Master Storm The Strongest Man

Night One Hundred And Eighty Two

Age 2

The Moon...

In front of God they stood...

Twenty four members of the Dragon Clan. C all the way to Z. A being held by God himself, and B, being saved for his right hand, who as of now hadn't been selected.

"I have created you all for a single goal." God announced staring at them all. "To reclaim that which is lost. To reach my goal. To crush my enemies. To save my allies. To be my pawns. I am your God. The one who created you merging 1% of my power into each of you. I trust none of you have any objections to this rule!"

"No Lord God!" They all announced.

"Good... Then there are two rules all of you must follow. Or rather... Two people you must never fight... The first is me. The one who created you. Orion Vil. And the second... Row Storm. My old friend. You must never face him in combat."

"Why can't we fight him?"

Everyone turned seeing a lone Dragon Clan member had spoken out. One with an 'M' shaped scar though he didn't actually have a name yet, this was in fact Ash...

"We are Dragons! We are the strongest right! You made us to be the best! Better than anyone else! Even you God-"

"Careful M..." This one had a 'C' Shaped Scar... Piero... "Don't say the wrong thing and wind up dead."

"No it is alright for him to wonder that." God let out a hum. "Know this... Humans are strong... Stronger than anything. They are your predators. Mankind is what kills Dragons. And when it comes to Master Storm... He's the strongest... And... He's also..."


Age 1991

Ash stabbed his hand forward firing out a massive sky scraper sized fist of ash towards Kitsune. "Be gone foolish human! You get a death many of your kind could only dream of-"

The entire ash cloud suddenly exploded sending it everywhere...

"My, my..." A kind, and calm voice laughed.

"What!" Ash stared at where Kitsune was finding it hard to see due to the ash... Despite that he could make out what seemed like... A blue energy field of lightning...

Master Storm stepped forward leaning on his cane as Kitsune stared at him in shock.

"Squad Six seems to like getting into trouble doesn't it..." The old man mused a small grin covering his face. "I hope you don't mind but... I'll be getting involved. Dragon."

Ash stepped back as he stared at the old man who had the smallest hint of a smile on his face. "Y... You..."

"Hello. I don't think we've met have we? I've only seen a few of you Dragon Clan members after all... Who might you be-"

"Die." The ash lifted up around Master Storm forming a massive coffin of ash which hardened and closed. Seconds later though the box exploded into a hail of lightning as the old man dropped down.

"That was rude. I was talking-"


Thousands of swords all made out of ash rose out of the ground each the size of a large car, with edges sharper than Kitsune's sword. They swarmed the old man all firing out at high speeds towards him. Master Storm let out a hum and twirled his cane around some how deflecting them all with ease as if they weren't even there sending them away from him and Kitsune.

"Would you care to sit down and talk? I don't think we're getting anywhere here-"

"Fucking die you old man!" Ash slammed his hands together as the entire landscape itself began to rise up dropping Master Storm, and Kitsune, to a stone floor of rocks and gravel which was underneath all that ash. The ash swarmed forming a massive meteor of ash. It was big... Bigger than the moon itself making Kitsune's eyes go wide as he stared up at it. Trillions of tendrils began to form out of it slicing towards the ground at insane speeds and ripping the wind, and sky apart as they moved. "Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die, die, die, die, diediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedie!"

Master Storm let out a sigh as he set his cane down. "Kids these days. Never one to just sit down and talk. Please promise me you'll be more responsible Mr. Nine." He smiled patting Kitsune's head. A massive wave of lightning seemed to explode off of Master Storm shooting up a massive crow of lighting which sliced right through the entire ball of ash lightning exploding off of it and creating a massive blue explosion. The wind force of the blast was so strong Kitsune began to feel himself fly back but was stopped when Master Storm grabbed onto him.

Seconds later a hail of ash rained down as the entire ball came undone and began to fall apart to the ground. Master Storm stabbed his cane up blasting a hole through it causing it to rain around them covering the field in ash but leaving a perfectly shaped circle where Storm and Kitsune were.

Kitsune stared at the old man in a mix of awe, fear, admiration, terror, and even more fear. "W... What the hell was... But then the... And you beat him in... What!"

"Oh I didn't beat him." Master Storm said giving a small smile. "I haven't hit him at all."


The ash exploded as Ash rose out of it. His eyes were blood shot and he was breathing heavily. His hands were clenched into a fist so much blood was gushing out his palms, and his lower lips was gone from how hard he had bitten into it. Rage was simply washing off of him as he took a step forward.




"Me?" Master Storm said again.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you dead old man!" Blood was gushing down Ash's lower face as he began to laugh. "Murder. Die! It's me you see! I'm the one! Me, me, me, me, me! I'm the one who's going to become the next God! It should have always been me! Orion is a fool! He thinks you humans are strong! Wants to bring back the old humans from the first earth! But that's stupid! Dumb, dumb, idiotic! Humans are gross! disgusting, weak, foolish, vile! Dragons are strong! I am strong! I am a Dragon Clan! Me, me, me, me, me! Power! It's in my veins! I'm God! I'll be God! Not that damn clone you made! I don't need the Heart! I don't need to fix anything! I'm strong! So strong I'll slaughter the thing God couldn't! I'll kill the Squid! Then I'll wipe out all humans from all realms! All of you are so gross! Dragons Only! Don't you see! I'll kill it all and create worlds with dragons only! Dragons!"

"I don't think he wants to talk..." Kitsune gulped stepping back.

"Hmm. Sad." Master Storm hummed.

Ash began to laugh as his Crest lit up and he began to use the power that his kind possessed... He began to turn into a dragon... Black flesh, glowing red, seemed to seep out of his scar covering his body. He got larger, standing at ten feet tall as the thing covered his entire body up from head to toe. A dragon like head grew out with a single eye in it, as well as long black arms with razor sharp claws, and legs, also with claws. A tail and wings also began to jut out of his back. He opened his mouth up firing a beam of green energy into the sky.

"W... What the hell!" Kitsune asked with wide eyes.

"The power of a Dragon Clan." Master Storm hummed. "Dragonic Armor is what I call it. He didn't actually become a dragon... It's very much like Mr. Blight's demon armor actually. That man is inside of that... Their Crest creates a living tissue of muscle and blood, as well as a type of energy then wraps it around their body. He should be resting somewhere in the heart of the beast. This form is about as strong as a level three. A true level three. On top of that the user can fly, and even fire out beams of Anti Matter from their mouth. Truly an insane power."

"So we're screwed!"

"Maybe. Or maybe I can win-"

Master Storm wasn't able to finish as Ash exploded forward and slammed his hand around the old man's face squeezing down. He slammed Storm's body into the ground and began to fly across the ground grinding the man into the floor as hard as he could. After that he picked Storm up and began to slam him into the ground over, and over again using as much force as he could and shaking the ground so much, that it was like an Earth Quake. Kitsune who was now miles away nearly tripped but managed to stab his sword into the ground keeping himself up.

Ash threw Master Storm down as he opened his mouth and fired an entire beam of that energy into him point blank range and melting through the ground and and stone as the atoms that made everything up began to simply undo and shatter breaking apart. All around it was simply coming undone. Not melting. Just... Coming undone. A single shot from his beam and a human would no longer be a human. Rather everything on them, their cells, their atoms, and their molecules would simply break away and that person would come undone.

It was one of the strongest attacks a Dragon Clan had.

Designed to simply kill a person in a single shot.

And yet...

Ash's eyes, or rather his dragon's single eye went wide with terror as a hand reached out of the beam grabbing his upper jaw and ripping it off. The dragon fell back grabbing at its head in shock. The armor began to fix itself since Ash himself wasn't hit but the fact that it even happened shocked him. The beam died down showing Master Storm wasn't even harmed. Even his outfit didn't seem to be hurt.

"Wow." Master Storm noted rubbing his back. "My back feels a lot better. I think you got that weird feeling in it to go away-"

Ash slammed his dragon fist into Master Storm as hard as he could but the old man didn't even budge. Rather Ash's fist exploded on impact. Like a car slamming into a wall his entire arm was blown off from his attempted punch. His human arm hung out of the massive hole in his dragon armor. It would seem the force of the attack was so great his entire arm, his real arm was shattered and hanging at his side helplessly.

"I think it's about to be my turn right?" Master Storm asked.

Ash opened his mouth to fire another beam but Storm back hand slapped him, slicing the dragons head off and showing a terrified Ash head poking out of the torso.

Master Storm didn't say anything as he grabbed onto his robes and pulled them off dropping to the ground. They actually seemed to slam into the ground with an insane force and sunk into it as if he was wearing thousand pound clothes or something. He stood now in only a pair of pants, and his body was covered in scars, and marks, as well as rippling muscles. Small sparks of lightning began to slowly come off of him as he grabbed Ash by his broken arm and ripped the man out of his dragon armor making him scream in pain.

"You guys can't heal." Master Storm hummed. "Your armor can. You however can not. So all I need to do is attack the fleshy human inside-"

"Don't you dare call me a human!" Ash said spitting all over the old man's face. "And get your gross hands off of me!"

"Not until I get my answers."

Ash's eyes went wide as he let out a growl. His hand came out as he stabbed into his shoulder and sliced the arm Storm was holding off. The pain was great but he managed to ignore it as he turned jumping high into the air and running as fast as he can.

"D... Damn it! For me to have to run away... I even had to get rid of my arm! Shit! I'll have to replace it with my dragon cells later and-" Ash suddenly fell forward pain shooting through him. His face hit the ash and he looked down his eyes going wide when he saw his legs were no longer attached to his body blood gushing out of the wounds.

Lightning crackled off of Master Storm's fingers forming a thin blade which he had used to slice the legs of the fleeing man off.

"No more running." Storm said moving to the man. He pressed his hands to the mans wounds and made him scream in pure pain with his wounds was burned shut by the lightning. "Now... You still got a few limbs. So how about you start talking so you can keep them?" The old man asked giving a kind smile as he reached out grabbing Ash's middle finger and pulling it off.

Ash screamed in agony as he fell back.

'Row Storm. My old friend. You must never face him in combat. Humans are strong... Stronger than anything. They are your predators. Mankind is what kills Dragons. And when it comes to Master Storm... He's the strongest... And... He's also...'

The cruelest.