A Dangerous Continuation

Night One Hundred And Eighty Three

Age 1991

The Field Of Ash...

"W... What happened." A shaking Kitsune asked as he watched the elder man slowly walk back to him. It had been quite some time since the old man left and yet now he returned covered in blood... Kitsune was guessing it wasn't his.

"Hmm. I preformed the Autopsy on him but I didn't get much." Master Storm said letting out a small hum as he gave a small shrug. "Sadly before I could kill him he got away. A black void seemed to suck him up."

"A black void..." Kitsune frowned for a moment as he tried to think back. "That's just like what happened to me, and the others when we fought Jester... She sucked us all up and sent us across the city. I bet she did that to get him back- Wait! You said before you killed him he got away? But also said you were preforming an Autopsy on him... You... You were inspecting his insides while he was alive?"

"It matters not how I get my results in the end." The old man said giving a shrug. He held his hand out as a spark of lightning flowed out and seconds later his cloak and cane flew over to him allowing him to cover himself up and lean on the cane. "I think we should get back-"



"Not until you explain what any of that was old man." Kitsune announced staring down the worlds strongest man as he placed his hand on his katana. "I know I can't win. But if there's even a 1% chance I can learn something to help Hero out."

"Oh? I thought you disliked young Hero?"

"Don't get me wrong." Kitsune chuckled closing his eyes as his flaming fox ears and tail grew out. "I despise Devil Arm... He's so strong and doesn't even have to work for it. He powers up more and more... And he also just assumes he has to be the one to solve everyone's problems. As if we're all relying on him. He made it his mission to somehow fix the world itself. And more than anything. I hate how girls just seem to be all over him God damn it! I want a Harem! I want tons of girls who throw themselves at me and fight for my affection! So it pisses me off to see he has girls doing that and yet he could care less. He's not interested in any of them. He'd rather just have one girl who loves him that he can love back. Any guy would be head over hills for girls like Irene, Emma, Lucy, Sera, yet his eyes stared past all of them. Now the only one he seems to be staring at is that Hella girl. And I don't blame him. I followed him when he went to talk with her... I heard about it. That other world and shit that's going on. People are being pulled here. And I know who she is. When she said her name it all made sense to me. The reason his eyes are fixed on her. So yeah. I f##king hate Hero Law, that Devil Arm asshole. But..."


"He's still." Kitsune drew his blade entering a stance. "My Best Friend. So if you have any information that can let me keep him safe than I'll beat it out of you old man. Even if it costs me my life."

Master Storm stared at the Heir to the Noble family of Nine, one of the Twenty Sacred Branches of families said to have helped God out in the old world.

"Tell me Kitsune my boy..." Master Storm took a step forward as he gave the smallest hint of a smile. "Would you like me to let you in on a little secret."


Gladious City...

The Arena...

"And that's ten folks! Clue Bon of Squad Eleven is out! Yuzawa Sin of Squad Ten is the winner!" Olf announced loudly.

Several matches had gone on since Kitsune left. Fate Williams, of Squad Two had fought, as had Shiki Gold of Squad One, both of which won their matches. Other than that though the other bit of matches hadn't been really crazy. Just some fodder characters.

After the match it marked the half way point of the first round... As such...

"I'm just getting a call." Olf announced pressing his fingers up to his ear as someone spoke to him. "We're going on break! That's right folks! Go to the bathroom if you need it! Go eat some food! Find some hotel rooms for later! A One Hour break until the next match. When we do get back though we got another exciting match up! Sera Aka, the younger sister of the Empress, and a proud member of Squad Seven, which has so far won all their matches, versus Ava Vil, of Squad Five, a Squad that is filled with enigma's and hasn't had any matches yet... I'm so pumped up just thinking about it."

'Oh... Other me is up next...' The Ava in Ken's head said letting out a hum.

"Will you be quiet." Ken sighed as her and Shelly walked up the ramp to where several food courts rested in the arena.

'Do you not wish to talk to me?'

"No. I don't. I'm spending time with Shelly so if you could put yourself on mute that would be great-"

"Ken you're talking to yourself again." Shelly hummed karate chopping Ken over the head.

"Ow! What was that for." Ken whined grabbing the top of her head.

"You were getting weird looks."

"So you smacked me over the head?"

"...It might not have been the best approach but it was the most fun."

"You bully!"

Shelly let out a laugh grabbing Ken's arms. "Now come on. Let's go to the ice cream stand. I need something sweet after the amount of weird things that have been going on today. I'm having trouble keeping up!"

Down below Irene and Light both rested their backs pressed up against the wall as they watched Ken and Shelly leave.

"You're not leaving?" Light asked raising an eyebrow. In his arms he held his gun which had broken down a bit, and needed to be worked on.

"Nah. Waiting on Kitsune to get back. I'm worried when he left." Irene said biting her lip. "Hero said something to him, and than the dumbass spouted some anime phase and ran off."

"Oh I know what Big Brother told him. I suppose Ken would to, since her and I have cool enhanced hearing. Big Brother said 'there's someone I need you to check out. He has me worried and I think he might be here to kidnap me.' and then Kitsune agreed and ran off to confront the guy after Big Brother pointed him out."

"Really..." Irene said frowning a bit. "Well I'm glad Hero's letting someone in on this... Honestly it seems like him, and Ken, are in on some kind of weird joke, and Ken let Shelly in on it, and Hero let Kitsune in on it."

"Weird how the two people they both trust are fire users, and that both Hero, and Ken, are the strongest people on our Squad right? Like what are the chances."

"Speaking of chances..." Irene frowned a bit as she thought back to that fight Emma had been in. "What are the chances she somehow dodges every attack... Then also finds a way to Reach Level Two... Also in the middle of that fight Hero began freaking out and started yelling about who he is... Shelly said she noticed 'it' to what 'it' was... It pisses me off that I'm not in on this..."

"I'm sure we'll have our plot relevant moments in a few Volumes, but this is Kitsune's Volume so we're on the side lines."




"I was waiting for a chance to talk to you again." Hero said placing his hand on the wall next to her head as he stared at her a small smirk on his lips.

"Oh?" Hella asked raising an eyebrow as she rested on her crystal ball. "Then why not just come and talk to me directly. It isn't like that's something you can't do... I mean how many times have you done it so far..."

"I stopped counting. Anyways this is a bit different you know. Sneaking off during the break and going to a dark corner where no one can see us."

"Don't have perverted thoughts." Hella said karate chopping the grinning snow haired boy over the head.

"Hey you kissed me let that be known."

"Hmm... So I assume there is a reason why you wanted to speak with me correct..."

"Of course there is. Two things actually." Hero unzipped his Enforcer's jacket and the black jump suit he had taking it off slightly and showing his chest which only had the 'D' shaped scar. "You know how to use this better than I do right?" He asked his fingers brushing the scar. "I mean the ball you're on is a fragment of a Crest. This Crest. Right?"

"Hmm. I suppose. It would be like when you first joined. You had an Equation in your hand, and one in that sword. It's the same way. The Crest inside of you has been split in half. Half in you, half in the ball I'm on. However it seems that Row recreated the other half of the crest and fixed it himself. So while I only have half a Crest you have a full Crest inside of you. It makes me wonder what would happen if I merged this half with your full half. Would you explode from the overload of Dream Power?" She wondered letting out a giggle as Hero recoiled back.

"How about we don't test it." Hero asked sheepishly. "What I was gonna ask was could you teach me?"


"Could you teach me how to use my Crest? You seem to be really good with it!"


"What? Why?"

"Well first of all... We're in different Squads so it'd be foolish of me to power you up." She said giving a small grin. "Secondly though. You have one use of that Crest... After that use its up you won't be able to use it again or else that other you will get out."

"Really... Damn it." Hero sighed crossing his arms. "I was wanting to summon Row. The Dream Row I mean. Not that asshole kid."

"If you can get rid of the real Row or beat him down and gain full control of the Crest than I'd be happy to teach you. But until then there's no point."

"I see... So why don't you just heal yourself with your Crest?"

"Hmm... Oh that. I can't. The Dream Crest doesn't normally have the power to heal... It's strange you know. You can use it to recreate a persons arm but that arm won't just reattach to someone's body. And yet... You somehow recreate limbs, flesh, and whole organs and somehow bonded them back to your body. By all accounts that should be impossible. I doubt I, Nightmare, Yume, or even Row can do that. Of course that being said you don't seem to be able to recreate items, or make dolls of people, or enter the Void. Each user had their own form of it. Nightmare could enter Dreams, Yume, could create items, Row could create personalities and bend the world as if it was a dream, and I can make dolls of people though unlike Row's versions, mine don't have a personality to them. I can also recreate smaller objects kind of like how Yume did."

"I see... So healing is my version of the power..."

"Yes... Well not healing... Rather Creation and Binding... When I create a person they aren't a living breathing person. They are a metal doll, with the powers of the person, and the image of the person placed over it. Hence why they don't bleed. It's the same when Row does it, but Row also somehow makes a personality and places it into the doll. His being all about creating personalities of people. And yet you Hero... You actually recreate an entire arm. Not a metal arm with an image of it. You recreated a living thing, and binded it to your body as if it was meant for you. You create actual living things somehow... You don't heal people, you replace their damaged parts with new parts."

"So that's what I've been doing." Hero nodded staring down at his right hand for a moment. "Okay... Than my second question." He looked up staring at Hella. "Do you want me to heal you."


"I have one more use. I can heal you. Replace your damaged parts right. You'll be back up to full power and can walk again. Do you want me to fix you."

"Are you an idiot? I just told you we're on opposite sides. You'd be boosting your enemy."

"If me wanting to help you makes me an idiot than yeah. I'm a real dumbass." Hero grinned.

Hella frowned as she slowly turned away not looking at him. A small blush seemed to be on her face. "Maybe... Maybe another time. If you're so foolish that you have to give the enemy team a better shot, than I'll just have to do the wise thing and turn it down."

"Oh? Wouldn't the wise thing be to accept it? Having an enemy who's foolishness makes you strong?"

"S... Shut up okay." Hella folded her arms as the ball she was on began to float away.

"Oh before you go."

She stopped and looked back at him. Hero's lips moved as he said her name. Not Hella. Her real name. He smiled after he was done saying that.

"You wanted me to call you that right?"

"I... I change my mind!" She said covering her face up. "Hearing my name come out in such a soft way from your lips! Keep calling me Hella! I am a scientist! I can't be thinking like that."

Hero let out a laugh as he threw his arms behind his head. "Whatever you say."



The White Nation...

"He took quite the beating didn't he." Mr. Hyde noted letting out a hum.

"That he did." Hero, the female one said nodding her head.

"That's what he gets for being careless." Vil laughed but let out a pained yelp when Jester grabbed his ear.

"Be kind Vil. Ash fought well."

In front of them in a glass tank filled with Life energy Ash rested. His entire right arm was gone, his left arm lacked all fingers, and his lower half was also gone. He also had a massive hole in his chest, and he seemed to have been sliced open. His eyes were closed as the Life gel would do its best to fix him up.

"Did you manage to get it?" Jester asked.

"That I did." Mr. Hyde nodded. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small rock with an 'M' on the side of it. "I now hold his Crest... His heart had already been torn out so getting it out wasn't an issue. Dragon Clan members sure are sturdy... Any normal human would have died and yet this bastard is still clinging to life even with half his organs gone..."

"They're hard to put down." Jester nodded. "So can we place that in our new Weapon?"

"You want to put that in me?" A sly voice asked. The three turned and saw the newest member of their group. She had long black hair, her left eye was normal much like it had been when she was alive being a bright blue, her right eye though was a blood red now. She was dressed in what looked like a maid's uniform for some reason and had a sly smile on her face. Serenity the Enforcer they had taken... Or maybe it would be better to call her William Bathory? The name of the Equation of the Noble they had placed inside of her.

"Oh you're up and moving!" Mr. Hyde said the darkness forming a smile on his face.

"Why she's dressed in such a..." Hero frowned her hand slowly coming out and covering Vil's eyes.

"Do you like my out fit?" Serenity asked giving a giggle. She gave a little spin showing it off. "This new body has taken some time to get used to. After all I was a middle aged man, before that brat over there sliced my head clean off and took my Equation. Imagine my shock when I woke up one day to find myself in such a cute young body."

"But a Maid's outfit?"

"Good question." Mr. Hyde hummed. "I didn't set that out for him... Her... Them."

"I made it myself." Serenity said smiling.

"You... Made it..." Jester asked frowning.

"Yes. It was quite easy."

"How? Serenity's Equation was an emotional based power. Williams was a Blood Weapon based power..." Jester asked again.

"Oh. I didn't use an Equation." She reached up dropping her maid outfit to the floor and Hero was glad her hands were still over her son's eyes because Serenity didn't seem to have any shame at all. "With this." Her fingers ghosted over where her heart would be showing a small scar.

One in the shape of a D...