Fox And Devil Green And Orange Part One

Night One Hundred And Eighty Five

Age 1991

The Battle Field...



Kitsune swung his katana swinging it with more power than he'd ever used sending out waves of heat and shock waves. Each strike didn't hold back as he used all his might striking with the intent he would use to kill any normal person. But... Hero wasn't a normal person. Far from it. Hero's clawed hand came out easily blocking the many, many strikes, each force strong enough to push him back.

Flaming Orange eyes, met, Ruby Red, eyes as the two rivals glared back at one another. Each strike seemed to bring forth a flood of memories. They had known each other since Age 1988, and yet not once had they actually gone all out and attempted to fight each other at full power as crazy as that might be.

And yet this fight...

Kitsune raised his sword up just in time blocking a powerful punch from Hero's clawed hand a burst of heat and sound slamming into the Noble making him grit his teeth as he stood his ground. He sliced out but Hero ducked down just in time the sword slicing through the snow and melting it to water which splashed down on them both. Seconds later though the water was reduced to a large steam cloud from the mix of heat and flames. Green and Orange seemed to wash over one another like a deadly dance neither one taking the other one out.

Kitsune sliced out with more force using the jet of fire on the ground and creating a massive cloud of steam that blocked Hero's view.

Hero gritted his teeth now standing in this thick cloud as he looked around but couldn't find Kitsune anywhere. "What's this? I thought you were a Samurai... Don't you guys play with fair tactics. Or at least that's what you're always going on, and on about to me right?" Hero grinned. "I guess you decided to change to a ninja though. Like it matters." He slammed his fist down into the ground firing out a massive shock wave which exploded the surrounding landscape around him. Only... Kitsune wasn't here... "What! Where did he-"

"Fox Flare!"

Hero's eyes went wide and he looked up just in time to see Kitsune was directly above him, high in the air. A massive fox head had formed around his body and its mouth opened firing out a thick orange laser beam of compressed flames which blasted down to Hero spinning at a high speed and turning the stone Hero stood on into a liquid. Hero raised his hand up but wouldn't have enough time to switch to his shield so instead he tried blocking with the palm of his massive arm.

"Split!" Kitsune yelled moving his arms apart.

Right before the beam hit Hero it suddenly split into hundreds of tiny bullet sized beams which all flew past Hero's massive arm making his eyes go wide. All the beams slammed into Hero and exploded into a massive hail of blasts throwing him back.

Kitsune landed on the ground and gave a grin. "If Ken can do it than so can I-"

"Lot's Salt!" A massive pillar of green energy exploded out of the ground nearly hitting Kitsune who dodged it just in time. Hero came crashing out of the smoke cloud his clothing burned and his flesh bruised but not actually looking all that damaged. He punched out with his clawed hand as hard as he could firing off a massive sound blast. "David's Trumpet!" The sound blast slammed into Kitsune making him scream in pain and get thrown back.

"D... Damn it..." Kitsune slowly stood back up to his feet spitting out a small glob of blood which he quickly wiped away. "Don't think you've beaten me just because you got a lucky hit in. Just who the hell do you think I am? I'm Kitsune Nine. A Proud Member of Squad Six, a Samurai, a Heir to the Noble Family of Nine, one of the five, families, in the Red Nation, that is a part of the Twenty Sacred Branches, and most importantly I'm the Rival of the Devil Armed Bastard!"

"Why is it your title gets longer every time." Hero hissed closing his eyes. "Whatever. It doesn't matter. I'll admit. In the past you and I were even. But you became an utter joke after the first mission. Same goes for Light, and Irene. You want to know why I did everything myself. Because the only decent person on Squad Six is Ken. The rest of you would just slow me down."

"Well this man, who slows you down, is going to win this fight."

"You're so delusional."

"And you're on fire!" Kitsune raised his sword up as the flames exploded out of the blade. They swirled around getting larger, and larger, forming the large upper body of a massive fox made of fire. "Take this!" He slammed the blade down as the fox let out a loud roar and slashed out with its massive claws, each one leaving large streaks in the air which all blasted to Hero. "I call this... Heat Cutter!"

Hero hissed as he jumped trying to avoid the attacks. Dodging the slices was easy enough but the real pain came after they all landed as each one glowed and suddenly exploded into a massive blast which launched Hero flying into the air. Hero spun his body around mid air and raised his clawed hand up. He sliced out with it sending out a row of green flames but the upper body of the fox around Kitsune blasted up ramming into Hero's attack and slamming its massive body into Hero himself exploding in a massive blast that then sent Hero crashing down. As he fell he held his right arm out the feathers on it forming a massive metal wing which he used to slow his fall...

As soon as he hit the floor Hero broke his fall into a tumble and landed on his feet. He punched out with his arm sending out several iron feathers which all sliced into Kitsune making him yell in pain. "If you think those hurt wait till you see the upgraded version." Hero smirked his heat and sounded covering the rest of the feathers as he lit them all on fire and waved his arm out sending them all blasting out. Each one working as a mini explosion all along Kitsune's body and sending him flying back. Kitsune caught himself and looked up just in time to see Hero right in front of him. Hero's entire right arm was covered in wind, and flames, spinning at an insane speed. "Hellish Cyclone!" Hero screamed punching out with his arm as hard as he could.


Kitsune raised his sword up right as the fist hit him. There was a loud sonic boom and the entire area shook. When the smoke cleared Hero, could be seen his fist having been stopped by Kitsune's blade... However despite stopping the attack Kitsune had a look of worry on his face as several cracks all appeared along his katana... Hero's own arm had a large cut in it and a weird oil style blood seemed to be pouring out of the wound.

"My... My sword-"

Hero opened his mouth as wide as he could. Then he bit down on Kitsune's blade ripping a chunk of it out and making Kitsune's eyes go wide.

"Asshole!" Kitsune punched out slamming a flaming fist into Hero's face and sending Hero flying back across the now water covered field.

Hero slowly stood back up a serious look on his face as he held his right arm up and all the damage on it healed from the piece of metal he had stolen from Kitsune's sword. "I think it's about time I take this fight up a notch Kitsune. All that heroic speech you were saying earlier... If you can't even stop me than you never stood a chance at stopping Row." Hero's right arm glowed as it morphed into its drill like state. "Get ready... I'm not going to be holding back anymore."

"You've been holding back!"

"Quite a bit. Yeah."

"D... Damn!" Kitsune stared at the sword that was in his hands. The blade was covered in cracks and there was a large chunk of it missing in the center. His hands were shaking a bit as he held but he managed to give a small smirk. "S... Still... Don't think I'm done. Even with a shattered blade I'll still fight you head on. That's what friends are for after all."


"So get ready. I'm not done!" Kitsune exploded forward wielding his blade with both his hands as he sent out a massive gust of flames at Hero. "I'll fight you as long as I have to. If you can't walk across the bride that leads to hope, than I'll just have to pick you up and carry you there myself you coward!" He screamed slicing Hero's shoulder open with his sword and spilling the God Slayer's blood out. His hands moved out faster and faster as he unleashed various cuts all along Hero's body hitting him with everything he had, as fast as he could.

"D... Damn... Has Kitsune always been this skilled with a sword... Even with a cracked, and broken blade, he's slicing into me faster than I can react." Hero hissed. "Then... I'll just have to put my faith in the fact that you can block this attack and won't get yourself ran through!" Hero yelled his drill cranking up to full speed, spinning so fast the wind was twisted around it, as it began to slice everything around him apart. He stabbed his arm forward in a blow that would split Kitsune in half if he didn't block it. Hero really was counting on Kitsune being fast enough to block the strong attack.

And Kitsune didn't disappointed! He stabbed his sword out meeting the drill head on as they clashed and sparks, as well as flame and wind, exploded out from their clashing weapons. Kitsune was giving it all. Maybe to much... Because seconds later there was a loud crack as the tip of his sword exploded into a hail of shrapnel which was flung in all directions by Hero's drill. The force of the attack blasted Kitsune back who rolled across the ground. He quickly got back up and stared at the top of his sword. The entire top half was gone, and worse yet there were more cracks in it...

"D... Damn..."

"Looks like that sword of yours can't keep up with me huh." Hero smirked. His right arm glowed changing into its mourning star form, shocking Kitsune who hadn't seen such a mode yet. "Oh yeah... I can do this to. Normally I don't bust it out since it's such a brutal weapon but hey... You told me to bring my best!" He whipped it out splitting the ground apart as the weapon fired forward at a fast speed roaring through the air, sounding like the growls of a pissed off dragon, green flames covering the spikes ball and chain.

Kitsune blocked but once again his poor sword stood no chance, this time half the blade snapping off leaving him with only a small portion left. The green flaming mourning star wrapped around his ankle and he was dragged up and slammed into the ground over, and over again, by Hero who wasn't holding back hitting the fox with everything he had. Kitsune gritted his teeth though and used his now, pathetically short blade to slice at the chain getting off of him. He crashed down landing head first in a patch of hard ice.

Letting out a heavy groan Kitsune slowly pushed himself back up. He was covered in bruises and burns, and likely had a few broken bones. His outfit was torn, and blood covered the side of his face pouring out he side of the bump that was on his hand. His sword by now was just a jagged edge on a handle even more cracks covering it and his hands squeezed the handle so much blood coated it. Hero on the other hand while also injured didn't look anywhere near as bad. His lip was busted, and his cheek was red from tanking a punch. He had some bruises and burns all along him, as well as several large cuts on his cheek, and his stomach, the most painful of which being his left shoulder which was yet again split open, but for the most part looked fine even caked in his own blood.

"Do you give?" Hero asked.

"Fox Flare-"

"Rage Canon." Hero said blasting Kitsune with his gun arm before the teen could fire out his strongest attack.

The beam slammed into Kitsune splitting the ground apart and slamming Kitsune back.

"Do you give?" Hero asked again.

Kitsune slowly wobbled to his feet and held his sword up. "I told you... I still got some sword right." He asked spitting out several teeth as well as a glob of blood. "That means I can still cut you asshole! So what do you think!" He charged forward letting out a battle cry as he stabbed out with his sword. "Hit me with everything you've got!"

Hero sighed bringing his right arm back as it glowed and changed into his strongest form... The shield of justice. "Okay then..." He said green flames pouring out of the clenched fist. "Don't say I didn't warn you though." The limb began to grow in size as several pipes grew out of the elbow of it. "Big Arm Strike!" Hero yelled his arm growing in size just like the way Otoko would, the green flames growing with it as he slammed it up into Kitsune. There was a loud smash as the fist easily shattered what was left of Kitsune's blade and even snapped the top of the handle clean off.

Kitsune went high into the air and crashed down landing on his back not moving...

"You wanted my best. Where there it was. Hero Otoko." Hero slowly turned away letting out a sigh. "I'll send someone to heal you when I get back-"

"How many..."

Hero stopped his eyes going wide when he heard the voice. He turned finding Kitsune was back on his feet holding the shattered handle of his sword up.

"How many power ups have you managed to pull out of your ass when you needed them most huh?" Kitsune asked wobbling slightly.


"How about someone else shows you how it feels when you watch someone suddenly grow in power... Watch closely Hero... This power... What you're about to see... All of this... All of this was power you helped create." Kitsune smirked reaching into his sword handle.

"What the hell are you doing..."

Kitsune slowly pulled out a small golden marble. His Equation. A Noble Equation, born along side the child at birth.

"Get ready." Kitsune smirked. "Cause either this is gonna be badass, or I'm gonna f##king die! Let's roll the dice!"

"What are you about to do!"

"What you did!"


Kitsune raised the Equation above his head, opened his mouth, and let go, allowing it to fall into his mouth...

"You... You ate it!"