A Fox's Gamble

Night One Hundred And Eighty Four

Age ???

"You have to try harder!" Mr. Hyde yelled at the small five year old Row. "You have to use that power! You have to mean it!" He screamed out.

"I... I'm trying..." Row said quietly the green scar over his heart glowing. "But... But it hurts when I use it."

"Then fight through the pain! You need to harness that power." Piero said over in the corner where he rested. "I had to kill my own brother to give you that Crest... Use it."

Mr. Hyde let out a sigh pushing up his glasses. "I guess you're going to need some help Row..." He said clicking open a briefcase. "You have the DNA of several people relating to the Dragon Clan... So I assume it's only fair that I give you a Dragon like motivation..." He pulled out a small tube of glass where a small white like creature could be seen moving around... "This is a piece of the Prince... The strongest Bestia Macht that was sealed away by Master Storm... It's only a small piece..." He said slowly moving towards the young boy. "Still though... I'm betting if this thing is inside of you it'd kick start that Crest. After all you'd need to get it out before it devours your organs. Or maybe... You'll use that Crest to recreate those Organs?"

Row tried to back up but the mans hand came out as he gripped Row's arm. "W... Wait-"

"Either way." He clicked a button on the glass box as it began to open and the bug slithered out stabbing into Row's arm and slowly sinking into his flesh. "I'm sure you won't die from it. If it does we can always fall back on that brother of yours. Vil. So don't go screwing up. Other wise we'll have to put him through this as well. If you really want to be a good brother than bare that pain so he doesn't have to..."

The labs filled with the screams of Row as the long worm like Bestia Macht bore its way into his flesh...

Age 1988

Rose City...

,,˙sʇuǝpnʇs ʎɯ ǝq ll,noʎ spɹɐʍuo ʎɐpoʇ ɯoɹɟ ƃuᴉʇɹɐʇs llɐ ɹǝʇɟ∀ ˙ƃuolɐ ʇǝƃ oʇ uɹɐǝl plnoɥs noʎ ɟo oʍʇ ǝɥ┴,, The Master announced staring down a younger Hero, and Kitsune who were glaring at each other.

"Hey. Ya Devil Arm asshole. What did he say." Kitsune hissed.

"He said, Hero Law, is way better than some shitty Noble with fire fox powers!"

"Oh really! We'll I seem to recall beating the snot out of you!" Kitsune announced drawing his sword. "How about we figure out who's stronger!"

"Sure! And when I beat your ass into the ground I guess the Master will see he only needs one of us!" Hero announced his right arm changing to its demonic form. "Let's go-"

,,¡ʎɐs ʇsnɾ I pᴉp llǝɥ ǝɥʇ ʇɐɥM" A pair of large blood hands flew out of the Masters robes smashing both boys over the skull.

"Ow..." They both groaned resting on the ground.


Age 1991

The Snow Field...

Up on a cliff side a cloaked man could be seen staring down at Kitsune, and Hero as they fought.

,,˙˙˙ǝunsʇᴉʞ noʎ ʇ,uǝɹɐ oɹǝH ǝʌɐs puɐ ʎɹʇ oʇ ƃuᴉoƃ ǝɹ,no⅄ ˙llɐ ɹǝʇɟ∀ ˙˙˙ɥɔʇɐʍ puɐ ʍou ɹoɟ sǝuᴉlǝpᴉs ǝɥʇ uo ʇᴉs ll,I ˙llǝʍ ɥO ¿ɹǝɥʇǝƃoʇ ƃuᴉʞɹoʍ uǝɥʍ ʇsǝq ʞɹoʍ noʎ uɹɐǝl noʎ ɟo oʍʇ ǝɥʇ llᴉʍ uǝɥM ˙˙˙uʍoɹƃ ǝʌɐɥ oʇ pǝɯǝǝs oslɐ pǝɹʇɐɥ ʇuɐʇsuoɔ ʇɐɥʇ ʇǝʎ pu∀ ˙uʍoɹƃ ɥʇoq ǝʌ,noʎ ɥƃnoɥʇ ʍou puɐ ǝɹǝH ˙˙˙suɐǝɯ uʍo ʎɯ uᴉɐƃ oʇ ɥʇoq noʎ pǝsn I ʇsɐd ǝɥʇ uI ˙˙˙ǝɯoɔ ǝʌɐɥ noʎ ɟo oʍʇ ǝɥʇ ɹɐɟ ʍoɥ ɥO ˙˙˙sʇuǝpnʇs ʎW˙˙˙,,

Down below Kitsune suddenly charged Hero drawing his sword and shocking Hero.


"Kitsune!" Hero barley had time to raise his right arm up as it shifted into his devil clawed arm blocking the katana. A wave of orange and green, flames exploding out of their force. "What the hell-"

Kitsune's tail flew out slamming into Hero's face and throwing him back across the field of snow. Hero crashed back slowly landing on his feet as he stared up at Kitsune who pointed his katana at Hero.

"I'm only doing what a good friend does! I'm following your wishes I'll kill you with my sword Hero Law!" Kitsune announced.

"W... What?"

"I know." Kitsune announced loudly. "I know about it all. Master Storm told me. You're a clone of Orion, the man claiming to be God, and you're actually a dream created by Row who is slowly waking up and when he wakes up you'll cease to exist. I know. You were made by Row to protect this world, and follow the dream of Piero, but along the way you gained a personality of your own, and began to see the world in a new light. You're fighting to keep us all safe, and refused to tell us about what's happening. About how you plan to kill God, and also that you're on a time limit before you die. So if you wanted to keep us in the dark like that. You must really want to die right. Well I'll grant you that like the good friend I am."

"You think I want to die!"

"Of course. Why else would you hide all of this."

"I... I did it to keep you all safe. This is my burden alone to bare. And... And because I don't think I can beat Row... So... I didn't want any of you to worry... Worry about something that was going to happen... I... I just wanted to enjoy my life with you all... Light... Ken... Irene... Shelly... Max... Shiki... Emma... Sera... Lucy... And even you. I didn't want any of you to do something stupid and try to save me. Because there is no saving me. Because... Because I'm just a fading dream. And one day I'll vanish. So I made a promise to myself that I would make the most of my time with you all, and help you all out before I went."

"Hero... You fucking coward!" Kitsune announced his tail coming out and slamming down on Hero's arm who managed to block the attack just in time. "Right here and now... Let's make a bet!"


"A bet! Let's fight. And if you win. I won't tell the others what I've learned. I'll keep silent. I won't say anything about it. And I'll spend the rest of my time with you insuring you get a happy ending with all of us when you go. But... If I win. You have to come clean to everyone. Ken. Shelly. Irene. Light. You have to tell Light about Row, you have to tell Shelly the real reason why you saved her, you have to tell Ken the truth about her God, and you have to tell Irene the real reason you murdered her brother. And... Most importantly. You have to let all of us do everything in our power to make sure you get to stay. You have to let us barge in and kick Row's ass making sure he goes packing and you keep your body. When I win you have to become Hero Law, a symbol of justice, someone who wants to protect his friends, someone who will borrow power from everyone else, and also give that power back, someone who wants to be a superhero, and inspire others. Someone who might not save this world, but they'll do everything in their power to do it. When I win you stop this dream nonsense. I want Hero Law the superhero!"

Hero covered his face with his left hand for a moment as he stared at Kitsune. "You're actually asking me to give up on myself right now and throw everything I have into the chance of keeping my body... Rather than spend time with you all and get a happy death, you'd rather I give every effort into living... Why?"

"Because... Because I'm your friend. And it's my fault I didn't see this sooner."

"...K... Kitsune... Do you even have the slightest clue how selfish that desire is? Fighting Row... I've seen his power... I've accepted I'll fade just like my brother the fake Row... So why can't you let me be happy. Why does everyone want me to be the one... Why do I have to keep crawling forward like that damn insect!" Hero yelled clasping his arm which that bug had entered all those years ago. His right arm...

"Can you actually look me in the eyes and say you're happy fading away, and becoming this Row boy again? Are you really okay with giving into despair. Is that what Piero wants... I don't care if you call me foolish for wanting to try and find a way to save you. It doesn't matter to me. Because... Even if it kills me Hero... I'm going to pull you out of that despair. How long have you spent trying to save others, putting your life on the line, evolving your power. I think it's only fair if your friends do some of the heavy lifting and try and save you."

"D... Do you really think you could save me..."

"Does it matter in the end. As long as we try. The to hell with the results."

"You can't beat Row!"

"Than we'll convince him to stop!"

"That won't work!"

"Than all of us will gang up on him and save you!"

"You can't even enter that part of the Void!"

"Than all of us will lend you our power until you're strong enough!"

"Kitsune..." Hero bit his lip as he stared at the normally idiotic Noble. "Do you really think it's that simple..."

"I think... It's a better idea than you trying to save all your friends than fading away into nothingness."

'I see... So you inherited your fathers foolish dreams of saving every single person in this world, and vanquishing Despair itself. A noble dream, and yet foolish. You know you will never reach that goal. You'll fail and give into despair much like that man... And when you do who knows what you'll become. A dream that foolish will leave no Hope to be found-'

'You're wrong. I inherited that dream. For years I've used my own spirit to kindle it bringing forth as much Hope as I could and destroying Despair where I found it. I don't care if everyone calls my dream foolish and puts it down into the realm of impossibility. I'll never stop chasing it. And... Until the mean time I save everyone in front of me that is in trouble, or filled with Despair, even if it kills me.'

'Do you really believe you could one day create a world like that?'

'Does it matter if I believe it or not? A dream that beautiful? Does it matter if it'll never come true? Isn't it just worth it for the thought of a world filled with peace? It might seem childish... But if I saw someone in front of who was in danger I would stop at nothing to save them... My name is 'Hero' for a reason... I'll earn my right to go by that name!'

'To show you how naive a foolish dream like that is. On your left you could save her. On your right you could save a thousand people. Which do you chose?'

'I would save both.'

'You can't-'

'I would.'

'The person only allows you to save one-'

'I would convince the person to stop being evil and save everyone.'

'You can't convince him-'

'Then I'd beat up the person and save both.'

'The person is stronger than you so you-'

'Than I would become stronger than I am so I can beat him up and save both.'

'The person is to strong for you to ever reach his level you could never-'

'Than I'd ask for help from my friends until we had enough power to beat him and save both.'

'Your friends aren't present in the situation-'

'Than I would borrow power from the people that need to be saved and use that to win.'

'You're hopeless. I never know why I am so interested in you humans... You believe that just because you set your mind on something you'll win... The fact is there are those out there younger than you, and stronger than me. There are people our age who rival the power of the Master, and people from other Nations who are even stronger. You will never become magically strong enough to fight them all.'

'In that case I'll work my butt off and find a way!'

"You're always inspiring us to get stronger Hero. And you're always helping and saving us all the time. So don't you dare go and be selfish and give up!" Kitsune yelled. "If anyone has a right to getting to live it's you. The Hero of Justice who's faced hardship and lost. Who kept getting back up. So what if you're some dream... Don't you know... If you work hard enough Dreams can come true!"

'Just because you've failed doesn't mean you've given up. I don't even think you get... Just how many people you've gotten to save. More than me. That's for sure. A world where Humans, and Bestia Macht can coexist. A world where no one is in danger. A world with peace. I knew such a dream would never happen. But still... It was such a beautiful dream I couldn't help but want to chase after it. But in the end I was to much of a coward to pass down that dream... Save everyone in front of you... I thought it would the right thing to tell Row. But it was to much. To much for anyone. But you know Hero. I think you have a beautiful dream as well. A world where you can save your friends. A world where you can give your friends the power to save others. A world where there's a big pretty blue sky up above. One with no smog clouds. I think that's a fine dream. But I got to say... You've been running away haven't you. You've been acting out of character lately. When you found out your life was on a time limit you didn't tell your friends. When you found out you were the child of God, you didn't tell your friends. When you found out you were part of a plot to kill God. You didn't tell your friends. You've done exactly what North did. You went and placed the worlds problems on your shoulders. Assured yourself you're all that's needed. You closed yourself off from your friends. Went and threw yourself in prison. Hid away all the facts. You're one big coward. A coward trying to solve the issues of the world with your power. But that's not possible... You never had power. You were a dream. Created by a ten year old boy who didn't understand right from wrong, and hated himself. You had all the cards stacked against you. And that's why. I'm begging you Hero Law. Ask for help. Don't be scared to ask for power. Don't take on the worlds problems alone. Because... You're one of the lucky ones who can claim to have good friends.'

"For me to ask for help..." Hero hissed grabbing at his face once more as flashes began to go through his mind. The doll, who died in their first mission, Serenity who died in their second mission, Reaper, and all the damage that was caused, because he hadn't been strong enough by himself and needed help. Every person turned into a Bestia Macht, and the death of North Glacious. Other things to like the death of Okami Otoko, and his brother Vil becoming a villain. And Key Frost who turned out to be a traitor, someone he had viewed as a friend. "If I ask for help will I end up just like him..." His mind went to Hero Otoko... A man who now had no world and only had the goal of keeping another one safe. He asked for help and yet it never came. His own world being wiped out...

"Honestly I have no idea what will happen." Kitsune said giving a small smile as he stared up at the black sky. "From how Master Storm said it... It would be best if Row Law was to come back and be a good guy... But. I'd rather have you than some mega powerful God Slayer on our side."

"You... You've always been so stupid haven't you..."

"You're strong right Hero?"


"In that case." Kitsune raised his sword up as his flames grew. "It should be easy... For you to beat me and win this bet right..."


"Unless you think you've already lost?"

Hero gritted his teeth his ruby red eyes glaring into Kitsune's flaming orange eyes. "Don't fuck with me Fox." Hero raised his right arm up as it began to glow. "Like I would ever lose to you."


"Yeah... I'll take this bet. And when I win. You'll let me live out the rest of my short life and die."

"And when I beat your ass into the ground you'll thank me, as we do everything we can to beat Row, God, and whatever other force is out there."



"It's a bet!" They both announced charging at each other.