Fox And Devil Green And Orange Part Two

Night One Hundred And Eighty Five

Age 1991

The Moon...

"Oh..." God rested on a small chair in front of a table. Hero Otoko across from him.

"What is it?" Otoko asked.

God looked up and slowly turned to look at Earth. "A... Lets say interesting battle is happening... One that will decide on if Hero Law will be joining us or not." He hummed slowly picking up the pawn on a chess board and moving it forward. "I wonder what will happen..."


"They're really going at it aren't they..."

The Master turned from where he had been standing finding a girl was standing behind him. "Ahh... You're..."

"Hope." The girl said giving a bow. "Oh and thanks for not doing that shitty weird language you do sometimes."


She walked over to him staring down the cliff where the two boys rested. "So... How long have they been fighting."

"A while now..."


"Who do you think will win?" The Master asked.

"You're their teacher aren't you. If anyone would know it would be you."

"They stopped being my students a long time ago..."

"Right... I guess if I had to pick... I hope Kitsune wins. Or rather I want him to."

"But that's not what I asked is it?"

"No... It's not. You want to know who I think will win, not who I want to win, right old man?"


"In that case... The winner will be..."


The Battlefield...

"You wanted my best. Where there it was. Hero Otoko." Hero slowly turned away letting out a sigh. "I'll send someone to heal you when I get back-"

"How many..."

Hero stopped his eyes going wide when he heard the voice. He turned finding Kitsune was back on his feet holding the shattered handle of his sword up.

"How many power ups have you managed to pull out of your ass when you needed them most huh?" Kitsune asked wobbling slightly.


"How about someone else shows you how it feels when you watch someone suddenly grow in power... Watch closely Hero... This power... What you're about to see... All of this... All of this was power you helped create." Kitsune smirked reaching into his sword handle.

"What the hell are you doing..."

Kitsune slowly pulled out a small golden marble. His Equation. A Noble Equation, born along side the child at birth.

"Get ready." Kitsune smirked. "Cause either this is gonna be badass, or I'm gonna f##king die! Let's roll the dice!"

"What are you about to do!"

"What you did!"


Kitsune raised the Equation above his head, opened his mouth, and let go, allowing it to fall into his mouth...

"You... You ate it!"

Kitsune's eyes went wide as he grabbed at his throat and began to thrash around the marble getting stuck in his throat unable to go all the way down.

"Well what the hell did you think would happen you moron! I'm designed to eat stuff, you aren't! You can't just swallow a giant marble like that you idiot! Spit it out before you choke to death!" Hero yelled watching as Kitsune thrashed around like a mad man.

Finally after a few moments Kitsune stopped and let out a loud gulp. He wiped some of his mouth and gave a small smirk. "That was close." He noted.

"You actually swallowed it..."

Kitsune slowly stood up cracking his neck and muscles as he moved his arms. His wounds on his body began to slowly heal. Not fully though. Rather it was like when Hero first ate his Wolfs-Bane. Some seemed to fade away, but Kitsune was far from being at his best.

"Alright!" Kitsune announced pointing up to the sky. "Get ready for my new power!"

"I don't think you know how Equations work! You can't just decide what kind it is! An Equation is either an Equip type, and must be bonded with an item to work, a caster type, and must be bonded with a person to work, or a transformation type, and must be bonded with a persons limb to work. You can't just swallow an Equip type Equation and get a new cursed power?"

"I call bullshit on that!" Kitsune announced. "I'll just upgrade my Equation how you did!"

"Into what?"

"Master Storm told me about this... It happened to him long ago when he swallowed his full Transformation type... It's rare... And if I can't draw out that power I'll die... My Equation is already turning on... Caster... Transformation... Equip Type... It doesn't matter anymore... Either it kills me, or I can force it to bond to my body in a new way beyond the three..."

"You idiot! You mean to tell me you're betting it all that you can forcefully add a forth type?"

"That's right. After all... That's what you would do isn't it." Kitsune smirked making Hero go silent. "Oh... And if you want to know what I'll call this type... I'll dub it the High-Fusion Type! A mix of all the types, absorbed into the body like a Caster Type, born from an Equip Type, and changing the body like a Transformation... I'm making a forth type! That or I'm about to explode!"


"God I hope I don't explode!" Kitsune yelled out throwing his arms out as a massive explosion of heat shattered off of his body. It was like a nuclear bomb going off, and Hero had to fight to remain standing as the blast went off making his eyes go wide. Seconds later the blast was suddenly pulled into Kitsune's body dying out. When it stopped Kitsune could be seen. His eyes closed and a small smirk on his lips. He opened his eyes and grinned. "Get ready Hero. I'll show you the power of a High-Fusion Type!"

Hero was stunned as he watched Kitsune.

His body began to glow and change... It started at his arms, and his legs. His his elbow down grew red fur like a fox, as well as claws coming out of the end of his fingers. His legs from the knees down also changed becoming fox like and gaining that red fur. From the top of Kitsune's head a pair of red fox ears grew out. Not the flaming kind, these ones were real. And from behind him, nine real fox tails also grew out. Flames suddenly came out of his eyes forming around them, and his teeth grew sharper. For a moment Hero was reminded of Ken's Transformation. A High-Fusion... Could that be what Ken's been doing... No... This held something else... This power was... Greater... A white aura crackled around Kitsune's body as he began to absorb the power of the planet itself. Just like a Rival Bond, but this time with the entire Earth. He held his hand out as flames seeped out forming a katana out of fire as he grinned. His nine tails began to wag out.

"Judging by your look I'll say I impressed you huh?" Kitsune smirked.

"So you decided to rip off Ken?"

"Hey! If you can rip off everyone, than I'm sure it's fine if I borrow a design. Besides... You can feel it right... I'm bonded with the entire planet... Want to know why... Because even Earth Loves you Hero. She's sad seeing you like this. So she's going to lend me power, so I can kick your ass and make you see just how much you mean to everyone. Enough to where you'll never want to fade away again."

"I'll admit you've gotten stronger but do you really think it will matter?" Hero asked raising his shield of justice arm up.

"I told you. I don't know I can't see the future. But... I sure as hell can see what's in front of me. And right now all I see if a friend crying out for help. So come on Hero... Do that stupid shit you used to do. And smile when you do it..."

"...I guess you can call me." Hero sighed before giving a small smile. "Super Fox Beater Man."

"That's the spirit. Though your names wrong."

"Is it now?"

"Yeah." Flames exploded out of Kitsune's feet as he blasted into the air with a loud boom shocking Hero by how fast he was flying now. "It is!" Kitsune fired down at super sonic speeds easily blitzing Hero and he slammed his arm out. Hero punched out with his shield arm just in time the two fists connecting and creating a loud blast as orange and green flames met.

Hero and Kitsune jumped away from each other and just like that their battle was back and on full blast...


"Devil Arm!"

Hero's arm was covered in green flames as he threw out a powerful punch but Kitsune easily dodged the attack. Hero surprised him though when he kicked up with his leg kicking Kitsune in the gut with a surprise kick, using body parts other than his right arm. He punched out with his left arm landing a left hook on Kitsune's face and making the teen stumble back. Hero's right arm came out once again and he slammed it into Kitsune who blocked it with his flame sword his grin growing...

Kitsune sliced out with his fire sword. It was much lighter than an actual sword and wasn't limited by a physical form, meaning the blade bent and twisted slicing into Hero's right shoulder and melting the shoulder open making Hero cry out in pain. At this point both men were pretty badly beat up... Kitsune held his right hand out all his finger tips glowing as he clawed out sending five slashes right down Hero's chest and burning five new scars into Hero's body. The flames twisted around his arm forming a massive fire fist which he used to slam into Hero's face throwing him back.

Hero flew back but stabbed out with his shield arm catching himself. He breathed heavily and gritted his teeth as he raised his shield arm high above his head with the palm pointing towards the sky. "Hey Kitsune. Do me a favor. Don't die from this." A thin disk shaped blade of crackling green energy appeared in Hero's hand as he stepped forward throwing the massive attack out. "Emerald Edge!" He shouted out as loud as he could.

"Hey. Looks like an attack from one of my favorite shows." Kitsune smirked. He readied his body as flames covered him forming around him. "Full Karuta!" Kitsune yelled out as the flames formed a set of heavy looking samurai armor around his body. His nine tails stabbed out into the ground behind him as the massive disk rammed into him and exploded into a green blast that could be seen for miles. When the dust settled Kitsune could be seen still standing proud his armor slowly fading away.

"S... Such defense..."

"Your turn Hero." Kitsune smiled raising both his hands in the air. All around him hundreds of fox heads appeared each one opening its mouth and building up a ton of energy. The sight of it made Hero's eyes go wide with shock. "Greater Fox Flare!" Kitsune yelled throwing his arms forward as each of the beams all fired out massive orange lasers at Hero all of them twisting around into a single powerful beam which covered half the battle field.

"Don't think I'm done... After all... This is a shield." Hero screamed slamming his fist into the ground as hard as he could. "Gates Of Hell!" He screamed out. In front of him the energy formed turning into a green energy construct that looked like a massive set of heavy gates. There were seven of them in total each lined in front of the other one, and Hero stood behind the very one his shield pressed up to it. The massive attack washed over the gates and in a powerful explosion a large dust cloud was kicked up. It slowly began to die out showing Hero was breathing heavily.

"N... Not to bad." Kitsune hissed out. "I might have used a little more of my power than I thought... Oh well... We're about even right?"

"I guess."

"So then. Let's end it."


Kitsune held his hand out as the flame swirled around it. "With this one attack!" He fired forward towards Hero.

Hero bowed his head and held his hand out as a ball of green energy appeared in his palm and he squeezed his fist around it covering his entire fist in the green flames which began to spread out behind him looking almost like a Chinese dragon... "Hey Kitsune..." Hero ran forward bringing his arm back. "You're one shitty friend."

"Take this! Fox Fire Trickstar!" Kitsune announced the entire flames around him exploding into a mountain sized fox which punched out with its massive fist a star shape of flames coming off of it.

"Here I come! Dragon King's Abyss!" Hero screamed the green flames exploding around him into a massive Chinese dragon.

The two attacks slammed together in an epic display of power as they gave their all...

And in a blast large enough to engulf the sky both Hero, and Kitsune, were covered by green, and orange fire...

"Oh... I lost..."


The Moon...

"What a shame." God hummed slowly crushing the pawn piece in his hand.

"What is it?" Otoko asked.

"Next time we see Hero Law... Without a doubt... He's our enemy."