Ken's Turn

Night One Hundred And Seventy One

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

"Hurry up already!" Ken yelled standing on the stone wall and waving her arms. "I'm ready for my turn!"

They were in the next round. This one was Ghazel from Squad Nine, Versus Wave Long, from Squad Eleven. It was a pretty simple match. Ghazel was fighting, in her usually fast paced knife way, the one she used on Light, and Irene, while Wave Long, was fighting with powerful shock waves. He was a transformation type which effected both his hands making them larger, and giving them sound like speakers. He'd slap out and fire out a burst of sound.

The match was close. Both fighters were giving it their all.

"There, there." Shelly said patting Ken's thigh. Ken sighed and dropped to a sitting position on the stone wall allowing Shelly to pet her head, causing the cat like girl to pur.

"Where's Hero." Irene asked letting out a sigh.

"Why do you care?" Ken asked raising an eyebrow. "You made it clear you don't want anything to do with him-"

"I care because he's one of our Squad Members and he's been gone forever."

"She's kind of right..." Light frowned. "I don't sense big brother anywhere... Where did he go..."

"Maybe he needed to take a dump?" Kitsune shrugged. "And he fell in."


Shelly frowned as she stopped petting Ken and let out a hum. "It's not like him to be gone this long..."

"Oh and you know Hero so well, miss, joined our Squad at the last second." Ken asked rolling her eyes.

"Hey! I thought you'd of all people like having a me around..."

"I mean... I do Shelly... I am really glad you're on our Squad... But... You know..." Ken shrugged. "We could have gotten Max..."

"Oh God damn it."

"Just think about how cool that would have been! I could have comboed my lasers with his lava!"

"We can combo! have fire! Fire and lasers go together!"

"Yeah but lava is so much cooler! I wanted to do this cool combo attack, where he covers them in the lava, than I use the cold Bestia Macht soul powers I got, and freeze it around them, hardening it into stone! That would have been kick ass!"

"I'm trying my best sweetie!"

"Well try harder!"

"You two done..." Kitsune asked frowning. "Cause I am starting to get worried about Hero... He should have been back by now for sure... He's been talking to himself more and more... I'm starting to get worried about him... I need to have a talk with him when this is all said and done..."

"Maybe we should all talk to him..." Light hummed nodding his head.

"If you want I could talk to him." They all jumped when they heard the voice. They turned to see Davi Vil, of Squad Five looking at them. Though the two other people in his box didn't even move or blink. Davi smirked leaning forward. "I can talk to him... I know where he is after all."

"Where?" Kitsune, and Irene asked both leaning forward.

"Like I'd tell." He gave a large grin as he leaned forward. He hummed as he snapped his fingers. "It's gonna cost you-"

"I think you'll find I can more than cover any cost." Kitsune smirked. "I'm a Noble after all."

"Not money I was talking about." Davi hummed. His eyes gained a lustful look in them for a moment. "I'll go check up on him but in return those two lovely girls got to agree to go on a date with me." He smirked gesturing at Irene, and Shelly making them recoil back.

"Oh hell no!" Kitsune and Ken, both announced drawing their blades, and spikes.

"Well..." They both stopped when they heard Irene say that. "I would like to know he's okay..." She said.

"Y... You aren't actually considering that?" Shelly asked her face beat red.

Irene looked at Davi for a moment. "He's not in our world is he."

Davi smirked leaning forward. "No. He's not." He said shocking everyone but Irene.

"Hero told me about it." Irene nodded. "The Void he called it... He's gone there a few times." Her words made Ken's face light up for a moment as an idea entered Ken's mind.

"Aha!" Ken jumped up on the wall and pointed a finger down at Davi as she gave him a smug look. "You won't be going on any dates, with cute Tsundere's on my watch! If Hero's in the Void, I know how to get there! In fact! I've been there a few times already. So ha! Suck it smug looking perverted asshole! No waifu's for you!"

"I regret ever letting her watch my anime." Kitsune hummed.

Davi let out a sigh. "Really... You know how to enter it? Well you're a Seraphin... I guess you could enter it... Oh well I tried." He gave Irene and Shelly a wink. "If you two lovely ladies ever want a real-"

"Backoffonesmine!" Ken announced throwing her shoe at him.

"Can you really enter the void?" Irene asked.

"Yeah... Err... I mean... I think so?"

"You think?"

"I uh... I usually die when I do it?" Ken shrugged.


"Yeah... So who wants to kill me?"

"Oh hell yes." Light said drawing his gun. "I've been wanting to put a cap in your ass the day I realized big brother liked spending more time around you, then me." He cocked his gun as everyone stared at him. "What? Oh... She was joking wasn't she..."


"Not an issue." Ken announced drawing a spike. She raised it up intending to run herself through. "Seppu-"

"And Ghazel of Squad Nine is the winner!" Olf announced loudly stopping Ken before she could run herself through. They all turned to see the heavily beat up Ghazel letting out a sigh as Wave Long's body dropped from the arena and the medical team escorted him away. "Next match is... Versa More, of Squad Twelve, Versus Ken Red, of Squad Six!"

Ken stumbled her eyes filling with stars. "Finally! My turn! Here Shelly. Hold the spike I was about to use to commit Seppuku with. I'll need it when I'm done." She announced handing her spike to Shelly who frowned but took it. Ken jumped onto the stone wall and turned to look at the rest of her team. "Well... Wish me luck."

"Break a leg." Irene said flatly. "Like... For real..."

"I hate all of you but Shelly..."

Over in the Squad Twelve Box Arthur bit his lip. "Not good."

"Ha? What. That little girl is my enemy?" Versa More announced. Versa was a tall woman with long black hair, and bright purple eyes. She didn't bother wearing her jacket, only wearing her black undersuit.

"Don't under estimate her." Arthur said shaking his head. "That girl is... Well if what Hero told me about her is true she's even stronger than him..."

"That just means this Hero fellow isn't as strong as you've hyped him up." Versa smiled. "Don't worry... This will be over in a flash..." She walked forward and made her way up the steps to the arena. At the top she saw the little girl that was Ken. "My... You're even smaller than I thought..."

Ken nearly tripped at that her eye twitching. "I'm sorry what..."

"Oh? Was that rude?" Versa grinned and cocked her head to the side. "I apologize." She gave a mocking bow. "I was just under the impressing the Enforcers were a serious army. I guess you must be from the child division though right? I mean you're so small and adorable... You're what? Eight... Nine?"

"Fourteen... I'm fourteen..."

"Really? I never would have guess." The woman said faking shock. "I mean... You look like you were born yesterday? Oh wait." She stood up on her tip toes and looked out at the crowd using her hand to cover her eyes, in the same way most people would do if they were trying to spot something. "One moment. I think I can find your mommy lost girl."

"I've never wanted to kill another human being more than I do right now." Ken said her eye twitching. She gave a wide grin as she raised her hands up. "You know... I really... Really... Really hope you're at least semi strong and can survive this."

"Survive what-"

A massive red beam exploded out of Ken's hands. It was absolutely massive covering the entire arena and making several people stare in shock as she fired everything she had at the woman in front of her vaporizing most of the stone arena, or simply melting it down into a stone puddle from the blast. Seconds later a flash freeze effect seemed to kick in a everything around Ken suddenly froze in a single burst instant. Than it all shattered leaving a massive crater around her. She turned giving a cute smile to Olf who was off to the side, a large stain on the front of his pants.

"I think you can start counting." She said cutely.

"I... Wh... What the hell kind of monster are you!"

"I prefer Devilish." Ken smiled.

Off to the side, Kitsune, Irene, and Light all stood with wide eyes. "Holy shit! I forgot how strong Ken was..."

Shelly hummed. "I've seen better in Squad One... Though still she's strong I'll admit. If we weren't down in the catacombs she could have unleashed all of her power and taken down North with ease. But sadly she had to hold back, both to keep me safe, and to also not collapse the entire Rose City, by blasting the floor down... There's a reason people don't like Seraphins... That kind of power in the wrong hands..."

"Damn it..." Light growled clutching his hands into a fist. For a moment his mind went to the thought of Viper. "If Ken is this strong, and that Viper chick is even stronger... How much was the snake lady holding back on us..."

"Maybe I should stop picking on Ken." Irene hummed.

"I'm kind of sad..." Emma said in the Squad Seven box. "I mean... Both me and her are Red Sisters and yet... She far outclasses..." She laughed.

"Don't feel to bad." Sera sighed. "Squad six is filled with weirdos. Right Lucy."

"Hmm." Lucy hummed. "It is beneficial she is not interested in men, otherwise I would have a hard time keeping her away from my Hero. However she appears to be more interested in pink haired women, therefor getting Hero all to myself should be more than easy with her, and the ice one, out of the picture." Lucy nodded still speaking in an emotionless way.

"Are you still on about that?" Emma asked frowning. "Honestly what do so many girls see in that snow haired boy?"

Back in the arena Ken snapped her fingers. "Yo. Earth to Dog man. Start counting."

"R... Right." Olf said nodding. He looked at the rest of the arena but there was to much dust, and ice to actually see anything. He cleared his throat though. "One... Two... Three-"

"No need for that." The dust began to settle as Ken's eyes widened in shock. She looked up to see Versa More walking out of the dust cloud, not a scratch on her. She didn't even seem to be dirty... She gave a sly grin as she stared at Ken. "That almost tickled." She grinned raising her right arm up. It glowed and morphed becoming a large red metal arm, with brass knuckles built into it, and red flames coming out of the fist. It looked almost like Hero's Shield Of Hope, Minus the Shield and more red. She brought the arm back and opened the palm further shocking everyone when a thin black spike began to grow out of it, just like the ones Ken could grow from her body... "So... Wanna see my version of a Seraphins beam?" She grinned.

"W... What?"

Versa stepped forward holding her arm out as a massive red beam exploded out of it and washed over Ken enveloping the girl in its crackling red energy...