Kitsune Nine On The Case

Night One Hundred And Eighty

Age 1

The Moon...

'One man... The story of one man who managed to make it to me... More than anyone else. More than my old friend Storm. I hated this man... He was why I had to make them. The Dragon Clan. Modeled after the Angels. This man who I despised. His name was...'

Orion stared down at his planet...

A once pretty blue ball. Water. Grass. Humans. Animals...

Now though...

Now it was nothing more than a gray mass of darkness and smog. Humans no longer lived on it. Rather... Those things... Those damn freaks that pretended like they were humans. The ones who sent the world to this hell... Instead of animals there were the Bestia Macht. Instead of Hope... Despair. Light was replaced with darkness...

"Whoa!" A voice said making Orion jump for a moment. He was on the moon... No one should be here... "There really was someone up here just like that old man said."

God slowly turned around and saw...

He saw his Kingdom. A large castle where he lived. He also the barrier around the moon that made it a place where people could live. And he saw... He saw him... A man... Standing in front of his castle. He had messy snow white hair, and bright ruby red eyes. He was dressed in a simple casual outfit but had a smile on his face. He looked to be Twenty One Years Old... An aura was around him. Not a real one. Rather something else. Something that could be felt by many. And yet no one but God was around to feel it.

"How strange." God sighed.

"Hey." The man said giving a smile. "What's up? I'm-"


A massive spiraling golden dragon covered Orion's body forming a large golden arm made out of that yellow energy which punch out so hard the moon itself shook. The fist slammed into the man and suddenly was stopped by a mass of green light. The entire arm was stopped by the man's palm.

He stood there. A smirk on his face and now covered head to toe in a mass of green energy. It was strange. None of his flesh or body could be seen anymore. This energy was wrapped around him completely. It was like green flames but was wrapped around him s tightly the outline of his mouth, nose, eyes, and hair could be seen. It looked as if he was some kind of hologram. That green crackling light seemed to generate heat as he held the entire fist back. His body was simply coated in this green flame like energy.

"What..." God asked slowly. "Is this..."

"Oh I'm not done yet." The man smirked. The green began to get brighter, and brighter, and brighter, until he was even bright than the sun itself green flames pouring off of him. Only... The flames began to change... They still covered his body up like a cloak allowing him to wear it but the flames morphed and bubbled up changing into pink flames?

"What the hell is this!" God yelled. This was something he had never seen before. This man...

He now was cloaked in the pink flames, and even formed what looked like some kind of jacket and cape on him with the flames. His smirk grew when he saw the pissed off look on God's face. "Like it?" He asked cocking his head to the side. He began to walk to God his smirk getting larger and larger. "It's called-"

God sliced out forming a black sword, the Blade Of God, the strongest weapon in this universe, using it to split the man in half right down the middle as soon as he got within reach.

"That was rude."

God's eyes went wide when he heard the voice. The body in front of him was gone... The pink flame man instead now stood behind him...


The man folded his arms his smile getting larger. "This..." He reached up placing his hand over his own heart. "We call it an Equation. One of your Angels helped me make it." He smirk. "We built it out of your heart. It's pretty cool isn't it?"

"You..." The golden aura around God got wider forming what looked like the head of a dragon. "Who are you... I'll mark on your stone."

"My name?"

"That's what I asked. Now spit out."

"Oh? You call me..."

Silence seemed to slowly break around them as the man's smile got larger and he stared God in the face.

"Hero. Law."


Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

Emma slammed her weapon forward slicing open Miles stomach as he howled in pain and slid back. He wobbled on his feet his eyes glowing and feeling with pure hate, and fear, towards the woman in front of him. He knew deep down something was wrong... She wasn't... Hurt really? Or rather it was like she hadn't even fought him yet. It made no sense.

"I... I should be winning with ease. What the hell is going out!" Miles yelled. "You shouldn't be this strong at all! It makes no sense! Fake! Fake! Fake!"

"Oh just stop whining." Emma said bringing her chain saw up as it began to glow. "Level Two!" She announced loudly shocking everyone in the arena.

"Since when could she do that?" Nick asked with wide eyes.

"I... I don't know... This is weird." Sif frowned biting her lip. "Like... Like Emma was just placed her... I don't get this..."

Emma pulled her arms back as her chainsaw bended and twisted splitting apart. It formed into a pair of two swords. Or at least they looked like swords. Two long sword, but rather than blades they had the saw of the chainsaw. Both swords roared out as white flames seemed to cover the sharp slicing swords bending around it.

Miles gave an even more hated look at the girl pure and utter disgust, and rage, feeling his eyes. "I refuse to accept this! I won't accept this! I refuse!"

"Just shut up already!" She yelled stabbing both blades forward and sending out a massive explosion of crackling white flames which twirled around and formed a massive spiraling beam slicing through the arena and slamming into Miles at a high speed exploding into a massive ball of white flames shaking the arena.

Down in the stands Hero had a small frown on his face. "Well... I don't blame him for feeling like he got cheated out of a win... Time itself was altered for him." He muttered quietly under his breath so the others couldn't hear.

Despite that though Shelly seemed to over hear him. She had also noticed the changes. Hero didn't know why but she did. "Do you really think... Was Emma..." She shook her head for a moment a small frown on her lips. "Hero?"


Shelly's frown grew larger as she seemed to try and think about her next words. "That... That wasn't the Heart."


"That wasn't the Heart." Shelly said shaking her head. "I don't think so at least... It felt... That pink energy... The thing that changed it... It felt more like... Like when you use that Scar..."

Hero's hand reached up as he brushed his scar. He looked down at it for a moment. "My scar... My Crest? Did... Did I do that? No... That doesn't make any sense... My energy is green anyways... So..." He stared at the crowd. "Are... One of them here?"

Shelly grabbed his arm a small fearful look on her face as she shook her head. "I don't know... But it feels weird now..."

"Hey what you doing!" Ken asked placing her hands on her hips when she saw Hero, and Shelly.

Hero didn't answer at first as he removed his arm from Shelly. He let out a small hum for a second. "Ken... Do me a favor and keep a close eye on Shelly. She's scared."

"I... I'm not scared!"

Ken let out a huff and crossed her arms. "I was already going to do that-"

Hero ignored her and walked past Ken moving to Kitsune. "Hey Fox."

"What do you want Devil Arm?"

"I have a favor to ask you..."

Back in the arena...

"-and ten! The downed Miles Speed, is out!" Olf yelled getting the entire crowd to cheer. "Ladies and gentlemen! As you can see these last few matches have been getting more and more crazy! This little puppy is starting to get a little worried. I'm thinking its time we get a new announcer at this point!"

"To bad!" Newt, the Ninth Captain yelled. "I built you so no one important would have to die in the arena! You got this! You're a dog man person! Keep going!"

"I... I did it? I'm not sure how but I managed to win." Emma breathed out her eyes wide as she stared at the downed and unconscious Miles.

The fight just ended.

It was strange...

She felt as if she started the fight part way through... Like she woke up in the middle of it all... She hadn't been hit at all despite the fact that Miles had a split open shoulder and seemed tired from using all his moves. As soon as she came back though she began to get hit by him over, and over again. However... She somehow won. It was a close fight but she still somehow managed to pull out a win thanks to her hard work and power.

She slowly turned and began to stumble down the stairs staring at both her swords. They glowed reverting back to normal. "I'm not sure what happened but I think I managed to win... Though I'm shocked... I've never been able to use this level up form... But in the middle of my fight something seemed to over take me... Like it was forcing me to do it... What did I-"

"Emma!" The Red Sister was tackled to the ground by Sera who hugged/tackled her to the ground. "You did it! You really did it! I can't believe you actually won!"

"Oh... Thanks for sounding so sure..." Emma sighed.

"What was that." Lucy asked cocking her head to the side.


"The level up..." Lucy said. She had some emotion to her voice. Not a lot... But it was there... It sounded like... Betrayal. Her Level Two had hurt Lucy? "How did you do it." Lucy asked crossing her arms.

Emma was silent for a moment. Sera and Lucy stared back at her waiting for an answer. She looked down at her chain saw for a moment which seemed to be smoking by now. "I'm... Not to sure..."

Lucy's eyes didn't change as she turned away. "A few months ago..."

"What?" Emma asked.

"If you had this power a few months ago... Maybe... Maybe Serenity would still be alive."

"Lucy." Sera said with wide eyes.

Emma looked away her hand squeezing down on the handle of her chain saw. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry."

"...You should be..."


Up in the stands our mysterious cloaked friend could be seen... The one who had claimed to be the one to kill Jester... The one who up and until now had simply been watching.

He reached into his cloak pulling out a small flip phone. "Hey... Jester... It's me." He nodded. He turned and began to walk down the path of the stadium they were all in. "Things are beginning to get a bit crazy... I'm unsure what will happen next... Yes... I see... Don't worry. I'm safe. I haven't started yet though... I'm still waiting to see what everyone else can do first... And... I want to see what that snow haired brat can do... Earlier I felt a bit of that energy... Someone in here has it just so you know... Someone had the Heart... I'm not sure who though... I managed to highjack part of the power as it was going out and use it myself. A good thing to since if I didn't they'd have likely killed everyone in here..."

The man in the cloaked stopped for a moment as he nodded his head a few times. A voice came on the other end of the phone but only he seemed to be able to understand the words. It sounded like Hero Law though. The girl Hero. The Jester...

He turned his head staring down at the arena for a moment.

It had just gotten fixed up.

"And our next battle!" Olf announced loudly. "Lucy Case from Squad Seven Once more Versus Inu Fur from Squad Twelve! I wonder just how many members they got in Squad Twelve!" He announced.

"It would seem the next match is starting." The man sighed. "I'll-" He suddenly went silent for a moment. "I'll talk to you later." He clicked a button on the device shutting it off. "...Something I can help you with?" He asked turning.

Standing behind him with his arms folded he stood...

Kitsune Nine.

Kitsune gave a small smirk as he pointed at the man. "Kitsune Nine is on the case!" He announced loudly.