Ash And Flame

Night One Hundred And Eighty One

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

"And our next battle!" Olf announced loudly. "Lucy Case from Squad Seven Once more Versus Inu Fur from Squad Twelve! I wonder just how many members they got in Squad Twelve!" He announced.

Down in the box Lucy began to walk forward but was stopped by Emma who placed her hand on the normally quiet girls shoulder. The girl slowly turned her blank gray eyes to the nun.


"Lucy... Be careful. I know so far Squad Twelve has lost but after my fight with Miles I'm sure these guys are strong... They might have some of the weaker members but they're tricky..."

"I could see that myself." Lucy said pulling Emma's hand off of her.

"Lucy." Sera frowned. "You're being mean..."

"Okay." Lucy pulled herself over the wall and began to walk off but stopped for a moment. She turned not looking at her own team but rather at Squad Six. "Do you think I can win?" She asked cocking her head to the side.

Hero let out a small hum throwing his hand behind his head. "Maybe." He shrugged. "Be careful and don't do anything crazy."

"Hmm... Hey where's the Noble?" Lucy asked.

"Good question." Irene frowned looking around. Kitsune was gone.

"Oh. Hero told him something, and he went to go do something?" Light shrugged.

'It would seem the Hero of this world is very much like my own... Always keeping secrets.' Ava mused.

"You be quiet you." Ken said knocking on her head.

"Do you really have a voice in your head?" Shelly frowned grabbing Ken's arm.

"Yeah... She's annoying..."

Lucy finally turned away from the other Squad as she grabbed her brief case. "I guess I will do my best." She hummed slowly walking to the stairs leading up. "Wish me luck I suppose."

"Good luck." Hero hummed. He slowly turned finding Irene, Ken, and Shelly all staring at him. "What?"

"You player..." They all said flatly.

Lucy entered the arena finding her enemy. Inu was a girl her age with strange metallic hair that seemed to bend and twist forming spikes and drills out of her hair, as well as bladed whips, and edges. Lucy didn't seem to react to this though as she simply clicked her brief case open.

"Get ready." Inu said letting out a giggle. "I'm not going to hold back."

"I see." Lucy nodded as tendrils began to rise out of her brief case. "Neither will I then."



Outside of the Arena...

"I'm shocked you actually followed me all the way out here." The hooded man said letting out a small hum.

"Well I think it's about time I get my cool moment to shine!" Kitsune announced loudly drawing his blade. "Hero, and Ken, have both had cool spot light moments! It's my turn to have the spot light shinned onto me! So how about you ditch that robe so I can see the face of my rival!"

"Hmm... You act pretty cocky don't ya..."

"Well. I'm a Noble. An Enforcer. A Samurai. A Swordsman. And I got badass fire fox powers... I'm like the cool main character of my own anime! I'm going to take you down you hear me!"

"It's people like you I dislike." The hooded man said letting out a small laugh. "Very well." He grabbed his coat and pulled it off of himself throwing it to the wind. "I've already done what I wanted hear anyways. I was planning on leave soon." The man underneath the robe wasn't human... He looked it. But he wasn't it. He had black hair, and black eyes. His hair was a strange silver that actually seemed to sparkle and moved in such a way that didn't make sense as if it was water and not hair. He also had a pair of silver eyes that much like his hair seemed to defy the way reflecting could work simply glowing and sparkling as they pleased like shining a bright light onto a mirror. He looked to be young, maybe early twenties? Despite that though his body held this strange look that showed experience. What was most notable about him though was his skin... It was a strange reddish brown color. Almost a grey, but darker? He wore a simple black shirt, and black pants. On his shirt a small rip could be seen showing his chest which had an 'M' Shaped scar over his heart. He gave a small bow giving a large smile. "My name is Ash. Proud member of the Dragon Clan. Like my brother Piero I too betrayed our lord God, joining with the humans. I work for Jester."

"So you're an Organization member!" Kitsune announced.

"That I am. Though the others don't see me like this. Thanks to my Crest I can make myself look human."

"Crest... That's what Hero has."

"That she does. Or were you talking about the boy? It matters not I don't think. All you really need to know is that twenty six of these things were made. One for every letter of the Alphabet. Piero killed a few of us off and took some for you humans though... A person can't handle a Crest though. Only we Dragon Clan members can. We were made by God to be superior to you humans and have powers beyond anything an Equation can do. You see there are these things known as Angels... God doesn't really like them... So he made us. You know what a Seraphin is right? A human and Bestia Macht merged? I guess you can say that's what we are. The cells of an Angel merged with the cells of a Bestia Macht."

"I see... You said human's can't use Crests but Hero has one?"

"Both Hero's do." He smirked. "But they're not really human... Hero, or the Jester as I call her, is the daughter of a Dragon Clan Member, and a Human. So she's half Dragon Clan. And The other Hero, Row, he is a clone of several DNA's all merged together. Hence why he can use one to. Normally if a human tried to use a Crest it'd kill them. These Crests work pretty much like Equations but stronger... And when we combine it with the power of an Equation it enables us to use the power of a Dragon."

"If you betrayed God and joined the humans why are you evil?"

"Good... Evil... It's all up to whoever is winning to decide that." He shrugged. "Though if you must know I never sided with you filthy humans like my foolish brother did. I exist for one goal, and one goal only. I'm going to be the one to become the next God of this world!"

Kitsune nodded his head letting out a hum. "I see... Alright then. I've heard all I needed to."

"Have you now?"

"Yep." He drew his sword flames slowly pouring off of the blade as a pair of flaming fox ears, and nine flaming fox tails, slowly merged out of his body crackling out. "Now... Let's kill each other. I'm ready to fight!"

Both went silent as they eyed one another up waiting for the next one to react... Neither moved or said a word...


"And that's ten! Inu Fur is out! The winner is Lucy Case of Squad Seven!" The voice of Olf announced from inside the arena, and as if a gun had fired off the battle began...

Kitsune threw his Katana up into the air grabbing onto it with his teeth. Flames covered his body as he dropped to all fours and exploded across the snow covered battlefield ripping it apart as he charged at the man in front of him moving as fast as he could. As he reached him he jumped into the air drawing his sword and slicing out at Ash, but the Dragon Clan, member was simply to fast dodging the attack with ease smirking as he did so. However his smirk faded when he felt something on his leg. He looked down finding nine flaming fox tails wrapped around his leg.

"Oh sh-"

Kitsune's tails raised up lifting he man up and then came crashing down slamming the man into the ground hard enough, to shatter all the ice around them and shake the ground. The heat of his flames quickly melted the ground and caused it to begin boiling as Ash was slammed down into it face first. Kitsune turned his body his tails dragging the man across the floor and grinding him on it. Kitsune kept going though, as he began to spin, getting faster, and faster, until he was a flaming tornado ripping everything around him apart. Finally his tails let go...

Ash's body was sent flying off slamming across the ground as he was thrown back with enough force to kill any person on impact. Despite that though Ash had a blank look on his face his hands in his pockets as he finally came to a stop and was laid back in the snow staring up to the black sky. As he stared up he saw a glimmer of light as Kitsune fell from the sky at an insane speed his nine tails having merged into a single massive tail. Kitsune spun his body around as he neared Ash and his tail came out smashing into the ground and exploding out a massive pillar of flames.

Ash was hit so hard he actually bounced up and Kitsune struck wrapping his arms around Ash and firing forward some more dragging Ash several miles away from the arena. He let go sending Ash's body flying back and sliding across the icy landscape. Kitsune's sword glowed as it seemed to form into a scythe made of flames which he used to deliver a powerful flaming scythe right into Ash's face sending the man high into the air. His sword changed back to its Katana form and he sliced out sending out several large waves of flames which all slammed into Ash sending him up higher and higher.

Ash still didn't seem to be moving as began falling towards the ground. Kitsune jumped up spinning his body around and kicking Ash in the face sending the man slamming back down and creating a large crater.

As soon as he landed Kitsune grabbed his sword with both hands and stabbed it forward as his flames formed a massive fox head which opened its mouth. "Fox Flare!" He yelled stabbing it forward as a massive beam of flames fired out and slammed into the downed Ash. The he sliced his sword up as the flames became a massive fox in samurai armor made out of flames. "King Kong Fox Cannon! Samurai's Last Strike!" He roared slamming his sword down as the massive fox did the same slamming its flaming sword down. "And now." He twirled his blade so he held it upside down as he fired forward. "My new strongest attack! Orenjihīto no honō no kitsune sūpāatakku! Desurandinguburōsuraisā!" He announced going full weeb as he said his very, very, very long attack name. He flashed behind the spot where Ash was as a small orange line seemed to appear between them. "This slice can cut through anything. Even realms." Kitsune twirled his blade as he slowly sheathed it.

Then the massive line exploded into a hail of flames so bright they lit up the entire area in light making it black and white for a moment. When it died down all around Kitsune for miles was nothing but ash.

"Are you done yet?"

Kitsune's eyes went wide as he slowly turned and found a section of the ash slowly breaking away as Ash rose out of it. His clothing was gone leaving him completely naked, due to the many explosions that went off. His skin though... It wasn't even hurt. In fact he looked as if he was fine. Like he hadn't just been hit by all those attacks.

"W... What the hell?"

"You noticed right?" Ash asked as he began to stretch. "During all those attacks I didn't move once... I allowed you to hit me with all your attacks. I mean... You're just so weak it didn't even begin to harm me. Did you really think fire could harm a dragon?" He smiled making Kitsune step back in terror. "Plus... I fight with ash you know. My Equation allows me to control it."

"You... Fight... With... Ash..." Kitsune's eyes were slowly going wider as he looked around at the ashy landscape that was around them for miles. "Oh... Shit."

Ash raised his hand up as the landscape of ash began to bend and twist to his will getting larger and swirling around forming massive ashy blades and smog clouds. "Now. I stood still and let you throw me around. I think it's only fair you let me hit you as many times with my attacks right? That's fair isn't it."


Ash stabbed his hand forward firing out a massive sky scraper sized fist of ash towards Kitsune. "Be gone foolish human! You get a death many of your kind could only dream of-"

The entire ash cloud suddenly exploded sending it everywhere...

"My, my..." A kind, and calm voice laughed.

"What!" Ash stared at where Kitsune was finding it hard to see due to the ash... Despite that he could make out what seemed like... A blue energy field of lightning...

Master Storm stepped forward leaning on his cane as Kitsune stared at him in shock.

"Squad Six seems to like getting into trouble doesn't it..." The old man mused a small grin covering his face. "I hope you don't mind but... I'll be getting involved. Dragon."