What's Yours Is Mine, And What's Mine Is Still Mine

Night One Hundred And Seventy Two

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

Back in the arena Ken snapped her fingers. "Yo. Earth to Dog man. Start counting."

"R... Right." Olf said nodding. He looked at the rest of the arena but there was to much dust, and ice to actually see anything. He cleared his throat though. "One... Two... Three-"

"No need for that." The dust began to settle as Ken's eyes widened in shock. She looked up to see Versa More walking out of the dust cloud, not a scratch on her. She didn't even seem to be dirty... She gave a sly grin as she stared at Ken. "That almost tickled." She grinned raising her right arm up. It glowed and morphed becoming a large red metal arm, with brass knuckles built into it, and red flames coming out of the fist. It looked almost like Hero's Shield Of Hope, Minus the Shield and more red. She brought the arm back and opened the palm further shocking everyone when a thin black spike began to grow out of it, just like the ones Ken could grow from her body... "So... Wanna see my version of a Seraphins beam?" She grinned.

"W... What?"

Versa stepped forward holding her arm out as a massive red beam exploded out of it and washed over Ken enveloping the girl in its crackling red energy...

Once again the entire arena exploded as Olf let out a scream of terror and jumped off crashing to the stone floor below.

Kitsune's eyes were wide for a moment. "Her power is just as high as Ken's? No... Maybe it's even higher."

"K... Ken." Shelly winced. "You idiot. Don't lose in the first round... I don't want a bronze badge unless you also have one..."

Irene hummed for a moment. "Why are you two acting worried." She hummed. "We're talking about Ken Red here... She's one of the strongest people in our Squad..."

"Yeah but..." Light frowned for a moment. "This power that hit her... It's..."

Up in the Captains Box Athena the twelfth Squad Captain gave a small grin. "Well it would seem Versa is going all out this time-"

"What the hell is that." Katrina asked letting out a hiss as she shot Athena a glare. "Why is your Squad recruit a damn Seraphin! And why didn't she take any damage? Even if she's a Seraphin and can heal, her clothing should have been torn and burnt but nothing?"

"Oh?" Athena asked her grin growing a small bit. "She's not a Seraphin."

This time Jackson frowned. "Than how did she..."

"It's her Cursed Life Power... All Men Are Equal is the name of it..." She explained her grin getting even larger. "A Transformation Type in her right arm. It has two main effects. The first... The first attack that hits her, will have no effect on her at all. Her right arm absorbs it. Then her second effect comes in... When she transforms her arm, she gains the attack power of whatever attack slammed into her. As well as part of the power of what it was, however only through her right arm. So now that right arm of hers has all of your pretty little Seraphins powers, as well as the attack power of that massive beam, added onto her power of her right arm. However she can't absorb more powers until she turns her power off once more meaning she's stuck at that level. However... That really doesn't matter. You see Versa has quite the mouth. She's used to her powers weaknesses. She has a way with her words."

Katrina's eye twitched as she looked back down at the arena which was covered in smoke. "She got Ken riled up on purpose... She wanted Ken to fire her biggest attack at her because of that..."

Jackson gave a small scowl as he turned away. "That's... Quite the power... But still. Don't you dare underestimate Ken."

"Well the same goes for Versa." Athena shrugged. "Trust me... There's a lot more to her power she can do..."

Down in the arena Versa waved her left arm at Olf who was slowly peaking his head over the slab of the stone. "Okay." She said rolling her eyes. "Begin the ten-"

A large black spike fired out of the smoke slicing her cheek open making her eyes go wide. The smoke cleared showing Ken was still standing. Her clothing was torn and burnt, and her lip was busted, as well as several bruises that covered her small body. Her silver eyes were filled with flames of pure rage at having been blasted with her own attack.

"You think you can just blast me with my own attack!" She asked. Steam rolled off of her body as all her wounds began to close. A red energy crackled around Ken's body covering her arms and legs.

Versa reached up grabbing her cheek which was still bleeding. Her eyes were wide for a moment. "You managed to cut me..." She grinned for a moment as a black spike formed out of her palm. "Maybe this will be a little bit better than I thought..."

"Oh it better be." Ken said. A large black spike grew out of her shoulder as she reached up and pulled it out twirling it around between her fingers. "I had to wait so long for this! I am going to beat you into the ground!"

Ken fired at the woman as she sliced out with her spike only for Versa to block it with the spike that was coming out of her hand. The two stakes clashed together and for a moment both girls seemed to enter a dance of blades for a moment. They were pretty even, but Versa only had a single spike, while Ken simply created a second one and used both to slam down slashing Versa's spike in half snapping it in two. She twirled them around and stabbed them to Versa preparing to impale them into the girl but was stopped when Versa back handed her.

Versa's hand smacked Ken's check with a loud, and nasty slap that made the raven haired girl stumble back with wide eyes. Ken reached up grabbing her face for a moment as if shocked the woman had attacked her with a slap of all things. Versa didn't stop there though stepping forward her right arm coming out again and smacking Ken across the face. Then she did it again, and again, slapping the girl over and over again back and forth.

"W... Why the hell isn't she bothering to dodge?" Kitsune asked with wide eyes.

Ken could take a lot of damage, even without her healing. She was also fast, even beating out Hero's speed. These slaps didn't have a lot of power in them, and weren't even that fast, yet Ken didn't seem to even try to dodge allowing the hits to rain out and slam into her face? It was like she was allowing herself to get hit or something?

"You know." Versa said creating another spike and stabbed it into Ken's gut making the girl gasp in pain as she was raised off of the ground. "My power doesn't just borrow the power of someone that hits me. I also borrow some of their thoughts and memories. Not all though. But it would seem these were just enough. That slap. I don't know who this Viper woman is but she would often hit you like that when you weren't obeying her right? And you would disobey her on purpose to get slapped-"

"S... Stop." Ken delivered a powerful punch to Versa's face shocking the woman.

Versa was thrown back by the punch letting out a yell of pain. She rolled across the stone floor and slowly got back up grabbing at her face which now had a broken nose, and several cracked teeth blood dripping down her once pretty face. She might have had Ken's healing, but she could only use those powers in her right arm.

Ken reached down pulling the black spike out of her gut. It was stained red from her blood but she dropped it, the stomach wound slowly closing. She reached up flipping her hair behind her and managed a smug smile, as the bruises on her cheeks began to fade. "I'll admit the first slap caught me off guard. For a moment I was reminded of my time with that woman, and I allowed you to hit me, so I could be taken back to the nostalgia feeling. But you made a few mistakes." Ken stepped forward cracking her knuckles.

"M... Mistakes?" Versa spat out blood, and shattered teeth dripping down her chin as she stared at Ken in pure rage.

Ken just gave her a cut smile. "Two actually. First. Viper hits way harder than you do. If you want to slap someone, for doing something wrong you have to put a lot more effort behind the hits." Her hand came out as she back handed Versa hard across the face sending the girl stumbling back and gasping out. "Otherwise the pain doesn't feel good. And the second thing. I might have once liked Viper, and let her hit me and bite me but I'm over that. I'm a member of the Rd Church now. A Red sister, and all that kinky stuff isn't for me any more." Ken said grabbing the Cross that was around her neck. "Also you're pretty weak. I guess I should have hit you with my super attack earlier huh?" Ken asked throwing her arms behind her head.

"W... What?" Versa spat out. "You mean that first attack wasn't everything you had?"

"No? Of course not." Ken leaned back and folded her arms. "I'm saving my cool, and super attacks, for when I fight an actual threat. Like Hero. Or Shelly. Or that Max boy. Or I guess Hella. I wouldn't go and waste my strongest moves on someone like you." Ken said her words wounding the womans pride even further.

"Y... You monster."

"I prefer Devilish-"

Versa jumped up holding her palm out and slamming it forward as she unleashed a massive beam of red energy into Ken point blank range hitting the girl with everything she had. The dust cleared showing Ken wasn't even there. "W... What? Where did she-" Versa felt a punch to the back of her head from behind her as she was slammed down.

"That was rude." Ken frowned folding her arms up as she placed her foot on the woman's back. "I was in the middle of talking. I didn't blast you randomly when you were giving your monologue." Versa let out a scream of pain as Ken pressed down with her foot making the woman's back pop.

Down in the Squad Six Box Irene had a smug look on her face. "See. I told you. Ken is strong. You shouldn't have underestimated her."

Shelly frowned looking away. "Yeah but..." For a moment her thought went back to that fight with North when Ken entered 'that' form. "I don't know how I feel about her acting this way."

"She is acting a little more... sado-masochist then usual..." Kitsune hummed. "But Ken's always been the type to do things like this... She's kind of cruel when she fights. Letting herself get hit, and drawing out the battles. She's always done this. I guess you'll have to get used to it if you really care about her-"

"W... Who said I care about her idiot!" Shelly said hitting the fox teen over the head.

Light let out a hum and folded his arms. "Is it really this easy though... I would hardly say this was even a match... Ken dominated that woman."


"W... Wait." Versa spat out turning around just in time for Ken to stomp down on her stomach making her cry out.

"What?" Ken asked frowning.

Versa let out several gasps. "I... I still have more I can do!"

"Not interested." Ken said raising her foot up.

'Whoa wait! One second! Just a few moments! That's all I need and I can transform!"

"You can transform?" Ken asked raising an eyebrow. "That's cool and all but I'm still not interested in-"

"I'd be able to beat you down in seconds with that power. You wouldn't even stand a chance. I'd over power you in moments. I doubt you could even land a single punch on me!"

Up in the stands Katrina shot a smug look at Athena. "Well it looks like we've won this one." She announced. "There's no way your recruit will have a chance to transform-"

"Okay." Ken said a smile crossing onto her face. She jumped away from Versa and folded her arms. "Go ahead. Transform."

"Oh God damn it Ken!" Everyone in Squad Six yelled.

"Huh." Jackson hummed. "I would have expected this from Kitsune..."

"Not Hero?" Dawson asked.

"Nah... Hero's an asshole. He'd just attack the person while they're transforming for an easy win, than complain when someone does the same to him." Jackson nodded. "Still... Versa knew just what to say. I mean Ken's a Seraphin... They're weapons made for combat so a better fight... That'd do something to her..."

Versa stumbled back to her feet and grabbed her right arm her grin growing. "You're dead." She announced. "Now watch. As I transform!"