Coming Clean And Row Versus Labby

Night One Hundred And Eighty Six

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

Box Six...

"Time's almost up..." Irene said biting her lip. "Where the hell are Kitsune and Hero?" She asked.

"I didn't expect them to play hooky... Not Big Brother at least..." Light hummed folding his arms. "Not good."

"In less than ten minuets the next match will begin." Shelly sighed slowly sitting up on the stone wall. "Kitsune's fine as he already had his match but for all we know Hero's match could be next and he might miss it if he doesn't hurry back."

"Guess I got no choice then." Ken said hoping up onto the wall and stretching out. "I'll use my enhanced senses and track Hero down and drag him back here!" She announced giving a grin. "It's a good idea right Ava?"


"Oh good are you no longer in my head?"

"Ken you're talking to yourself again." Shelly said smacking Ken over the head. "Also... Can you really find Hero?"

"Course I can." Ken smirked rubbing her finger under her nose as it twitched. "He's got a smell I memorized. It's my third favorite smell. I'll track his scent and find where he's hiding."

"I see... Seraphins have a lot of weird powers." Shelly hummed. "Alright then. Find Hero, before his, or my match!" She announced.

"Since when is Shelly our boss..." Light, and Irene, said in flat tones.

"Nah... No need to send a look out for us. We're back."

Everyone in the box turned and their eyes went wide when they saw the two people at the front. Hero, and Kitsune. Both of them were covered in large cuts, bruises, and burn marks. Kitsune's outfit was damaged, and may cuts layered his arms and legs, as well as a large bump on the top of his head which had blood leaking down still. He also had a black eye, and his left hand looked like it was broke. Also despite his fire based powers he was covered in mild burn marks. Hero's lip was busted, the front of his jacket and shirt were torn open showing five long claw marks down his chest which had been seared shut leaving him with five new scars that were replacing his old ones. His hair was caked in blood and he was also covered in mild burns and bruises. Both boys were locked arm in arm holding each other up, and despite the fact they looked like they went through hell, they had the largest grins on their faces, Hero's ruby red eyes shining, and Kitsune's flaming orange eyes ignited with a power.

"We're back!" Hero announced. From the sky Droney, or Hope dropped down landing in Hero's hair and forming her nest on the top of his head.

"The dynamic duo is ready to take on the world yet again!" Kitsune laughed.

"What the hell happened to the both of you!" Irene asked in shock.

"Why do you look so happy?" Shelly hummed.

"Kitsune did you harm big brother!" Light threatened holding his gun up.

Ken who still stood on the wall pointed out at Kitsune. "You got stronger! How!"

"Ken I told you not to stand on the wall while you're in a skirt..." Shelly said her words knocking Ken off the wall and into a sitting position.

"It wouldn't be an issue if you'd stop looking!"

"I'm sure all of you have some questions." Hero said nodding his head. "Don't worry. I'll answer most of them."

"The two of you went off and fought." Irene sighed folding her arms. Her eye twitched as she glared at Kitsune, and Hero, two of the people she cared about most right after her siblings.

"We did." Kitsune nodded.

"Who won?" Shelly asked curiously.

"Not important." Hero, and Kitsune, both said happily.

"What! You're not going to tell us who won?"


Ken let out a small hum sliding off the wall and landing back in the box. She stared at Hero, and Kitsune, eyeing them both up. "Normally I'd say Hero won, but Kitsune got stronger... I don't know what he did but he somehow grew in power... He's stronger. A lot stronger." She gave a large grin a small red spark of energy covering her body. "I can't wait to fight him in these games!"

"Honestly I don't know if I'd be able to beat you still..." Kitsune laughed.

"That doesn't matter for now." Hero said shaking his head. "I have something I want you all to know. Something important."

"What is it?" Irene asked. Hero spoke in a serious tone as he stared at them now. She knew that what ever he was about to say was important.

"So basically... I'm dying."


The Void...

"Did that Otoko really think that placing you in Ken's head would allow him to spy on me... Just because she's connected to the Void... I guess he doesn't get just how strong I am."

In an ocean of red a new sight could be seen in front of us...

The large white lab coat, that was Labby could be seen laid back in the ocean of red. Next to him the mini lab coat rested. And lastly Ava, the hospital was buried in the ground next to him. In front of them 'he' stood. Row Law. He wasn't in his kid form though. He was in the form he had visited Ken in the first time. Dressed in a white suit, the laws of the world itself casted light down onto him bathing him in a glow and the lake of red was bent around him leaving him clean as it refused to touch him. Off to the side Yume rested.

"Master Row. Must you always attack everyone you see?" Yume asked a small smile on his lips. "I mean... How are you ever going to make friends if you go around blasting everyone you see."

"Like I would ever befriend them Uncle... I could care less about these wastes of a Seraphins power... I mean all they do is hold the one they're in back..." Row shrugged letting out a sigh.

"I... It would seem... You aren't... As smart as you think..." The large Labby coughed out. The smaller Labby, and Ava, didn't seem to be awake anymore having been put into a slumber by Row's Dream Crest.

"Oh? Know something I don't?" Row asked. "I don't like smug people who keep secrets from me."

"Hmm. It would seem both Hero's are right about you." Labby said letting out a low chuckle.


"You're just a spoiled little brat."

"...Die." Row's Crest lit up with a green light as a massive Bestia Macht formed underneath him allowing him and Yume to stand on it. The Bestia Macht's mouth opened a tremendous amount of green energy filling it up as it blasted out a large beam of energy.

"Talk about throwing a tantrum." Labby chuckled slicing out with his sleeves and firing out hundreds of golden chains which rose out of the ground all of them wrapping around the Bestia Macht's beam and stopping it. The chains began to wrap around the Bestia Macht squeezing down and slicing it apart as the chains pulled out and the entire beast was ripped apart. Row and Yume began to fall though both looked calm, Row's hands still in his pockets.

"So you're stronger than the last Labby I killed... Those chains are tricky... For someone not in line to be the next God of course." Row grinned landing on one of the chain below and standing on it his hands still in his pockets. He eyed Labby down the light from the heavens getting larger. Both the sun, and moon, of the Void casted him in their glows, as his ruby red eyes seemed to light up and he smile got brighter. It was like looking at a God. A high being. Someone so great and forged so well God himself would think twice about touching him. Like a doll rather than a human. He gave a kind child like smile full of innocence's as he cocked his head to the side. "Yume. Kill."

"As you command Master." Yume held his hand out a green glow forming as a large metal club covered in large jagged razor sharp edges and cuts appeared in his hand. The blades on it roared to life like large saw blades spinning around his club. He spun his body around and slammed his leg down into one of the chains using it like a bungee rope to fire off it at high speeds launching himself towards Labby.

"Don't get cocky!" Labby announced jumping high into the air and soaring into the skies dodging the massive club strike from Yume. He soared above the man and his entire body opened as the lab coat showed off his insides. Several large red beams of energy fired out of his body criss crossing as the fired down. Yume looked up and twirled his weapon up as all the beams rained down towards him slamming him into the red lake.

Yume came firing out of it at super sonic speeds throwing his club as hard as he could. The spinning spike, and jagged, metal, death weapon sliced up severing one of Labby's sleeve's and causing it to fall to the floor below. Labby himself remained floating letting out a loud howl of pain as white blood seeped out. Yume reached him grabbing his other sleeve and twisting his body and throwing Labby down towards the bottom where he crashed creating a twenty mile high splash of the red liquid which came crashing back down.

Now in the air Yume spun his body raising his leg high above his head as he dropped down the wind bending and twisting around his body like a sonic boom as he dropped down at a high speed and got ready to unleash a powerful and deadly kick. "Heaven's Justice!" Yume announced loudly his body catching on fire at how fast he dropped down. "One Million Ton Kick!" He screamed kicking down with the force of a million tons.

"I told you... Don't get cocky!"


Hundreds of golden chains suddenly formed around Yume wrapped around his arms, and his legs, as well as his neck. The rest of them began to stab into his body as they all squeezed down, and pulled back, ripping Yume in half, and shattering his body into hundreds of blue crystals which got smaller and smaller, until he was just a bunch of tiny blue shards that got swept away by the wind...

Row gave a large frown as he sighed. "Great... It'll take me a few hours to recreate Yume. Nice going lab coat. You managed to make me slightly annoyed."

"You're next!"

Hundreds of chains suddenly formed out of Labby's back wrapping around Row's body. "Now die-"

A massive blast of green energy exploded out of the center shattering all the chains and freeing Row.

"Don't. You. Dare. Even attempt to use that attack on me." Row sighed. "I'm far above-" One of the chains wrapped around his leg raising him high up into the air and slamming him down into the lake of red. Another green glow blasted the golden chain off of him. "What did I just say?"

"How can you break out of my holy chains so easily?"

"Ha. You call those Holy Chains?" Row asked letting out a laugh. "Alright then. Watch Lab Coat. I'll show you something only fitting for God's." He raised his hand out of his pocket and snapped his fingers as his Crest lit up and hundreds of green energy chains came out of back firing out and shocking Labby. They all wrapped around him and slammed him down into the ground as hard as Row could. Which was a lot more than Labby could.

"D... Damn it... This power isn't even fair... You're just a big child throwing around so much energy..."

"Yes. Keep insulting the man who can blast you to nothing with a thought. It's smart and a well thought out idea."

"If you're going to kill me than get it over with. The sound of your voice is enough torture-" The chains ripped Labby's other Sleeve off making him scream in pain.

"There are worse things then death Lab Coat. Like a black void of nothingness with no thought, or body, or feeling. Only the very basic realization that you exist, but even then can't do anything about it. Trust me. You have no idea the terrifying nature of nothingness. But alas. I have no desire to kill you fool."

"Y... You don't?"

"No..." Row said letting out a sigh as the chains vanished. "Unlike that other Lab Coat I killed you aren't worth the effort. You can't really do anything to stop my plans... Even with your power. I guess you can say... Much like Otoko... I pity you."

"Y... You pity us?"

"That's right." Row smiled. "Otoko and you are all from another world. A world that doesn't exist... He placed you in here to help out that Ken girl, as well as to try and use you to keep an eye on me... You were forced into this position so I'll say this. Join my side! I am the future of this world. I am Row Law. The man who will kill God. The man who slay the Squid. With the power of the Dreamer, and the Power of the Heart, I'll be a God like being who can do anything. Even bring back the lost worlds. Join me. And I will insure you will get your world back as long as you pledge yourself to my side!"

"W... What? You're saying you want us on your team?"

"That's right. I'll remove you from Ken's head and have you join me in the Void where I reside. It'll free Ken up. She's quite cute and I've taken a like to her. Of course when I'm free I plan on having Otoko join my side as well, and you can all return to his head then."

"So... You're saying you'll take us out of Ken's head, someone we don't like to much, help place us back in Hero our true Master, help bring Hero back to the side of light, and bring back our universe... And all you want in return is for us to help you..."

"That is correct..."

"Oh... How can any one God be so kind..."

Row gave the smallest hint of a smile as the lights around him began to die out. "I want to create a world my father can be proud of... I perfect world... Oh before we leave... I managed to pull him out of Hero... Though placing him back in Hero would be bad." Row said holding his hand out as a green glow escape. "I'll leave him here inside of Ken for now so he can help her out. She needs help more than my body anyways."

The green glow took effect forming a person who looked exactly like Row, and Hero...

"Hello. Fake Row. Welcome back..."