person to be able to recreate the power of a Crest... Jesters powers allow her to send people to different places with her Clown Crest. The closest to that was that Alexander Gates, who had to create a portal first... So I've seen people who have had weaker versions. But she's literally just using my power! Who the hell made such a power like that-'

"'I thought it was a good idea for a power get off my back!'"



Hero, and Row, both let out loud screams when they heard the voice that suddenly joined their mind. Hero tripped over his feet falling flat on his face as his eyes went wide.

"Uh... Hero you okay?" Kitsune asked.

"Yeah..." Hero set up rubbing his face. "Sorry. God startled me."

"Uh... What?"

Ken frowned crossing her arms. "Hero... You shouldn't talk about the great one in such a-"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, your God's a Dick." Hero said waving her off. "Yo God what's up?"

Squad Six, as well as Squad Seven, and Five, just kind of stared at the snow haired boy who threw his arms behind his head and began to talk to himself again.

"Not much... Just at some silly tournament- Wait what the hell do you mean you're here? Like you're in the crowd? What? Row shut up! No Row! We're not gonna fight him- Row shut the hell up you're to loud!"

"I think Big Brother lost it..." Light said.

"I would hope so." Emma commented. "I mean him talking to our lord in such a casual manner. It's in poor taste..."

"I agree..." Ken frowned. he two Red sisters glared at Hero but he didn't notice.

"Hey I'll be right back." Hero said waving the others off. He jumped onto the stone wall, back flipping up and landing in the stands with the rest of the crowd as he began to walk forward.

"Can he do that?" Kitsune asked.

"I think it's best he leaves for now." Ken hummed. "I don't wanna hit him for doing his bit."

"There, there..." Shelly said patting the girl on the head.

Back in the arena Shuncong stared at the many fighters that were in the arena, his eyes now wide. "I feel like this might be a little unfair..." He hummed. His paint brush felt heavy in his hands now. Sweat dripped down his body as he gave a nervous gulp.

Hella hummed sitting further up on her ball as she propped her hands up on her knees. "Well you know what they say... No kill quite like over kill. I do find you a little cute though so I'll leave you with these words... My crystal ball allows me to make dolls of warriors that I have seen suffered loss. I can summon anyone in these games who has lost their match. However each Doll is only about 55% of the originals power. That being said... I do wonder how you'll dodge this." She snapped her fingers and the attack began.

Draco Flamel, breathed in firing out a massive ball of heat which soared towards Shuncong who's eyes went wide. As that happened Abigale Case, jumped into the air slashing out with her arms and sending out her tentacles from her body which stabbed towards the painter. Norm Pink, jumped into the air and flipped around hitting the floor head first and sinking through it as he used his swim powers. Rilla, ripped out a massive stone slab and threw it as hard as he could, and Irene Glacious simply created a massive block of ice covered in various ice spikes that jutted out which she threw as hard as she could at the boy.

In a single motion he was attacked from all sides.

Shuncong jumped to the right narrowly avoiding the tentacles. He slashed out with his paint brush sending out a wave of blue paint which formed becoming a massive water serpent which washed over the fire ball turning it to steam. He didn't stop there though still moving his brush which sent more paint out forming into a massive a massive flaming fist which slammed into the ice block. The stone block came through the steam crashing towards Shuncong but he twirled around it avoiding it just in time, but as it passed him Norm Pink, dived out of the block, as he had been swimming in it, and slammed his arms into Shuncong delivering a powerful punch to the boys face and sending the painter stumbling back and sliding across the floor.

He gasped out blood dripping down his face from his broken nose. Irene took this as her chance clapping her hands together and creating hundreds of Icicle which all fired out stabbing into Shuncong's back making him scream out in pain. He looked up just in time to see Rilla who delivered a massive uppercut to the boys chin throwing him high into the air with the punch. As he fell up Abigale wrapped her tentacle and slammed his down right in front of Draco who fired out a massive fire ball which exploded on Shuncong's face sending him flying back and shaking the arena.

"S... Shuncong..." Reine said with wide eyes.

"D... Damn it." Schutz hissed. "This isn't fair. He's fighting so many at once... And they're all combining together... What the hell is he supposed to do."

Will let out a small hum giving a large grin and showing off rows of razor sharp and jagged teeth in his mouth. "Maybe this Squad Two is stronger than I thought... First they took down that animal freak from Squad Nine, and now they're wrecking a member of our squad like it's nothing..."

"Shut your mouth-"

"What? Am I wrong. Do you think Schutz can actually win?" He grinned. "Cause I hate to break it to you. He doesn't seem to be doing very good."

Schutz hissed turning away. He looked back up at the arena finding Shuncong was on the ground face down smoke rising off of him. He was badly burnt, covered in blood, and had several broken bones. He didn't look like he'd be able to get back up...

Olf let out a mall gulp as he crawled back into the arena. "And it seems Shuncong is down for the count! He's got ten seconds to get back-"

"I'm not done testing on you." Hella sighed leaning forward on her ball. It glowed for a moment and fired out a green beam of light which washed over Shuncong healing all his wounds, just like Hero's version of the Dream Crest... Shuncong set up letting out a gasp as he stared at his hands.

"Y... You healed me..."

"I told you. I'm not done yet." She said in a bored turn as she leaned forward. "The truth is I'm not even using my strongest dolls yet... I'm just playing around with those who lost... I have far more I could do..."

"Oh no..." Hella gave the boy a small smile as he raised his brush up.

"Shall we keep going?" She asked.

Up in the stands Hero Otoko was staring down at the arena with wide eyes. "Whoa she's really strong. Same goes for that Shuncong boy... Come to think of it... He was in my world to. Though he never really did anything. I wonder if he was this strong to-"

"What do you mean by 'your world' and wondering if he's strong?" God, and Otoko both looked up finding Hero Law, was standing on the rails above them looking down at them. He had a small frown as he eyed the black haired boy. "You look... Oddly familiar..."

"You don't say..."

"Remember that chapter in which they fought is no canon so they don't know each other yet." God commented.

"Uh what?" Both Hero's asked.

"Nothing." God said waving his hand off. "I'm glad you're here though Hero..." Two tentacles came out of his armor wrapping around Otoko, and Law. "Let's go for a ride..."

And in a flash of white light the three of them vanished...

No one seemed to even notice...

Back down in the arena Shuncong took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. He felt a faint energy washing through him. 'I got a little stronger from being healed, but I doubt that it's gonna be enough... This doesn't seem very good...' He thought shaking his head. 'Still...' His paint brush began to glow by a small amount covering his arms. "I'm not gonna give up!" He announced slashing his paint brush down and shooting out a massive wave of wind using silver paint to make it.

Hella raised an eyebrow as he flew towards her. She twitched her finger and Rilla jumped in front of her the attack hitting him head on and blowing him to bits. As he fell though blood didn't spray everywhere. Rather wood which quickly lit up and vanished. "Upon a doll being broken I can't resummon it for some time. Still that won't matter."

"Don't be so sure about that." Shuncong announced twirling his brush around now. It created what looked like a large water dragon which flew around the arena than charged Draco head on. Draco breathed in firing out a massive wave of fire which slammed into the water dragon. Th two seemed to be evenly matched for a moment until the dragon moved even faster going through the flame and slicing Draco's head off who also exploded into a hail of wood and vanished.

Irene waved her hand freezing the dragon and shattering it. The shattered shards dropped down to Shuncong cutting into him from all times making him cry out. She leaped towards him and slammed out a large ice hammer smashing it into his head and throwing him back and sending him tumbling away. Abigale leaped into the air slamming her tentacle whip down smashing Shuncong into the ground. As soon as he hit the ground Norm rose out of the ground grabbing the boy and dragging him down hard into the floor though Shuncong didn't sink through it.

The boy let out a loud gasp spinning his brush around pressing it to his stomach which glowed and created a thin metal blade stabbing through himself and hitting Norm who was behind him. Norm broke down to wood also vanishing.

"My... Stabbing yourself to get to him... Maybe you aren't as much of a coward as I thought..." Hella grinned. "But I won't be healing you again so good luck with that gut wound..."

Shuncong stood up slowly wobbling. His vision began to blur as his paint brush glowed orange and he created a fire ball which he pressed against his gut, and back burning the wounds closed. "I can keep going." He gasped. He waved his brush around created several paint brushes which all fired out large blades stabbing through Abigale who couldn't block them all. Irene however created a large ice shield blocking them from herself and Hella.

Irene launched to him creating her ice sword and slashing out with it. Shuncong grabbed one of his swords slashing out with it as her and him engaged in a battle of blades. The two danced around each other for a moment blade meeting blade. Irene managed to cut into his shoulder making him gasp but he took the blow head on pressing down on her own blade and forcing it in deeper and getting it locked into his joints. He brought his blade up stabbing it into the woman's gut making her eyes go wide as she exploded into wood.

Shuncong dropped to his knees the blade vanishing, both the one in his hands, and the one in his shoulder. His entire shoulder was split open now with blood raining down it.

Hella let out a small hum. "I don't think you can keep fighting but still... I won't take a chance." She reached up as a hand gun appeared in her hands. It wasn't anything crazy. Just a normal gun. Still to someone who could barley stand up it was a terrifying weapon. The gun went off four times and Shuncong screamed out as each of his limbs had lead jammed into them making him howl out in pain since he was shot.

He fell back unable to stand or wave his brush around as he was forced to stare up at the black sky.

Olf gulped slightly at the brutal way he was put down but began his count. "One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. And ten! Shuncong of Squad Three is out!"