The New Matches

Night One Hundred And Seventy Eight

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

"And the winner is Alice Wonder of Squad Eight!" Olf announced loudly.

"I... I'm sorry!" Alice said quickly bowing to her unconscious enemy. Her invisibility might not have been to strong but it seemed to get her back in this fight against a guy named Kale who had some spring based power.

"Way to go!" Alexander the eighth squad Captain announced. "You did good Alice!" Alice let out a small yelp as her body turned invisible and she vanished once more...

The games were still going on as usual. Nothing to crazy had happened yet but they were waiting. After the amount of crazy things that happened today something else was bound to happen. Right...

"What did I miss?" Hero asked suddenly standing on the wall next to his Squad Members and making all but Light jump.

"Not much Big Brother." Light shrug.

"Hero!" Ken announced jumping into the air and flipping her body around. Hero held his arms out as she plopped down in his arms being carried bridal style by the snow haired boy. Ken's face was annoyed while Hero's was blank. "Hero!" She announced again pointing up at him which was easy since she was in his arms. "Who the hell is Ava!" She announced.

'I could just tell you who I-'

"Shut up Ava!"

"Uh... What's happening?" Hero asked blinking a couple of times.

Shelly let out a sigh and crossed her arms. "It was after you left... Ken is..."

"Ken's hearing voices like you do." Irene said bluntly. "So she wants to know who Ava is."

"Never heard of her." Hero shrugged. "Also good news. I don't hear voices anymore."

"What the hell so now I'm the one who has to hear stuff!" Ken whined. "And that timing!"

'I am sure it is a coincidence that he stopped and you started. Otoko was always planning to place me in you. The Crest God placed in him was reacting badly to me-'

"Hero what the hell is a Crest." Ken asked bluntly.

"Uh..." Hero stopped letting out a hum. If Ken was asking him what a Crest was this voice was real. "You sure the name is... Ava? Maybe... Maybe not Row?"

"Row was an asshole! This ones just... Weird..."

"I thought Hero was Row-" Kitsune began but was stopped by Hero.

"Look. I'll explain everything I know later okay. I'm just as lost about this voice as you all are-"

"Maybe I can help." A voice commented from behind Hero and Ken. The two looked down finding Davi leaning on the wall next to them.

"Oh great..." Ken, and Hero, said rolling their eyes. "This asshole."

"So rude." The man said letting out a small chuckle. "Is that anyway of talking to me?"

"Yes. Get lost." Both said again.

Davi clicked his tongue. "Well I'll say this. Ava is the name of my sister." He said pointing a thumb back at the silver haired girl who was behind him. She was still in a ball rocking back and forth. "Though... If I were to take a guess I'd say your Ava is from another world right..."

"Oh... She's from Otoko's world right?" Hero asked eyeing the teen up.

"You know Otoko?" Ken asked.

"What doe he mean by another world?" Kitsune questioned.

Hero ignored Kitsune, and Ken for a moment his eyes locked onto Davi. "I don't like you." Hero hummed.

"Why not?" Davi asked cocking his head to the side.

"Well..." Hero was silent. "I just don't okay. Do I need a reason for hating someone."

"I suppose not." Davi shrugged. "Still... I'll admit... I'm starting to get excited." He leaned forward eying Hero up and down. "Don't you dare disappoint me. Clone."

Hero stared at him flatly. Then still with a blank expression dropped Ken. The girl crashed to the floor with a thud from the high drop. "You're on Seraphin." Hero said turning away from Davi.

"Hero what the f##k!" Ken yelled sitting back up.

"Sorry it seemed cooler to not be holding a fourteen year old girl when I gave that line."

"And the next match is!" Olf announced loudly getting everyone to turn back to the arena now that it had been fixed back up. "Light No Last Name from Squad Six Versus Grimval Dark from Squad Twelve!"

"Another Squad Twelve member?" Ken hummed. "I beat mine so you better win Light."

"Yeah no pressure." Kitsune hummed. "Don't end up being held back like Irene-"

"Screw you guys!"

Light grabbed his big gun cocking it. "I'll be fighting in your honor big brother! Wish me luck!" He announced jumping past the wall and heading to the arena.

Shelly let out a small hum folding her arms. For a moment she turned to Hero who was still standing on the wall though now in a crouched position. "So... Who do you think will win?" She asked.

"That answer is obvious isn't it..." Hero hummed.

"Ha..." Davi laughed still leaning on the wall next to Hero. "You actually think that blind kid has what it takes to make it far in these games."

"Do you not?" Hero asked raising an eyebrow.

Davi didn't say anything turning away as they both looked up at the arena where Light was just now getting to the top.

In the arena Light found his opponent across from him. Not like it mattered to Light since he was blind but Grimval was a young sixteen year old man with short black hair and light grey eyes. He didn't have a weapon on him, nor any marble sticking out of him from somewhere meaning it was very likely the man was a Caster of some type. He had his hands stuffed in his pocket and cocked his head to the side when he saw Light.

"So you're the one I've got to take down." Grimval asked cocking his head to the side. He leaned forward looking down on Light. "Well don't you dare think about holding back on me. I'm the third strongest in my Squad right after Versa, and Arthur."

"Cool I'm the weakest in my Squad." Light said nodding his head.

Grimval stopped not expecting the bragging way Light said that. "R... Right? Well... As I was saying kid. I'm strong. So don't you dare hold anything back when we fight. I'm a real man." His body glowed for a moment and a second later a second Grimval was standing next to him. The two Grimvals went back to back doing a double pose. "My Cursed Life Power allows me to summon clones of myself each as strong as the last of me though I'm limited to only one as of right now!" He announced.

"...Is... Is that all it can do?" Light asked cocking his head to the side.

"Ha. Do I need it to do anything else? One of me is dangerous. But two of me is deadly."

"...I see... Big ass Laser mode."

"Big ass what-"

Light raised his gun up pulling the trigger as a massive golden beam of light exploded out of the barrel of the gun slamming into both Grimvals and blasting them high into the air where they both crashed down into the stone floor with a loud smack neither one moving.

"Dog man." Light said lowering his smoking gun. "Start counting."

"R... Right... Though something tells me he ain't getting back up." Olf gulped. "One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. And the winner is Light No Last Name Of Squad Six!"

"Hey Seraphin." Hero said smugly eying Davi up.

"You got lucky." Davi said rolling his eyes. "That Grimval guy was lame. Anyone else and he wouldn't have won so easily. Trust me... I haven't even had any fun from watching any of these matches. No one strong has fought."

"I'm guessing you think you'll win this thing easily then?"

"And I'm guessing you think you'll be the one who stops me?" Grimval asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nope." Hero threw his arms behind his head. "Don't get me wrong. I'd live to bash your head in you self centered ego brat. But I'm only the third strongest. Shelly, and Ken, outrank me both. Chances are one of them will be the ones to beat you."

"Placing your bet on two young girls? Having them fight your battle. Have you no shame?"

"None at all." Hero smirked. "I'll do whatever it takes. No matter what must be done. No matter who I'll have to rely on. But you can bet I'll make it to that dream. And I'll stop anyone who gets in my way. Heroes, Villain's, Enforcer's Organization Member's me's from other world, or even God. I'm pure shameless and will do whatever I need to."

"I suppose it's my turn then." Davi said eyeing Hero up. "I don't like you. Though where as you have no reason to not like me, I have several." He raised his arm up as it seemed to glow with an almost blue light. "So mark my words Law. I'm going to be the one who takes you down."

"I wanna cool rival too!" Ken announced shattering the mood and making Hero, and Davi both slip and fall back. Ken pointed out at Shelly. "Shelly! Say you'll take me down no matter what! And that you'll be the one who beats me and crushes me!"


"But why! We already fight all the time! Let's be rivals! Come on! Lasers and fires! Like Hero and Kitsune are flames and heat! It'd be fun!"

"First of all we don't even know how to do that weird Aura thingy Hero, and Kitsune do." Shelly sighed shaking her head. "And second of all I'm sure there are much better ones, and stronger ones we can do than the rival one."

"Oh? Oh!" Ken let out a small laugh as she eyed Shelly up. "I know which one you want to do-"

"Don't get the wrong idea you pervert!" Shelly smacked Hero over the side of the head.

"Ow! What the hell! Why did you hit me!"

"Because I felt like it!"

"These are our three strongest fighters." Irene and Kitsune said flatly watching Hero, Ken, and Shelly quickly break into a three way fight of pinching, slapping, and hair pulling. "Squad Six isn't winning this is it..."

Olf cleared his throat raising the microphone back up. "And it would seem like our next match is Emma Vibes from Squad Seven, Versus Miles Speed from Squad Twelve! Again? How many Squad Twelve members are there? Hope this one is actually strong- Oh wait? Is microphone still on? Oh sh-"

"Well wish me luck." Emma said giving a small bow to Squad Six which all wished her luck.

"You got this Emma." Shelly said nodding her head. "I believe in you. We're friends after all so I know better than anyone how strong you are."

"Logically based off the track record of Squad Twelve so far you should win." Lucy said in her normally blank voice as she nodded her head. "Also this is Squad Sevens first match so you better not lose."

"Wow... You really believe in me so much Lucy." Emma nodded.

"Y... You got this Emma." Sera nodded gulping a little.

Emma took a deep breath grabbing her chainsaw and roaring it to life as she walked up to the arena. She saw her enemy Miles waiting for her at the top. He was a young dark skinned man with black hair, lightning blue eyes, and he was in the typical Enforcers uniform but had a pair of pretty silver boots on with wings attached at the heels of the boot. He gave a small smirk when he saw her.

"Sup." He said casually. "Names Miles."

"I'm guessing with your name, and boots you're fast..." Emma sighed.

"That I am." Miles smirked. "But don't get the wrong. I wasn't named Miles Speed. I grew up on the streets. I'm Clanless. I was a total nobody until I happened to get these boots when a random Enforcer who had come back from a mission slipped and dropped his Equation. It rolled over to me and happened to bond with me. After that I decided my name would be Miles Speed, and vowed I'd find out who my family was so I could kick their asses for leaving me all alone in such a cruel world like this."

"O... Oh?" Emma nodded her head for a moment. "Well... I just want to find the Heart and-"

"One two three go!"

"What-" In a flash moving almost as fast as Ken's cat form Miles flashed in front of Emma turning his body and slamming his leg into her side throwing her across the arena.

He then back flipped the wings on his boots getting longer which began to flap lifting him up high into the air. Flames began to pour off his feet as he dropped down to Emma with lightning fast speed kicking out.

"Meteor Kick!" He yelled slamming his leg down right as Emma crashed down...

The entire arena shook as a tremendous blast went off...

And dust covered it up...