Vibrations Versus Speed

Night One Hundred And Seventy Nine

Age 1990

Emma ran down the street breathing heavily her eyes wide with fear...

All around her she saw it...

Frozen corpses. Burning down buildings. Cracked streets. Bridges that had collapsed. Many things have fallen over and the sight of the dead were all around her. Screams from the unlucky people who were slaughtered echoing out. When a person dies to a Bestia Macht they say that soul is shattered. No after life or anything. One of the many reasons the foul nightmarish monsters were so feared and hated...

Emma let out a small whimper when she heard the roaring...

Before she knew it she felt a tremendous force slam into the ground from behind her sending her flying as she let out a scream. She hit the stone pavement sliding across it and slicing open her knees and palms as she tried to catch herself pain exploding through her when her head smashed into the ground and blood began leaking down the side of her face.

And she also saw it...

The Bestia Macht was large... A Threat Level Viscount. Compared to the Nun in front of it the thing was nearly five times her size. It looked almost like a large lion but it had pitch snow white fur and bright ruby red eyes. A pair of twisting black horns came out of its head, and the thing had a pair of large folded up eagle wings as well as a large twisted scorpion like tail. Ice slowly came off of the beast as it stood freezing the ground around it and black spikes began to jut out of its body as its mouth opened up and a mass of red and black energy began to form out of it as it got ready to blast the girl in front of it into pieces in one attack...

Emma let out another loud whimper and grabbed the cross that hung around her neck as the beast took a step towards her. By now most of them were dead. Her family. The church. The other red sister. Killed by these damn monsters.

"P... Please... Great One..." Emma begged speaking to her God... "I don't want to die-"

The beast let out a loud roar firing out a massive crackling red energy beam which exploded towards her making her eyes go wide.

"Well..." A massive wall of ice suddenly rose up in front of Emma blocking the beam and making the beasts eyes go wide. "I'm not the Great One." Emma looked up and saw him... He was dressed in the clothing of an Enforcer. He had messy blonde hair and bright icy blue eyes. A brave Enforcer from Squad One, the strongest and greatest Squad. A true hero... Right? "But maybe I can still help huh?" North asked stepping forward and punching out sending out a sharp blade of ice which split the beast in half before it could even react. The ice covered its body as the entire thing shattered into pieces. "Looks like this Hero of Justice was able to save someone after all." He announced.

Emma stared at the man her eyes wide. "W... Who are you."

He gave her a small smile as he pointed his thumb at himself. "North... North Glacious..."


'That foolish man... Why...' She often wondered why it always ended in such a tragic story. 'North Glacious...'

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

Emma took a deep breath grabbing her chainsaw and roaring it to life as she walked up to the arena. She saw her enemy Miles waiting for her at the top. He was a young dark skinned man with black hair, lightning blue eyes, and he was in the typical Enforcers uniform but had a pair of pretty silver boots on with wings attached at the heels of the boot. He gave a small smirk when he saw her.

"Sup." He said casually. "Names Miles."

"I'm guessing with your name, and boots you're fast..." Emma sighed.

"That I am." Miles smirked. "But don't get the wrong. I wasn't named Miles Speed. I grew up on the streets. I'm Clanless. I was a total nobody until I happened to get these boots when a random Enforcer who had come back from a mission slipped and dropped his Equation. It rolled over to me and happened to bond with me. After that I decided my name would be Miles Speed, and vowed I'd find out who my family was so I could kick their asses for leaving me all alone in such a cruel world like this."

"O... Oh?" Emma nodded her head for a moment. "Well... I just want to find the Heart and-"

"One two three go!"

"What-" In a flash moving almost as fast as Ken's cat form Miles flashed in front of Emma turning his body and slamming his leg into her side throwing her across the arena.

He then back flipped the wings on his boots getting longer which began to flap lifting him up high into the air. Flames began to pour off his feet as he dropped down to Emma with lightning fast speed kicking out.

"Meteor Kick!" He yelled slamming his leg down right as Emma crashed down...

The entire arena shook as a tremendous blast went off...

And dust covered it up...

"How dirty." Nick Ale, the one armed, Vice Captain of Squad Seven said letting out a small hiss as his eyes twitched. "Does he have no shame."

"Getting worried Sif?" Katrina asked eyeing the Squad Seven Captain up.

Sif let out a small hum as she slowly reached down grabbing a large black blanket. The young girl, slowly threw it over herself and snuggled in her seat letting out a yawn. She was used to being looked down on by the others. Even with her power she was one of the youngest members of the rank of Captain, and Jin Nine being the Captain before her meant she had a lot to live up to after all.

"Answer me at least." Katrina sighed.

"It's okay to be worried about your recruits." Mary, the Second Squad Vice Captain said. "I hope mine get far after all."

"I'm not worried." Sif yawned.

"Really? Not even a little?" Jackson asked.

"Not even a little. Because... Emma is..."

Down in the Squad Seven Box Emma's friends stared at her in horror. "Emma!" Sera yelled out with wide eyes when she watched the blast go off.

"It is fine." Lucy said in her typical emotionless way. "After all... Emma is strong."

In the arena Miles felt his eyes go wide when he felt his leg touching cold steel. The dust settled showing Emma was still standing tall having blocked his powerful kick with the edge of her chainsaw. The Red Sister gave him a small smirk as she clicked a button causing the weapon to roar to life and knocked his leg back not cutting into it only from his metal boots. Miles slid back and kicked out once more but the Nun used her weapon knocking his leg to the side and swung out the roaring blade nearly slicing through him but barley missing him.

"Man! I'll be honest. I wasn't expecting you to still be standing after that." Miles said letting out a nervous laugh.

Emma gave a small smile and a bit of a chuckle. "N... Naturally... Lady Sif is our Captain and she's the forth strongest Captain after the great three after all... She's done so much for us all... Don't you dare underestimate Squad Seven. All of us... I have so much to chase after. I have to live up to the goals of so many... Find the Heart for my lost Red Sisters who weren't as lucky as me. Plus... For 'his' sake as thanks for saving me I want to reach the same rank as him. Gold ranked... I'm not interested in being the strongest but..." Thoughts of Lucy, Sera, Hero, and Shelly came to her mind. As well as the time they spent after the missions. "I think I'd like to keep up with them as well!"

"Well. You can try and put up a brave face if you want." Miles smirked. '"But you're pretty beat up none the less."

He wasn't wrong. Even if she blocked that last attack Emma looked badly injured. His dirty sneak attack did a lot to her...

"Even so... Let's see you keep up with my speed." He smirked crouching down. He fired forward moving so fast he was a blur shattering the sound barrier and moving even faster then Ken's cat form. It was insane speed. On par with Vice Captain Jackson Storm the fastest Enforcer. Miles laugh was broken and twisted from how fast he moved going left, right, forward, backwards, simply flashing around Emma but not actually attacking the girl yet. "What's wrong can't keep up! Hahahaha!"

Emma turned, and twisted her head trying to follow him but it was pointless. He was so fast. A literal blur. She sliced her chainsaw out using the Vibrations of it to send out several cuts and ripples through the air but they didn't even come close to their target. Miles was just to fast. Faster than sound, faster than vibrations. Emma twisted stabbing out but still missed. Even trying to guess where he was gonna be didn't seem to work with the state he was in now. She'd need to be even faster than she was now to even stand a hope of a chance at hitting him.

"Take this! Lion Delta Kick!" He laughed exploding towards her the sound barrier forming what looked like the head of a massive lion, as he kicked out and smashing his leg into Emma's stomach so hard her ribs, and stomach most certainly shattered, a wave of vomit and blood coming out of her mouth.

Everyone stared in horror at the brutal attack that hit her full on.

Miles smile quickly faded though when he saw the smile Emma had as her free hand grabbed the leg that was stabbed into her gut. "I... I'm not letting go." She grinned.

"You psycho bitch! Did you take that attack so you could grab me-" Miles screamed in pain when she suddenly stabbed her chainsaw out stabbing it into his shoulder making him scream out in pain. It had nothing on the pain Emma must have been feeling but his screams were far above anything she was yelling out. It was clear Miles wasn't used to getting hit often due to his speed. He didn't seem to be able to shrug off the pain as easily as Emma did. "G... Get your damn hands off of me you psycho path!" He screamed stabbing his free leg into the ground and twisting on it as fast as he could literally turning him and Emma into a tornado as they spun around, faster, and faster, the wind slicing up the arena around them. "Exploding Lion Maul!" He screamed the wind forming the head of a lion which opened its mouth biting into the waist of Emma stabbing into her sides and forcefully pulling her off and launching her across the arena.

Emma hit the ground with a sickening crack as she slid across it and landed face first not moving.

Miles grabbed at his shoulder hissing in pain and nearly tripped over his own feet as he stared at the blood that was just oozing out of the wound his face becoming green.

"Geez look at him." Hero said throwing his arms behind his head. "I mean I get my shoulder split open, in like... Every fight I'm in. Besides I'd say he has that more than coming... Still though... Those Lion attacks... They're pretty cool."

"Thinking about ripping someone else off?" Ken asked eyeing the attacks up as well. "He's bending and twisting the wind in cool ways... Plus I already turn into a cat girl..."

"You two are hopeless." Irene sighed. "Right Kitsune-"

"Fox's Maul!" Kitsune announced slicing his Katana out and sending out a wave of fire and wind that bended together and formed a large fox head that bit into the wall next to him. "Hell yeah! Wind and fire baby! Hero ain't the only main character duel wielding elements! I'm relevant to!"

"I'm not sure what I was expecting..." Irene sighed.

Shelly bit her lip hard enough to cause it to bleed as she stared up at Emma. "Come on... Get up... Please... Come on Emma you idiot!"

Miles spat out a small glob of blood as he got back to his feet.

"I... I'm gonna begin the count now." Olf said. "One... Two... Three-"

Miles slammed his foot into Emma' stomach throwing her into the air stopping Olf's count. Emma's body went up high as Miles growled. He didn't seem like he was gonna let her stay unconscious and get out the easy way... "Lion's Pride!" He announced jumping into the air. His body glowed and suddenly there were three more Miles. He cloned himself? The first Miles began spinning as he got up. The second Miles flew up higher landing several feet above Emma and brought his leg up. The third, and forth though slammed into Emma both kicking her as hard as they could with so much force she exploded up and flew up so high she reached the second Miles who slammed his leg down into her leg as hard as he could. The force was so great she then fired back down right as the first was kicking out causing him to slam all the built up force right into her already destroyed stomach and smash her down into the ground with enough force the entire arena shattered from her body hitting the floor.

A Normal human would be dead the moment the first two clones kicked you... An Enforcer would likely be dead by the time the third clone hit you. And Emma who was already injured just took an extra attack and a fall right after all of that...

Several whispers broke out, and Nick stood up rage in his eyes.

"D... Did he just kill..." Jackson asked slowly. "H... He wouldn't have done that right?" He asked turning to Dawson.

Dawson hummed running his hand through the small hairs on his chin. "He did attack when she was already down... And with such a brutal attack as well... That wasn't held back at all... I wouldn't be shocked if she died on impact..."

Down in the boxes Sera, and even Lucy, had shocked faces. Kitsune, and Light had stopped goofing off, Irene looked panicked, Ken seemed scared. Hero had a blank look on his face seemingly thinking about something as he rubbed his chest debating on using his Crest for its last charge, and Shelly. The girl had dropped to her knees and stared up at the arena in horror.

Hero took a step forward but was stopped by Irene. "Hero you're going to go and try to heal her right?"


"You'll have to wait till the ten count. Other wise it'll be counted as outside help-"

"You act like I give a damn." Hero said blankly.


"Irene she might be..."

"Do you really think he'd have killed her..."

"S... Stop it both of you." Shelly cried out shaking her head. "Don't even suggest it."


"I said stop!" She screamed.

Hero suddenly felt something though. He stared up into the air his eyes going wide as several cracks appeared and a massive bright pink flash suddenly exploded out blinding the stadium in pink light...

In the arena Emma let out a gasp slowly sitting up. She stared down at herself feeling all her wounds slowly heal. As soon as the dust settled the light vanished. "What was... Didn't I just?" She frowned standing back up as Miles landed down on the ground again.

"What the hell was that light?" Hero asked frowning as he stared at Shelly who was still on the ground breathing heavily.

"What light?" Kitsune asked.

"That bright pink light? And Emma's fully healed?" Hero asked.

"What do you mean Hero?" Ken stared at him raising an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't Emma be healed? She hasn't been hit yet?"

"What?" Hero shook his head. "What the hell do you mean she hasn't been hit yet?"

"She's dodged everything thrown at her?" Ken asked frowning. "I mean I know that Miles guy is fast but come on Hero? Can't you keep up?"

"What the hell are you saying!" Hero grabbed Ken making her let out a yell as Irene, and Kitsune grabbed Hero. "Ken!"

"W... What!"

"What's that guys powers!"

"U... Uh some weird boots that let him kick out wind and stuff?"

"And you've been watching him fight! He's fought!"

"Y... Yeah?"

"What's my name?"

"W... What?"

'I would answer his questions... Something seems to have messed with his head.' The Ava inside of Ken sighed.

"Am I Hero Law? Is that who you know me as?"

"Y... Yes? Hero what the hell-"

Hero dropped Ken and turned to the only other person he could think of that would know whats going on. "Davi. What just happened?"

"What do you mean?" Davi asked letting out a sigh.

"I mean that god damn bright pink of flashing light!" Hero screamed. By now a lot of people were staring at him. "What the hell is going on-"

"It's hopeless." Hero turned and saw it was Ava, not the one in Ken but the one that was Davi's sister. "They don't remember like me and you after all." She sighed. "If you're wondering if you switched worlds, you didn't. We're in the same world. That flash was... Well It altered an event in time." Ava smiled. "Me... You... And I guess your brother Vil... We're the only ones that could spot a change like that... Emma was on deaths door. And yet now they claim she hasn't been scratched... I wonder what that Red Sister did."

"Was that the Hear-"

"Shh." Ava shushed him giving a small smile. "Don't let the big man on the moon hear you even suggesting that... If that was what we think and that Nun has it... Than again it could be someone else who used it... Or maybe not even what we are thinking... Maybe it was something else... Honestly I don't know... But don't go making a scene okay..."

"R...Right..." Hero turned away feeling his heart pounding.

"Are you okay?" Shelly asked standing back up.

"Y... Yeah... Sorry-"

"I remember to."


"Emma was..." Shelly gulped and shook her head. "I don't know what happened... But now everyone says she's better. Did she do that? And if not her then... Who?"

Hero was silent as he stared past Shelly and looked to the arena. 'God...' He thought the name for a moment. 'Would the Heart really be placed into a Red Sister... I was assuming Ken had it but... Emma... Okay then. I'm going to keep you safe. Whatever that was... I'll protect you from God.'

Meanwhile up in the stands...

"That was close..." The man in the trench coat sighed. He stared down at his hands which glowed with a faint pink light. "If I didn't step in... Law you'd have done something stupid wouldn't you... So just this once I'll help you guys out... I wonder what you thought of that though... Do you think that was the Heart... Well I guess you weren't wrong but... That wasn't right either... Still... Someone in this arena has such a thing... Row... Yes... I'll talk to you and get that information out... Then I'll slaughter that damn Jester... All in the name of our Lord and God... I will find who has the Heart..."