Forgotten Dreams A What If Side Story

RainyLiquid2020 Presents...

Forgotten Dreams A What If Side Story...

'The following is a side story what if on what could have happened had a single laps in judgement of Hero Law happened. This is actually canon to an extent but should be treated as a side adventure that was made for April Fools, but was released way earlier... The April Fools Story will be something else... Until then though enjoy this... In celebration of two hundred Chapters...'


Night One Hundred And Eighty Seven


"Enforcers... Warriors said to be chosen by God himself... They exist for a single purpose... To slay the beasts that hunt mankind... The creatures with frozen souls... The Bestia Macht... They really are a pain, always messing up my plans..."


Age 0000

'Once upon a time there used to be a world... A pretty world with blue seas, a bright sky, and a yellow ball of flames that heated the planet giving it life. We called this pretty planet... Earth.'

Two men stood at the edge of what looked like a massive metal ship. Both of them were covered by a dark shadow keeping their appearance hidden.

"Well..." One of them said calmly. A golden aura seemed to shine around his body taking the shape of a giant transparent dragon. "Let's finish this..."

"Sure... About time I suppose..." The second man said. Blue electricity began to crackle off of his own body lighting the area up in a bathing blue light. "Let's settle this for good. Old Friend."

'This planet that the humans used to live on once was so beautiful... Far better than Ava the current place the humans reside...'

"It's time the Enforcers make their first, and their last stand!" The man with the lightning yelled as it began to roll off of his body.

"You really are a fool Storm!" The man with the Golden Dragon yelled as the beast pulled back its arms and began to glow. "I'll blast you apart!"

"I may be a fool but at least I'm not a traitor Orion!"

"Enough talk!"

"You're right." The lightning began to form changing into a large crow made of electricity. "It's time to end this..."

And in a massive clash the battle that determined how the story would play out began anew... Good versus Evil, Right versus Wrong, Enforcer, versus the Order... The dance that would go until the end of time.

The fight that created God...


There are a great many universes each with their own stories and plots. However it would seem in a strange twist of Fate, the battle between Row Storm, and Orion Vil, always seems to happen. However... Not every universe has the same set of events... Some are close to the story you may know but may differ slightly...

This is the story...

The story of a single man who only wanted to follow his dreams.

Dreams can come real.

That much is true.

But what Hero Law failed to understand...

Nightmares are dreams as well...


The Start Of The Horror...

Age 1991

Oleander City...

The Enforcers Try Outs...

'That is your Squad...' The Bestia Macht that was in charge of sorting the Enforcers said.

"Squad One huh." Hero hummed running his hands through his snow white hair.

'Is that an issue.' The Bestia Macht asked Hero raising an eyebrow. The teen seemed unhappy with his answer.

"It's just... Everyone else is on Squad Six..." Hero hummed. "I don't suppose I could go there?"

'I guess if you wanted to you could lie and claim you were in Squad Six. That much is true. But... If you're doing this for your friends you should think carefully. Squad One... Being on that Squad would allow you to grow quickly. Gain all the power you need. You would even be able to come close to your foolish dream. A world where everyone is happy. The dream my former Master Orion wanted.'

"That's true but my friends..."

'Friends... Or your Dream... Pick. Unless you think you can try and reach both.'

Before Hero could say anything the void around him shattered as he stood in the hall. Hero stepped back now in the real world once again as the tail pulled back from his neck. He shook his head slightly as the world spun around him. He looked around seeing Ken, as well as all the Captains all staring at him all waiting what Squad he would pick. His eyes slowly stared at Ken for a moment.

"Squad... Squad One?" Hero stated bowing his head and not meeting Ken's gaze. "If I'm going to become a Hero of Justice who's going to save everyone in front of him then I need to be based on the best Squad. I need to become the strongest I can be. I need to become better than everyone else."

There was a loud laugh from the Squad One Vice Captain who began bragging she got a Law, on her team making everyone else glare at her.

"D... Damn it." Jackson sighed crossing his arms.

"Oh well." Katrina hummed. "We got four Recruits still... I am sure it will be fine. After all do we really need someone like him to be on our Squad."

Down with Hero and Ken, Hero looked a little sad. "Sorry Ken... But my dream is something I can't give up on... I... I really am sorry... I needed to do this though. I hope some day you understand that this is for the best."

"I... I see..." Ken said squeezing her hands tightly. "I guess... I guess I'm happy you got on a Squad as good as that."

"We can still be friends." Hero said cutting her off as he gave a smile. "Right? I mean so what if I'm on another Squad. We'll get to see each other again."

"Y... Yeah." Ken gave him a small smile as she nodded her head. "You're right. We can still be friends."

"Right! I mean... Why should it matter I'm on Squad One... This was... Yeah... This was the best option. Right..."


Age 1994...

Oleander City...


That was what Shelly Kaen was doing. She was running as fast as she could full sprint. All around her Oleander city was torn down. Its walls were gone allowing the hordes of Bestia Macht to flood in. Flames washed most of the city and the ground was covered in the bodies of Enforcers. Captains... Vice Captains... Even Master Storm was dead...

Up above what looked like a mountain sized Bestia Macht, that looked almost like a dragon, but with hundreds of heads flew. The Prince... She couldn't believe someone would actually go and wake that thing up.

"Damn it. Damn it... D... Damn." Tears flowed out of her face and her running came to a stop as she saw the Enforcers building was torn down now resting on its side.

A low growl echoed behind and Shelly slowly turned finding them... Three Duke Class Bestia Macht... The second highest class... These ones looked like lions. A sick reminder to her lost friend Ken. No... Friends weren't the right word. Ken had been more to her than that.

"S... Stay back." Shelly said slowly not even really having the force in her voice to keep the monsters back as they began to slowly walk towards her. A small pink flame began to cover her arms as she glared at them. "I said... Stay back-"

Something fell from the sky slamming into the first Bestia Macht so hard its head was smashed in. The figure was wearing a pitch red cloak, the same kind Master Aka always wore. A hand flew out of the cloak grabbing the Bestia Macht by the face and pulling it into the cloak. The Bestia Macht let out a loud whimper and Shelly winced when she heard the sound of bones shattering as the cloaked figure bit into the skull of the beast devouring it... The last Bestia Macht let out a loud roar but the figures other hand came out wielding a short sword that sliced the head of the beast clean off.

The figure tackled the bodies to the ground their hands stabbing into it as they began to rip the beast apart devouring them...

"Y... You've gotten strong from eating Bestia Macht..." Shelly said making the figure stop. They began to slowly look at her as she gave the smallest hint of a sad smile. "Right... Hero Law?"

The cloak figure fully turned around showing Hero Law was wearing his former Masters cloaked. Rather his Master had worn a red cloak, when Hero got it, or the thing was just so blood stained it was impossible to tell. One thing was certain though... Hero was changed.

The boy stood a little taller now. He was nineteen after all. His body was even more heavily scared now having several cuts, and slices across his arms, legs, and a few on his face. He pulled the hood of his cloak down fully showing off his face as he gave a sad smile to Shelly. His hair was stained Black. Raven black with a single silver streak in it. A trait he had gotten when he devoured Ken. His eyes were a strange color all being a rainbow styled mix of colors. And his teeth. They were all razor sharp and jagged and had a metallic look to them.

"Hey Shelly."

"Hi Hero..."

"Please don't call me that."

"Why... Are you Row? Oh that's right. Row doesn't exist anymore does he Hero... Because just like everyone else you went and got rid of him didn't you."


"Don't you dare."

Hero looked around his sad smile still on his lips. Everything around him was gray and black... A side effect from his life choices which cost him the ability to see color. Well... Almost everything. When he turned to look at Shelly he saw her pink hair which was down, her pink eyes, and her outfit as well as the blood that clung to her.

"How long has it been since I left the Enforcers and joined the Organization?" Hero wondered out loud staring up at the sky which shockingly wasn't black but rather... Blue... The Death of God had show a change in the sky above after all.

"Four..." Shelly said sadly. "Four years and you turned this world into a living hell."

"I... Did this..." He looked around the burning city and at all the Bestia Macht which flew through the air. "Oh yeah... I guess I did." He said sheepishly. "Sorry-"

A massive ball of pink flame exploded out of Shelly's hands slamming into Hero and blasting the area around him apart. When the flames died out though Hero stood perfectly fine, a green barrier of energy having stopped the blast...

"I fucking hate you!" Shelly screamed out. She slammed her hands forward more blast of pink flame slamming into him over and over again. Each time they died out though he stood there perfectly fine. As if he wasn't even hurt. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" She yelled as loud as her throat would allow her to. It would likely alert the Bestia Macht but she didn't care right now. That didn't matter. That... That didn't matter. Not anymore. "You did this all! And why? Because you trusted the words of some metal man who claimed to be God! I can't believe you! Who the fuck are you! Because you sure as hell aren't the Hero Law I knew! The Hero Law who was strong. Kind. Brave. Proud. You... You're not even worthy to be called his shell! And don't you dare fucking say my name you bastard! I hate you, hate you, hate you! You took, and took, and took, and took you greedy son of a bitch! It was never enough for you though was it! It never would be enough for you! You needed more, and more, and more, again, and again, and again! You joined that woman because you were weak! Because in the end you weren't strong enough to save a few people! So you gave in to despair and went insane! Just like North! You used to go all and on about being some fucking Hero of Justice who was going to save the world! Even called yourself a superhero! Ha! Kitsune was more of a superhero than you wasn't he! He saved people! Even right up to the end! Kitsune Nine, Irene Glacious, Light, Shiki Gold, Emma Vibes, Lucy Case, Draco Flamel, Shino Li, Abigale Case, Rose Blume, Norm Pink, Schutz Xeon, Rilla, Olf, Thorn, Shuncong Paints, Hella Goryo, Ghazel, Wave Long, Versa More, Snow Glacious, Kale Springs, Alice Wonder, Leo, Maudite, Grimval Dark, Miles Speed, Inu Fur, Mimi Bun, Zard, Stalk, Fate Williams, Flew, Clue Bon, Yuzawa Sin, Eins Licht, Jackson Storm, Katrina Storm, Ward, Alpha, Angel, Zane, Danial, Sera Aka, Lillian Aka, Jin Nine, Ava Vil, Vil Law, Tsun Cloth, Dan Taker, Mizu Blue, Kidd Gatling, Yeshua Vil, Moe Gozaen, Spacer, Luke Stars, Cal Sion, Dawson Blight, Silver, Bronze, Gold, Athena Dawn, Good Valentine, Dale Blower, Wolf Top, Newt, Jack Strongs, Robert Plot, Master Storm, Brave Larison, Harvey Bell, Gaia Mutter, Luna Lover, Bridget Shop, Reine Antoinette, Rider, Mori Brown, Will Sharp, Mary Law, Tomoe Gozen, Davi Vil, Curro Dwight, Arthur Pendragon! Those... Those were the real Hero's! Those are the people who deserved that title! But guess what! They're gone asshole... Even... Even Ken Red... Ken... My... You even took my Ken..."

Shelly seemed to deflate at that last name as all the energy seemed to leave her. Hero stared at her not saying anything at all.


He slowly began to walk towards her as she stared at him glaring at the man she had looked up to so much.

"You've really grown into a woman... Did you know that Shelly..." Hero asked slowly placing a hand on the seventeen year old girls head.

She stared up at him her look of rage fading as tears began to stream out of her eyes. "Why... Why, why, why, why, why!" She sobbed out. "None of it was fair! You did so much! Fought so hard! You did everything you could for this world, and yet when you were at your lowest, when you were in trouble this entire God damn world turned its back on you. No one saved you... Is this our punishment for it... Because we didn't save you Hero-"

"Please don't call me by that name." Hero said sadly shaking his head. "Row's right. I'm no Hero. Not anymore. I lost that title the moment I devoured Row. Ken. Kitsune..." He looked up at the blue sky once more. "It's kind of funny isn't it... I hated Row. And yet killing him, and that kid version of him made me sad... I thought I found a friend in Otoko to but... In the end his color faded and he had to go. He was the hardest to eat. Killing him wasn't enough. He'd somehow heal and come back. So I had to crush him to the point where his mind simply gave up. Shatter his spirit. Forcing him to unleash a Prince Class threat on the world seemed to do the trick. Now he just sits there with a shocked look on his face. Doesn't move at all. He might not be killable but it doesn't matter now. He's just stopped trying all together."


"You really are pretty though. All those colors you still are made of." Hero sighed as he slowly raised his arm up. In it he held Wolfs Bane for in this world he never ate it to recreate the full Equation... Rather he had to seek other ways of getting stronger...

"Will... Will it hurt..."

"Maybe... I don't feel it anymore though. Or maybe it's just I feel it so much it doesn't matter... But even if it hurts I promise you... It won't be for long."

"O... Okay... Will... Will I see them again. Will I get to see Ken again?"

"I'm sure." Hero nodded. "It would just be cruel otherwise."

"Alright." Shelly slowly closed her eyes. "I'm sorry."

"No. I'm sorry."

The sound of the blade stabbing through her heart echoed out in the almost silent city. Her color faded leaving the world just a little darker as Hero let out a sigh. Finally his mouth began to open wider and began to eat her...

Oh how the mighty have fallen.


Age 1991

Oleander City...

"What happened! What the hell happened!" Hero yelled with wide eyes.

"Take it easy man!" Max hissed grabbing Hero from behind.

Him, Max, Shiki, and Shelly all stood off to the side. In front of them a depressed looking Ken, and a Kitsune missing an arm stood, along with Katrina, Jackson, and sobbing Hannah. There were three body bags on carts behind her. They stood outside of the gates of the city.

"Irene Glacious... Light No Last Name. And Ace all three died in Action..." Max said quietly making Hero's eyes go wide. "They went on a Quest or something... Their Vice Captain Jackson Storm sent them on it... It was something that was supposed to be simple. Find some Doll... But a Viscount Bestia Macht was there... And I guess they just weren't strong enough with the four of them combined. By the time Hannah Law noticed... Irene and Light had already been-"

"Bull shit!" Hero yelled shaking his head. "No, no, no! I refuse to accept that!"

"Calm down! Don't make a scene." Max hissed dragging Hero back once more. "It's tragic... It's sad... It's bad... I get it... But we can't do anything about it... Maybe... I don't know... Maybe if one more person had been there..."

Hero felt his heart shatter at those words as tears began to stream down his face. "If... If one more..." He whispered.

"You... You should go talk to Ken..." Shelly said rubbing her arm. "You're her friend."

"I... I can't... I..." Hero was silent as he stared at the snow. He had the chance to lie. He... He could have saved them. But he didn't. They were dead because of him. The thought of that shattered his heart. How could he ever look Ken in the eyes knowing it was his fault. Same for Kitsune who was missing an arm now. It was all his fault this happened. He did this. He might not have pulled the trigger rather he was the one who gave the shooter the loaded gun. "I..."

"Are you kidding me..." Shelly hissed squeezing her hands as she glared at Hero. "Ken is over there sobbing her heart out. Your friend Kitsune is hurt. You lost your friends. Don't sit here whining. You comfort them, and then cry when you're alone. That's what a Hero would do, and you always go on and on about that right."

"I... I'm no Hero..."

The sound of Shelly's slap echoed out as she turned away from him. She walked over to Ken pulling the girl in for a hug.

Hero just laid there in the snow staring up at that black sky.

Things didn't get much better after that.

In fact some would say they got worse.

Kitsune Nine had been pulled out of the Enforcers by his parents who refused to loose another son. Ken transferred with Squad One requesting to be with Shelly. Squad Six was seen as being even more cursed than it used to. And a rumor about a one armed superhero with flame powers calling himself a Samurai was going around. It would seem even not being in the Enforcers Kitsune was trying to do good.


Age 1994

Oleander City...

Hero walked down the streets of the, by now, mostly burned down city. A low sigh escaped his lips as he looked around.

From out of the shadows a high class Bestia Macht jumped out but he sliced it in half with one blow.

"Things really did go bad right." Hero asked looking around. "Yeah... They did. You're right. Yep... Yes..." He nodded his head seemingly hearing voices that weren't actually there.

"Look at you..."

This voice made Hero stop. Unlike the others this voice was real. He could tell because this voice was of someone who was still alive. This voice was of the one person he had been unable to kill. The one person who seemed to beat him no matter how strong he seemed to get. A Person he held so much hate for, and so much respect for...

"I'm actually a little sad to see you in this state Hero... I mean you were a lot cooler... Now though... Now you're like the rest of the Organization that I went and killed. A total failure. The fact you ever even called yourself a Hero disgust me you know..."

Hero slowly turned finding Max staring back at him.

Max to was different...

The teen's hair was covered in grays from stress and battles, as well as the pressure his body under went. His skin was blistered and cut showing bruises and fresh scars all along him. He was dressed in an Enforcer uniform though. The Current First Captain of the Enforcers in fact. And in his hands he held it... He held the Blade Of God. A sword stronger than any Equation. A blade God himself used. Hero had tried to claim the blade for himself but it rejected him. And yet here Max stood a mere mortal wielding it.

"Hi Max-"

Max fired forward stabbing the massive great sword out. Despite the size of the weapon and its power it was simply deflected by Hero's tiny short sword sending the blade up. Max punched out though lava exploding out of his fist as he slammed a punch into Hero's face. The punch hit Hero throwing him back. Hero's body glowed as a pair of flaming fox ears, and nine flaming fox tails merged out of Hero's body.

Hero sliced out with his sword shooting out a slice of pink flames. Max blocked the attack but that was what Hero was waiting for a lightning suddenly covered the Monsters body allowing him to move at a blur and slam into Max throwing him back. Red energy crackled in Hero's off hand as he fired out a massive red beam. As Max went to dodge it Hero stomped down ice rising out of the ground freezing Max's legs in place right as the beam was about to hit him.

Lava exploded out of Max as he raised his sword up. "Level Two!" He yelled his lava forming a cloak around him. A massive lava hand rose out slapping the red beam away and quickly melted the ice. "How many!" Max asked. "How many of my God damn friends did you eat to get to that point! How many of their powers did you absorb you fucking Bestia Macht!"

Max's level two was still something that made Hero a bit jealous. After all he was unable to reach such a form. Max in his level two state was cloaked in a bright orange aura. Behind him two massive arms made out of lava floated which he could control with his will. It was hard to fight giving him defense and attack. Plus that great sword he had was no joke working as a great shield.

"They were my friends to you know." Hero said letting out a sigh.

"Bull shit!"

"It's the truth you know." Hero hummed. "I had to do it."

"Like hell you did!"

"Trust me... I did... I didn't have much Option..."

"There was a better way!"

"Maybe... But don't worry. I'll save this world." Hero smiled showing his many fanged and jagged metal teeth. "Jester gave me two options back then... Die or join her... So I joined her... And while I was with her I learned about God's plan. God had this big plan... He could go back in time and stop the world from ending up like this. I realized I could do that to. I could go back and save Irene, and Light. Save everyone in fact. But I'd need a lot of power. My arm let me turn it into things I ate so I just began eating Bestia Macht. Even as their cursed and frozen souls fought me I devoured them. I might have gone a bit crazy but it's a good plan. Sadly I need the Heart to do it and more power. Then I thought... Why not eat others? I can gain their powers then by eating their Equations! So I did that for the power. Though I'll admit after a while the taste got to me... I couldn't help but eat people... Normal food makes me sick now. Maybe that's a side effect from eating Bestia Macht? I don't know... Anyways I just need that Heart and I can fix this!" He smiled.

"You..." Max closed his eyes for a moment. "You're batshit insane Hero. I'm so... So... Sorry."

"You're sorry."

"I was a shitty friend. I see that now. I should have killed you three years ago when you started this batshit insane plan. But I didn't. If I was really your friend I'd have killed you then and stopped you from... From becoming this."

Hero hummed a bit. "Max is being a bit rude hmm..."

"I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to save you back then to. I should have helped you. Should have stopped you from joining that damn woman... She poisoned your mind."

"And I'm going to fix it all!"

"You aren't even Hero anymore. Hero always went on and on about the future. You... You're so insane you think you can change the past... Even if you do alter it somehow do you really think nothing bad would happen after? You're just as big a fool as God is."

"I just don't get it." Hero sighed. "Ken said the same thing to. Kitsune as well. It hurts hearing friends say that. Oh well... I'm glad I found you now Max. I'll save you. When I eat you, you'll be able to join them. And I'll be even stronger. Once I get the heart I can do God's plan and alter time itself. Than none of the bad stuff I do will have mattered."

"I promise Hero... I'll save you... I'll kill you and bring an end to the monster with your face."

"Come. Become one with me!"

Max fired forward lava covering his legs, arms, and blade, as he sliced out with a powerful blow that sent out a wave of Lava. Hero spun avoiding the attack, but the arms on Max's back glowed changing into a pair of wings as he fired forward grabbing Hero by the face. He slammed Hero's head down into the stone floor of the city and began to fly forward as fast as he could. Any time there was something in his way he'd hold Hero up and use his face to bash through it.

Hero sliced up with his sword slicing into Max's shoulder making the teen drop him. Hero fell to the floor landing face first. His face was badly peeled off and he looked in bad shape. A strange pink goo spilled out of his mouth covering his body up... The power of the Twelfth Captain... It healed all his damage as he jumped back to his feet. He sliced his sword out shooting a barrier of wind but Max blocked it with his sword.

Max looked down just in time to see the shadow under him twist and rise up. He jumped up as hundreds of black shadow spikes rose out of the ground. Captain Sif's power... Hero than slammed his free hand down and Max felt a kinetic barrier begin to slowly shove him down into the spikes as Hero used Captain Katrina's power. The lava wings on Max's back shifted into larger arms yanking him up and using more force than the barrier.

"You won't beat me with stolen powers!" He roared firing forward and slashing his sword out as hard as he could slamming it into Hero's head. There was the sound of metal on metal though and Max's eyes went wide when he saw Hero's body had converted into metal thanks to Nick's power. Hero slammed a metal fist into Max's gut lightning, darkness, flames, and kinetic energy swirling around into one massive blast that sent Max flying back. "I... I won't lose!" Max screamed. "Level Three!" There was a massive explosion of heat and Hero felt himself be flung back. His nine fox tails breaking his fall.

"Looks like he's going all out huh." Hero hummed giving a small smile.

Max now stood in his new state. A true level three, a half mask covering his upper face proving it. The mask was made out of lava. Max now wore a pair of boots and gloves made out of lava as well. Two horns made of rocks stabbed out of his head and much of his flesh seemed stone like now. His veins glowed now having literal fire in them. A tail made out of lava stabbed out of his waist and he now had four of those lava arms floating a few feet off of his back, as well as a pair of massive lava wings. He looked like a mix of a dragon, and a demon. The last Hope of the race of Man. Max.

Max floated a few feet off the ground as he held his sword up. "I'm going to kill you if its the last thing I do!"

Hero gave a smile as he also grew a pair of wings these ones being the same kind that Angel had. He also combined Nick's power with them turning them metal, and Shelly's power having pink flames arc off of them. He pointed his short sword at Max as he float a few feet off the ground. "Come at me then!"

Max rocketed forward with a loud sonic boom as he slammed into Hero so hard Hero was thrown out of the entire city crashing through the massive wall. Hero came crashing down his wings keeping him up as Max seemed to explode forward once more now floating above Hero. He glared down at the man as he fired down slicing out his sword and shattering the sound barrier as so much heat exploded off of him a portion of the planet was burned to a crisp.

Hero raised his short sword, and used Ward's barrier power to try and block the attack. The force was still strong enough to slam him down into the ground all the snow around them for a hundred miles radius melting. As soon as Hero hit the ground a massive earth quack seemed to go off shaking the entire Red Nation. Hero let out a grunt using Ash's ash based powers to slow his fall down with ash. He caught himself and cracked his neck and muscles as his grin grew and his rainbow colored eyes began to light up.

Max landed and fired at Hero as fast as he could. He sliced out with his sword but Hero somehow deflected it with his short sword. Lightning, and fire covered Hero, and beside his fox ears a pair of black cat ears, as well as a black cat ear next to his nine fox tails, appeared as he used Ken's form to enhance his power. Ice covered his right arm forming an ice hammer which he slammed down into Max's head so hard the hammer shatter. Seconds later the ice came back forming what looked like Light's gun which lit up firing a beam of golden light into Max throwing him back.

Max managed to block the beam just in time gritting his teeth. He fought through it and all his arms punched out at Hero with blinding speed. However the arms phased through Hero as he used Hannah's power making the attack miss him. He used it to move through Max and kicked out using Katrina's power to hit Max in the side with a massive and powerful kick that launched Max back once more.

Max tumbled across the snow gasping him pain and his side actually seemed to be covered in cracks. He didn't give up though as he fired back up and launched at Hero blind siding the man faster than he could react. "It doesn't matter how many powers you stole! They're all level one, and I'm so much faster than you!" He roared slamming his sword into Hero's head and throwing the teen back.

Hero caught himself though as a golden light covered him. "Than I'll move faster..." He combined Ken's form, with Jackson's lighting speed, and his brother Vil's time acceleration, and Miles Speeds, boots, as he stood back up. This time it was Max's turn to be blind sided not expecting the sheer speed as Hero exploded towards him and sliced his blade up slicing through Max's right eye and making him scream out in pain.

Max turned and sliced out with his blade but Hero blocked it twirling his around and stabbing into Max's shoulder. Max punched out with his lava arms once more but Hero used Alexander's Gate power opening portals in front of him making Max tumble through. Max now found himself hundreds of miles in his air and his eyes went wide. His wings came out which he used to catch himself but Hero opened a portal and came crashing down into the top of Max and used all his speed and power as he began to force Max down towards the planet the two of them moving so fast the flames and wind twisted around them.

However even with his many, many, many powers, Hero was still only using their first levels, and Max was in a state that only a handful could even think of reaching. Max gritted his teeth and spun his body around as he slammed Hero into the ground right before they hit it forcing Hero to take all that damage and making the former human scream out in pain. Max ripped his way off of Hero and slammed a powerful kick into Hero's face hard enough to knock him back.

Hero crashed down and sliced out with his sword sending out a wave of golden wolves, using Mary's power. Max sliced through the wolves though and stabbed his sword into Hero's side as hard as he could. Hero grunted blood spilling out of his mouth. Seconds later though he used Williams blood based power and used the blood as a bladed whip slicing Max's cheek open. As Max stumbled back in shock Hero held his right hand out using Septembers power and creating hundreds of exploding blades which he threw at Max all of them exploded. Than he used Octobers exploded whip unleashing a massive blast to the top of Max's head. As he stepped forward he used Emma's vibration based power and slammed a powerful force into Max's head. Than he sliced his arm through the air mixing Alexanders Portal Power, with Lucy's power, as hundreds of Gates opened and hundreds of monsters poured out.

Max screamed out in pain and terror as the monsters swarmed him and began clawing and slicing at him with everything they had. "I... I already told you... I'm not going to fucking lose to you!" He roared out raising his sword up into the air and sending out a massive wave of lava which melted all the beasts down and would have hit Hero but he avoided it by using the portal power to teleport away. Hero reappeared seconds later. "I... I can keep going you bastard!"

"I know." Hero smiled.

All around Max's hundreds of mini portals all the size of a small coin appeared. Hero spat out using Viper's acid spit sending it through one of the holes and making it bounce around a million miles an hour as it went through all the portals getting faster and faster becoming a dangerous mini ball of acid.

"No more God damn portals cheater!" Max yelled slicing his blade out and slicing all the portals to bits somehow. "I'm getting really sick and tired of you doing that asshole!"

Hero nodded and raised his right arm up as all the melted snow began to move and he used Turron's water based power to create a water whip which wrapped around Max's leg. He lifted the boy up and slammed him into the ground suddenly as he used another power to make the rocks raise up causing the impact to be very, very painful. He then used a wind based power sending out a sharp cut which sliced Max's entire shoulder open.

"Looks... Looks like I'll be going with plan B after all... I promised Shelly I wouldn't but I don't have any choice..." Max hissed. "I'll need an opening... I didn't want to unleash this since it would really screw up the plan but I have no other choice... To any other human that's on this world I hope you can forgive me for what I'm about to do..." Max said squeezing the sword in his hands as he launched at Hero. He raised the sword up and slammed it down into Hero's head but Hero blocked it with the metal of Nick, as well as Ward's barriers. The attack still slammed him down into the ground though... "No matter what it costs! No matter what I will kill you!"

"What are you trying to pull?" Hero asked. He stopped though when he looked down and found the ground underneath him was bubbling up. "Do you think this will kill me?"

Max's body lit up as he tapped into all his power... "This won't kill you. But it's sure gonna hurt! I devour everything in my path leaving nothing behind, everything that that's blocking me will get devoured by my flames, my lava, my heat, and my soul till there's nothing but ashes, those who fight shall face terror of a true God!" He twisted his hands as the ground underneath Hero lit up and the planet itself began to shake. Max was covered in bright white flames and lava as he turned into a mini sun and half of Earth was covered in flames. "DAWN DEVOURER!" Max roared slamming his hands up.

An attack that could end the world.

The entire core itself of the planet rose up splitting the entire world apart and washing it all away in an ocean of lava. It didn't matter if Hero could teleport. This attack would cover the entire Earth.

In a single attack the man who was fighting for the sakes of the last humans on Earth just killed the entire planet.

And in a massive white blast of light that was bright than the sun and destroyed all things near by such as the moon the attack ended...

Max dropped down landing on his knees and was breathing heavily. His form had worn off and he no longer had the blade of God for it had been burnt to ash. He now stood on a world made out of ash... No life...

Well besides the two people...

The two monsters...

There was a loud groan as Hero rose up. He looked in terrible shape... His flesh was badly burned and seemed to be slowly falling off.

"Don't bother healing." Max sighed slowly standing back up. "That attack burned not just your body but your very soul. You can't heal from it."

Hero ignored the man using his many healing based powers, but it would seem Max, was right as none of his wounds healed...

"H... haha... Hahahahahahaha." Hero began to laughed as he cocked his head back.

"What's so funny..."

"I... I can't even... Hahaha..." Hero slowly stopped as he stared at Max. Max was shocked when he saw tears streaming down Hero's face. "Do you even get it?"

"Get... It..."

"You did this you know." Hero yelled stomping his foot down. "You're the reason the world is screwed up like this! You're so strong... So tell me why! How was it fair... I lost to you... When I first saw your level two form I knew! I knew you were stronger than I could ever reach. It was unfair. I tried so hard. I even joined Squad One thinking I would be able to get strong enough to beat you but it never happened. I never got stronger! And than Irene, and Light were... And I was so weak... So weak Jester took pity on me and let me join her. So I did. I wanted to get stronger. I wanted enough power to save the world and beat you. I wanted to more than anything." Tears ran down Hero's face as he seemed to break down crying. "I wanted to win against you. I wanted to! But I never did! And then... And then I met God and he told me... He told me of a way to save Irene and Light... But it all came to power. I needed more, and more power. I needed to be strong. Strong enough to save the world. Stronger than you! And yet I still.... How the hell is it fair you're so strong! You're a fucking nobody! No family! No super powerful ability! I worked twice as hard! I absorbed hundreds of Equations! I became a Bestia Macht! I am a clone of God! So tell me how you're so strong!"

"Hero..." Max slowly stumbled to his feet. "You..." He glared at Hero a look of pure rage in his eyes. "You did all of this... You... I didn't want to use this... Even if you became evil... I didn't want to ever have to use this... I know what would happen to your soul if I killed you with this... You'd cease to exist. But... I don't give a damn anymore. I'm fucking killing your soul you monster."

"W... What do you have?" Hero asked a small amount of fear in his voice as he stepped back.

Max reached into his shirt and pulled out a small pink heart shaped marble on a chain... "You said you wanted the Heart right... After you beat God and he began to die he gave it to me to keep it away from you. You and him spent a while trying to find it... It was hard since you killed Row the only one who knew where it was... Still... Master Storm was clever hiding the Heart in that Location... If only you hadn't back stabbed God. Maybe you would have been able to use it. But even as half his body was shattering he managed to make it to me. And with his last wish he gave me this. You what I'm holding right. You'd be a fool not to know what this is."

"The... The Heart."

"I swear to you." Max raised it up above his mouth. "I'll make sure you don't even get an afterlife. I'll kill you and then use the power it has to fix the world and bring back everyone you killed." He let go off it swallowing it whole...

"Max you-"

"You're dead!"


Age 1991

The City Of Chrysanthemums...

"I can't believe this is all you got..." Jester the Female Hero said cocking her head to the side as she let out a small sigh. "Can you seriously not even stand."

"D... Damn it..." Hero groaned. His right arm reverted back to normal and he held Wolfs-Bane up his left arm shaking as he did so. "S... Stay back."

"I can't believe you're in Squad One and this is the best you can do." She sneered.

Squad One, and Two, had been sent out to this cursed city to stop a series of murders that had been going on. Squad Six would have gone but they were out of recruits. Katrina had given up and quit along with Jackson leaving only Dawson Blight, who worked as the Captain, Hannah Law, who was his Vice Captain, and Santa, the only members.

Hero, Max, Shiki, Shelly, Ken, North, and Eins, were all on a mission along with, Mary of Squad Two, and Hella, Brave, Fate, Curro, and Thorn. They were all separated though.

Hero now stood barley able to even stand as the female Hero who claimed to be his mother walked towards him.

"Everyone else in your Squad was so strong and yet this is all the power you have? I guess with only half an Equation you never stood a chance did you." She sneered.

"H... Half an Equation?"

"Oh? Did they not tell you... Typical of the Enforcers to hide things... The Equation in you was snapped in half... Half is in that arm... The other half in that sword. You should have way more powers but because you're using only half you stand no chance."

"I... Really..." Hero said staring down at the sword.

"Of course..." Jester let out a small hum and reached down making Hero flinch but his eyes went wide when she instead began to pat his hair. "You really are like a child to me... So cute to... Why are you an Enforcer?"

"I... I want to help people."

"We want to save the world you know... Stop God and save this realm..."

"I... What?"

"You'll never be able to save this world with your weak power... Don't you want more... Don't you want to join the winning side?"

"You guys are bad guys!"

"I'll admit we may do bad things and it does result in the death of innocents. But it'll all be worth it in the end. Even if a Million people die it's okay because we'll have saved a billion."

"The Enforcers are the same way you know. They just make it look more heroic. At least we're honest."

"I... I refuse to join you!"

"A pity... I was hoping you'd say yes..." Hero raised her clawed hand up placing it to his throat. "Than in that case... Join. Or I'll rip your head off."

"Y... You'll kill me."

"If you're an Enforcer. Yes. However since I consider you my son I'll make it painless... Or... You can join my side... Try it out on my team... Maybe you'll even grow to like our group better... What do you say? Life with us... Or death as an Enforcer... All I'll say is... A Dead man can't save the world."

"I... I..."

His friends were shocked when a year later the missing Hero Law, was spotted fighting along side Vil Law... Brothers in arms at last fighting under their mother. Hero had grown to realize he really hated both sides. He didn't like either... That was why when a metal man named God showed up another year later telling him about a plan to go back in time he jumped at it... God even taught him how to get stronger with his half Equation...

Of course...

When he learned God wanted to change something so big it would undo all of Hero's friends that made even God an enemy...

He didn't need him anymore anyways.

He could get stronger himself...

He could save everyone himself...

He could get his happy ending for them all...





He could finally beat Max...


None of it really mattered...

He couldn't be the villain if he saved the whole world...



Age 1994

The Last Stand...

Max dropped down landing on his knees and was breathing heavily. His form had worn off and he no longer had the blade of God for it had been burnt to ash. He now stood on a world made out of ash... No life...

Well besides the two people...

The two monsters...

There was a loud groan as Hero rose up. He looked in terrible shape... His flesh was badly burned and seemed to be slowly falling off.

"Don't bother healing." Max sighed slowly standing back up. "That attack burned not just your body but your very soul. You can't heal from it."

Hero ignored the man using his many healing based powers, but it would seem Max, was right as none of his wounds healed...

"H... haha... Hahahahahahaha." Hero began to laughed as he cocked his head back.

"What's so funny..."

"I... I can't even... Hahaha..." Hero slowly stopped as he stared at Max. Max was shocked when he saw tears streaming down Hero's face. "Do you even get it?"

"Get... It..."

"You did this you know." Hero yelled stomping his foot down. "You're the reason the world is screwed up like this! You're so strong... So tell me why! How was it fair... I lost to you... When I first saw your level two form I knew! I knew you were stronger than I could ever reach. It was unfair. I tried so hard. I even joined Squad One thinking I would be able to get strong enough to beat you but it never happened. I never got stronger! And than Irene, and Light were... And I was so weak... So weak Jester took pity on me and let me join her. So I did. I wanted to get stronger. I wanted enough power to save the world and beat you. I wanted to more than anything." Tears ran down Hero's face as he seemed to break down crying. "I wanted to win against you. I wanted to! But I never did! And then... And then I met God and he told me... He told me of a way to save Irene and Light... But it all came to power. I needed more, and more power. I needed to be strong. Strong enough to save the world. Stronger than you! And yet I still.... How the hell is it fair you're so strong! You're a fucking nobody! No family! No super powerful ability! I worked twice as hard! I absorbed hundreds of Equations! I became a Bestia Macht! I am a clone of God! So tell me how you're so strong!"

"Hero..." Max slowly stumbled to his feet. "You..." He glared at Hero a look of pure rage in his eyes. "You did all of this... You... I didn't want to use this... Even if you became evil... I didn't want to ever have to use this... I know what would happen to your soul if I killed you with this... You'd cease to exist. But... I don't give a damn anymore. I'm fucking killing your soul you monster."

"W... What do you have?" Hero asked a small amount of fear in his voice as he stepped back.

Max reached into his shirt and pulled out a small pink heart shaped marble on a chain... "You said you wanted the Heart right... After you beat God and he began to die he gave it to me to keep it away from you."

"The... The Heart."

"I swear to you." Max raised it up above his mouth. "I'll make sure you don't even get an afterlife. I'll kill you and then use the power it has to fix the world and bring back everyone you killed." He let go off it swallowing it whole...

"Max you-"

"You're dead!"

Max was covered in pink flames which covered his entire body forming over his skin and clothes perfectly. He fired forward faster than sound, faster than light, faster than time, hitting Hero so hard he blew off Hero's left arm. Hero screamed in pain regrowing his arm nearly instantly as he could still heal some wounds. It didn't matter though as Max grabbed Hero's face and slammed him down into the ground so hard what was left of the planet began to shatter.

"Die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die!" Max screamed out each time slamming Hero's head into the ground.

Hero sliced up with his sword firing out a wave of wind. He jumped back to his feet and sent out several slashes of lightning, flame, earth, ice, wind, water, blood, pink flames, and red energy hitting Max with hit all. He raised his left arm up using all his power and combining Alexander Gates portal power with Otoko's growth power to create a massive planet sized portal which he used to throw the moon at Max.

Max simply sliced the moon in half though creating a massive pink flame sword to do so.

Hero exploded forward towards him using Otoko's power on his right arm to increase its size, using Ken's powers to create large black spikes on it, covering it with flames from Kitsune and Shelly, as well as a block of ice from Irene, and North, he used Light, and Eins, power to cover it with light, he used Katrina's kinetic force, with Emma's vibrations, he used Nick's metal power on the limb, and he covered it in lightning from Jackson, and Master Storm, as well as golden flames from Mary, darkness from Sif, blue energy from Davi, Ava's monster powers, Sera's blood, Lucy's tendrils, Thorns, vines, Hella's true power, Curro, and Dawson's, red, and black demon armor, Hero Otoko's Hades black flames, God's golden dragon, and lastly... For the first time in over four years Hero activated the Equation inside of his right arm shifting it into its clawed state and had it hold his sword. He used all the elements, and every power up he could.

"Take this! Moncalibur!" He screamed out slashing it down into Max as hard as he could using every drop of power he had and hitting Max so hard it was like a hundred nuclear blasts all went off the blast itself lightning up most of the solar system as literally everything around them shattered, and they somehow stepped into the void breaking what was left of their world. Now in the void they stood in an ocean of red being lit up by Hero's power as well as Max's pink flames.

Max stood not having even budged an inch Hero's massive glowing multi powered arm not even harming him.

"B... But how-"

Max slammed his fist through Hero's stomach punching a hole through him and making Hero vomit up blood, as well as hundreds of white marbles from all the Equations he had eaten. They all came spilling out of him, every single one, save for the one in his arm. As they all fell they all shattered into small breakable glass parts as Hero stumbled back no longer able to heal more and more vomit and blood dripping down his face.

"D... Damn you!" Hero roared. "If only I was stronger. Stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger!"

"I can't believe you're the one that caused so much needless death." Max hissed looking away.

Large cracks appeared around them as they remerged back into the real world standing on a simple ball of ash barely the size of the moon.

"H... Ha... Don't make me laugh... Look around you... Everything's dead you idiot." Hero laughed. "Looks like we both fucked up huh!"

"You're a fool." Max sighed. He waved his hand and Hero watched as all the ash on the ball they stood on vanished. In fact it began to get bigger, and bigger, until it became a full sized planet. Up in the sky the moon also reformed. "The Heart can't bend reality or time like you or God thought. Maybe there was a way to go back in time with it, but just having it isn't enough to do that. The only one who would know how to go back in time with it is God and you killed him. So good job. You fucked up your only chance to do the one thing you wanted. The real power of the Heart is its creation... Accelerated Evolution. In a few hundred years, the tiny life forms I created will fully grow in small creatures. They'll evolve more and more, and in less than a million years, the humans will be back and should be at the point of making tools again. I did end the human race. But I also restarted it."

"But... No... No, no, no!" Hero screamed. "No! That can't be... You mean going back in time was never an option!"

"Nope. I didn't want to use this power unless I had to. Using it costs me my own life force. I'm dead in a few days now. My last gift being a new world that will get to have life. If anyone knew how to go back in time with this it was God but as I said he's dead."

"I... I can find a way! I can get stronger. I'll find a way to do it. I just need more power!" Hero yelled. He raised the Wolfs-Bane up and shocked Max when he ate it. He felt it connect with him and his right arm glowed and began to change as he laughed. "I feel it! So much power in my arm!" It began to shift into more, and more forms, finally landing on a Shield arm. "I fixed my Equation." He announced.

"A pity... Maybe if you thought to eat that sword four Ages ago none of this would happen... That power brought you around my level two state... You never would have a need to get jealous. Sadly it doesn't matter." He raised his hand up firing out a wave of pink flames. "Be gone. Soul Shatter."

"N... No!" Hero screamed slamming his shield up. "I'm strong! Strong!" His arm began to glow green as he pushed through the flames. "L... Level Two!" He screamed as his entire arm began to change and he evolved. His laughter was drowned out though as the flames washed over him. Before he could even look at his new arm he was reduced to less than ash in a single blast...

A small white marble slowly tumbled to the floor. Several cracks began to appear in it but it didn't shatter.

"Looks like it's finally over." Max sighed slowly staring up as the newly formed sky began to rain. He stared up at the blue sky for a moment. The pink flames on him slowly died out. "That's... Really pretty..." He noted staring at the sky.

"Indeed it is."

Max jumped when he heard the voice. He turned finding someone standing on his world. A man clad in a metal armor that looked to be made out of liquid... God...

"God? But you're dead!"

"Oh don't mind me." God said waving his hand. "I'm not your God. I'm from another world. I just came to get 'it' before he showed up."


"Nothing. I'd take your Heart Equation, but sadly those don't work in universes outside of the one they were made in so even I had took yours I couldn't use it." God hummed as he bent down and picked up the small white marble that was on the floor.

"What are you talking about? Before who shows up-" Before Max could say anything though a dark shadow loomed over them. Max looked up his eyes going wide when he saw something was above them... A massive mass of shadows. It looked like trillions of tendrils. "W... What the hell is that thing!"

"You really shouldn't have killed the me from this world you know." God hummed as he turned away. "A pity to Max. You're strong. Stronger than a Max from any other world. I'd bring you but... Well your Heart doesn't work in my world, and you went and used up most of your life force. If I were you I'd commit suicide before he devours you."

"Wait!" Max screamed as God slowly stepped out of this world. And in a single attack that Earth, that brand new Earth, was pulled into the jaws of the thing that awaits the end of all worlds...

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." God announced stepping into his world. He now stood on the moon, Gabriel the Angel, and Hero Otoko staring at him. "I'm back."

"Where did you go?" Hero asked.

"Oh no where important." God held up the small grabbed marble as it began to slowly turn black. "Oh... I almost forgot... Here... I got an Equation for you... It's name is Hades..."