Hello Row Law Goodbye Row Law

Night One Hundred And Seventy Two

"Enforcers... Warriors said to be chosen by God himself... They exist for a single purpose... To slay the beasts that hunt mankind... The creatures with frozen souls... The Bestia Macht... They really are a pain, always messing up my plans..."


Age ???

"You have to try harder!" Mr. Hyde yelled at the small five year old Row. "You have to use that power! You have to mean it!" He screamed out.

"I... I'm trying..." Row said quietly the green scar over his heart glowing. "But... But it hurts when I use it."

"Then fight through the pain! You need to harness that power." Piero said over in the corner where he rested. "I had to kill my own brother to give you that Crest... Use it."

Mr. Hyde let out a sigh pushing up his glasses. "I guess you're going to need some help Row..." He said clicking open a briefcase. "You have the DNA of several people relating to the Dragon Clan... So I assume it's only fair that I give you a Dragon like motivation..." He pulled out a small tube of glass where a small white like creature could be seen moving around... "This is a piece of the Prince... The strongest Bestia Macht that was sealed away by Master Storm... It's only a small piece..." He said slowly moving towards the young boy. "Still though... I'm betting if this thing is inside of you it'd kick start that Crest. After all you'd need to get it out before it devours your organs. Or maybe... You'll use that Crest to recreate those Organs?"

Row tried to back up but the mans hand came out as he gripped Row's arm. "W... Wait-"

"Either way." He clicked a button on the glass box as it began to open and the bug slithered out stabbing into Row's arm and slowly sinking into his flesh. "I'm sure you won't die from it. If it does we can always fall back on that brother of yours. Vil. So don't go screwing up. Other wise we'll have to put him through this as well. If you really want to be a good brother than bare that pain so he doesn't have to..."

The labs filled with the screams of Row as the long worm like Bestia Macht bore its way into his flesh...


Age 1991

"Stay close to me." Row said.

"Yeah, yeah." Hero rolled his eyes as him and Row went back to back. All around them was an ocean of red. They stood in the void. They were currently in a strange part of the void. Massive white bone trees jutted out of the ground all around them reaching high towards the sky above. Both Hero and Row were in a clearing looking out for their enemy. "I can't believe you just upped and attacked him!"

"Oh get off your f##king high horse! If he was really an all powerful God like he claims he'd see that coming!"

"You punched God in the face Row! Emma, and Ken, will kill me if they find out you hurt their God!"

"Well their God can suck my di-"

"Eventful Impact!"

The voice of their enemy announced loudly. Crashing down from above landing between them was Hero Otoko. His hair seemed to be combed now, and he was dressed in a black suit, and red tie, similar to what the four sacred beasts wore, but it was no doubt who he was. He spun around bringing his leg up which grew in size as he slammed it into Row's stomach throwing the boy back and sending him tumbling across the red field. Than he raised both his arms up just in time as Hero Law slammed his clawed hand into the Seraphin throwing him back.

Otoko spun landing elegantly on his feet as he slid back. "You're pretty strong." He noted to Hero nodding his head. "Maybe if you were fighting the me from my universe you'd be able to draw with me, or maybe even beat me. But as it is now, and who I am now, you don't stand much of a chance."


"Oh I guess I should explain." Otoko said giving a half bow. "I'm not from your world. I come from another world. My name is Hero Otoko. But. You can just call me the right hand of God. For just as your Master of the Enforcers has his Beasts, I to shall serve God."

"Why do you care about serving a God of another universe?" Row asked slowly standing up. "Each Universe has their own version of Orion who goes insane and begins to call himself God. And each version also creates the Bestia Macht. He's a cruel man who blocked out the sky and filled the world with monsters as well as giving the people of the planet dangerous weapons in the form of Equations. When I become God, I'll wipe out all the Bestia Macht and take away all the Equations as they are far to dangerous for people to have."

Otoko hummed for a moment. "I guess Row gave you a lot of memories huh?" He asked.

"What?" Row frowned. "What do you mean by that-"

"If you really want to know why I'm serving him." Otoko placed his hand over his heart for a moment. "He saved me, as well as several of the people I love..." For a moment the image of a young girl with black hair, and red eyes came to his mind. Ken. He had been so happy when he learned she was one of the people who carried onto the next world. Even if she had changed a bit. "As for that other stuff. He's doing it to protect this world."

"That I am." A loud booming voice announced. Everyone looked up finding God above them standing on the tips of a tree. He was still that strange metal man, but a suit much like the one Otoko was wearing was around his body and he held a silver cane.

"Great he's here." Row said rolling his eyes.

"I feel the need to inform you two dreams of something." God said crossing his arms. "You see everything I have done is for the greater good. I'm not immortal. I will die one day. And when I die that black smog around the planet as well as the Bestia Macht will fade."

"So if we kill you we get rid of the clouds and smog." Hero asked suddenly starting to agree with Row's idea.

"Yes but... So to do the protections."

"Protections?" Row, and Hero asked.

God let out a chuckle. "Nothing either of you two need to worry about. It doesn't matter."

"So are you here to get us to join you as well?" Hero asked.

"No... I've brought you both here because I know Row would never agree to my plans... I've already talked to him and realized I can't get past the programming of him wanting to kill me. He'd never agree to bring the Heart to me and help me stop the Bestia Macht, and the war from happening."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Row asked. "We never talked?"

"Oh. Not you Row. The other one."


"So then why are you here?" Hero asked.

God's metal seemed to twist into a smile as he turned his back on both of them. "I wanted to test out my new toy Hero Otoko. As well as make you two suffer for Row's actions. I'm not a forgiving God... Otoko... Fight, but don't kill. These two don't deserve to die. That would be to kind." God stepped forward and seemed to vanish into thin air...

"As you wish God." Otoko nodded. He wasted no time firing forward and twisting his body unleashing a powerful kick which Hero blocked.

"Why are you doing this!" Hero yell. "If you're me from another universe than why?"

"I've seen whats to come." Hero Otoko hissed. "I'm with God on this. The past needs to be changed. So much death... So much horror... And... I've seen Row Law. I won't let him out. Even if that means I have to kill you. So... I'm sorry... But I'm doing it all for the greater good!" He screamed his leg growing in size as he delivered a powerful kick and sent Hero flying back. "I truly am sorry... But I can't let another world be erased... I owe God everything. So I'll stick with him till the end."

"So a Hero from another world became a Dog of God. Ha." Row dropped down from the sky reaching out his hand. His chest glowed as a large black great sword appeared in his hands. "Don't make me laugh! That man is pure evil! He covered the sky in smog. He created the Bestia Macht. He gave out the Equations which have taken so many horrible lives. And he could fix any of these issues but he sits away from everyone up on his throne. Talk about worthless."

Otoko created a spike blocking the sword. "I'll admit. He isn't good. Hell... He's evil. But... Just as the road to hell is paved with good intentions so too is Heavens path paved with wrong doings. For the Greater Good. Besides... Row... Compared to God, our lord comes off as a saint."

"Bull shit I haven't done anything evil!"

"It's what he will do if he gets out." Otoko spun deflecting Row's sword up. His ears twitched as he twirled his body just in time to dodge a strike from Hero who came crashing down. Hero punched out with his clawed hand sending out a row of feathers which Otoko deflected backing up as he twirled his bone spike around and sent all the attacks away from him. Row used that as his moment jumping into the air and creating a pair of hand guns when he fired out sending the bullets into Otoko. However steam simply rolled off of him as he healed.

"Oh great..." Hero sighed his eye twitching.

"He's a Seraphin." Row agreed also letting out an annoyed sigh.

Otoko simply smiled as he eyed them both up. "So... Two on one... Hardly fair."

"Don't go complaining that we're ganging up on you." Row smirked creating a pair of long swords. He created three, and tossed one blade over to Hero who caught it with his left hand. "As far as I'm concerned there isn't a thing known as playing dirty, or cheating. Not in a fight like this anyways. We're here to crush you than crush your precious God. If a two on one fight has you feeling annoyed than you have no right to call yourself any Hero. As far as I'm concerned the only true Hero is my dog, but I'll admit this dumbass next to me is still more of a Hero than you ever will be."

Otoko sighed creating a pair of spikes which he duel wielded. "I suppose you're right. My past self would be disgusted with me now... Still though... Even if I end up in hell, I can sleep easily knowing I was part of the process that helped save this world."

"No one man can save the world." Hero said shaking his head. "Not even a group can save this world. Not the Enforcers. Not the Organization. And Not God. All we can do is help make a better world, and insure a better future for the next humans. I want to create a big blue sky for people to look up to. That's my dream."

"I have a feeling in my world you and I would become fast friends." Otoko grinned. "Still... I truly am sorry. My enemy." He charged forward at that catching Row, and Hero, off as his feet seemed to stretch out. He sliced out with both his spikes, as more seemed to grow out of his body and he spun around slicing out at everything around him. Hero used his claw, and his sword to block them, though he didn't really know how to use a sword very well, and Row blocked many with his two swords. Hero Otoko though was only just getting stared as he managed to get in between them both his pipes glowing as he gave a small grin. "Omni Impact!" He announced as all the pipes which stabbed out of him from all sides exploded into a hail of wind throwing Hero and Row back.

Row caught himself first and fired forward slicing out with his blades and stabbing them both up into the gut of Otoko. The Seraphin let out a loud gasp and his focus faded for a moment causing all his spikes to shatter. Row than slammed a fist into his face as hard as he could sending him stumbling back. As he slipped Row grabbed him by his tie and yanked him back up into his fist once more delivering a powerful punch again. He then grabbed he swords twisting them both as he raised his boot up and slammed it into Otoko ripping the blades out and pulling the swords out.

"Yo Hero. You're up!" Row shouted.

Otoko stumbled back from the kick feeling Hero's sword stab through his back. "Sorry about this." Hero said a serious look coming into his eyes as they lit up with a green energy and his right arm seemed to morph into his Justice Shield form. "I can't hold back on you though. And if killing you means keeping my friends safe that's what I'll do."

"I... I'm not a harm to your friends."

"But you could become a threat in the future." Hero said the green flames getting bigger. "And also..." He gave a small grin. "He won't admit it. But Row's my friend. You became my enemy you and God decided to gang up on him. I refuse to side with your God if he'll bully a sad child. Earlier you said you were sorry... I think It's time I apologize to you. Because this is going to hurt." He rammed his entire flaming fist down into the face of Otoko as the green flames exploded off of him and formed a massive green fire dragon which he used to ram into Otoko's face. "Dragon King's Abyss!" He screamed using his strongest attack.

The entire void itself shook for a moment as he rammed his strongest attack into Otoko's face and hit him with everything he had.

And in a single moment it ended.

Row and Hero stared down at the Seraphin who was gasping out many of his wounds slowly healing.

"I... I was right... To worry about this." Otoko spat out a glob of blood his eyes glazing over. "G... God was right... Hero... We're... Around Equal Power.... And with Row with you... As I had been... My old powers... Wouldn't cut it."

"So you give up?" Hero asked stuffing his hands in his pockets as his right arm was badly burnt from using the attack. "I'll let you go if you swear to never bother me or my friends ever again."

"That's why." Otoko gasped out raising his left arm up. "I asked for one of them... What do you call it?" He turned his palm over as shocked look covered Row, and Hero when they saw the Equation in his arm. "Equations?" All of his wounds healed as his entire arm lit up and began to change. A powerful blast exploded out of his arm throwing Hero, and Row back.

"What the hell!! His Equation is... It's as strong as a Captains?" Row hissed out.

"What?" A shocked Hero asked.

Otoko stood back up as his left arm changed... It was completely covered up by a black and red swirling energy. In the center of the palm what looked like a Cross could be seen imbued into the hand. He held it out as it lit up with pitch black flames. "I call this Equation Hades. A Transformation Type." He grinned. "With it I can make black flames. But... I also still have my powers as a Seraphin." He raised his right arm up which was covered up by a white goo and seemed to form a long white bow with one of his bone spikes as the arrow. He used his left arm to pull back on the bow as it covered the arrow in an intense black flame.

"S... So what?" Row asked though his body was shaking. "You got a flaming bow?"

Otoko smiled and raised it up not pointing it at them. They looked up and saw it... A large rock up in the skies of the void. The moon. Otoko let go of the arrow. "Three seconds... One... Two... Three-"


The entire void's moon exploded into a massive ball of black flames and the force was so massive shock waves slammed down into the void itself slamming an already exhausted Hero, and terrified looking Row into the ground.

Otoko walked towards them slowly a dark look in his eyes as his body fully healed. "Do you even know how strong the Captains are? They're all stronger than you. Even the weakest, that nine fellow holds back. And all twelve teamed up couldn't beat God. And God... He's strong. Strong enough that his crazy plan could work. He wants to erase all of this..." Otoko said waving his arms around. "This entire time line. He wants to fix it all. And I agree... It's all a mess. I know I'm evil for wanting to kill billions of people. But you don't get it. Not in the least."

Hero fired up his right arm turning back into its shield arm as he punched out but his entire hand was caught by Otoko's new left arm.

"No." Otoko pulled back ripping the entire arm off and making Hero scream in utter pain as he dropped to his knees. Otoko then bent down and picked up the Equation that was in the arm. "I hope you don't mind... But I've grown rather fond of your powers." He Squeezed down on it as the marble sunk into his right arm and it glowed morphing into Hero's clawed arm.

Hero stared at his right arm. Or he stared at where it used to be on his body. The limb that strange bug had entered. 'Huh...' He thought pain filling his eyes. 'I guess I can stop crawling forward now...'

"B... But how?" Row asked with wide eyes. "A person's body can't handle two Equations?"

"Maybe a human." Otoko said staring down at his right arm, and his left arm. "But I've left my humanity far behind. I'm more than a Monster. In order to serve God I'll become his weapon. I am God's Equation. I've become a Devil."

Row slowly stood up while Hero kept screaming about the fact his entire arm was gone. "Well... Hero... Give me control. I'll kill this bastard. My powers being held back but at 100% I can win. I know it. And I promise you. I'll do everything I can to kill this asshole."

Hero stared at his lost arm as a numbness set in and blood flowed out of it. He closed his eyes. "I... I give you control."

They waited for something to happen...

But nothing seemed to change.

Row frowned for a moment as he stared down at his hands. "I... I'm not stronger."

"Oh..." Otoko gave a small smile. "You think you're Row Law don't you?"

"W... What?"

"No..." Otoko stabbed his hand through Row's chest making the man gasp out. The dark look in Otoko's eyes grew. "No, no, no... You're a dream. The real Row... Hasn't even said a word."

"W... What?" Hero asked stunned.

"Let's go see him." All around them the void began to crack and they found themselves now standing in a simple wooden room, where a young ten year old boy with snow white hair was sleeping. Standing next to him, Yume was standing next to him. Otoko raised both his transformed arms up his smile growing. "Both of you dreams. Meet the real Row Law... The one who's slowly waking up."

"Shh..." Yume said raising his finger to his lips. He gave a small smile as he ran his fingers through the boys hair. "Don't wake the young master... He's almost ready to get up himself."